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Meaghan McLeod

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meaghan McLeod

  1. You mean you give money for livestock? Wow, I have some really nice cats, already spayed and neutered, and man, I can part with them, for say, $100? Oh, shit, just realized I was supposed to take you out for dinner first before I asked you that one. Um, By the way, can you pay for dinner too? Hey, how about if you fatten those cows up, and then I can give you those cats for like some beef? Does that work?
  2. Thank you Katherine. I know that I shouldn't like someone who just liked me, but have you seen her pics? Drool.....She has such a beautiful body, awesome muscles and so very sexy..... Check out her pics, they are so very sexy and I like that very much! xoxo
  3. I like Angie because she is one sexy dame. So kind and generous. Great kisser and loves daty both receiving and giving.....An all around great friend, and in this business is very rare. xoxo
  4. Thank you for sharing this. Very important. Thanks! xoxo
  5. I see this as specifically aimed at youth working in the industry. They are the most at risk of being exploited and I agree with these types of tactics to bring it to the forefront. We have a real problem with this in this country and its a shame.
  6. Great idea. Can't wait to see it. The biggest change I have seen is the prevalence of Bare Back requests. People used to be so scared of getting AIDS, and for some reason there is now a generation of guys that claim "condoms don't work on me". Even married men asking for this service. Good luck!
  7. My nomination today is the very sexy Serena Blake. Here is her profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=73033 Here is her pic
  8. Just created my blog. I hope you enjoy my birthday description. http://meaghanmcleodescort.blogspot.ca/ Enjoy! Just added another blog. Hope you enjoy it! http://meaghanmcleodescort.blogspot.ca/2013/04/providing-erotic-pleasure.html
  9. Thank you RG. Well said and very important. Had a call this afternoon from someone who called from a blocked phone number. He did not want to meet my most basic screening and of course I would not book him due to this. Interesting as this post is here in NB. His loss, not mine! xoxo
  10. Tuna melt tonight. Had Chinese last night, but I have discovered I don't like pogo's.
  11. Lobster even though I won't eat it. After all I'm on the east coast. dog or cat?
  12. This is appalling. I hate crossing the border, especially into the states. Thanks for posting this.
  13. Found this link on how to make it if you can't find them. http://easteuropeanfood.about.com/od/serbianvegetables/r/kiseli-kupus.htm xoxo
  14. I love Soleils byline - lay Soleil today! Very catchy and very sexy too! Vitto beat me to it. I love Vitto's smile and positivity. Truly a beautiful and sexy woman.
  15. Now you need to figure out do you need 2 ladies because you already have a guy in mind who wants to participate? There are a lot of ladies that have duo partners that would go for this. Not too far fetched. Research the ladies you are interested in, see if they have a duo partner and approach them. Lots of ladies in Ottawa that have a duo partner. Good luck!
  16. I like NLwoodchuck because he has a great avatar and he would love to see me in my tool belt and nothing else on! Great resource for renovations too! This pic is not me, but you've got me thinking!
  17. Lets do "it" Can I slip it in? bump and grind get down and dirty Guess these are more then one word options, but I suspect the Inuit use more then one word to describe snow too!
  18. Most sp's request a landline number if they are going to your place. This avoids problems with the lady showing up and the address does not exist or no one from that address requested her services. Of course it is your choice to not want to give the lady the info she requests and not go through with seeing her as a result. Remember though, this is standard practice for her safety. It reduces your options of ladies to see.
  19. No different then going to a hotel with a lobby and front desk. If they are aware ahead of time I don't see a problem for the gents.
  20. Most hobbyists get a cell phone specifically for this purpose. No one else has your number, you turn it off when not hobbying, then turn it back on when you want to come out to play. Some sp's require a landline, and no real way to get around that one. I don't know of any sp that would call a number AFTER the call is finished. We want to verify who we are talking to We want to verify that you are not obviously underage We want to verify you are not a woman posing as a client If I have ever called a number and someone other then the client answers, I always ask for Stella. Then when she says "wrong number", I can say sorry. That's only for my regular clients that have asked me to call them back. Get a hobby phone. Cheap, pre-paid and problem solved. xoxo
  21. I like Nicolette because she is beautiful, kind, sweet, strong and an all round great lady. xoxo
  22. I like Paedrus because he helps with technical support, emotional support and of course hugs and love..... Thank you! xoxo
  23. Hugs to Vitto, Kimmi and to Serena. My arms are enveloping you all and my heart is with you..... xoxo
  24. You might want to clarify. Are you looking for two ladies for a couple? 2 guys for a couple. Or a lady for 3 guys? Specifics help!
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