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Everything posted by wendigo

  1. Good question! For me the answer is no, when I'm in a relationship I don't even think about being with anyone else, and I would want that to be mutual. The hobby is my way of taking care of certain needs when I'm not in a relationship. As for the second question, I'd say yes. If a lady is willing to commit to an exclusive relationship, her past wouldn't matter. Just my opinion!
  2. With respect to incall locations, I don't have a particular preference for either hotels or a residence. However, whether it's a hotel or home, my main concern is that it's in a nice neighborhood. There's a few places around town which are just a bit too sketchy for me whether it's a house or hotel!
  3. Wow, some clients really don't get it - what everybody has said is pretty much spot on, he'll probably understand once he doesn't get to book with you anymore!
  4. Thanks 939414 and congrats on your first post! Just a couple of things - as you may have noticed, discussing certain sites is not permitted, and gets redacted from your post in any case. Most people know the other resources in any case. Also, feel free to post your experience in the recommendations section if you had a good time, as you did in this case! Cheers and enjoy your time here!
  5. Another big thank you to Angela and Nikki for organizing a fantastic social! It was a great opportunity to meet some fantastic ladies as well as the other gentlemen here on cerb. Definitely the best one yet, I'm already looking forward to the next one!
  6. Man RLOttawa, I'm pretty jealous of your life right now, you have the money to spend on the fine ladies we have here and the mojo to work it with the civvies as well! And on top of that the physical ability to go with it! Congrats!
  7. I have to admit I'm pretty picky (shallow?) about what I look for in a lady's pictures. What's most important for me is that the pictures give a realistic representation of the lady's figure - whether it's clothed or nude doesn't really matter to me. The main thing is that I'm not unpleasantly surprised if and when I meet a lady!
  8. Gotta agree with the other posts, it's none of your business and it's not your place to say anything.
  9. I'll provide a slightly contrary opinion, and say that I don't have a problem with reasonable age and height ranges. Along with pics, that gives me enough of an idea of what to expect.
  10. Icebaytrinity, it's brave of you to bring this topic up. My view is that you have to be honest and upfront about your condition with anybody you see. The fact is that a lot of women will refuse you based on your condition. Actually, herpes appears to be one of the hobby's dirty little secrets. People can have it and be asymptomatic, yet infectious at the same time. Safe sex reduces the risk somewhat but not absolutely. I hate to be cynical, but there are almost certainly both providers and clients (a small minority I hope!) that know they have the disease yet continue to participate in the hobby/industry.
  11. I've attended several socials and for the most part the people attending are a great bunch. That being said, I'd suggest going to another couple of socials to get a feel for the sort of people you get along with, and having a smaller personal invite event if you're hosting at your home.
  12. Great story so far, definitely looking forward to the next part!
  13. Just wanted to say thanks Nikky and Angela for organizing another great social! I had a great time meeting the friendly guys and gals from cerb, see you at the next one!
  14. I'm coming from a very different situation, so my opinion may be a bit skewed. I actually have a great relationship with my parents, and I love them very dearly for all they have done for me over the years. However, they are getting on in years, and we have talked about what they're going to do with their property when the time comes. They have indicated that most of what they have will go to my siblings, who both have young families. I'm doing pretty well for myself and don't have any kids. I can honestly say that even if they leave me with nothing, it doesn't make any difference to me. I won't love them an ounce less if that's the case. I guess it's a lot easier to say in my situation, but my attitude is that one should not expect or feel entitled to their parents' money. My advice would then be just do whatever you want regardless of your mother's leaving you out of the will. If you don't want any contact with her, go ahead, or if you still want her as a part of your life that's fine as well.
  15. I can understand that other people may have different preferred practices, but my own preference is for taking care of business beforehand. I can be a bit OCD, so I end up counting the money at least 4 or 5 times into the envelope to ensure that I have the right amount. My hand is already going to get the envelope once I've knocked on the door. You could say that I've pretty much made this into a habit, the good thing is that there's never a risk that I'll short one of the fine ladies here that way.
  16. Anybody know if this cute little spinner is still available?. LINK TO REC: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=8264
  17. Cato, Right now I'm so green with envy you could mistake me for a pine tree! That is one hell of a young hardbody indeed, I'll have to make a trip down under to sample the fare one of these days. Enjoy your travels and be sure to share more of your memorable experiences with the rest of us!
  18. I had a great time at the party, too bad we won't be able to go to that location anymore. Could I make a somewhat discretion related suggestion: I think it might be wise to change the name of the gathering, i.e. it was posted as the "***** party" (name intentionally left out) at the venue, if you do a google search this site comes up pretty quickly. It probably should be changed to something more innocuous and the participants told by PM in advance, just a thought.
  19. Had a great time meeting you all at the party, thanks to ottanon and angela for all the hard work to make it a success!
