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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/12 in Posts

  1. 10 points
    There are only sex acts and people with particular preferences. If you identify as gay, awesome. If you don't, awesome. Sucking a dick doesn't make you gay. Whether or not a person identifies as gay is not a call others get to make.
  2. 9 points
    I think that one thing to keep in mind is that most providers who ask for a reference also have alternative screening methods if a reference isn't possible. So it's not quite the roadblock some have made it out to be. I would also say that it is not the case that providers who ask for a reference are not also paying attention to tone, manner, wording, etc. I do not believe most SPs substitute a reference for their own impressions, so I find it odd that it's presented as though there's this dichotomy - either she uses her gut or gets a reference. A reference isn't an excuse not to think for yourself. I'm sure most girls know that. But as to why they would be requested at all, I think that a very good explanation has been given already for why travelling providers use them, but I would also point out that references can be very helpful to someone new to the industry. It's fine to say that we can go by our gut alone, but generally it takes some experience to hone our instinct. Instinct is not some magical talent that some people have, it's not a sixth sense. It is data gathering and pattern recognition most of the time. It takes time to gather enough data to start spotting patterns and figuring out what sounds like a time-waster and who sounds like bad news. We've all interacted with people all our lives so we don't come at this with no data. But for most girls this is still a new way of interacting with people so they need time to learn. In the meantime, references are a second opinion that can help you figure out if your impressions are correct or not. I know that some people are proponents of the school of hard-knocks, but I think in this business the knocks can be pretty hard. For those who are not so new that continue to ask for references, I would simply say why not, if it has always worked for them? For many gentleman, obviously, it is not seen a hoop to jump through so there is no particular reason for them to change a working model. And, as I mentioned, most will offer to screen by more old-school methods if a reference isn't available. But honestly, the whole debate about references only applies to providers who do advance bookings. I don't see how a provider who takes short-notice bookings could ever be expected to contact and hear back from a reference in time. So I think there are just as many valid arguments to be made for not using a reference. I don't think anyone should be judged for using references, as though they are failing to use their own good sense and are making clients jump through hoops, nor do I believe it's ever fair to insinuate that a provider who doesn't require them is being reckless. I also believe that there are reasons a provider would choose not to give references as a policy. I won't go into them in detail, some have been mentioned, but I don't think it's really necessary to defend. CERB is very positive and I love that things can be discussed and debated but I get a bit frustrated, or maybe dismayed, to see people put down for their preferred (and effective) methods of screening a client.
  3. 8 points
    Are you serious! No girl is worth that-great attitude!Considering this is tax free- so now you are our accountants! I PAY TAXES and who says we get two clients a day for 5 days per week and how do you justify when anyones income is enough or appropriate-thats not for you to do or your business, this atttitude towards" a girls value" is beyond ridiculous not the rates. Did you forget we are human, have feelings, minds, personalities not just pieces of ass! Sorry but this is just my opinion but you are exactly the type of client I try very hard to avoid!! The men that are complaining about our rates do you do the same when you go to the grocery store, car dealer, clothing store, do you tell them their cars, food, ect aren't worth $$, lol I'm sure that would get you far. Believe me the girls that are seeing high volume at low cost come and go because they burn out faster and harder and are not interested -in most cases-as there always are exceptions- in providing a quality service it's more about gaining a lump sum of money.
  4. 8 points
    I'm finding some of the Client-side responses in this thread to be amazing. In the last instance, on what basis does one "take a rough guess at what the majority of SPs would do". Does this come from handling the financials for a great number of SPs? IMHO making the assumption that most or any SPs do not file taxes is not a good assumption. Nor is making any assumptions on annual income. Earlier on in this thread there was a crack about SPs making 20 times the average wage. This is seriously "apples and oranges" in that the $10/hr wage earner is not paying rent for the business, is not paying the utilities, the taxes, the wholesale price of the goods being handled. Elsewhere in the thread is a very good description of what costs are incurred by the SP. So I guess I'm in the "I'm OK with that the SP charges" camp. Yes, there are some I would like to see that I cannot afford. There are also a lot charging in a price range I can afford. I can't afford a Mercedes but I'm not going use the term gouging to describe Mercedes price structure.
