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Does your pet drive you nuts?

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Forgot to mention, if it's feeding time, you are likely to accidentally trip over my cat because she weaves in and out of your legs rubbing against you in excitement. Also, she will not shut up. Her "I'm hungry, feed me" meow is the most plaintive, pathetic-sounding whine in the history of cats.


She steals used dental floss out of the bathroom garbage and plays with it.

She loves to chase crumpled up bits of paper and even plays fetch. She will live on any piece of paper you have lying around, even if she has an entire chair/couch/cat bed--she will perch on the piece of paper. This is especially fun when I'm trying to write papers and she's sitting on my research licking herself. The modem is her hangout of choice if my lap (or any lap really) is not readily available. She likes to be carried around like a baby and have her chin rubbed.


Her all-time favourite thing though? Hanging out in shoe boxes, especially ones with tissue paper in them. Whenever I get a new pair of shoes, I leave the box out for a few days for her to play in before I recycle it.

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At that age, test his blood for calcium levels; excess levels might mean

that some cancer within him has spread to the bones and is dissolving them.

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My cat knows the sound of my vehicle and runs behind it when driving down the street.lol. He is one of those types of cats who got in a lot of cat fights coming home with scratches, scabs and a bitten ear at the tip. He's a scrapper for sure but now he runs the neighborhood. I'm sure he had to get in a lot of battles to be where he is now. He was a 10 week old kitten I picked him up near the Ottawa river running out of a bush meowing on a rainy day. He looked to be in too good of a condition to be considered a stray and has been with me ever since when I could not find the owner. I could not bring myself to bring him to an animal shelter. The older cats were not impressed but they adjusted.

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I have a 19 years old tuxedo cat who just wants to be a pest. It used to be the sweetest cat ever, now he wakes me up at 5:30am for breakfast with is "I'm hungry and it's time to feed me" roar, so I get up and feed him and I go and sit my ass on the couch until he is done and then he comes out from where I feed him with his "where is everybody, I'm all alone roar" until I get up and he sees me then I get the light "meow" I knew you were there.


He drinks a lot of water and pisses a lot(always in the litter). This cat is spoiled, we have 2 litter for him(it) and they are the plastic bins for the Christmas wrapper(huge) they need a full box of cat litter to fill them up. Believe it or not there is one for his piss and the other for his poop. Sir craps a lot plays tricks on us, he will go beside his poop litter and drop a fresh one on the carpet about once a week.


Come supper time he will beg for food at the table and scratch my leg until I feed him something. Try to figure this one out, I will put a piece of food in front of him and he won't see it even if I point it out to him but he will see a bird in a tree 50 feet away from the house.

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I have 2 Springer Spaniels. The 11-year-old is slowing down but still loves to run...well it's more of a jog, I guess...in the park but loves sleeping and treats more. He's cost thousands for 3 surgeries, arthritis, etc. but is worth every penny! The 10-month is a rescue who spent her first 7 months in a crate with 6 other pups and 2 adult dogs. She was malnourished, her coat was covered in urine and she had worms and fleas. 3 months later, she's still skinny but otherwise healthy, happy and the most affectionate dog I've ever had! She drives me nuts early every morning when she barks at the neighbours, she destroyed almost everything in the living room a couple of days ago and she ate my oakleys! Then she lays with her head in your lap and looks at you with those sad eyes and it pisses me off because I want to be mad at her and I can't!! And she knows it. And it works for her every time!

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I have 2 Springer Spaniels. The 11-year-old is slowing down but still loves to run...well it's more of a jog, I guess...in the park but loves sleeping and treats more. He's cost thousands for 3 surgeries, arthritis, etc. but is worth every penny! The 10-month is a rescue who spent her first 7 months in a crate with 6 other pups and 2 adult dogs. She was malnourished, her coat was covered in urine and she had worms and fleas. 3 months later, she's still skinny but otherwise healthy, happy and the most affectionate dog I've ever had! She drives me nuts early every morning when she barks at the neighbours, she destroyed almost everything in the living room a couple of days ago and she ate my oakleys! Then she lays with her head in your lap and looks at you with those sad eyes and it pisses me off because I want to be mad at her and I can't!! And she knows it. And it works for her every time!


You are a good soul, lucky dogs to have you and you them:)

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I rescued a keeshond named Mia from the Gatineau Humane society. I particularly go there because they have a no kill policy.


She was only 4 months when I got her. She endeared herself to me by pulling the stuffing out of my passenger seat, eating 5 seat belts and has the most annoying bark.