  20. All the best Sara, hope you drop by the social to say good-bye!
  21. The answer to your question depends largely on what you would like to achieve by publishing your memoirs. Are you looking to just have a few copies printed to sell individually and give to friends? Or are you looking to to have you book published and marketed seriously in bookstores across the nation? There are three general routes to go based on my previous interest in publishing. 1) The classic route, which is to go with a mainstream publisher. If you decide to go this route, you need an agent. Most, if not all publishers get more manuscripts than they can read, so they won't even look at a book from a first time author. A good agent will make sure that your book gets at least a cursory glance when it's submitted to a publisher. Pros: You'll get professional help with all aspects of publishing, i.e. typesetting, editing, etc. If a publisher decides to publish your book, it has a greater chance of exposure, especially if the publisher decides that it's good enough to spend a marketing budget on. This option requires the lowest initial costs, since you don't need to pay anybody. Cons: The chances of getting a book published this way as a first time author are minuscule. An agent doesn't make money by submitting the book everywhere, since then they would just get ignored. They will typically send in only their best stuff, so some people being represented by agents actually never get their work submitted anywhere. Even if your book is published, you'll typically be seeing only cents on each dollar of sales. Rule of thumb: every first time author gets screwed over in their first publishing contract. 2) Self-publishing, which means doing everything yourself. This means you'll prepare printer-ready files yourself (no, do not use Word to write your book), apply for your own ISBN number (you must get this!), getting it printed and reviewing the sample copies, etc. There's a lot of work involved in going this route, but it can be worth it if you're willing to spend the time. Pros: You make the full amount on each sale (minus costs) by being your own publisher. You can dictate every last detail going into the book. Cons: This is the costliest option, though it's not as expensive as it used to be. Last I looked, you can now do a small print run of a couple hundred books, getting them printed in China and shipped here for <$1,000. However, you have to do your diligence on the printer, and many are pretty sketchy outfits. You'll have to take care of all marketing and logistics, i.e. receiving and storing the books, selling them yourself. It can be difficult to get your book on shelves in bookstores. 3) Publishing with a so-called "vanity" publisher. This can be a happy medium for a first-time author, but you should be aware of a number of pitfalls here. You'll have to prepare your own printer-ready files (pdf files are accepted), but the publisher will take care of the distribution logistics. You have to be careful since most of these publishers are scam artists in my opinion, they make their money mainly be charging an inflated rate for printing, and selling most copies of the books to the author. I think lulu.com is one of the more reputable publishers in this regard in that they will at least get your book listable in Amazon. I believe you will have to buy your own copies to put in brick-and-mortar bookstores, though. Pros: Pretty minimal work, you can get your book listed online and then market it through say a blog. When I looked at this option years ago, they actually had a few hundred dollars in "initial" costs, though looking briefly at lulu.com just now, they claim you can get your book published for "free". You get most of the money from each sale, lulu getting a cut from each sale. I would definitely take a closer look at the fine print to see if there's really no startup costs, I'm generally dubious of these claims. Cons: No editing services (unless you pay extra), so make sure you've carefully proofread your work, since it's published as is! The biggest drawback in my opinion is avoiding the scam artist publishers, as I said lulu.com is pretty reputable. That being said, I've never used their services myself. Good luck with your book, if you'd like some proofreading and/or editing I'd be glad to volunteer, you're a very interesting gal from talking to you! Also let me know when you do get it published, I'd be interested in a copy!
  22. Thanks for all the work mod! Just one thing that might be broken: I can't seem to log in when in private browsing in Chrome (using Linux). I used to be able to do it before, but now I get the "thank you for logging in" page, but when it redirects I'm not logged in. Tested this in Firefox with private browsing, and I can log in. Also, I can log in when not in privacy mode in Chrome. I'm guessing it's probably a problem with getting a proper cookie while in Chrome private browsing? It might be an issue with my version of Chrome (it automatically updates from time to time) but I thought I'd mention this just in case it's a server issue.
  23. Mod, Cool to hear a bit about your server setup! Over the past year I've been putting my clients on virtually hosted servers - backed up on other services of course depending on how important the client's data is. It's generally given me way fewer headaches and reduced my costs, especially taking into account the time and expense needed to physical administer my own hardware. That being said, I'm thankful that you're running your own server for this site, given the sensitive nature of the material. And yeah, *nix rocks! Thanks for all the hard work you put into running this site, this coming from a guy who knows just how difficult the job can be!
  24. I just thought I'd share a few stories I came across to remind people about what the Christmas season should be about apart from family and friends. The above phrase translates to "today for you, tomorrow for me" and is about helping out your fellow man - a good philosophy to live by. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-12043294 Please feel free to share any other appropriate stories you may have in this thread! Hope you all have a happy and safe holiday.
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