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Everything posted by emiafish

  1. Beach. Sun, sand, tunes, scantily clad ladies... What's not to like? Two hour Play Dates every day for a week or a three day long Get a Way Play Date?
  2. Green plaid. Don't judge, I bought them on line.
  3. I prefer to use my hand. Whips & flails can be so impersonal. Do you prefer having your fingers or your toes sucked?
  4. Ass Hats who can't park between the lines! Especially those entitled Ass Clowns who drive oversized SUV's with stick figure families on the rear window!! When I see one of those ass holes who couldn't be bothered to park properly, laying on the diagonal and cutting off a third of a perfectly good empty parking spot in a full lot, I just about loose my shit! :tresmauvaisehumeur:
  5. Lunch at Three Brewers. Sat on the patio and enjoyed being served for a change.
  6. Listening to songs that were summer time hits from the seventies. I'm sitting in my screened in deck, grooving on the tunes and bulk posting on Cerb. It's passed 4:20, so I'm nicely relaxed. I have a cold can of Diet Orange Crush at hand and I'm time travelling, thanks to the music and the heat from the day. Gotta love summer in Ottawa!
  7. Shorts and a Nautical golf shirt that's about to come off! Beautiful Saturday in Ottawa, weather wise, a perfect day.
  8. Getting stood up. Getting stood up twice. Getting stood up twice in less than 24 hours!!! I beginning to know how Charlie Brown felt when Lucy pulled the football away at the last second. Sigh.
  9. Learning a good and special friend was not lying bleeding in a ditch somewhere and that she only suffered from profoundly deep sleep. :butt:
  10. That's funny, I was going to wear the exact same thing!
  11. Mouth & MacNeal's How Do You Do. Classic summer song!
  12. Sitting on my screened in back deck, enjoying some tunes and a cool drink while I watch the approaching thunderstorm. Thunder buddies forevah!
  13. Home rotisserie BBQ chicken. Rice and a tossed salad (Oh behave!)
  14. I had the pleasure of watching the 3D version of X-Men: Days of Future Past. I'll say one thing for the different Marvel franchises, they have really good writing. The story was complex and as layered as any time travel could be expected to be, yet it retained the basic humanity that is the center of the X-Men films. Lots of great action, humour, and even friggen Tyrion Lannister as the bad guy! If you are a fan - don't walk, run to this movie. If you just want action and adventure and would like to see a nearly naked Jennifer Lawrence then this movie is for you too. If you want deep character development, romance and sophistication, then rent the last season of Downton Abby.
  15. I made a batch of good old fashioned Shake & Bake last night. I had a tray of chicken legs that needed cooking. They turned out better than I had hoped, all golden brown and crispy. The first bite told a different tale. The meat was off! :sm48: I had bought the chicken only the day before. Spat out the first mouthful and tossed the whole batch into the trash. Ended up having cereal for dinner instead.
  16. I generally write recommendations for providers who have made a positive impression on me. This is my way of saying thank you and of letting others know when a great Service Provider is operating locally. I try to be selective on which enounters are recommendation worthy. If I haven't penned a recommendation it is either because the encounter was not that memorable or because life and other considerations have taken priority. I have written recommendations as late as 12 months after the encounter. In one case, I was seeing a special lady regularly for close to a year, frequently as often as weekly; when I realized that I had not offered up an endorcement of any kind! They say memory is one of the first things to go! My hope is that a well written recommendation will bring new business or renewed business to the lady in question.
  17. Bulk movie recommendations/reviews. Bears - Disney Nature - Good for families, a little too contrived for adults. Godzilla- looks too much like Cloverfield to be a coincidence. The monsters play a supporting role. Saw it in IMAX 3D. Not much 3D effects. Recommend you save $ and see the 2D version. Neighbours - not as funny as I would expect from Seth Rogan. Think of it as a blend of Old School and Animal House, but with none of the charm that made those two predecessors great movies. Fun fact - James Franco's little brother has a major supporting role. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - fast, fun & furious action. Nice tie in to the Marvel: Agents of Shield tv series. No Agent Colsen in this flick.
  18. I have had the pleasure of the company of several TS providers. I can say with assurance that each and every one was feminine inside and out. Yes, there are some physical differences and yes those differences vary from person to person. I also find women attractive. In fact, I consider myself pan-sexual with a strong preference for women. If the OP's intention is to pursue a strictly sexual relationship, then by (bi) all means indulge. We live in incredible times. Twenty or thirty years ago, it would have been difficult or impossible to live out a TS fantasy. Today, opportunities abound and with sites like Cerb, research is possible. If the intent is to follow a personal and emotional relationship, then do so with your eyes wide open. As previous posters have said, TS/TG face numerous daily challenges ranging from prejudice to health issues. It is important to both parties if you enter into an emotional relationship, you do so with honest intent. TS/TG members of our society deserve no less respect and care as any other member.
  19. Wow! Howard Stern and the gang at AGT have got to see this woman!
  20. Not even a pair of socks! Naked as new borns. Lights on or lights off?
  21. I was awakened last night by a severe calf cramp. White hot pain lancing up ones leg is a great way to break the sleep cycle. When the alarm roused me from sleep's embrace this morning, I still had the echo of last night's agony pulsing up my leg. Short of waking up with a migraine, this is my least favourite way to start the day. Additional Comments: Aww RG, we will always be here for you. I realize this may be a weak substitute, but I like to think there are men & women in this community who truly care about each other. Not a bad definition of a family, even if it is a virtual family.
  22. Aww, so sad, now you have to put them away till next season! :vl: I am wearing light yellow pin stripped boxers.
  23. I like edge of the bed, it gives one the option of smoothly switching from furious fucking & DFK to furious licking & digits. Greeted in the nude or partially dressed?
  24. I'm always topless at the beach, but topless on a boat would be cool! Perfume or no perfume?
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