  5. 8 points
    Well you should know it is very wrong to assume....you know the saying.... Each lady is different as is every man, what one wants for their time and what one is willing to pay will always vary. To insult those of us who charge more than $200 and hour is wrong, very wrong....Please grab yourself some maturity and learn to respect others - you may not like or agree what ladies charge, but in al honestly keep your comments to yourself. There is a price point for everyone, find your own and keep quiet about it. Its nice to know that you value the women you visit with for "Kicks"....I am curious as to what the women you spend time with think of you? Keep in mind, most of us run businesses, we have bills, families, education, sick parents, taxes, groceries and utilities to pay for....and dont forget the expenses of being a companion (ads, travel, hotels, incall location, etc) None of us are rich and for you to think that much makes me wonder what other SP stereotypes you believe as well.
  6. 6 points
    What is there to say that hasn't already been said? Clearly, Christian is courageous and amazing for being willing to put himself out there and be open and honest about his experiences. I genuinely believe that the public is finally starting to see the sex industry as inherently equal to other industries, and the more that sentiment grows, the more likely we are to remove the legal restrictions and reduce moralistic criticism. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my producers, the guys at the AllTalkTV.com Network, for being willing to produce the show for me. I'm sure that not every producer would give total creative control to an amateur host like me, but that's what they've done, and it's given me the freedom to have frank and honest discussions with all kinds of people in the business. From Terri-Jean Bedford (my very first guest) to Matt from ClubM4, as well as the lovely Cleo Catra and the courageous Christian, I'm really astounded with how well the people of the industry have represented themselves. :) It's no accident that CERB has been the primary source for interviewees, not just because of our openness, but because of our inherently-supportive community. The huge amount of praise for Christian's and Cleo's interviews has been 100% positive, and I have no doubt that this was part of what inspired Cleo and Christian to be honest in these segments. The knowledge that they would be supported likely made it easier to be themselves during the interviews, which is a critical aspect in our attempts to create an authentic and genuine representation of the business. I guess what I'm trying to say is this - while Cleo and Christian took the brave step of going public about their involvement in the industry, I doubt they would have been comfortable enough to even consider it without the whole CERB community ready to rally behind them. In a way, though they're the true stars of the show, it's the positive and supportive audience that really made it happen. :) Thanks for being awesome, CERB - this couldn't have happened without you.
  7. 5 points
    ""You feel you have been gouged! How can you say what it is that we should charge, that is for us to decide. We have to factor in the rising costs of everything else, such as living costs,power,gas,food, ect,ect. Do you have any idea the costs that go into hosting clients-laundry, supplies,beverages, snacks, wardrobe-the price of one pair of stockings is 20$+tax and alot of times they get picked or snagged so one pair per client-a nice lingerie outfit is over 100$ and most clients don't want us wearing the same one over and over-Shoes,lotions, towels, sheets and then the worth of our time-answering phones,emails,travelling, website costs-if you pay to have one built and maintained,advertising costs,,cosmetics,hair costs and abilities and talents! Exactly how can you really quantify there worth. Yet we do and I think more than fairly. In todays market 300hr is not outrageous, my gfe is 320 and believe me I feel I'm worth it. But to say we are gouging clients is more than insulting as none of us want to turn away or make it difficult for our clients by "gouging " them but we have to come out of this ahead or what is the point ?It isn't all about enjoyment we do run a business and there has to be profit. So I'm sorry to sound angry but when anyone tries to make us feel as though we are not worth our rates most of us will become angry. Do some research and look at the increase of other things then compare the increase in sp rates over the past decade alone, no comparison our rates have climbed very little and in my opinion not enough!I can't drive a bentley, it's my favorite car, can't afford one so I bought a cheaper, still luxurious car, but cheaper. I don't shop for new shoes as often as I used to , I go to the spa less often, buy food and other supplies on sale most off the time in this economy we all have to cut back on some things,especislly luxuries and treats but that doesn't mean they are not worth their cost.
  8. 4 points
  9. 4 points
    I pay taxes just for your info. and I know a good amount of other SP that does the same.
