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Everything posted by vader75

  1. Its the simple little things that make me happy. When someone thanks you for doing extra that is not your job. When someone makes you smile when your having a bad day. That unexpected message or phone call when you need it the most. When someone does something that is unexpected. When a loved one sees how hard you try and says thanks even with a simple smile. These things dont cost a dime. And its these things that bring joy to my heart. But sadly these things dont happen often enough. But when they do...I get a smile from ear to ear. :) And that means the world to me.
  2. I wish I could live the life you guys have for just one month.Congrats! I have to save for a month just to see one lady. I do what I can. ;) Have fun everyone.
  3. Why arnt there any porn movies in the oscars....thouse ladies put a lot of effort into there ummmmm....
  4. I think my pack only has blue. Blue it is.
  5. Happy Late Birthday to you random citizen!!
  6. Always loved to here from my kids hot teacher that we need to talk after school. Never the good kind though :( LOL When will I get my spanking????
  7. Just watched Dumb and Dumber Too.....not bad...first one was better but does give out a few good laughs. 6/10 for a sequal. Also watched Earth : Disney nature film. ...Old one but a great nature film...best one so far. 8/10 for nature film.
  8. I would say the most interesting meet lately for me was one that was less known. She had next to no reviews but was 10X more woman than an over reviewed lady. Odd how it works some times.
  9. Here is an amazing woman!! Michelle Jenneke - WOW!! Vid -
  10. Back into the hobby after years off and the drout at home has me out and looking. So thus far it has been one in october - total cost - over 300 for a one hour visit. Next was late november - total cost - over 300 again for a 1.5 hr visit December then had me low on cash but bounced back quick and then in mid january had a 2.5 hr visit that cost total (no room fee) over 400$. I'm forced to take off feb but am hoping to get back at it before the end of march. I try to plan in advance so im not sloed by holidays and birthdays. And there is no weather that can hold me back from these amazing women. FYI that is what I do.
  11. This reminded me of This Week in Unnecessary Censorship (Jimmy Kimmel)
  12. Monopoly on X-Box360 Lots of old school fun gone modern. It rocks!
  13. Happy Birthday random citizen!
  14. Watched Fury the other night...was ok. Kinda odd fight at the end but its Hollywood. lol
  15. vader75


    I still have the pac-man mini arcade game to this day!!! Awesome!!!
  16. Happy Valentines Day ladies! I hope you enjoy it in your own special way. To all my special ladies out there, Thank you! I may not know what love is, or how it works but remember this...I will always be your friend.
  17. I started the 3 word thread yesterday and to my suprise its taking off like crazy!!! Thanks to all you people who truly ROCK!!! It sure did make me feel good to know you amazing people are enjoying it so much. And thanks Kelsey, I enjoy talking to you anytime. You are a truly hot and amazing lady. ;)
  18. Random.....hmmmm.....I went to the store today. Thats a kinda random thing to say. I have a dog....he's sleeping and snoring super loud. Guess with a nose that big it makes it louder. Where is a good place to go think when your bored? People always say if they could go back and change there life, what would you change?? And everyone always answers...nothing. I'm going to call bs on that one...If you went back and made the change when you get to present time you wouldnt know the life you had before. Now would you go back? Remember when you loved silly cartoons? And what toy did you want as a child but never got? I wonder if I have a twin out there. Be kinda odd I think. I wonder if rich famous people think about whan a 'normal' person is doing right now. Its snowing again...Awesome!! Sorry to thouse who dont like the snow. I like the cold...see in the summer once your down to your underwhere its hard to get cooler. In the winter you can add layers and keep warm....and snuggleing helps to keep you warm also. Random.....I'm drawing a blank.....Do you think aliens have holidays? Cant invade on Friday...its Zurg day!! Arrr Arrr all hail Zurg!! By now if you still reading this...I'm very sorry. I didnt make you read it in my defence. That Vader guy is crazy...they will say. Its like the never ending post. And the great part is...I'm not drunk or on drugs. Maybe I should start. Lol. Well I'm going to end this one for now only because its Zurg day....All hail Zurg!!! I'm sorry you wont get this time back in your life...so send a self addressed envelope to my dad titled "Your Son Vader Is Crazy" and 10$ enclosed to The Death Star 3. Still cant believe they blew up the first 2. My death star insurance is going to go through the roof. Vader75....until the next Random rant. :) Additional Comments: Random...well maybe. Its valentines day and my wife is sleeping. So here I am again...just babbling some random junk. Can't say today was a bad day but can't say it was good or great either. It's cold out..I like the cold :) So how many people are having a great valentines day? I tried....treated my wife the best I could today. Made dinner, cleaned, took care of the kids all day. And now she's sleeping. This brings me to the little things...It's crazy how the little things make a huge difference. A simple thank you or a hug...a meaningful kiss. Maybe wake me up with a nice warm coffee or breakfast. Oh well. Just hit me...a funny thread....bad Escort names. Think I will let someone else have that one ;) Maybe top 10 things you don't want to here your service provider say?? Not sure if the Vex I'm drinking is working....shama lama ding dong. Nope, not yet. Who wants to play a game?.....I will answer for you....Yes!! OK cool thanks. So now your contestant number one on....crap I don't know. Well here is your prise...a shiny bag of glitter!! Hey don't blame me, I didn't plan this random thread. Anybody know where I can buy some 'safe' indoor fireworks? I remember this one time I was microwaving a bowl of Hardy chicken soup stuff....BOOM!!! There was only two spoonfuls of stuff left...the rest coated the walls of the microwave. I am sssooooooooo bored!!! I wonder how long I could sit on a bench in the mall wearing lingerie in front of the LaSenza store. Disturbingly funny challenge accepted!! If this boredom keeps up I'm going to have to go over to the neighbors yard and write in the snow "Will you be mine?" surrounded by giant penises all over the yard. Me and my neighbor have a love - hate relationship. I love to take my dog out in my briefs and he hates it. I wave 'Hi', he gives me the finger. Well that's it for now.... Till next time.....RaNdOm!! Vader
  19. I'm going crazy. Just a little bit more than yesterday. Lolololololololololo
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