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CERB Group Hug - Give or Get a Hug!

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...for the lovely and forever glowing Penelope Davis!


Sending you happy thoughts and positive energy for a good day, week, month, year, etc. etc. :-)


Long may your big jib draw me Duckie!


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This hug is for Nathalie Lefebvre as she balances her studies with ever so much more. :)




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This hug goes out to Sophia V as she embarks on her new adventures. :)




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And this hug to Katherine as she is visiting Ottawa so very far from home.



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This is really a group hug. :) To Angela, Aubrey, Gabriella L., Emily R. and anyone else who may enjoy it. Just jump right on in there Lee. This would be a pretty awesome hug group. I think that's you right there in the middle. :)



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Big Hugs for Gabby from me ......Lee ! mmm mmm mmm feel the squeeze ! Feel better Red !





and a hug too from my other brother Darryl ;)



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Uber crappy weekend!


Started Friday when my ex's cat, whom I also lived with for several years, and whom was the only cat I was ever able to love (I'm a dog person) had to be put down. The old bugger is in kitty heaven now :(



But it was ok, because my long time best friend, who moved far away last year, was visiting for a couple days. So seeing him was sure to cheer me up. Was supposed to hang out today.....but alas I wake up this morning, with all kinds of fever, chills and hot flashes....coughing up all kinds of unmentionable.....stuff. Nasal cavity completely blocked, which means I have to resort to breathing from my mouth....which is only making me cough more. Oh and all the coughing has given me a splitting headache.....so yeah. The only chance I had to hang out with my best friend while he's in town is a bust. Which has me super bummed.



Also, seeing my family tomorrow is also out for the same reason. And I haven't seen my Dad in way too long...I miss my Poppa..



Lastly, I was feeling extra frisky yesterday (and still am) and was looking forward to enjoying every spare moment of my long weekend that wasn't dedicated to friends and family to its fullest and wettest ;) Even dipped into my savings a tiny bit (only a tiny bit), something which I never do, to help me spoil myself a bit. Also something I hardly ever do. But I don't think anyone can possibly be as unattractive as I am right now...



So yeah....what was shaping up to probably be one of the best weekends ever as turned into a total pity party hosted by yours truly.......


Sooooo......hug me?.... Now? pretty please? But make it brief! I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

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I'm sending all of you extra special hugs and warm kisses!


I would also like to send extra extra extra special hugs to a few ladies:

Victoria, Emily, Sandi, Georgiana, Nathalie, Angela, Meg, Vanessa and Lexy.



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Sending hugs back to Gabriella!

And to Castle: I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. :( Here is a special hug for you. I wish I could give you comforting hugs in person. Take care!

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