She was a mate to our older belgian till the belgian passed. ( a month ago and I still cry)


She has stopped destroying the car but still has this annoying bark. She is at the Bruce Pit every morning where she takes great pride in diving into people's crotches. My friends say I taught her that.



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I rescued a keeshond named Mia from the Gatineau Humane society. I particularly go there because they have a no kill policy.


She was only 4 months when I got her. She endeared herself to me by pulling the stuffing out of my passenger seat, eating 5 seat belts and has the most annoying bark.


She was a mate to our older belgian till the belgian passed. ( a month ago and I still cry)


She has stopped destroying the car but still has this annoying bark. She is at the Bruce Pit every morning where she takes great pride in diving into people's crotches. My friends say I taught her that.




Perhaps rescues have a thing for car seats. Lol as my new dog-also a rescue -tore a fist sized hole and the stuffing out of my drivers seat. I'm sorry about your loss the grieving is hard but your new baby will help you heal-I promise, I've been there and dread the day it'll happen again. I guess we have to dearly cherish the time we have with them, thanks for sharing.

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I've got two rescues from the SPCA. The first one who's 11 we thought was a lab puppy when we found him and the staff thought he was too, however he never grew and still looks like a lab puppy so must be a mixed breed of sorts. He's cost us thousands of dollars for various issues but specifically (lumpectomy's) but he's and old soul and I'd never trade him he's just too good. You could just lay one finger on top of his head and he's completely content with it and will stay there all day.


My other dog was also a rescue and she was abused. I wasn't even planning on looking for a dog but I usually go and drop off supplies and donations to the SPCA regularly so they know me and one day when I went in one of the staff quickly handed me a dog and said, "we've got a Parvo outbreak we need you to take her home with you for a couple of days so she doesnt get it". Well the rest is history 10 years later shes still there. At first she only hid away and didn't like people to touch her (consequence of the abuse) but when she came around she went completely the other way, now she's a cuddle slut. Any one, anywhere, anytime. Just wants to be touched all the time. However, she very specific (and this is what gets on my nerves) she won't tolerate to just be petted. She has to be petted exactly where she wants and will keep moving around and rooting your hand until its hitting the right spot. Sometimes she ends up half ontop of your head.


So I sit there with one hand just laid on the top of one dogs head while the other one is doing moves like something out of "cirque di soleil".

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My sister in-law took in an abused dog. Large female mix. When they 1st got her, she was very afraid of men. She would discretely sneak out of the room whenever a male was in general vicinity. I was aware of her background and fears before a visit, so the best thing was to let the pooch approach me on her own terms.


The happy story is she has adjusted now to her loving home & is more trusting of men. Still has her quirks. She won't leave me alone whenever I visit. She insists I stick my finger in her ear. Man, she just groans and drools whenever I do ...then, she tries to crawl in my lap - she's huge. Weighs at least 70lbs. As soon as I de-poke her ear, she grabs my hand with her paw and plants her head firmly on my crotch (if I'm sitting down). Wonderful puppy. I ask her nicely if it's ok if I use my hands for something else (like holding my drink) & she lies on my feet.

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I run a cat rescue. I spay and neuter stray cats, find homes for those that are adoptable, foster those that need more time. Get them used to people, furniture and life inside a home.


I also have a small dog (well, a short dog). She is a Terrier, Chiuauwa, Shizt-zu, Poodle mix. I call her a Terry-Wawa-Chitz-Oodle. She is the keeper of all the cats. She loves them and keeps them in line. She has even nursed one of the kittens when mom weaned her, even though she had never had pups, she produced milk for this kitten.


Well, I've had lots of dogs and cats come and go in my life. There is a sense of fulfillment in finding a home for an animal that might otherwise be homeless. At one point, I had 19 cats and dogs at home. A bit crazy, but everyone seemed to get along well.


Right now, I have a dog and 3 cats. The oldest cat is a diva - she does not like other cats and will swat them away if they try to sneak up behind her while she is sleeping. The middle cat is a talker and very friendly. She is the one who nursed off the dog. These two cats love going outside and are great hunters. The kitten is a fluff ball who will come into bed and in order to wake you up will put her tail on your face and hit you with it to wake you up. You wake up with fur down your throat. She then looks back at you and says "oh, you're awake now? Awesome, can you feed me?". The three cats take turns waking me up to feed them.


The stray cats outside are very patient critters. They are usually around, waiting for me to open the door in the morning to let the dog out. They come flying out of hiding and wait for their grub.


I think that more people should have animals in their life. Even if only helping the shelters if you can't have one in your home.