  10. 4 points
    Deciphering the OP's question (with the help of other posts, I'm slow LOL), all I can say is a lady should charge what she feels her time and companionship is worth. It is not for anyone else to say whether her rates are too high. It is also inappropriate to imply ladies don't pay taxes, or are seeing x number of clients a day, or know how much they make net a year. A person's annual income is his/her business, and no one elses. If you find a lady's rates too high for your budget, then see another lady. Or if you wish to see a certain lady who's rates are higher, but you do wish to see her, save up your money for a few months and then schedule an encounter. Remember, this lifestyle is a luxery, not a necessity. Some even call it a hobby. If you can't afford to see a lady, then don't. But don't begrudge a lady her rates. They are for the lady, and the lady alone to determine My two cents. RG
  11. 3 points
    Following Cleo's post earlier this month, i'm adding my voice as the other side of the equation (the client's side of course) on Nikki Thomas' show "Sex, Brains and Money". Enjoy!
  12. 3 points
    I would like to add and define that a GFE massage is enthusiastic and non mechanical. It's about the tone of the session. It is not rushed and usually a slow sensual ride to a seamless and natural feeling ending. You feel cared about and pampered. These kind of encounters can lead to a great connection as well. ;)
  13. 3 points
    perhaps instead of escorts for him personally.. a g/g show for everyone? that way only viewing instead of actual intercourse
  14. 3 points
    Why yes spraycan....all of the girls make two hundred thousand dollars a year !! Tax free of course !! and in the same world you just proposed there.... pigs can fly.... I have been meeting with the same travelling ladies for pushing 3 years....and not one of them have changed their rates actually. I have had 5 wage increases since then. Have you gotten a wage increase spraycan ? We all get older, we all work towards retirement someday....do you think a better life and and better income is not equally important to an SP ? My opinion.
  15. 3 points
    From the woman point of view I think they should care about what the bride to be thinks.... even if it is a bachelors party
  16. 3 points
    Am I the only one that doesn't have a clue what that meant.
  17. 3 points
    I'll have to respectfully disagree here. The lessons I've taken from my own experience are that sexuality is much, much more complicated than this. Most importantly: although a genetic test could certainly produce an objective, scientific verdict on someone's gender, that's a vastly different thing than that person's functional, sexual identity. Who's male and who's female? And break this down further to: a) what makes a person perceive themselves to be male or female, and b) what makes other people perceive that person to be male or female? And the answers to all of these questions is fluid, because it really is these --perceptions-- that matter most to us and affect our behaviour, and like all perceptions they're totally subjective. Our human minds aren't objectivity machines; our day to day existence is largely subjective, based on how we experience and interpret the world, and this includes our sexual identity and behaviour. There are experts far better versed on this subject than I am, so I won't presume to go into more detail. But to answer the OP's question: a cock is not a guy, and a guy is not a cock. Those things are often bound together into a single joint concept, but sometimes they're not. If I'm playing with the cock of a beautiful transgendered woman, I personally, subjectively, don't perceive that as a gay act; instead, I'm pleasing a wonderful woman who happens to have some fun, different sexual equipment. That said: I have to echo the comments of others by saying "what the hell would it matter?". Who really cares if my acts are gay or straight? They're just mine, and I'm quite happy with me. The pursuit of labels and categories seems designed to facilitate judgement, and that's not something we need any more of when it comes to sex between consenting adults.
  18. 2 points
    I second cleo's comment-penises I love how they don't get us-it's cute their strength simplicity about alot of things how they appreciate our beauty-when we don't the fact that they are opposite their emotions really just about everything-except farting!
