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Everything posted by Gentleman11

  1. Like many before in this thread I think the key is doing your homework, imagining your ideal experience and carefully looking for the SP/MA that is most closely aligned with what you are looking for. As a guy who did not know about CERB until joining in 2011, my success rate in finding what I was looking for almost went off the chart after CERB compared to previous "very hit or miss" efforts. There's an old adage from my military days long gone: The 5 P's - Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. It is very appropos in this hobby, IMHO.
  2. Haven't givin belching much thought these past few decades but seem to remember a time when as a youngster I could swallow air and belch it back saying the entire alphabet - boy were my prepubescent friends impressed!! Am afraid to try and recreate that scenario these days as I have no way of telling which way the air would flow - up or down. Obviously way to much time on my hands today....
  3. I'm fortunate to have both an outdoor hot tub and a large indoor soaker tub. IMHO I'll take the soaker tub any day of the week - more intimacy, candles don't blow out, a lot less maintenance, easier to add music, bubbles can be easily added, yadayadayada....
  4. I discovered the feature early in the process and have made much use out of it over the years. Its a great way to "doodle" and kieep your thoughjts straight (or otherwise).
  5. I come in at (no pun intended) at a mere 27, although I had a notable in the captain's chair of one of her majesty's Canadian warships while hosting a reception.
  6. Forrest Gump has an appropriate quote for those who won't look at profiles or other instructions from SP's "Stupid is as stupid does" (I think he took that one from his mom as I recall).
  7. Call me a little paranoid here, and for the record am totally against the so called "Nordic" model, but I'm somewhat uncomfortable giving my opinion on line. This government doesn't have the best record in privacy and are know for their dirty tricks. I will go on record during the 2015 ballot.
  8. Just saw Nonstop this weekend with Liam Neeson, great action flick.
  9. When the big guy upstairs closes the door behind you he leaves open a window in front of you and it look like you my friend found the window. Good luck!
  10. Additional Comments:
  11. Classy while alone, Its all a matter of perspective I suppose..... Its late Friday and I'm trying to kill the end of the day..........
  12. If these weren't so stupid they would be funny....
  13. Never heard of Cold Water Cowboys but love Deadliest Catch and some other reality shows.
  14. When you run across people whether you know them or not that truly love and care for each other. I have a special affinity towards seeing elderly couple that cherish each other.
  15. Rudeness is in the eye of the beholder I guess, but: - Going on a first date or at a business meeting with someone that chews with thier mouth open is a big turn off, - The tough guy who shakes hands with a death grip just to show how strong he is, - public farting, OK when old people do it, its funny, - not holding doors open for the ladies (of any age), - People who could not otherwise talk if they took the word fuck out their vocabulary, - lets not forget about the public "snot miners" Must be having a grumpy day, time for a glass of wine....
  16. I'm not a particularly good hand person so my contribution is simple. Look for the best company / tradesperson with recommendations that can do the work.
  17. First thing in the door after work is to change to baggy sweats, pour a glass of house wine (good stuff is for company). Gotta have wings from time to time, the messier the better. Always chew with my mouth closed.
  18. Food for thought - God forbid the former should find out about the latter. If I was the regular, the initial reaction upon finding out would not be one of joyesness....
  19. The worst case of blue balls I ever had was when I was in my early twenties and didn't know what was happpening (how naive) and went to lay down in my colleged dorm. My girl friend at the time came over and she ended up giving me some delicious head. The happy ending was such that I was totally cured - agony to ecstacy in 10 minutes.
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