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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/13 in Posts

  1. 9 points
    I've personally seen quite a number of clients with differing capabilities. In truth it all started with a wonderful young man named 'Big Al'. He lived 8 hours away, suffered severe cerebral palsy and was very sad to be a virgin at 25. When I drove the 8 hours to see him the first time, I had no idea what I was in for. I had no clue that I would be responsible for doing everything. Including using a massive hoist to get him into bed. I suspect he didn't tell me all of this for fear it would scare me away. But I was determined to bring some much needed joy into this young man's life. To me, 'disabilities' are a complete non-issue. I have had clients tell me ahead of time, and I've had more than one never mention anything until I meet them. Either way, we ALL need intimacy and human contact. The body is a mere shell of the truly beautiful soul inside, and if physically some things don't work so well, then just enjoy the journey and worry not about the final destination.
  2. 7 points
    I just wanted to say that my thoughts go out to the people in Boston and to the family's of everyone hurt and killed where ever they are from. there were over 2000 Canadians there as well. i welcome every one to give their best wishes to everyone there and to anyone on cerb who knows anyone there as well. This should never happen anywhere or to anyone in the world.
  3. 6 points
    There is nothing wrong with being in a relationship while you are working in this business. There are more ladies who are dating someone or married in this business than people realize. Like anything else what happens at work, stays at work and outside of the closed door you live your life as everyone else does. Having a partner who supports you and who understands you will only benefit you and your business in the long run. We have to fib as it is 90% of the time with our double life, so having someone who gets it makes it that much easier to feel normal at times. Most of the men we spend time with are married or have a girlfriend, so why shouldn't we have the same personal pleasure?
  4. 5 points
    Each and every one i get to have the pleasure of meeting has the best smile. Posted via Mobile Device
  5. 5 points
    Because I am a full time University student and SP'ing very unpredictably(because also of my other part-time job) For me personally, I am focusing on not SP'ing or Uni in general, but my youth and personal life; but I will say this loud and proud; being a part-time Sp does NOT, NOT, NOT define me and how I am as a young woman!! period!!!!! I can promise you that there are TONS of people whether that be at school, or on the street etc that would NEVER guess of me being an 'SP' no matter how 'beautiful', 'sexy' they think I am!!! However, SOMETIMES there are things left unsaid and with my friends and people at school I do NOT tell them about my 'secret double life' of part-time sp'ing, and whether you are an SP or hobbyist, that may be the right thing for you to do with certain people in your life, while others may very well know what you do and have no problem with it because they know YOU as the WONDERFUL amazing person you are and do not hold that stigma and generalization against you like some people who plain and simple do not understand the real modern day of Sp'ing and hobbyists. Sadly, not EVERYONE will be able to proudly tell everyone what they are doing and get accepted with open arms, as there are a lot of 'haters' out there who no matter what want to look at the negative side, which is why whether or not you are in the dating world you learn to shut certain people out and do only what is right for you!! Whether you are an SP or hobbyist!! Personally, I am lucky to have an amazing person by my side who not only supports me but I support her every step of the way with no judgement of what I do or she does because at the end of the day nobody is perfect no matter who you are!! I think it is ridiculous is someone thinks an SP cannot be in love and have a normal, loving and nurturing relationship!! Everyone is capable and deserving of love, no matter what gender or profession!! =D
  6. 5 points
    Hello tas510: As a fellow disabled member and a longtime advocate of sexual rights I know all too well some of the difficulties you face. The people here have really hit the nail on the head as far as advice. One aspect which hasn't been mentioned thus far, and it can be a sticky one for some people because it in itself can carry a stigma of its own, is the consideration of a potential client on a fixed income, which includes myself. What follows, is my methodology to insure that all needs are met both in regards to myself and the service provider. If none of this is applicable to your situation please do feel free to ignore it. I actually keep a separate account exclusively for service provider dates. [For some reason, overtime this has become known as my "Secret Squirrel Account" :) I can hear the psychoanalysis having a field day with regards to that title.] Having the money separate really does take the pressure off on so many levels. You probably have some idea of what a, if there is such a thing, "typical" date costs after looking around CERB. Aim for that; it may take some time, but you know it will happen. Each letter of introduction send out to it perspective service provider is personalized. I spent a fair bit of time reading the individual's web site and forum messages to anticipate any concerns they may have. This helps encourage dialogue. When it comes to disability, some service providers can be rather shy about asking questions directly. It is a human trait we all share. Encourage people to ask questions in her own words. Provide links to articles related to your particular condition so they