  19. 2 points
    Hey there many-xes. :) A few points: (1) Labels. I really do see that you want to apply these labels not to inflict stigma or judgement, but because you simply feel they're accurate. I don't fault your motives, but do be careful; human experience is more complicated than dictionaries allow for. Plus, dictionaries are inherently limited, and the definitions they provide brief and superficial. I promise that if you consult professional sex researchers, they'll provide a much more complicated and nuanced set of definitions than the everyman's dictionary does. (2) Asexuality. Asexuality really is how quite a number of human beings are wired and live their lives. They're not sexually attracted to EITHER gender (but this doesn't preclude their full enjoyment of familiar, non-sexual intimacy). This has left them confused and sometimes ashamed, but more recently there's been some awareness and understanding emerging. Here's just one link on the subject from the excellent column of Andrew Sullivan (whose The Dish is awesome and I read every day): The Dish: Asexuality (one of many) (3) Complicated gender. I don't think you have accounted for the case I presented: a beautiful TG woman who still has male equipment. The genes say "male", so does the equipment. But everything else -- appearance, dress, mannerism, other body parts and proportions -- say female. Which is it? And why did you choose your answer? I'd have no trouble declaring myself gay if I thought that was the case. Whatever my nature is, I'll embrace it, revel in it (responsibly), and be proud. But for me, a cock attached to someone masculine has no sexual appeal at all; in fact, the idea is kind of repellent. (I actually consider that an unfortunate limitation on my part, but it's there and undeniable.) On the other hand, a cock on a pretty TG woman is a lot like a strapon worn by a sexy woman, but far far better because it actually works and the owner can feel what I'm doing to it. So how do we address these cases? Cock-equipped TG? Strapon-wearing woman? Which is male and which is female? And why? Last point: if you prefer to resort to genetics for the answer to those questions, then what if a guy receives awesome oral sex from a beautiful TG woman, and never finds out that she was genetically male? Was it still gay if I didn't know my partner was (in some respects) male? Why, or why not? If only genes and the fact that the partner had a cock made my sex with that partner "gay", then how can my knowledge, or lack of it, change that status? And yet, how can it NOT matter? See, it's what we perceive that defines us and our actions. Not what other people say, or a genetic test, or a dictionary. The disconnect in the latter case isn't on the part of the actors; it's the fault of the dictionary.
  20. 2 points
    I have been biting my tongue to respond to this thread which is fraught with a lot of misinformation and ignorant comments. I am from Ottawa, not Winnipeg, but that has no bearing on what I'm about to say. To those of you who think our rates are out of control, unreasonable and that we have no business trying to equate ourselves with the rest of the economy because after all it's assumed none of us pay taxes and just lie on our back waiting for the phone to ring collecting our supposed easy money. For your information, most of us who have been around for awhile are actually charging the same or even less than we did 10 or 15 years ago. For example in 2002, my half hour rate was $150. It is currently $130 and when I run a special, it is $120. A 7 day insertion for a 4 line ad in Ottawa Sun newspaper cost $45. in 1998. The same ad costs $176. in 2012. So some of us have actually not given ourselves a raise in quite a long time and are actually making less. And I have to be available 12 hours a day to try and meet my my minimum daily quota (in my case I am a low volume provider so that is two, half hour calls or a one hour call per day) because there is more competition. So, for all intents and purposes, we are having to work longer to make less. That's all I have to say about that.
  21. 2 points
    Daty should never be expected in a sensual massage experience. A GFE massage should be interpreted as a non mechanical encounter within a sensual setting. I suppose it may vary from one masseuse to another,but should not be expected as it ventures into the grey area between an MA and Sp. It's up to the lady and should remain private between two consenting adults.
  22. 2 points
    If DATY was to be offered then it would change the tyoe of service, then you are not an MA but rather an SP...
  23. 2 points
    I have put a $10 on my crotch and laid on the floor near the steps and she came over me on her hands and knees to get it boy was that a great show. PS. Wait until her last dance before she puts her clothes back on. PPS. Keep your hands to yourself.
  24. 2 points
    I've only ever seen one or two people actually put the bill in their mouths. Most just lay it over their lips, on their chest, or hand it to the girl as she approaches them on the stage.
  25. 2 points
    Wow, a few come to mind. But this one for sure. Fight the Good Fight by Triumph Original Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ijugC_ahfo Remixed (Longer) Version: Read more: TRIUMPH - FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT LYRICS
  26. 2 points
    I like to think that my guests visiting with me are coming for a relaxing escape and more than slam bam thank you mam kicks....Most people I have met visit with me for a mental and physical connection, hardly something id refer to as kicks. If you have met me, then your comment on what you wont pay over is a lie in regards to price. Why assume that young local girls wont be claiming anything? More and more ladies pay taxes and you'd probably be surprised if you knew how many actually did.
