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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/10 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Bargain seems to be the word these days, so heres my new chart for rates... Yes, I will meet you for 25% of my rate: I will be bitching at you for the 2 minutes we're going to meet, and then, kick you out. Can I do a BJ for half the rate since you don't want FS? I could but I won't. Is 75% ok for half hour? Sure! I'll play the dead fish and rush you out, since there's somebody who is willing to pay the full rate for an unforgettable experience that you won't have... 100% of the rate? Just for being polite, meaning not negociating my rate, it will be a pleasure to meet you with a smile! (no extra for the smile) Unless no grinch screwed up my day by dealing my rates. I know my rates are a little expensive, but they are very cheap for the kind of service I'm providing. I did'nt meant to bitch at you, but it was meant to the guy there who think SPs are flea market and they can deal... Cheap rates= cheap service! Think about it twice before asking...
  2. 6 points
    My Christmas wish list! The biggest thing I have asked for this year is for people to donate some time to learn a little about Autism. It is possible to help a young child have a better quality of life if they get the help needed in the first 5 years of life. Please take the time learn the early signs and be proactive and get them the help they need. You might even have a friend that has a child with autism but do not know it. The best thing you can do for that friend is to blunt and come out and tell them. Lots of people are in denial and just say he is a late bloomer. This is the worst thing they can do for their child. Early intervention is key, a human brain develops the most in the first 5 years and Autism impedes the development causing different parts of the brain top develop outside of society’s “Standards”. Unfortunately the health care system does not recognize Autism to be a medical problem and will not help the young child until they are in a regular school. By that time the brain has developed and may not be reversible. Not all cases of Autism can be cured, but many of them can be helped at achieving a better quality of life. Be Proactive and not reactive like the government, please donate some time to read up on this matter, and help a family that is affected with this condition. Even if you can take the time to learn the routine of a child that you know, so that you can give the parents one night to go out or a night off, it could be the best gift you give the parents for Christmas. While you are with that child, you will see how much work is to have a child with special needs and might be shocked to see how intelligent they are, I know that I am amazed every day. Apex
  3. 3 points
    Seriously? LOL, Common now... now you're trying to make people mad? Very 'adult' of you. I hate when people tell me to get an education (especailly since I already have one.)... not that this was directed at me. It's just funny how some people get off on assumptions.. Anyways... This whole thread, while a good idea, has really been over done. Good gents won't bother trying this, the guys who will aren't going to stop because of some random thread on Cerb. Either change your advertising or ignore them... because you can't really just write a thread and make all the shitty clients go away.
  4. 2 points
    Just thought I'd pass along an FYI. Was at the vet yesterday with my daughter's cat and noticed they are taking donations of pet food for Winnipeg Harvest. Makes sense if you think about it. We dropped off 2 big bags of dog food and 2 bags of cat food this morning. The receptionist said all the vet clinics are collecting food so you can do this anywhere in the city.
  5. 2 points
    really? So when it's snowing I should change my donations? Higher or lower? and what about when it's raining? or being sunny outside? Do I change them because I saw a squirrel with peanut butter?
  6. 1 point
    I have been dealing with a situation for quite a while and now i am having the 2 same situation in a different regions.. I am curious of your opinions...thoughs... If i feel that someone is not compatible to me...someone that has done something that i considere a no no...I tell them that i do not wish to see them...Why is it so hard for some to understand that and respect my decision?The first situation has been in manitoba....It is getting ridiculous to the point of changing email,name,phone number and not having static IP and having mutiple handles.. The other situation has been calling every week mutiple time a week at any time to solicitate that i visit his city...Now changing emails and name... a third situation the person nearly harass me on 5 different names and emails to get banned from here not wanting to fit my requirements but insist on meeting I have notice in past tread that some of you(gents) have comment that if a girl refuse to see you..*** this you would still try to see her and sneak in by changing name...etc... Does it mean to some of you that we aren't allow to choose who we see..That if we feel that someone have a stalkish personality or disrespectful,that is simply not compatible and the app will be miserable that we have no choice to not see you?Yes i can understand that maybe i said maybe i could have a wrong impression of the person but why insisting in a sneaky way? I am so confuse as for me if someone clearly stated to me not wanting to be in my compagny i cannot even imagine how a session could be great...Maybe i am not soly bussiness...But seeing the behavior described before really discusted me and make me despite those people..hate them without even knowing them.... It does not want me to give you the time of you life ..Far from it to be polite I am currently in a dilemma...Getting my booking requirements more stick for those 2 regions and penalize many nice gents... Or.......... You inputs would be appreciate VJ
  7. 1 point
    I didn't want to say anything, as the thread had already gotten very negative, but I totally agree with you and when I read whiteman's post it really ticked my off, way more than TRmans comments. How can you possibly be part of this board for so long and have this So Wrong? I am Not a Chinese Restuarant nor have I ever advertised myself that way!!! Just because I posts my prices to avoid people calling to ask my rates, does not mean anything and everything is up for grabs. No matter how much cash you offer me. It's not like I put in ads "offer me more cash and you get more mileage"! Pardon my french, but WTF?!? Inform me Whiteman, but exactly what wrong lesson am I teaching? And please tell me how I or any other SP is encouraging bargaining on This Board?!? And P.S. Even Chinese Restaurants can refuse to provide service, no matter how much you're willing to pay for your Chicken Balls.