can look infomation up on their own, if they want to. Be clear about what you expect and want. [i avoid acronyms to encourage openness and clarity. The huge arraying of these short hands also drive my voice dictation software crazy.] If you are unsure about how to accomplish something, say that too. Sex workers are incredibly creative people who love to explore. I explicitly state in each letter that I am on a fixed income. But beyond that though, I do not make it an issue or haggle about the price. Simply stating that I may not be the most frequent client is sufficient. It keeps things honest and clear. Removing another potential stumbling block to communication. Unless they prefer phone calls as the initial communication. I only contact them directly after a successful dialogue via e-mail has been established.. Finally, do not expect a reply immediately. Some people have a large amount of e-mail to go through. Do not be disheartened if there is no reply. But do keep on looking. One last thing. If you're inclined to be apolitical in this regard. A number of years ago a grass-roots group, here in Vancouver B.C. was formed by disabled persons and health professionals to explore and expand the issue of sexuality for the disabled. The "Equitable Access to Sexual Expression" group. (EASE) Things are starting to rock and roll. They are beginning to open up dialogues all over the place, on many fronts. I encourage you and all interested members to check them out! Here is their face book page. A web site is in the works. Take care, PatrickGC
  7. 3 points
    Check my reco on Evelyne Lemay... "you smile and then a spell is cast...and here we are in heaven" (At Last, by Etta James or Beyonce) However, everyone looks beautiful with a smile on their face......
  8. 3 points
    8 year old Marin Richard losing his life in the Boston bombing yesterday. So sad...
  9. 3 points
    We've had this discussion before, but I am more than happy to reiterate my feelings on the matter. I love to kiss!!!! I find extremely romantic and a huge turn on to kiss a beautiful woman. I don't want to offend anyone, but I will not see anyone who does not kiss. I need some deep, passionate kissing to get turned on...otherwise it's just not worth my time.
  10. 3 points
    Indeed! Well put. When one thinks about it, all great achievements, all the "Eureka moments" which people have shared throughout the ages, all have one thing in common: seeing beyond the obvious status quo and powerful intimate moments. The human body may survive on food, but intimacy and acknowledgment is really the only way the spirit of an individual can grow. This may sound trite but it really is at the core of the human equation. Creativity is always the result of a powerful emotion. There would be no creation without the desire to do so in the first place. Thank you so much for the wonderful post :) PatrickGC Additional Comments: And while this thread is moving along on the main topic lets me hijack it for a moment to mention an issue which is equally as important and more widespread than most people think. Women with Disabilities. Face essentially the same issues discussed here and thus far. Where do they get meaningful, sincere service? This is a call to all the open-minded "Gigolos" out there. There is a customer base just waiting for you! I suspect the reason we don't hear more about this, is because women face more stigma on all fronts in society today. If we're going to be truly just an open in addressing these needs this must be an inclusive topic for all. Did I mention gay, lesbian, transgendered etc.? The full rainbow of lifestyles and orientations... Yahoo for variety, they need service too! Food for thought. .... and now let us continue the thread. PatrickGC "Down with marginalization! Up with inclusion! [and everything else :) ] ."
  11. 3 points
    I am an upfront person and have always told anyone I was involved with about my job and found they were always supportive. 95% of them were secure in themselves to know that this was job and not once tried to interfere in my business. If they couldn't handle it then the relationship was over. I don't do ultimatums and people have to accept others for who they are and what they do. They were also able to differentiate between love and sex which is a huge issue as society has seemed to taught us that the two go hand in hand. Not always. Jealousy and insecurity have no business being in a relationship I'm involved in and I choose to walk away if that were the case. Having said that, your job doesn't define who you are as a person. The men I have been in a relationship with have always had their own identity with their own jobs and careers. I don't like the stereotype of escorts playing sugar momma to many different men and I don't like those who sponge off of women either. I go into a relationship as an equal partner and expect the same in return. I also tell them that I don't discuss specifics about my job and I don't tell and they don't ask details including which sites I advertise on. I keep my relationships seperate from this business and find this works well. I don't discuss what I do with my clients either. However, if I've had a bad day they are always there to support and comfort me which is great. Once again, I don't get into specifics. My serious relationships have all been great in this regard and all you can do is be yourself. Being an escort has played a large role in my life and should I decide to leave the business, it will be my own choice and not someone telling me I should. They have never once tried to make me feel bad as with the stigma attached to prostitution in society. My partners have understood and accepted who I am as a person first and foremost with my job simply playing a role of what I do for a living. Love, respect and understanding are what humans crave.. Sex workers are no different.