  27. 2 points
    Yes, the ladies are rich being SP's and charging the rates they do. And the gentlemen must also be equally rich if not more so since they can afford to see ladies Some need a reality check. Remember, for the ladies this is their livelihood, their job, it pays their bills, raise a family, pays the rent etc etc etc. The ladies may make x number of dollars per hour. But they don't work 8 hours/day seven days a week, 365 days a year. And even if they do, so what, it is their business, not for anyone, especially prospective clients to question And for the gentlemen, if we can afford to see ladies, that must mean we must be filthy rich. For us this lifestyle is a luxery. The assumption must be then that after all our bills are paid, we have lots of money left over to see ladies...and we must be rich. Reality, for most of us, this lifestyle is done on disposable income. But as Emily put it "Well you should know it is very wrong to assume....you know the saying...." And really, no one should be concerned here about someone else's income, that is a private personal matter, not something for public disclosure My rambling RG
  28. 2 points
    Yes I agree completely. And if there is one place where we should be able to express our sexuality without judgement, I would hope that it's this community. Porthos
  29. 2 points
    Exactly! By no means do I want anyone to do something out of their comfort zone but I truly believe that experimentation should not be hindered by potential labels that may have a negative connotation falsely associated to them.
  30. 2 points
    I will say don't do something just because someone else is doing it, do what will make you comfortable and happy. This time of year alot of providers offer specials as do alot of businesses. If what you charge and offer brings in the amount of clientele you desire then no need to be concerned, if it doesn't then perhaps it may be time to offer a new service or change your rates. But quite honestly I never worry about what others are doing, nor should you, as it tough enough to keep up with my own schedule .
  31. 1 point
    sorry if this has been discussed but what exactly is a gfe massage? what does it entail? thanks.
  32. 1 point
    This is a silly one....I experimented with my skittles eating two different flavours at once! Who knew that red and purple, yellow and green and orange with anything would taste so good! I think I need to seek out a skittles support group!
  33. 1 point
    I haven't had a "full" sexual encounter with a guy, beyond a fellow kid trying the "you show me yours if I show you mine" gambit when I was really young. For whatever reason I didn't like the idea and (pardon the pun) blew him off. I also had a gay friend talk me into dropping my pants once. After a touch or two, that was enough for me. I have, thanks to Ms. Nathalie Lefebvre, had an opportunity to explore some play with strap-ons recently, and here's what I've learned from that: -- sexual desire is a lot more complicated than just "I like girls", "I like guys." -- The first time I put a dildo in my mouth, it was ... weird. I had to ask whether the arousal I felt at doing that meant that I had gay tendencies or not. -- I feel at this point I am a pretty firmly straight dude with some desire to play with gender roles. Would I suck a dick, attached either to a guy or a t-girl? I'm really not sure at this point. Given the circumstances? Perhaps. But it's not something that I've fantasized about or in search of. Would it make me gay if I did? Nope. Just a guy who likes girls and sucked a dick once. Does it matter? Not a whole lot, IMO. I think splitting hairs over dictionary definitions of straight, gay, bi, asexual, whatever, just distracts from the realities of how sex exhibits itself in people's lives.
  34. 1 point
    If all SP's brought their conscience to work, many married men would not be able to be hobbyists. Just sayin'
  35. 1 point
    Hi, there is many interpretations of what a GFE Massage means... here is my description and perhaps some of the other ladies that offer this service can input.. During a GFE Massage there is more body contact, Body to body massage and really erotic body slides, also kissing is allowed but YMMV from just kissing, to LFK or DFK... It is a Massage so DATY or BJ of anykind are not part of the service... Hopes this helps you clarify :) Maybe you should come and try it byyourself to get the complete clear explanation :) hehe ps: Dont feel sorry fro asking.. I actually was thinking about starting a thread on this subject ;)
  36. 1 point
    Hey Guys, I am working tonight till 9pm if you are unable to make it tonight, i am also working tomorrow 4-9 working, Wed 9-4 and Thurs 9-4. For those who don't know me, I offer a very sensual massage and super hot body slides. I am also rated one of the top ma's in Ottawa !! Im tall (5'8 ) slim athletic body type, light brown hair and exotic dark brown eyes. I am personable, easy going and a lot of fun to be with Come see for yourself hehe Call the spa or msg me to book your appt xoxo jordyn ;-)
  37. 1 point
    I can understand both sides of the coin however there is a lot more risk in providing a service such as this as in comparison to sitting behind a desk and pushing paper. Most of these ladies also have day time jobs. So if you're not satisfied with the requested donation, then don't partake. Or get a second job to pay for your hobby.
