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Everything posted by emiafish

  1. Welcome to the club. Sadly, anyone who lives long enough gets to join. But the price of admission is high, someone you love needs to die. It gets better, it just takes time. I feel for you.
  2. I often get a scalp massage after a shampoo. A water based massage lotion would be the perfect for head massages and rinses out without leaving an oily residue.
  3. And now the update! We have a new dog! Her name is Cricket. She is six years old and weighs less than 8 pounds. Everyone is getting along and the pack is back to full strength. :butt: Happy Dancing!!
  4. A new dog! Last week one of our two dogs passed away unexpectedly. Yesterday, we met with a local breeder who had several mature females. We fell in love with one little lady named Cricket. Now she's part of the family.
  5. Hot Child in the City - Nick Gilder www.youtube.com/watch?v=El6iQ2_dvlc
  6. Try searching the Recommendation section. I've seen her once and I was not disappointed. If you like long legs, cute butt and petite breasts, then Andrea will be a good fit.
  7. A lot can happen in one week. Last week I was despondent at the sudden loss of a beloved pet dog. See Things that Suck for the details. This week I decided we would adopt another dog as soon as possible. Not so much for our sole survivor, but for me. I couldn't stand the thought of leaving my dog alone during the day when he hasn't been alone his entire life. The problem I have is this breed is rare and expensive. Show dogs fetch (clever pun alert) between two and four thousand dollars. Breeders are few and far between too. Luckily we found a breeder within driving distance. Even better, she has mature females available for adoption. We're going for a look-see this weekend. If all goes well, our pack will be back to full strength before the weekend is over! Doing a happy dance now! :butt:
  8. Hugs & sloppy wet kisses for the Birthday girl. Best wishes Tracie. I look forward to the day when I can bestow your birthday wishes in person.
  9. I started in this lifestyle long before we began to call it Hobbying. As a young man in my 20's I had a raging libido. I was a two to three times a day kinda guy. Sadly, my GF at the time was a 2-3 times a week kinda girl. So I sought relief elsewhere on the streets of Montreal. My current SO and I have the same mismatch. Only now, some 35+ years later! I've slowed to 2-3 times a week, while she is at 2-3 times a month. Knowing this disparity might spell trouble to our marriage, my wife approached the subject by telling me she didn't want me to cheat, but she knew that she did not satisfy me as much as I needed. She told me that if I needed to be "taken care of" then she was ok with that under a few conditions: I remain discreet, I don't bring anything home (disease or drama) and I keep it to myself. We've been together for over 31 years, so it works for us. Plus I get to show her all that I've learned over the years. She really likes that part. Like so many providers, I've been able to separate the physical act from the emotional connection. Hobbying keeps me at home for my wife and I get to practice in between matrimonial sexual bouts. What could be better?
  10. Gentlemen, Kimber comes by her Nickname honestly. She is as sweet as a treat could be. I was in need of some pampering when I decided to stop at Paradise for some relief. I hadn't had anyone in mind when I stepped up to the receptionist' desk and asked who was available for the next hour. When I heard Kimber's name mentioned I decided on the spot. I was in the mood for someone I hadn't met before. I was led to one of the new expansion rooms, complete with shower, day bed and stripper pole! I prepped and waited for Kimber's arrival. After almost no time at all, Kimber walked into my life. In walks a cute as can be blonde bombshell. She is bubbly, happy and eager to please. Kimber started with a competent massage that helped to relax my sore back and shoulders. I told her how I liked to be touched, especially around the butt. Kimber worked my cheeks and lower back to perfection. The massage progressed into a more sensual affair with teasing touches and a terrific body slide that had me harder than differential calculus. Then the flip. Kimber has a great face. Even just looking into her eyes was stimulating. Her skin was silky soft. Her touch was nearly tantric. She teased and caressed till I lost control. Kimber told me that Paradise was the first place she had ever worked and that she's been working for only about six months. The woman is a natural. I will repeat. There is something special about Kimber. Once exposed to her, little else will do. I can't wait for our next session. I hope to book 90 minutes next time, cause an hour fly's by too quickly. Fellow Cerbies, if you haven't had the pleasure, do yourself a favour and book some time with this lady. She will rock your world.
  11. Silk ties. I always carry a few 'spares' in my brief case. Soft teasing kisses or full on face sucking?
  12. I like a good whip or flail, it takes skill to deliver just the right lick. Silk stockings & heels or au natural?
  13. Ok - who is this really? Is that you Mark Zuckerberg? Or you Bill Gates? Confess, you'll feel better. :boobeyes:
  14. :confused0024: I'm not sure if post count trumps spelling and grammer. One can be illiterate and prolific at the same time.
  15. Yesterday I had lovely twin dogs. Will & Grace were from the same litter, we had them since they were six months old. At one o'clock in the morning I was awoken by Gracie flopping around on our bed. She was convulsing and we had no idea why or how to help her. My wife & I took turns trying to sooth her. We held her, calmly talked to her and did everything we could to ease her fear. As soon as the vet opened, we were there with our distressed pet. We learned the awful truth later in the day. She had the equilavent of human stroke, for dogs it's called a bleed. She was blind, the convulsions could be controlled with heavy sedatives, but the dog she once was was gone forever. After 13 years of unconditional love, joy, happiness & laughter, Gracie's journey came to an end. Last night we cried and held Gracie's twin brother, Will, the sole survivor. Today we move on with one dog. Gracie was the 5th dog we've had to put down over the past 30 years. It does not get easier with practice. The blessing and curse of a companion dog - they work their way into your heart and then they're gone too soon.
  16. Tease...cause I like to watch them squirm! Playful spanking or semi-serious nipple torture?
  17. Office attire. Today that consists of black slacks, grey long sleeved shirt, grey hounds tooth sport jacket. I can't wait to strip it all off!!
  18. Totally agree. Before she shuffled off the mortal coil, my mother went for her driving test in Renfrew. Because of her advanced age and the early morning test time and because she had to drive a fair distance to get to the Testing Centre, she booked a room in a local motel. On her way to the motel she got into an accident (pulled into traffic without looking) and had the front end of her Lincoln Town Car torn off, engine and all. Fortunately she was not hurt. In fact she managed to convince the local policeman to give her a ride to the motel. The next day she took the test and passed with flying colours. At age 88, my dear Mom was the proud owner of a new drivers license. It was never used. I refused to buy her another car and soon after she moved into an assisted living facility. Imagine if she had a car? She might have killed herself or others. Shame on Ontario for taking the 'arms length' approach. BTW - the local doctors were little help. None would intercede to help us have the license revoked. Hence the Machiavellian approach to deny her another vehicle. She traded in her Lincoln for a walker.
  19. Must be something in the air...we're having BBQ'd pork chops with a yogurt garlic glaze, roasted root veggies and a spinach and strawberry salad. Desert will be chocolate dipped frozen banana chunks, yummy.
  20. Finally saw the Tom Cruise sci/fy flick Edge of Tomorrow. It lived up to the high rating from Rotten Tomatoes. Great action, original story, satisfying Hollywood ending. All around great summer block buster. I highly recommend seeing it in the theatres before it goes to BluRay and Digital download.
  21. Killing time at work, just cause. Looking forward to my post work massage!
  22. I'm with Il Re on this one. Those who know me, know this to be true. I have a serious oral addiction. But, I have one addition to my list. The junction where the top of the leg meets the curve of the butt. That place where a bubble butt joins the back thigh....oooooh maaaaan, that's the good stuff.
  23. To quote the late, great, George Carlin, "I'm not unwell". Thank you for asking.
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