  12. 3 points
    YAY ! A numbers game ! The studio audience unanimously goes with number 3 above !! Your "VRG" Cerb handle .......acronym numbers game 1. Very Romantic Guy ? 2. Very Rude Guy ? 3. Very Responsible Guy ? 3. See #2
  13. 3 points
    I myself, cannot be in a relationship while doing this line of work. I do not think that this applies to every sp, this is just for me personally. Not judging the so's who can accept this line of work. It's just for me personally, I dont want my future so/boyfriend to accept this line of work. I already know, I am super old fashioned ;) Its kinda sad because I have not had a boyfriend for soooooo long :( And I will be the first to admit..that I do sometimes feel a little lonely...but..this is something I will always fall back on for income, so until I get a permanent 37.5 hours a week career with the FED GOV..or something else just as solid..maybe then I can pursue finding a man to call my own. Being in a relationship is a personal thing. You have to do what you feel is right and what you can handle :)
  14. 2 points
    Come relax with me, Naughtie Vienna I am always looking to completely satisfy your desires and remove all those unwanted aches a pains...let me show you how to enjoy every moment we spend together. I am 30yrs old, 5'4"...tight waist 26" my chest is 34a small but cute and a great behind 36" of senuality. My eyes are hazel and and my hair is brown. My skin is olive in color and I have a sweet smile! But dont take my word for it come see for yourself!! rates: specials 80hh-150hr Location:Sacre-Couer @ Maisonneuve No texts or blocked numbers please 613-413-9195 Vienna Xo
  15. 2 points
    I've been paying more attention to the positive stories today...the tales of kindness and goodness that are often overlooked in disasters. I find the media pays too much attention to the blood, gore, smoke and fire, and when a suspect is found, they cover every detail of their life. This only encourages other attention-seeking madmen to create their own act of mayhem. I don't know if any of you are redditors (http://www.reddit.com), but when everything started unravelling yesterday, pages immediately sprung up from people offering everything they could - places to stay, meals, cell phones, frequent flyer miles, hotel stays...the list is endless, and impressive. As someone posted previously...look to the helpers. They're always there, and deserve more praise and attention.
  16. 2 points
    Not to sound arrogant, but anyone who has seen me after an encounter would have to say I have the best smile!! It lasts for days.
  17. 2 points
    Disapear from the world Posted via Mobile Device
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
    Everyone who takes part in this hobby has their first experience at some point and I imagine most had some level of nervousness going in. I was pretty nervous before my first encounter but the nerves went away pretty quickly. The ladies I've spent time with have all been wonderful at making me feel comfortable as soon as I walked through their doors and my encounters have far exceeded anything I could've hoped for!
  20. 2 points
    I have learned after reading this above.....and a recent highlight post of OD's from the weekend..... that speaking much better French because of consuming alcohol leads to going home from a night out with the taste of a young French girl in your mouth ;)
  21. 2 points
    Bombs are something that really sucks. Prayers please for Boston, Mass..
  22. 2 points
    I too would never hobby if I am in a relationship and vice versa. Btw, from what I read and hear a job with the FED GOV is not that solid anymore :). On a more serious note, I absolutely agree with your last paragraph.
  23. 2 points
    Jenny's back, and she's beautiful! Confirmed sighting today. :)
  24. 2 points
  25. 2 points
    I've had wonderful clients who were disabled and wouldn't turn someone down just because of his disability or because he's in a wheelchair. If you find someone who interests you, send a message or e-mail to her. Tell her about your disability and what is and is not possible for you. Let her know about your limitations and any special assistance or support you may require for a satisfying encounter. If you need to meet in your home or a wheelchair-accessible place, or if you need nursing care nearby, or if you need help bathing or getting ready for your meeting, please say so. These are all things that can be worked out with a little care and planning. It's true that not everyone will be comfortable. Most of the time, though, an SP will be concerned that she may accidentally do something that might hurt you or that she won't know what you need and when. If you can be clear, explicit and understanding, I think you shouldn't have a problem finding a companion.