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I cannot believe what my cat did the other day in front of a male friend of mine... My friend was sitting on the sofa and my orange cat was resting on the arm of the chair I was sitting in. I was showing my friend how he can give paw and when I got up to go get something, my cat swiped me with his paw on my ass and then looked at my male friend as if to say..."Did you see that?" LMAO! He truly is one of a kind!

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Is there anything worse than dog farts? Yes!! A doggy Dutch oven.


One of my little darlings was cold last night and snuggled under the covers. Sometime after sunrise the male dog let a poisonous gas bomb loose. I took a concentrated blast right in the snoot. I've had better starts to the day.

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Well I once had an ex-wife who loved me, and licked me and kissed me and stuff....


Then she got all self important and bossy and stuff and then got distemper I do believe... and began to bark lots, often barking in circles and not making any sense, and I swear she was drooling and wanted to bite me....


Finally enough was enough so one day she handed me the newspaper and I handed her separation papers.....


She drove me nuts !!! Does this count ?? ;)

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my crazy little pitbull. She Gets jealous when I pay attention to my other pet. I know that you are thinking "well ya that's normal" Well my other Pet is a Beta named Redtail. if I go over to his bowl to feed or talk to or just watch him swim around, Sookie will cry and pace. Could you imagine what it would be like if I had another pet that was fluffy and holdable lol

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my crazy little pitbull. She Gets jealous when I pay attention to my other pet. I know that you are thinking "well ya that's normal" Well my other Pet is a Beta named Redtail. if I go over to his bowl to feed or talk to or just watch him swim around, Sookie will cry and pace. Could you imagine what it would be like if I had another pet that was fluffy and holdable lol


Redtail swims around in his water bowl?

Just how big is this pet of yours - or is it a goldfish?


On the other matter of cute, fluffy & holdable critters - ummm, would you mind visiting Ottawa for awhile? We could have an interesting discussion! :icon_biggrin:

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OMGoodness! Our puppy was in rare form today.


He went rummaging through my purse, and I still haven't found everything he stole.


He excavated the cat litterbox, leaving most of the litter outside it.


He jumped up on the stove to get a glass of pop I left sitting there, and got pop all over.


And then I found his secret stash of shredded Christmas cactuses and dirt behind the sofa.


Let's keep the puppy, he said. It will keep us young, he said.


He's a dweeb.

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My 15 lb orange tabby is taking a bath right now.. in lukewarm water in my roman bathtub.. I'm not kidding!! That f--------r is crazy! That or he's a metrosexual cat who really cares about his appearance. I'm sure he's knocked up a few cats before he got snipped. I have to go dry him off before I open the bathroom door.lol.

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OMGoodness! Our puppy was in rare form today.


He went rummaging through my purse, and I still haven't found everything he stole.


He excavated the cat litterbox, leaving most of the litter outside it.


He jumped up on the stove to get a glass of pop I left sitting there, and got pop all over.


And then I found his secret stash of shredded Christmas cactuses and dirt behind the sofa.


Let's keep the puppy, he said. It will keep us young, he said.


He's a dweeb.


Hehe, yup puppies aren't they so much fun. They may be cute and look innocent but behind your back they are little hell-raisers.

I have 3 dogs and got them all when a puppy. Couch got chewed and ruined don't know what with cotton but they love playing with it. Shoe ruined and other furniture. One chewed my brand new eye glasses the lenses were finished. One ate my wallet including my card in it credit/debit id ect...

Even got into my lunch box which contained at the time cold/flu tablets that cost a nice bill at the vet. I've had one jump up on kitchen table to eat food keep in mind he is a dachshund (wiener) dog how the hell did he jump so high beyond me. Found on in the giant bag of kibbles all I saw was a tail sticking out. Potty training is really hard thank god I don't have carpet. Oh almost forgot one nearly chewed a hole in the wall to get out. Then when you give them crap they want so suck up and cuddle and you can't stay mad at them. But they bring me joy at the end of the day.

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Does not matter how fresh the water is in my cat's water bowl....he always insists on drinking from the bathtub faucet!!!! And if the water flow is not strong enough-he just sits there and watches the water drip!!! But .....I still love the shit out of him tho!!!

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Does not matter how fresh the water is in my cat's water bowl....he always insists on drinking from the bathtub faucet!!!! And if the water flow is not strong enough-he just sits there and watches the water drip!!! But .....I still love the shit out of him tho!!!


My cat does the same thing and he will sit there for at least an hour. I better start watching my water bill! lol.

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My little princess would come running the second she saw me lift up my glass. She would climb onto my lap and up my chest and then pull my glass away from my mouth for a sip. Sometimes, she would steal an ice cube too. Pretty strong for a pet that weighed under 2lbs

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