  8. 1 point
    I am uneducated formally, I have no degrees and my high school diploma was handed to me on the sole condition that I did not return for grade 13. Unlike the other ladies who have pursued formal education, I chose to take a different path, to care for the people I loved that needed care, raise a family and try to survive. I could not do what I have done in my life on a Tim Hortons salary. I realize I am not everyones cup of tea and many can't afford my consideration; the key is that I know I am eliminating potential clients because of my rate and I do so for a reason. I set my rate knowing the level of service I provide is of a quality that a certain niche seek; I present myself to ensure they understand that I offer luxury. They are willing to pay for it because they already know that they get what they pay for whether it be a car or an experience. Negotiating with me will not get you in the door. Ever. cat
  9. 1 point
    I always say that we both come into this with certain expectations, and if those expectations can't be met, then we should both keep looking. But I see what some here are saying about "specials" with respect to touring SPs. I just worry that some vicious little group of "consumer activists" would try to create a bad situation for some visiting SPs, purely for the purpose of getting her to reduce her rates. Not only would that hurt any SP on the wrong end of such a scam, but ultimately it would blow back on local hobbyists as the town gets a bad rep. I see too, and agree with those saying that, in recent years, people have come to expect to have everything now, and to pay less. This is a harmful bill of goods that has been sold to us. Remember the ads about cutting out the middle man and paying less? Trouble is, we're all our neighbors' middlemen. Prices are great, but unemployment and underemployment is becoming a serious problem. There have been instances when I've given someone a better rate, but at my discretion and not because they asked for one. I'm far more likely to give a temporary lower rate to a longstanding regular who finds himself in tough times than someone I don't know who asks for a better rate or offers me less. Just say no.
  10. 1 point
    Unbelievable that you would say such a thing, even if you were upset with one person. Don't assume you know all (or any) of us. I am another one has completed post-secondary education just so you know. I choose sex work over office work, most of the time because it pays better and gives me the flexibility I need. As for the comments about negotiating rates, I believe that your comment was not intended to be malicious, but that is a very sensitive area to be commenting on. It's up to us to decide what our rates our, not the client's or someone's idea of what should constitute a sale (e.g. snow storm or squirrels with peanut butter). I think Meg said it best, that you opened yourself up by putting it out there.
  11. 1 point
    Me just don't understand:-?...would any hobbiests out there be willing to negogiate their salary with their boss for a reduced income. And don't the hobbiests who do that to the ladies (I hope few and far between) realize how demeaning, disrespectful and insulting it is. And as much as the ladies provide a illusion of a date, and do so very well, they have bills to pay, mortgages, car payments, rent, food etc...how would any guys like it if at the end of the month they couldn't pay some/all of their bills If you can't afford to see a lady, don't book an appointment with her...at least she can get an appointment with a hobbiest who will treat her like the lady she is...with respect. RG Additional Comments: Employee: Excuse me sir, may I talk to you? Boss: Sure, come on in. What can I do for you? Employee: Well sir, as you know, I have been an employee of this prestigious firm for over ten years. Boss: Yes. Employee: I won't beat around the bush. Sir, I would like a raise. I currently have four companies after me and so I decided to talk to you first. Boss: A raise? I would love to give you a raise, but this is just not the right time. Employee: I understand your position, and I know that the current economic down turn has had a negative impact on sales, but you must also take into consideration my hard work, pro- activeness and loyalty to this company for over a decade. Boss: Taking into account these factors, and considering I don't want to start a brain drain, I'm willing to offer you a ten percent raise and an extra five days of vacation time. How does that sound? Employee: Great! It's a deal! Thank you, sir! Boss: Before you go, just out of curiosity, what companies were after you? Employee: Oh, the Electric Company, Gas Company, Water Company and the Mortgage Company! LOL
  12. 1 point
    Let the market place decide. I know it is often hard for the providers to post donations as they can be hassled by others because of their rates. I suggest that for donation amounts that SP's can simply be PM'd for their rate. Sometimes depending on snow storms or other things, donations may change. It should be kept private regardless. Cheers
  13. 1 point
    I agree Angel, every person that visits I do everything in my power to make him feel special. If visiting my home I go to great lengths to see everything is spotless and welcoming. Nice music, new candles in the evening etc. My bathroom is scrubbed with fresh towels and indivudally wrapped bars of soap, I am fully stocked with mouthwash and even a new, in package toothbrush. Its my hotel at home. When I am visiting other palces I like my guests to have a seperate bathroom, I order extra towels, soap etc and it looks like no one has visisted at all. I'll even clean myself if needed. We should all feel honoured when a gentleman chooses to visit with us and to show my appreciation I will treat you like a King while you are with me.