  26. 2 points
    I think that following your own heart is all that matters. If it's too complicated for you to work and have a relationship, it's good that you know that. If you can make the separation between work and the rest of your life, that's wonderful, too. One thing that many of us face is when the boyfriend or partner really isn't able to deal with our work. This is not unusual: men don't share very well, most of the time. Some men like the idea of dating a paid companion because they imagine she will be a fantastic sexual partner, or at least the sort of person who will never say no. These are fantasies; reality can be very different. But that's true for all relationships. Even good friendships start out with a lot of idealized expectations. It's when they settle down to the reality of life that we see what the relationship really is or can be. If he can understand that what you do is your job and not a series of relationships, that's best. But if he gets caught up with who you've seen, how many people you've entertained this week, what you earned, appointments you've scheduled for the days and weeks to come, and what goes on in your encounters, you may have a problem. If he's too quick to assume that if you're tired, or not feeling well, or preoccupied with something that it's because of your work, and is interfering with his life, you do have a problem. If he ever makes unkind remarks about you in terms of your work, you have a serious problem and should end the relationship.
  27. 2 points
    Why not? Frankly it should never even be a question. Working in this industry at its most basic level is the same as working at every other job. You work a specific number of hours to achieve the financial goals to sustain a comfortable lifestyle. When you have worked enough hours, the rest of the day is yours to do with as you please. It's a tenet of life to which we have all grown accustomed and to which we believe justify in demanding. In that regard, everyone has the right to personal happiness, to spend their free time doing the things they wish to do and with whomever they wish. It's the same whether you are a service provider, a government worker, an entrepreneur, a bus driver or a waiter. No one else has the right to impose relationship standards on anyone based on their chosen career. You provide a service that fulfills desires and fantasies. For the hours that you are working, you need to present yourself as whatever persona that satisfies both you and your clientele. If that persona is a single, free spirited woman, so be it - she is not the person that goes home to her own personal life. Ostensibly it comes down to your choice of either maintaining Layah as a 24/7 persona or leaving Layah when the work day is done.
  28. 2 points
    Most apologies then, I didn't mean to be repeating what you already know.
  29. 1 point
    Hello fellow members, I'm news to the board and the lifestyle in general. I know there are a lot of recommendations already but I was wondering if I might be able to get some advice from some more experienced members. I'm a quiet, skinny guy who can be quiet nervous due to a poor self image. What I'm wondering is what SP's would you suggest for a my first experience engaging in this lifestyle? I'm looking for women that are know to have a warm and gentle personalities, someone who would be able to understand my jitters at first and not hold it against me. Personally after doing some research I'm leaning towards ms.cleo catra, from everything I've read and seen, she seems like a genuinely warm and sweet woman. Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. That is for your time guy :)
  30. 1 point
    hello has anyone here seen Maddy on BP yet? maybe she went by another alias before....right now she is doing duos with Elley, but not sure if she does single calls too... Additional Comments: Ok so i TOFTT on this one and luckily i lucked out with Maddy! so the deets, i want to say ymmv but i don't know? CFS,CBJ,CIM,COF, although the option of BBBJ is open, but i always cover. she is pretty skinny, so depending on how large one is, you may want to try different positions, i just simple Missionary. she is 5'4 i think Cheers
  31. 1 point
    The ladies are discrete and your privacy is respected. That said, as Vitto points out the ladies have family and friends who know nothing about this aspect of their life. Long story short, you have nothing to worry about from the ladies, as intimate as the nature of this lifestyle is, the ladies are professional companions and as such only express personal interest in you during an encounter, but won't do so in public outside of an encounter. Remember though, the ladies expect the same discretion from you. If you see a lady out in public outside of this lifestyle, don't say hi, or acknowledge her in any way. Maybe later a discrete private email saying hi is ok. But in public, outside of this lifestyle you don't know any of the ladies you see, and the ladies don't know you. This is a very secret lifestyle, and it's the only way to protect your privacy and the lady's privacy All that said, have fun RG
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    Discretion is as important for us as providers as it is for you as a hobbiest.. We also have family and friends that don't have a clue about our work.. It is to our best interest to keep discretiion and that's part of our proffesionalism and ethics.. No reputable sp or ma would be ever interestested in interfeering with your personal life... Saying that go ahead and enjoy a wonderful time with that lady you have chosen and off course if u are up to sharing the experience I am sure many would like to hear it! Good luck!!!
