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Everything posted by Cjthomas

  1. I have. I have no issue with giving a deposit if that is what is required. When dealing with a lady who is well recommended and reviewed why not.
  2. It is posts like this one which brings me to understand why some openly express their dislike towards boards.
  3. Only as much as you seem to be predisposed to making comments that can clearly be misinterpreted. If in gods name it upsets you so to be misunderstood perhaps you should consider leaving out comments that can be misinterpreted.
  4. Thank you Katherine for your point of view. It”s been a number of years now but I too have met and enjoyed my time with Lana and don’t understand why some have the need to make snide or sarcastic remarks about her. Especially on a recommendation board. I am coming to find no matter what group of adults I communicate with there will always be a few who are more immature than others.
  5. So you admit he was being critical yet you defended his criticism and now you criticize him for criticizing? Very confusing. @Thomas2018 I understand that icky feeling it is how your posts made me feel.
  6. Trolls can evidently be members. I’d worry more about the sins of those here rather than what unknowns are doing or saying. Some banned members were some of the best members. Perhaps that’s part of the lack of attraction for many.
  7. Although I’m on your side with this issue concerning recommendations I do think 5 is a bit extreme. I’m sure I’m not the only hobbyist who prefers to stick with one or two ladies. Some of us only hobby once or twice a year as well. So for the latter it would take a great deal of time to review 5. Especially if the hobbyist was just starting to review or hobby.
  8. I would agree with your assumption although if the person were still advertising publicity then it could be assumed that the person was still seeking new clients. If not it still sets a bad example. Most on boards feel old pictures are a form of bait and switch. So either someone is doing that or they’re not and I can’t accept that “ just seeing regullars” as an acceptable excuse to doing so.
  9. “Not to throw shade “yet you do and “no comparison “yet you compare. I find your post in very poor taste.
  10. I echo your sentiments. Cristylonglegs/Cristycurves is a Halifax gem and someone very deserving of high praise. Whoever visits with her will be a very fortunate man.
  11. Duly noted. I’ve mentioned Katherine because she”s worth seeing and she”s quite public about where she is located.I’ve also visited Miss Curves on numerous occasions and as recently as July and she isn’t in the spryfield area.
  12. The lovely and ever gracious Katherine has a nice spot in that area. She’s one of the best look her up.
  13. Although I am saddened by and dislike Jurgens comments I do feel he has a right to them and shouldn’t be reported because of them. If anything knowing his feelings will help some screen I assume and let’s face it not everyone that partakes in this industry has positive feelings about it. Better for some to make themselves obvious.
  14. After reading the conversation ( text) it is clear that the op wasn’t given the opportunity to do anything. Although he could have sent a text with an offer of compensation and an apology regardless of who’s at fault. Sometimes even when we’re right it’s best to pay just to keep the peace. As far as his need to tone down his responses, attitude begets attitude.This escalated simply because he felt JR had negative issues, which is his opinion and his response to her basically accusing him of game playing. She escalates this further with her condescending and confrontational tone. If you don’t like someone’s response you don’t have to use aggression or condescension to express yourself or to make a point.
  15. It wasn’t the “saying she is slightly older “ that I felt that could be misconstrued as negative it was the “pm me I’ve got things to tell you”. Most would assume if they were good things you’d speak about them publicly not ask to be pm’ed. That’s my interpretation.
  16. From reading this post I’d assume you’ve negative almost important negativity you seem to want to share. Which isn’t fair nor kind. I’ve met her, mind you it was some time ago and had no issues . I’d side with Katherine on this one and suggest to those wanting to give advice or share an experience to do so in a more respectful way. I’d add that I’m not sure how dm”ing comments to one another here makes anyone any safer. Posting something publicly perhaps might. Then again this is supppsted to be a site for positive comments only. Unless a warning is warranted. Then there is an appropriate section for those. If you don’t like someone I’d suggest to simply move onto another. Making statements that can be misinterpreted helps no one and potentially could harm someone. So some of us should think before we post.
  17. My apologies copied the wrong quote.Meant to quote Goindown about the oral in the shower. Good point! The exceptionally talented Cristycurves performed this activity on me a while back. The visuals and feeling left an indelible memory. As far as another turn on one would be having a beautiful woman wearing flattering lingerie greet me at the door. Nothing like getting a glimpse and tease of what lies beneath.
  18. Some women are hard to forget. Familiarity, comfort and compatibility all play into it as well.
  19. Everyone is nervous when they venture into their first encounter. Luckily there is lyla and many other sites that hold good advice and direction for hobbiests and providers alike. My suggestion to you for finding your best partner would be to choose based on your needs and desires, and who you are attracted to. I've personally only met with a couple of ladies, Cristycurves, sinfulsara and both were lovely. Halifax has many others that I've also noticed, Sierra, Christina4u, Katherine, Kylie Jane and many others that I'm sure would be lovely to meet as well. Without turning this thread into who's who of favorites my suggestion is for You to decide who is interesting and attractive to you then do your research. Google names/numbers look at reviews and recommendations for conformation of safety and reliability and look for personal websites. All these things will be helpful in determining your choice and who is best suited for you.
  20. I would assume with this ymmv applies. When the stars do align there is nothing better shared than a passionate kiss. My best was shared with a now retired beauty from Toronto. Miss Cristycurves was a close second. Her lips are wonderous.
  21. Back in the city and looking on Lyla for my next adventure.
  22. If you're wanting to switch things up and treat yourself to a bit of quirkiness Bella is the perfect choice. I enjoyed myself and plan on repeating.
  23. I'm new to this site but not hobbying. Having been on other boards and in many different cities I can say without reservation, Cristycurves is someone worth seeing while in Halifax.
  24. Yes that is odd I can only see the numbers still and no names?My mistake your name does register perhaps others are using invisible mode?
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