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Everything posted by Jabba

  1. How far are you willing to travel to see your chosen companion? Do you tend to stick within your own end of town, or will you do a lengthy road-trip or even an aircraft trip?
  2. I'm a carnivore. I like Ribs. Fall off the bone, sweet BBQ Pork ribs to be specific. Baton Rouge does 'em nice. Last Summer, I decided to try to do BBQ Ribs. I found out after the fact that you should never boil ribs (if you're a novice). I ventured forward in ignorance and boiled 'em. Then I tried to BBQ them....what a mistake! Tough, no flavour. An unfortunate waste of ribs. This year, I have a different plan. Unfortunately, I don't have a plan. Here's what I've got to deal with: Lots of raw White Eastern Cedar Natural Gas fired BBQ Pork Ribs A disturbing willingness to make a marinade or BBQ sauce. Can anyone propose any recipes or suggestions on how to do pork ribs using the above conditions?
  3. Dusty attics filled with ancient treasures. Leather seats in a vintage automobile. Coal Bins. No Scent Soap. Rain in Summer. Lilacs blooming in May. Mint tea.
  4. fortunateone speaks wisdom. It sounds like the thread in question was just stupid drama and not worth taking seriously. Good entertainment value though.
  5. Oddly enough, after my SO bought a Tassimo, I stopped drinking coffee. No arguments with the quality of the drink. I just stopped. On occasion, I dabble with Green Tea. Quite nice... The thing that really concerns me is the recycle-ability of the pods. In Ottawa, they don't accept the pods for recycle. I know - I called - they don't accept. Tassimo website quite proudly announces something about partnering to recycle the pods: http://www.gourmetcoffee.ca/article;story,44;Now-Available-Tassimo-Recycling-Program What they don't tell you is that you have to apply to become a recognized recycler partner (whatever that is) - and they aren't accepting applicants to become a recycler partner. Read the comments at the bottom of the link. I did some quick figuring for the stack of pods in the landfill after a year. Let's say 1% of the population use a Tassimo or Kurig or whatever. For Ottawa: a city population of 900,000 that translates into 9,000 pods/single drink. Average 2 people per household means 18,000 pods/single drink. Per Day. This figure doesn't take into account usage in an office environment. How many of you folks have a Tassimo/Kurig/Other machine at work? Assuming one pod/person in a 2 person household for Ottawa; in one year, that translates to 6,570,000 pods...just for Ottawa alone. What about the larger populated cities - TO, Van, Mtl. What about the American side...NYC, Chicago, LA, Detroit, etc.You see where my ecological rant is heading... Anyway, I like the convenience of a single cup brew.
  6. For those Star Trek Fans.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeaehxEdpgo&feature=youtu.be
  7. For the sake of discussion - if you got DDs implants and decided they weren't for you, is it possible to get downsized without complications such as sagging or other cosmetic stuff?
  8. Jabba


    SO has fond recollections of that too. I think A&W called 'em "Coney Fries"?
  9. Jabba


    Yer right! You do have to scout around for quality chips from the truck. I occasionally get chips from the truck parked at the local Crappy Tire. Despite all the wishing for great taste, they are consistently the greasiest mass of undescribable potato somethings stacked into a cardboard container within a brown paper bag. The bag is useful 'cuz it soaks up the grease. If you ask for gravy or poutine...well - the gravy is brown. That's all I can say. Lord knows what can it came from. I'm interested about what Phaedrus had to say about using beef tallow.
  10. I'm such a Scrooged-up Grinch. I really am. The SO loves the trimmings & tree & bobbles & lights, etc, etc....so she's re-living the glow of her childhood. Good for her. I cringe as the boundaries of good taste are surpassed with the decking of the halls. I try not to grumble too much, but to me Christmas is just very tiresome and meaningless. Don't get me started on TV Christmas movies & specials. Oh yeah, while I'm griping, did I mention I hate snow, freezing rain and sleet? Pass the wine and wake me in the Spring. Bah. In closing, here's an ear-worm for everyone to enjoy: Jingle-Bell Rock
  11. No need to fret or pick. Guys don't stink.
  12. I'm a fussy minimalist. Everything must be white (ok, except maybe the mouthwash - can you get clear mouthwash?). 1 x unused towel 1 x unused facecloth 1 x box of 3 ply tissues 1 x individual bottle of mouthwash 1 x empty trash can with clean liner 1 x pump soap dispenser (non scented) 1 x roll of 2 ply bathroom paper properly mounted on the roller (paper under of course)
  13. Jabba


