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Everything posted by Kmoppai

  1. That was one of my first places bout 5 years ago. That where i first seen the "real" Betty 😂. Been back once or twice, havent been disappointed, but nothing to write home about. Havent been in about 1.5years now though.
  2. This. Take a dive into some places discussed here to build some trust, pm a couple people here about your experience and you'll be one of us soon enough. I PM some of the active guys on here with new intel occasionally. Its the only way now.
  3. I think this winter has gotten to my head. You're absolutely right. Forgot there is a place on balmoral. Sorry team!
  4. Can confirm as of yesterday there is no Megan. It's Sara. Typical Sara.
  5. This might seem like I'm being a smart ass, given current DND list additions, but I swear this has good intentions. Can we start a do discuss list? 😅 1. World Nails 2. Balmoral. 3. Elice 4...? **edit : I see usernametaken has already joked about this. 50% credit goes to him lol
  6. Probably got Sara. Never seen a new girl there in forever. She's always complaining they're not busy lol
  7. Can't see them closing unless something severe happened. Maybe a covid vacation
  8. And I'm not a part of it ? :( Kinda the opposite for me, even though I haven't been that active other than my regulars. DND suggests they won't want to be discussed, and are fully aware of this board. DND = Does negotiable deeds?
  9. I'm sure broadway would take care of that no problem.
  10. I get the DND from the MP side of things, but that totally defeats the purpose of the board here. I have a few guys I chat with though PMs here, but its almost like we need another deeper group chat unavailable to the public to talk anymore. Like, I seen an add today from a spa east of the forks, but west of regent. I'd love to ask whos working there, but... I can't? Am I even allow to be that vauge?
  11. Specifically what kind of fetish? Theres 100s lol I may be able point in the right direction.
  12. The DND definitely lowers public talking. There's also been numerous petty fights I've seen over the last few years, I would say people are less inclined to put their opinion on here. It's a shame, I like this place. But I guess since covid I've also been less active on the table and on the board here lol.
  13. I've seen adds before on LL, but I've never tried one. There was a couple offering a bunch of services
  14. Yeah, if anyone has any Info on this Tulip I'm interested as well.
  15. Yeah. Curious. Haven't seen a new one there in forever
  16. Broadway is still just Sara, and still not the cleanest.
  17. This may be the wrong place to put ideas in peoples heads, but I'm sure quite a few RMT's have done it at some point or another. But obviously, prying at such a thing would be an insane idea. It would obviously be based on attraction and or friendship of a client, as any relationship. Given, if any RMT had random clients showing up for it, I'd imagine they'd stop quite quick. Again, I do not condone that, so no one try and blame me! 🤠 That's probably just talking from my brain below the belt though.
  18. Does this mean she gives a sour experience?
  19. Drove by today and the open sign was on, but usernametaken is spot on with his reply lol.
  20. And the world comes full circle. Guess I have seen her then, as Sara lol. Thanks Foofer.
  21. Does anyone know if this Sandra is still around? I'd like to check her out
  22. Hi Guys, Like most of you, I try to leave my massages smiling. Also like most of you, I'm sure there's been a time where you assumed more would happen than does. For instance: Early on in the summer, I tried Balmoral out despite my better judgement. I entered the room, and noticed there was no extra towel to "drape" myself with, so I proceeded to get butt naked, face down per usual. The attendant entered the room, did not say a word and started with the massage. I don't recall it being anything to great, except she kept working her hands up my legs and occasionally glancing off the boys. Flip time came, and johnson was raging and dancing all over the place. But still same thing, same glancing blows and no direct hits. Time was up, gave her a little tip and she left the room. It was a confusing visit at best, I would never do anything to make someone uncomfortable. I do frequent the places for just a real massage, but would usually get a towel to prevent these situations. (Or be draped by an attendant after if none were present) Anyone else have similar stories?
  23. I'm trying my best not too, but some days I can't control it. Pre-covid If I couldn't see my regulars, I'd take a second rate massage somewhere else. Now with it being bad, I only go for my most trusted cleanly regulars (which have been nill the last 2 weeks). I still manage to talk myself out of it 75% of the time.
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