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Everything posted by Athos

  1. New York continuing the theme: London or Paris
  2. Leather best bad ass: Tony Soprano or Walter White
  3. Happy birthday beautiful. Hope you have a great day.
  4. drinking a steaming cup of tea while surfing the news and browsing CERB (of course)
  5. For myself I'd actually go with established duo partners. There are a lot of factors that go into making an incredible duo experience, and the interaction and chemistry between the ladies is one of those factors. If you are going to find a second lady I'd suggest seeing her individually a couple of times as well in advance of suggesting it. Otherwise, just find a lady on here that intrigues you and send her a pm or e-mail asking if she would be cool with it. Porthos
  6. winning the lottery would reduce stress considerably!!!
  7. It is incredible to me that there can be people who don't understand the basics of discretion. The same person would have likely been horrified if you had done that to him. what an ass. Porthos
  8. +1 on all the above posts. She certainly has become a valuable member of this community. Keep on being you. Porthos
  9. I'm like Meg ... the sauce gets made on the stove-top and will vary depending on what is available. When we have time in the summer we can our own tomatoes. I like to do this without making them into sauce. Just can the whole tomatoes, along with garlic, peppers, onions. This provides an amazing base for making sauces all winter long. And if you are really hungry, it's good enough to just heat up and put over the pasta, without any additional ingredients. I don't mind chunky sauces, so I'm not worried that my sauces aren't smooth.
  10. I so understand what you are going through ... this is the situation with my Mother right now. She has now deteriorated to the point where I'm not sure she "hates" where she is, in part because I'm not even sure she's aware of where she is. If she is cogent though, she always asks me to take her home. Breaks my heart.
  11. I put coffee in the tea pot this morning!!!
  12. These things are complex. So my vows were multifaceted and based on a number of mutually interdependent expectations/promises. Circumstances change, things become more complex. So, I've been married 25 years this year. I remain a "loyal" provider, friend, supporter. I devote myself 110% to the wellbeing of my family. I'm the sole breadwinner, I have supported my partner through a number of physical and mental health issues. We remain "in love", or at least in love the way two people with a deep emotional connection are. Physical intimacy has left that relationship, and has a long time ago. Over the past 15 years we have had sex twice. They are memorable occasions, so I do remember. We have tried, even recently, to rekindle a physical relationship, but at the end of the day my partner really just isn't interested/able to engage in that sort of intimacy. So, I guess I cheat. I have broken one of the vows I made. Who among us hasn't broken a vow at one point in time in our lives. At the same time, in most other respects I remain a completely devoted partner. Would it have been better to have left years ago on the basis that I wasn't happy with our sex life, while everything else in the relationship has been loving and supportive. It strikes me that would also have been devestating to her, and more than a little selfish. As an alternative, should I have stayed and become celibate. I'm 51 this year. Count back from the figures I gave you above, and I hope most would agree that ths would have been an unacceptable proposition. So what to do. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes. I think you are right RG ... "cheating" is inherently a pejorative and judgemental term. But there actually is no "value-free" term for this. "stepping out", "wandering", etc., etc. They all imply the breaking of the vows of monogomy and assume a degree of judgement. Perhaps the problem is really with the concept of monogamy. Is it possible to genuinely be in love completely and in all respects with one person your entire life. Does falling "out of love" necessarily require the ending of a relationship. Or can the relationship become something else, and yet remain meaningful. I'm not sure. I applaud and envy anyone that can. My parents hated each other but stayed together. I love my partner, but have sex with others. I'm extremely careful, and make sure that none of it comes back to harm her. For sure, I wish I could tell her and she would understand and accept. I know she couldn't do that. Yes, i cheat. I can live with it. Just a bit of philosophizing for what it is worth. Porthos
  13. It absolutely is cheating in my mind. No worries with that judgement. Whether that is "bad", "good", "acceptable" or "unacceptable" is the basis of the judgements that I take exception too. As you say RG, everyone's circumstance is different, and the reasons for partaking in this lifestyle are different. I'm comfortable with the fact that I cheat. I know it would devastate my partner. These are choices we make and risks we take. We all have reasons. Porthos
  14. what Joseph said ... give thanks whenever you think appropriate and are so moved. Porthos
  15. Or this one: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=154823 or this one: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=117678 Porthos
  16. at work, with my "lunch" sitting on the counter at home. Now "enjoying" a cup of noodles. Porthos
  17. +1 with respect to Malika. Beautiful, smart, and a fantastic service provider.
  18. digesting bacon .... *burp* .... sorry Old Dog.
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