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Everything posted by Hukupp

  1. Here ya go rum http://www.kijiji.ca/v-health-beauty/gatineau/relaxation-massage/1137328438?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
  2. C for choosing my next MA experience :)
  3. Hukupp

    dec 19 2015

    Yup, incredible
  4. Saw another thread that discussed same... Apparently quite good, however make sure to include breath taking Vivian in your research. Highly recommended.
  5. Hi massage lovers! Trying to find out what happened to Beckiexoxo (redhead) and Lexy (advertised as half dark half italian). Thank you
  6. I went to see her back when she gave massages in the glebe. A good regular massage. Sensual, not ������. If things have changed for her Orleans location, I would not know, but if history has anything to do with it...
  7. I remember seeing an add on that K site
  8. Thinking about the great massages that led me to this unique board.
  9. Oranges Masseuse: short, medium or tall?
  10. While many say you should eat breakfast to get your metabolism going, many have also had success skipping breakfast entirely. Even more effective, not eating late is a given.
  11. Happy New Year! The very best to all :)
  12. Looking at some yummy profiles while learning some of the features of the board
  13. I find the hair and eye combo dictate the turn on, but on hair colour alone, auburn rocks.
  14. Both but slight edge for summer. Partying with friends at home/their homes or going out?
  15. I get the feeling that if I take a combo of what Phadreus and Roamingguy advise, it's a great head start, but I want to thank all equally for their thoughts.
  16. Hi folks, Hope you are all having a great day. I tried my best to search before asking but I may need some guidance or maybe what I am searching for is too specific. If I am looking for a massage (from somebody who has only ever been in the massage industry) within a certain city, say Ottawa/Gatineau for now, am I able to choose from a certain group of women? For example, can I search for a massage from somebody over 40 (I am sure it's not categorized by age lol but I don't want to write a term in case it's not allowed) as well as independent or spa, etc? If I am being too specific, maybe some guidance in the right direction, or recommendations ...
  17. Finally got around to putting up a bunch of Christmas stuff.
  18. Finding something at home that I thought was gone forever.
  19. If it's a good one, live. Girls get more turned on by live :) rye or rum?
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