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Everything posted by emiafish

  1. Here's a big ol'bear hug for Lilly. Remember, this too shall pass.
  2. My trainer told me that it looked like I'd lost weight. I weighed myself and she was right! I dropped 4 pounds since last week. Felt good to put a number to it.
  3. Walk on the beach, sunset edition. Sex on land or sex at sea?
  4. I've been with the same woman for 31 years. She has my heart and the kind ladies of Cerb provide me with what my wife can't. I was single when I was in my twenties. I think it would kinda suck to be single in your fifties. Being attached as I approach retirement is better, for me.
  5. Started going back to the gym a couple of weeks ago. I work out with a trainer several times a week from 5:30 to 6:30 in the morning. This means, I get up at 4:00 am on work out days. My highlight came this morning. One of the people I work with told me that the work outs are starting too show results, especially in my face. Evidently I had become quite jowly and now my face is thinning out. It wasn't much, but it made my day.
  6. Light blue pin stripe boxers, perfect for a hot humid day like today in Ottawa.
  7. Happy birthday Nikki! Hope all of your wishes come true!
  8. Toys, it's fun to play with toys. Lots of teasing and edging or right to business for a quickie?
  9. Guilty Pleasures...hmmm, is that like enjoying the musical stylings of Justin Bieber? My single greatest guilty pleasure is Reality TV. Amazing Race, Big Brother, Survivor, the Bachelor, Bachelor Pad, Bachelor in Paradise...then there are the reality musical and competition shows, American Idol, the Voice, Dancing with the Stars. I love them all and I'm so ashamed. My other guilty pleasures revolve around my geek nature...Comic Con, Scify, Space, the Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones, Warehouse 13, Dr. Who, True Blood, Marvel Movies, Monster movies, the Walking Dead, Fire Fly and so much more... All not to be shared in polite company (according to my SO). Finally there is the food category, anything sweet, chocolate, savoury, crunchy, creamy and bad for you; these are the things for which I have an unhealthy love, hence the guilt. I love Tracie's quote...I shall strive to embrace my guilty pleasures and to own them.
  10. Number one on my list: When a woman has a shuddering, toe curling orgasm while my mouth is securely docked with her pussy. That will bring a smile to my face every time! The rest in no special order or ranking... Sunsets Sunrises Great music Dancing Kissing Hugs A cool bed on a hot night Dogs Skimming over a lake early in the morning when the surface is like glass A nice butt Orgasms Just to list a few...
  11. Poker!? I hardly touched her! Long, slow build to one (and only one) massive orgasm or fast, multiple orgasms of lesser intensity?
  12. I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up!
  13. I want to upgrade my iPhone 4, but the iPhone 6 is not out yet! Whaah!
  14. Republicans, Tea Party types and the Canadian wannabees aka the Conservative Party! Racists, bigots and sexists! Thinking it's Friday when it's only Thursday, not TGIF but SHIT (Sorry Honey, It's Thursday) My regular 2:00 am wake up call to urinate. People who walk and text.
  15. The new Dancing with the Stars cast. I mean seriously, DAGAF?
  16. I'm a two to three times a week guy. I blame my libido.
  17. Ooh, good day for a grumble thread! - parking space hogs, you know those thoughtless individuals who can't seem to park between the lines? On the weekend I saw a prime example of someone who just DGAF, it was an SUV parked on a thirty degree diagonal in a perpendicular parking spot. They just wheeled in, slammed it into park and went on their merry way after rendering, not one, but two adjacent spots unusable. - while on the topic of parking lots, and I know I'm going to draw some flack from the political corrector's, but can we ease off on the handicapped and other reserved spots for the love of God! I hate patrolling a full parking lot while there are perfectly good parking spaces left wide open waiting for, among others.. Handicapped, mothers with children, pregnant women, families, etc... Why not reserve spots for people having a bad hair day too?! - turn signals, they are not an optional accessory! I can't tell you how many times in a day when I'm cut off or waiting to turn into traffic because some brain dead driver decides to do what ever they want and then expect the rest of us to react with zero forewarning. - last one... Basic good manners. I give drivers a break when they want to merge. About a quarter of the time the gesture is acknowledged, the rest of the time nothing! I also hold doors for those close behind me. Again, about 75% of the time there is no recognition. I'm not expecting a thank you note, but is it too much to ask for a nod or a little hand wave? That's enough of me channeling Andy Rooney. Have a good week!
  18. OmgIcantfriggenbelievethatjustfuckinghappened! Or OmfgThisisthebestdayofmylifewillyoumarryme?
  19. All the best bud! We'll be here if you decide to come back!
  20. Via con Dios amigo. Best of luck and remember, we'll be here if you come back.
  21. I once saw a unicorn mess up a talking teddy bear. I was much younger and an indiscriminate consumer...so that might have had something to do with it...:confused0024:
  22. I saw the IMAX 3D version of Guardians of the Galaxy. This is the summer popcorn blockbuster I was waiting for all year! In a word: GREAT. In two words: FUCKING GREAT! Good characters, everything from a talking Racoon to a walking tree with a limited vocabulary. Lots of laugh out loud comedy. Amazing visual effects. Fantastic on-screen chemistry between Chris Pratt & Zoe Saldana. Good story, even if it was comic book inspired. And finally a kick ass sound track from '68 to '88. Just sit back and prepare to be entertained for the next two hours. If you are an action-adventure fan, a super-hero fan, a comic book fan or If you like Piña Coladas... then you will freaking love this movie. If you like foreign films with deep meaning and subtitles then this is not the film for you. I give it two fins up!
  23. Mine does. It has mint and menthol extracts that leave my scalp tingling. Feels great.
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