  38. 1 point
    Don't ever put coins on the stage as that's considered very rude. Like Ricco said, a fun and interactive way to tip a dancer is to lie on the stage with your tip. I'd say the most fun way to do it is to get another dancer to give your tip to the lady on stage, as that results in a sexy duo. It's always appreciated if you tip the dancer who will be doing the tipping for you as well, but it's not always expected. Otherwise, if you don't want to get involved or make a big show of it, you can just slide the bill onto the stage while the dancer is up - be prepared for her to try and get you to come up on stage though. You can also just hand her a tip once she gets off stage to avoid that. $5 is the most common tip, though some people will tip $10, $20, or even "make it rain" by literally showering the dancer with a stack of bills. Tips of any size are much appreciated though - I'm sure you've noticed that it doesn't happen too often in our part of the world.
  39. 1 point
    Monday Gina 10-11 aka "Gina" AJ 10-6:30 Welcome Back Lany 10-5:30 aka "Lany" Alyssa 5-11 NEW aka "AlyssaStaxxx" Kelly 6-11 aka "Kelly2010" 3 rooms, 3 sexy ladies on per shift! Private Dance shows available upon request! Click here to see NEW pics of room: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=3340 Pics of our Hotties http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=52117 Full Body Relaxation Massage Single Massage: --------30 minutes $50. --------45 minutes $70. on special for $60. --------60 minutes $80. Duo/Couples Massage: --------30 minute regular $100. on special for $80. --------45 minute regular $120. on special for $100. --------60 minute regular $160. on special for $130. ------HST included in prices. ------ Tips Accepted------ ATM on site------Spacious Rooms with Private Showers------ NEW LOCATION: 65 Bentley 613-274-7073 AJ Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=A&t=43227 Alyssa Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=112642 Kelly Discussions http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthr...t=55764&page=2 Lany Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=L&t=37195 Gina's Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=60064
  40. 1 point
    This thread reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry and George are mistaken for a gay couple - they repeatedly deny it but quickly add "not that there's anything wrong with that!". Woman on woman is obviously very hot/cool but men exploring cocks, I think many of us are, like Jerry and George, supportive in theory but still a little uncomfortable by the whole idea. I've had a few tgirl experiences and it's really not a big deal. Fun to try different things - I've also visited a few doms and had a few threesomes (mff!), but mostly stuck to female massage. You learn more about yourself and sexuality in general, but none of it really defines you.
  41. 1 point
    A gorgeous and sensual brunette bombshell is waiting for you...catering to the discerning gentleman and providing the best in upscale and erotic spa encounters only at Angel's Touch, 65 Bentley Ave, near the intersection of Huntclub and Merivale. Please call ahead to reserve your visit, 613 274 7073, an attendant will take your call. This week's availability: Monday Dec 3rd 5pm-11pm Thursday Dec 6th 10am-4pm Friday Dec 7th 10am-5pm Sunday Dec 9th 3:30pm-9pm Feel free to visit my website for more information: www.alyssastaxxx.com
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
    First time I've done this, quoting myself, but I did say if there is a lady you wish to use as a reference, ask her first. I never assume a lady will provide me with a reference until I ask her first, even if she has provided me with one in the past. Besides, to me, it's bad manners not to ask first. And I may be wrong here, but if a lady gives a reference, even if she saw you just once, isn't she just saying the the guy she saw behaved ok, arrived on time, paid in full, no issues, no concerns. She isn't giving out a guarrantee on him, so to speak on any future behaviours he will have with other ladies, just speaking to his behaviour and actions when she saw him. A quick two cents RG
  44. 1 point
    My first SP experience reminds me a little bit of Castle's story above. Sorry for the length! Part 1: I knew I wanted to add a little something to my birthday this summer, and I had never been with an SP, so I thought why not? I didn't know about CERB or CL (for SPs, at least) at the time, so I was relying on BP. I remember making the appointment by text while I was at work - don't know how I managed to keep a straight face for the rest of the day, hehe... I remember leaving the house, and it started raining; got on the wrong bus, so I had to get off about 5 blocks from the hotel. As if I wasn't already nervous enough, I had to start jogging a little bit to get to the appointment on time. Of course, as soon as I got off the bus, it started to pour, and all I had was a flimsy little jacket