  14. 1 point
    Okay where to start?? A little while ago, actually that is not correct quite some time ago I came across an advert for Miss Jaded a Halifax Fetish and Kink provider is how she labeled herself. Since I have always been interested in and more to the point curious about certain aspects of Kink and Fetish I considered contacting her. Admittedly I was hesitant at first...for a couple of reasons. The first being her advertisement was on CL and the second was what is it like to be involved in a session such as this. I decided that it was time to find out and put my curiosities and concerns to rest...I contacted her! What followed was not at all what this man expected. Of course she replied in a prompt, courteous and VERY professional manner but she also requested that I read, fill out and send back to her a questionnaire on various types of services. Of course I agreed, figuring that it would be a quick couple of yes, no's and maybe an absolutely. Boy was I wrong, in my happy disbelief Miss Jaded sent a very detailed form asking me to rate various services, thoughts, opinions, likes and dislikes on a 0 to 5 scale. There were detailed questions about health, safety, etc. as well so I new right then and there that I was in good hands, talented hands as well as I would later find out! So after reading and filling out the questionnaire we started to finalize dates/times, etc. that worked for us. All was progressing so well until...until I was asked to send a photo of myself and a deposit for our "encounter." I felt like I was hit by a car as this was something that I had major issues with. But instead of jumping ship I inquired as to why these steps needed to be taken...Miss Jaded assured me it was for her safety and for securing her "play area." My hesitation continued! But after some conversation and some explanation on both parts the proceedings continued, the deposit and a photo sent...a wise choice on my part!! Why do I make mention of this, well I would not be doing this recommendation or Miss Jaded justice by not making note of her VERY detailed and unique booking process for new friends! Oh yes before I forget Miss Jaded does not provide FS in any way so please keep that in mind when you contact her! Okay so onto the main event which was a cold, damp fall day. However the temperature was not to remain low for long! When I knocked on her door I did not know what to think. An attractive, very well dressed (at least for what was coming) lady stood before me. I quickly thought "mmm" but remained calm and cool. After I was let in and some financial proceedings were taken care of she showed me around her "play area." I was thinking to myself "WTF" is that and that and this used for. Again I chose to remain calm and cool...difficult as it was becoming. Long of the short we sat, talked and she then said to me "ready" and I replied with an exhaled gasp "yep." At that point the agreed upon session began and continued through two of the most eye opening and enjoyable two hours you could imagine. Details purposely left out...as usual! I assure you however that if you require or are interested in kink, fetish, etc. Miss Jaded is the lady for you as she is skilled, talented, attractive, sincere, honest and first timer friendly! Her "play area" is clean, spacious, well stocked and full of things that I have no idea what they are used for. Thing is after seeing her twice now I kinda have an urge to find out even more! So to sum up if you are looking for something new and you have an open mind and a willing body contact her. She does not offer FS but as I mentioned her hands are oh so very talented! Since she does not have a Cerb account (yet) I will provide her contact info. to anyone who wants it. This is of course with her permission, just PM me for her email address.
  15. 1 point
    Hello people I am not sure if is just me (part of me hopes so) but lately I have noticed in a few threads very hostile comments either by the OP or as a response to someone's comment. I don't think this is right. Most of us come to cerb to forget a bit about our problems and leave for a bit the 'real world' aside so if even here we find anger or as I said hostility well , let's just say is not as fun. I know sometimes in particular situations is tough to be friendly and hold our tongue but some of those negative comments I have read really make no sense and do not affect or relate to that particular person. So I'll invite all of you (and of course will start doing it myself) to try to keep the harmony in here and I'm not saying not to express our thoughts but making an effort not to be harsh or aggressive and definitely not insulting others can make a difference in other words ... let's treat each other with respect :) I place a high moral value on the way people behave. I find it repellent to have a lot, and to behave with anything other than courtesy in the old sense of the word - politeness of the heart, a gentleness of the spirit. Fran Lebowitz
  16. 1 point
    Agencies tend to have a high turnover rate with the ladies so this could one of the reasons why clients don't review. They probably don't want to get anyone's hopes up about a new gem. The girl may be here one day and gone the next or also be new to the business and off the radar so no one reviews her. The client could have also just been looking for a quickie and isn't a member here. I can also attest to the fact that a lot of clients don't review and I have met a lot of cerb guys who haven't reviewed me. I'm not sure why but they have been back to see me so it's not because of a negative experience. I also don't advertise heavily so I'm kind of off the radar whereas in the past, I had a lot of reviews. Some guys just don't review and some just ride the coat tails of other guys reviews to get info, go see the girl and that's the end of it. Or he may just want to keep an SP to himself. Lack of reviews doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing.
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