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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/14 in Posts

  1. 12 points
    I doubt my experience is entirely unique. That is why I contemplated whether to make a post about it or not. After some thought I decided that I'd like to relay my experience and set it in the context of a big thank you to all SPs. So please bare with me and grab some popcorn cause this post is gonna be on the long side. Here's a little bit of background information. I first started seeing SPs a little over 6 months ago. So, I lack the experience most people have over here. I've seen four girls in total. The girl I saw first remained my favorite, though that's not to say anything bad about the three other girls. It's just that with my fave, I felt a deeper connection. At first I thought it was just me, but as I saw her more and more I found out from her that the feeling was mutual. It's kinda funny in a way cause on my first meeting with her, to put it quite frankly I was awkward as hell. I was extremely timid, so much that she asked me if I was a virgin. I assured her that I wasn't, I was just that nervous. Being the sweet heart that she is, she worked really hard at putting me at ease. My subsequent appointments with her went a lot smoother, and when I finally branched out to see other girls while I was nervous seeing someone new it didn't compare to the first time. Now let's rewind a little bit further back in time and get into why I started seeing SPs in the first place. My last relationship lasted for many years, by the end of it it was very soul crushing. As much as I loved (love?) her, that relationship really played a number on my head. By the time it was over, I didn't want to get into another relationship (I still don't). So months after that relationship ended I began to do research on SPs, the research phase took me months before I decided to initiate contact with the girl who I eventually saw first. Seeing SPs became therapeutic to me, it helped me get over that relationship that scared me. At the same time, the girls are open minded that I got to try things I've never been able to try in any of my past relationships. After seeing my fave SP a few times, she asked me about things I've always wanted to try but was never able to. It was... a long list. She listened to my list intently, and then she told me she'd be happy to let me try anything that I was comfortable enough to try with her. With the exception of my first booking, they've all been 2+ hours which is my preference. I found that I much rather have a longer booking than having multiple 1 hour bookings spread out. Recently I told my fave SP about one of the more elaborate things on my list. She said it sounded like fun, I told her if she really thought it was fun I'd love to do it with her. Without going into much detail, the thing in question is something I tried in two relationships I had prior but resulted in failure both times but it always stuck in my mind. It's not epic or grand like a threesome, though that is still in my list. But it's something far more intimate. The nature of my request required an overnight booking. I would not be exaggerating in the slightest if I said that my experience that night has been one of the most intimate times I've ever spent with another human being period. Not just physical intimacy, though that was there too, but mental as well. So, thank you to each and every SP out there, and not just the girls that I saw (I don't think they have a presence on this board being that I'm in BC). And to every guy considering seeing an SP but is too nervous to do so. Well, I was there not too long ago and I'm glad I made the leap. Just treat the girls well and they'll take very good care of you. I apologize for this very long post. Hopefully it's coherent and understandable.
  2. 4 points
    Nice looking lady or not, she could use her own photos. Im sort of appalled that you or anyone would back someone using fake pictures. That is a clear insult to every lady that actually uses their own photos (and men wonder why those of us with REAL photos depicting ourselves get annoyed when people ask"are your photos real") This hobby is a fantasy not a bait and switch fairy tale. The fact people actually support women like this make me shake my head.
  3. 3 points
    To be fair to all, I've summarized the questions in this thread as I did for the "ask an Escort" thread. Once again, I've edited some of these down and the originals may contain additional nuances. My intention here is to help resurrect some questions that may have been missed, simply prompt new answers, and avoid duplication going forward. Great thread! 1. What made you finally take the leap? Do you book mostly because ads? Recs? Pictures? or recs or pictures (mostly)? How important is non-CERB web presence? (Cute0aza0Button) 2. Have you ever looked at an ad or profile and thought, "wow, she way out of my league?" (SuiteEscapes) 3. Have you booked a session and not be able to perform as you hoped? If so, how did you handle that? (SuiteEscapes) 4. For married clients, did you ever feel like your hobby was obvious to others at home/work? (SuiteEscapes) 5. For married clients, does a session with an MA/SP leave you happier/better able to deal with issues at home? (SuiteEscapes) 6. In the course of your hobbyist experiences, what has surprised you? What have you learned or discovered? How have those things spilled over into other facets of your life? (AnnaSweets) 7. Have you ever invited a friend into the hobby? (SuiteEscapes) 8. What is the one piece if advice you wish someone had given you when you started hobbying? (Cute0aza0Button) 9. How do you, or would you deal with a Bait & Switch or theft? (SuiteEscapes) 10. Do you ever have fantasies of providers that may not be your typical/usual "type"? Have you ever acted on them? (LexyGrace) 