that wasn't designed for heavy rain. I got to the hotel absolutely soaked and miserable, and then texted the SP to let her know I was outside. She said to give her about 5 minutes, which was fine. 10 minutes went by before I finally heard from her; she gave me the room number and I headed up to the room. Still drenched, miserable, and nervous as hell, I knocked on the door, but she didn't answer. Gave it a couple of minutes, still no answer, so I sent a text. By this point it was already 10 minutes past the time of the appointment, and I was starting to get a bad feeling about it. When 5 minutes passed and she still hadn't responded to a text or a knock at the door, I decided to leave. She texted me a couple of hours later while I was at a bar with friends, wondering where I'd been. When I politely reminded her that I'd texted, called, and knocked at her door with no answer, she offered to bring the price down by 20 bucks if I was free later, but I didn't want anything to do with it. In short, I was suuuuuuuper glad I had listened to my instincts! Part 2 came a couple of weeks later, when I decided to try again. Found a different SP, and there were no hassles at all. She seemed really nice from the text messages I sent when making the appt. I was a little disappointed when she told me there wasn't any kissing, but was pleasantly surprised when we sampled about 10 different positions on the bed! A quick hug goodbye at the end, and I left a pretty happy camper. I thought I'd feel super different after seeing an SP for the first time, but in all honesty, the only thing I've felt different is a massive surge in confidence!
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    Wasn't quite sure if this was a highlight or things that suck. I have a sizeable lump, a lipoma on my forehead, but it's usually hidden by my hair falling onto my forehead. Anyway yesterday I visited the plastic surgeon and had it cut out. The sucks because it hurts, isn't probably a permanent fix, and today I'm wandering around with a rows stitches on my brow. But the highlight, a week from now when the swelling goes away, I'll be handsome again. lol
  47. 1 point
    I had the pleasure of meeting Cy Cy at Paradise recently. She's a new arrival there, and I'm sure she'll be popular (on the off-chance that she isn't already). Where to start? You can see what she looks like from her pics, although they don't really show you what good shape she's in and they definitely don't show you what a lovely smile she has. Or how much fun she is to be with. She gives a really good massage for those of you who think that's important. And she also geve me the pleasure of returning the favour... which was lots of fun. But that wasn't nearly as much fun as what happened afterwards, which left me somewhat weak at the knees. Definitely an awesome time, and I'll be back for sure!
  48. 1 point
    Definitely! Or if the guy is vocal. it definitely gives me something to scream about ;)
  49. 1 point
    I am not a girl. I am not for sale; my services are. You don't buy your hairdresser, you pay for their services. Also, what is a "real" man? This whole campaign has irritated me from day one, when Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher started it. The men they used in their campaigns had an awful track record of misogyny - not very "real" men themselves. If these folks in Sudbury are having issues with finding condoms and syringes in their backyards, they might want to address THAT. It may not just be sexworkers utilizing those areas but also an issue of homelessness and addiction.
  50. 1 point
    When you first meet one another, a very generous hug and kiss at door when you 1st meet goes a long way, and really breaks the ice.:D Generally speaking from my own experiences that 1st moment really takes the encounter to a very relaxed atmosphere which is great for both parties involved. Plus at that stage, I always hand over my envelope, to get the transaction out of the way.:) 2ndly....Some very nice two way conversation also helps you feel relaxed...who cares what you talk about..but it helps to simply relax yourself. It is not a matter of grabbing your SP's hand and take her to bedroom and wham bam thank you mam...Effection/chat really does enhance that moment. Finally when you are done your fun activities, I like to lay beside my SP, carress and chat if time permitting of course. It really seals the deal. Hopefully Cat, these are the comments you are looking for! My take on it....Pete;) ps.. your personal hygiene goes a long way!! I always clean shave my facial hair, so NO whisker burns for her both regions.I'm fully showered and smell good, if requested to take another shower at her place...not a problem. I never used foul language when meeting/during activities with an SP it is just common courtesy.Yes I know some may say...come on ------ (SP name) you like to me to fu-- you hard now don't you...sorry but that is not my way.
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