    I like the crinkle cut. Baked until lightly toasted. A dash of vinegar & salt or maybe some hot sauce. Ketchup on the side - ideally served in a small, condiment size bowl. Enjoy with a fork. If you're a Vampire, don't use the silverware.
  14. Hmmm....good question. A physical gift might arouse suspicions if discovered by a SO. Same goes for a swift kick in the arse (leaves a boot mark). You might do well with the holiday special rate thingie.
  15. Congrats Bianca - you beat the addiction part. The rest of the battle is behaviour. Changing behaviours takes about 2wks to kick-in. I was a pack a day guy for about 20yrs. Got fed up with the smell & expense. Used the patch & was very grumpy for a week. Without a doubt, I enjoyed the smoking but accepted that it was time to stop. For a couple of weeks after I quit, I smoked a pencil when I got the urge. Stupid, I know....but it got me through hard moments (didn't do it in public either). Hang-in there kiddo. The urges will go away with a bit of time. Had any smoking dreams yet?
  16. First of all, I never really understood why a toy bear has to have "Pooh" attached to his name. Ok, back to the subject line - a news item kind of shocked & ticklied my funny bone. Maybe a disturbing subject matter, but it got me to thinking. Is it appropriate for a child's play figure to wander around with only a shirt. What the heck happened to the bottom half...no shorts?....no pants?....no boxers....no tighty whities? Is it politically correct to have a half naked, fur lined critter wandering around a 100 acre forest? Would you be traumatized? So, if I were to wander around downtown half clad (hypothetical question - I know it's cold right now so "bear" with me) what are the odds that would mean a nice warm trip to the poky. How does a bear get away with that kinda' crap?
  17. I'm with Phaedrus - there's no category for what you're going through Tom. Your sense of humour and humanity have given us insight into your unique journey. I've been wrestling a little bit about how to appropriately respond to your thread. Here I stand in naked awkwardness trying to make you feel better. In reality, it's you who is probably better equipped to make your friends here more at ease. You've already done this with your diary. A very good idea to keep us up to date. Your thread deals with subject matter which makes us all have to look at an uncomfortable reality. If one is a believer in fate or destiny, then we all have a date marked on a calendar somewhere. Small comfort I know....sorry everyone :icon_biggrin: ! Have I got all my ducks in a row?....some of 'em....not all. Tom, what do you plan to do with your future days?
  18. Not sure I understand your post with respect to the OP's opinion. Can you please clarify?
  19. If you think this is bad, you should sit in the House of Commons during Question period.
  20. I think this site should have a fair tolerance for honest opinions. Right or wrong, I think Satai was expressing frustration plain & simple. It's easy to be harsh. It's not my sandbox, so I won't throw rocks - I think Mods are hopping to keep abreast. Where things are really going to matter for this site is when the ladies who pay good money to advertise here are left in the dark about what they can & cannot say in their ads. Same with the guys - do people have to take their conversations off-site & off-line? Is this site gonna die?
  21. I'm totally confused not only by this thread but the Cerb censor policy. Is there a list of censored words somewhere (so we know which words not to circumvent)? Is there a link to a specific & comprehensive set of new censorship rules somewhere?
  22. Mods must be having an interesting time adjusting to unknown variables. If I were an IT guy, I'd be pulling my hairs (starting with the nose). Who knows how far they have to redact past posts. For those who are counting lost posts, have you also lost corresponding rep points? I'm just a ......, but apparently my posts are ...... and ...... ......oh .......! They found me!
  23. You may be thinking of a different site. I don't recall seeing a Cerb . cc
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