11. How much value do put on what another hobbyist or sp has to say about another provider? Would it impact your decision to see/ or not see her? Do you also base decisions in other aspects of your life the opinions and comments of others? (cristycurves) 12. If the government does criminalize hobbyists, are you going to drop out of the community? What will you want us providers to do to reassure you that it will be safe to come see us? (Summer) 13. Do you form a significant opinion of an SP based on her writing and how she presents herself online? (Nicolette Vaughn) 14. If your favorite companion was to increase in size 15 to lets say 20+ lbs would your attraction change? (cristycurves) 15. What is your favorite thing about hobbying? (Setting up the meeting? The sex? The anticipation?) (kimmyxoxo) 16. What is the thing you hate most about hobbying? (kimmyxoxo) 17. In a session if you "blow" to fast, do you just want to run out right away or do you stay and chat, or massage, enjoy a beverage? (SuiteEscapes) 18. On some providers' profiles you post that you'll be in touch and want to meet. But you don't act on the promise. What's up with that? (cristycurves) 19. Let's say you go see someone for 3rd time, and she is just out of sorts that day. Will you give her the benefit of doubt and try again, or just say..." nah I will look for another"? (SuiteEscapes) 20. When you've seen a lady a few times and have a good connection established, do you feel comfortable talking about or requesting things you'd enjoy trying or do you leave it up to her to either broach or try? Or would you look for someone else who up front states they are into whatever you want to explore and not even mention it to the other? (Midnite-Massage) 21. Should ladies charge for social time? Should I include the option of free meet up before a date when someone books a certain amount of hours? (Amelie) 22. Why precisely do some gentlemen have their profile private? (Raven Rain) 23. WHY don't men a) read websites b) follow direction/instructions c) pre-book more often d) text things other than "hey" e) send out penis pictures? (cristycurves) 24. Why do some men confuse breasts with Charmin toilet tissue and/or loaves of bread? (cristycurves) 25. Hey! Guys! What about #12!? (Summer) 26. When contacting an sp, why do you give up entirely after the first attempt didn't reach her? (fortunateone) 27. For the young hobbyist here, say under 25, have you ever been carded by a SP/MA ? (SuiteEsapes) 28. Is the nature of the incall location important? and why? (Bianca Jaguar)
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    I was actually asked once in a job interview for large international corporation, "what kind of animal are you"? I said I was a bear, because I was highly adaptable like the omnivorous bear, generally laid back unless cornered, hard working, and when naked I kind of look like a bear: round, hairy, and cute. I thought the panel would piss themselves laughing. I was indeed made an offer. Ah, one of my better moments....
  6. 2 points
    I did the exact same thing as some of the questions there wasn't really one "right" answer... And I got the same results. Beaver / Dolphin. How interesting.
  7. 2 points
    Apparently I'm a beaver, well I have one anyways;)
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    Just got in from an awesome evening out seeing the band Chicago at the NAC. Thanks to a generous client, I was gifted 2 tickets, 5 rows back, centre stage. My girlfriend and I had a blast. That was possibly the best concert I have ever attended. Thank you GC!
  11. 2 points
    Greetings Gentleman, I'm an outgoing seductress that loves to live life indulging in the senses. A finger tip slowly tickling down your spine? Long strokes and glides to ease your worries? Sensations that will seduce your mind and body? . . I'm playful with a feminine aura that is both provocative and sweet. I strive to relieve your muscular tension, stir the senses, arouse your sensitivities and delight in the simple enjoyment that draws us to one another on a connective level. I have an abundance of sensual energy and know how to use it! I seek longer engagements to allow us to fully relax without the trouble of the time. On that note, I do not offer sessions under the hour. I'm located in a private upscale and convenient haven in the west end. Monday-Friday 9:00am-2:30pm. My recommendations: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthr...t=sensual+erin Please send an email to [email protected] or by pm. I reply to all inquiries and look forward to hearing from you! Yours, Erin xoxo
  12. 2 points
    Phew! For the benefit of others who don't especially want to read through 30 pages to see what questions have been asked, I've done the work and here's the list so far. ;) Some of these are verbatim; others I've edited down to something brief. The originals may contain additional nuances. I thought this might help get some buried or missed questions answered anew, and possibly prevent duplicate questions going forward. This is now one of my favourite threads by the way! 1. Why did you get into escorting in the first place? (Bmoc68 ) 2. What is the best thing about being an SP? (PisaqLove) 3. How do you react when a client says he loves you? (jafo105) 4. What do you like least about being an escort? (Ice4fun) 5. How do you shield yourself from emotional attachments? (curiousm7) 6. Do you ever want to take a client relationship further? (muncher459) 7. How did you feel after y our fist time as an SP? (PisaqLove) 8. After a while seeing the same person, do you prefer not to see that same person and move on? (frank97500) 9. Has it been important to have friends, confidants, mentors in the business? (Winnipegcub) 10. What would you say to a guy that would love to visit an SP but feels very intimidated and doesn't think he is good enough? (frank97500) 