  34. 1 point
    Water skiing, but the boat would need twin 250hp outboards to get me out of the water LOL Which Canadian Singer...Stomping Tom or Anne Murray RG
  35. 1 point
    I agree with most replies here. I love to kiss, it's a big turn on for me. To me the experience wouldn't seem natural to jump straight from conversation to sex. The kissing for me just makes the experience more intimate and makes for a stronger connection with my partner.
  36. 1 point
    Pool A good shit or a good sneeze?
  37. 1 point
    Good one, thanks Issy. To that, I will add - express your love to your loved ones, while they can still hear you.
  38. 1 point
    Hello Boys my name is Selena:wink:Blonde, sparkling green eyes waiting for you... come and have the best experience in town.... plus available for erotic dances as well Call 613-304-5035 to book your appointment xo No texting in calls only
  39. 1 point
    This will be my owe pov but i do not think there is any problem being in a relationship while working as long as there are no secrets or dishonesty. i work where you can not tell people anything about what happens during it so i know there is a fine line between what to keep secret and what not to. but there is always a way if the person you are with is a honest and trustworthy person to have a conversation with them, like telling them what your feelings are, talking about your day (without all the nitty gritty, or names) and just letting them know how you truly feel for the person in you life without trying to BS every word. The only thing i can say is that in this line of work you need to take things even more slowly then you would do to the fact that guys like me as someone else said do not share well, i know that only from my standpoint i would not mind having a GF who is a SP as long as we built a strong trusting friendship first and then became really close. the most important thing for me would be that we trust each other 100% meaning that i know that the things she says are true and that she knows that anything she says to me is taken with understanding and she know i will not tell it to other people. If this happens i think that any relationship will last a long time to come.
  40. 1 point
    Kissing and some level of comfortable intimacy is essential IMHO. It is not a good encounter for me if it is not there.
  41. 1 point
    I've had some wheelchair play and found it very errotic. I would certainly try that again. Communication and creativity are key ... as they are to most things ;-) xoxox Sensual Porscha
  42. 1 point
    Porthos, I think that these situations can succeed. Things don't have to be "that way". People are infinitely varied and capable of so much. Being physically disabled I am aware of several relationships between service providers and clients which defy the common assumptions people make. However there is place for them tell their story. So these unique relationships can become isolating in themselves for all concerned. I only mention disability because that is the grapevine I am plugged into. But this happens across the human spectrum. This thread is a marvelous beginning! Perhaps it's time here on CERB to create a new forum dedicated to these untold stories. I am sure it would help a lot of people out and thought-provoking for others. Take care, PatrickGC
  43. 1 point
    Don't know why you bothered even to ask the question than IF you know everything already. Emily Osgoode was very helpful to you and your reply was...well to say the least very thankless. Emily J was quite pleasant in her reply to you, but in all seriousness it is guys like you no one wants to help out ever again or in fact respond to your requests. If you don't read reviews, than why bother ? OH if anyone should apologize it should be you to Emily Osgoode, not her apologizing to you for trying to help you out.
  44. 1 point
    If I were to win the lottery, my brothers and sister, and my nieces and nephews could kiss a big "Goodbye" to their mortgages so they could have even more freedom (I love freedom!) to enjoy their lives even more than they do now. Actually, we are very fortunate, but even more freedom for them would be wonderful!
  45. 1 point
    I would pay off my debts,get my doggie her much needed surgery,buy a house with some land and start a dog rescue home for mutts,strays and the unwanted. Give some to each of my family members making sure my kids will be set up nicely and invest a little. Try to live life comfortably without over indulging myself heh.
  46. 1 point
    Shopping for some items for my new Incall locale!!
  47. 1 point
    I hiave to agree with what everyone has said earlier.. I dont work out of the stablishments mentioned, but I believe regardless of work place, Independent or Spa setting... is all about letting your MA know what your desire is... in my case I normally offer the shower together mostly at the end of my sessions... but sometimes I have been asked if I could join at the begininng of the session and I have gladly accepted... Communication si definetely the key... Showers are definetely fun :)
  48. 1 point
    So did you address this directly with Angel's/Paradise first before creating a public thread? I know Angie very well, and if you talk to her directly she would explain everything to you.
  49. 1 point
    Didn't that tell you something?
  50. 1 point
    I don't have one at the moment but if I feel down I stop myself quickly knowing that life has to be appreciated, loved and lived and there is always someone worse off than myself. I have seen alot, been through enough but it could always be worse. The best thing to do is to share your time and volunteer. Additional Comments:
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