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highlights of the day

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Met with a special client for our first encounter today and I did something for the first time that was totally outside the -norm- for me...and I liked it alot ;) :boobies:

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this is the highlights of several days


I am on day 6 of my 11 week drive (wander) around the USA


I spent the weekend with good friends in upstate NY and had a great time catching up (as it had been too long since I had seen them) and taking in some of the area's points of interest (museum, symphony, etc.)


then I backtracked slightly to Cooperstown and the Baseball Hall of Fame


then I drove the backroads of NY and PA southward ... the scenery is a lot like driving 327 south from Mont-Tremblant ... hardly a straight piece of road longer than a hundred metres ... it seemed like a good idea until fog settled in and my speed was reduced to a crawl and I didn't get half as far as I planned that evening


then Philadelphia ... if you have never been to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, get there ... it is amazing ... and of course, it has a statue of Rocky out front


and, an hour ago I arrived in Washington DC

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This winter has seemed particularly dull, grey and rainy. But the weather is starting to break up. No rain today and there was more blue sky than yesterday. It's still brisk, though not exactly cold. I took the dog for a long walk at English Bay. We had a lovely time. She stopped twice to dig in the sand, but didn't find anything. She will, sometime--we're both sure of that.

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Met with an old friend for an early birthday/Valentine celebration. A wonderful multi hour session of sexing,cuddling, and catching up was just the ticket for a mid winter pick me up.


Birthday bonuses were a massage with home made cherry lotion, experiencing a certain act for the first time, an excellent birthday gift to take home, and a small gift for my elderly Dad.


I knew my friend had many talents but learned of another new one: she makes maple syrup. That means she's even sweeter than before! If You read this hun, thanks for making me feel special;)

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It has just been a very good day. I started a little experiment called winter sowing - and I started some seeds outside under the snow. Now to be honest I cannot believe that this will work, however for the price of a few seeds and some free labor, it is rather interesting. :)


Makes me anticipate my flower gardens!

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Just received news that my Mother is being transferred out of hospital and back to her nursing home. The highlight, of course, is that for now she appears to be out of the woods and o.k. The downside, though, is back to the nursing home. All and all, though, I'm relieved. Hopefully life can get back to normal for a while.



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The last two days here in PEI have been quite lovely, relatively mild but most importantly we had blue sky and lots of sun. I spent goodly amounts of time in my greenhouse where it reached 30+ degrees. I won't say that I did much work out there but I did sit and read and think and relax. It is one of my own little escape zones that I truly appreciate.

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I thought of putting this in the Things that Suck thread, but this is in fact where it should go.


I have been moving to this decision for a very very long time and should have done it months ago, but I have asked Mod to delete my account. This is not my world. I don't really know what my world is anymore, but I do intend to find it. :)


There are many here who have made a very important and positive difference in my life and I shall miss them a great deal, but this is right.


Best of luck everyone and I shall think of you all fondly and with great respect.


With Love and Affection,


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I thought of putting this in the Things that Suck thread, but this is in fact where it should go.


I have been moving to this decision for a very very long time and should have done it months ago, but I have asked Mod to delete my account. This is not my world. I don't really know what my world is anymore, but I do intend to find it. :)


There are many here who have made a very important and positive difference in my life and I shall miss them a great deal, but this is right.


Best of luck everyone and I shall think of you all fondly and with great respect.


With Love and Affection,



you'll be missed MN2 ... all the best. You're a wonderful person, and I wish we'd had the chance to meet in person.



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Guest **cely***r***ne

My son laughed out loud today and is cutting his very first tooth!!(Both of which brought a tear to my eye) He's just two months old and growing way to fast.

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My friend, who was almost killed in an accident, is home and recovering nicely.....a true miracle. The angels were truly watching over her.

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Saturday started coming down with a head cold and cough...got worse (coughing so hard my ribs hurt) Highlight, it's clearing up, I feel 95% now


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The effing bathroom reno is just about done. A couple of pieces of baseboard to nail tomorrow. This has been a real learning process but ends up with a sense of accomplishment.

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Mom got a call from her surgeon today...next Thursday she has surgery on her eye

She's been waiting for awhile for this surgery (vision getting progressively worse) She's happy. And even though it's two days for me driving and stuck in waiting rooms I'm looking forward to mom's eye getting fixed


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My day started with a morning play date that was fantastic. This was followed by an hour long massage from the cutest RMT in the West end. I walked out of the clinic like I was walking on clouds. My highlight? Realizing I will do it all over again tomorrow.


Sometimes life is good, sometimes it's freaking great. :bigclap:

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