11. Have you ever had a "date" that was so hot that it eclipsed your best experience in your civilian life? (PisaqLove) 12. What do SP's do to mentally prepare themselves for a session? (Jay67) 13. Why have I been asked if I was a former male SP? (frenchbrute) 14. What advice would you give a lady just starting out? What's one thing you wish you had known. (Cute0aza0Button) 15. What can a gentlemen do to make an encounter an enjoyable time for both him and her? (roamingguy) 16. How do you deal with a client you don't want to see again? (jg24) 17. If a potential client is interested in knowing if you enjoy/offer a given activity, is there a "best" way to ask? (Brad) 18. Have you even been recognized on the street? (ottawascout) 19. Do your line of work mean that lack health or dental insurance? Have you no income without work? How do you handle this? (Ice4fun) 20. How long do you plan on being an SP/MA/Dancer? (PisaqLove) 21. How do you determine which of your bedroom activities are YMMV? (curiousm7) 22. How are (some of) you able to make a guy feel you truly desire him every time you see him? (nlwoodchuck) 23. Do you all go to sexual skills university? Or are you all just naturally gifted? Does practice truly make perfect or do you need to study and learn specific techniques? Do you have a sexual move or technique that you tend to go with as your finishing move (emiafish) 24. How do I find out what really pleases a lady and what she actually likes or dislikes? How do I find out what I'm doing right, and more importantly, wrong? (qwertyaccount) 25. Have you ever had a bad encounter that made you question your occupation? (PisaqLove) 26. Has a client ever used a heretofore unknown technique that has rocked your world, and if so then can you share it with the rest of us? (emiafish) 27. How do you treat no-shows? (curiousm7) 28. How do you deal with a bad review? (nlwoodchuck) 29. Do you prefer a man's junk shaved or hairy? (defensedave) 30. Have you ever been turned off by a hobbyist look, attitude, and behaviour? And if so, how did you pull through the time with that person? (frank97500) 31. If you offer duos is it because you like them and are a little bi, or is it just part of the job? (Ice4fun) 32. What do you think has made you different that you can sustain a longer career in what can be a very tough business? (OutForFun) 33. How often do you get requests for costumes or roleplaying? (emiafish) 34. What has been the most surprising thing you've learned or done after being an SP? (piano8950) 35. How common is it, after a client leaves, to think "wow, that was someone I could see myself going out to dinner with."? (curiousm7) 36. What makes a pleasant review for you? (Magician) 37. What does it mean when after a session an SP asks "Can I put your number in my phone"? (qwertyaccount) 38. Is assuring a lady that I've just come out of the shower as good as actually taking a shower right there? (Gentleman11) 39. What is your preference in call, out call client hotel. Are client residences out-of-bounds? (Gentleman11) 40. What advice would you give to a client who is a virgin? And If you meet a client who is a virgin, how would you go about relaxing him? (Jay67) 41. For a paid encounter would you be open to going out to dinner or a movie, holding hands, or walking arm in arm? OR do you prefer keeping things completely private? (jafo105) 42. How important are recommendations to a lady's business? (roamingguy) 43. Is it fun when a man cums on your face? Do you have any private pictures with your face covered in cum? (Ice4fun) 44. Why do most ladies ads list all their physical stats (height, age, weight, measurements, eye color, etc.) but others are silent on most or all of this? (qwertyaccount) 45. What types of gifts do you normally receive and what would you like to receive? (Ice4fun) 46. If you show your face in your pictues here, why did you decide to 'out' your face? Did it result in any change? (piano8950) 47. What jobs/careers that guys have do you find turn-ons and turn-offs? (qwertyaccount) 48. Do you have clients that you are more excited to see than others? (PisaqLove) 49. If a client gives you a gift, is cash a good alternative to a gift card? (Luckyme) 50. What's the craziest gift you have received as an SP? (PisaqLove) 51. Do you ever get tired of dealing with people? (frank97500) 52. Have you ever wanted to meet a particular cerb member in person, and get really nervous due to certain perception or expectation you have of them? (Empty83) 53. Is there a kind of sex work you haven't done but would like to try? (dancer, Domme, escort, massage)? If so, why haven't you? 54. What's the strangest outfit/costume you've been asked to wear? (qwertyaccount) 55. What's the weirdest role-play you've been asked to do? (qwertyaccount) 56. Would it be fun to arrive at a date and be confronted with buckets of oysters? No, c'mon, seriously! (LeeRichards) 57. Do certain times of day attract certain type of clientele? Is there a particular time that is more popular? What part of day or night is your preference? (Empty83) 58. If I were to book a 4 hour session with a SP, the first hours being dinner and the next two hours being an incall, what would the rates be? Would I have to pay for a 4 hour incall rate? (Jay67) 59. At what point in a new relationship do you let a guy know your line of work and how do you deal with the worry that he may judge you? (curiousm7) 60. If a new guy in your life tells you he likes to see escorts, what is your reaction? (roamingguy) 61. Is it okay to contact you on days you don't advertise? (Empty83) 62. Do you prefer the first contact be discrete, or straight to the point? (Empty83) 63. Are sincere compliments on appearance acceptable? What such comments are unacceptable? (igab) 64. Are the apt descriptors "prostitue" and "john" inherently shameful? (mrgreen760) 65. Is writing a recommendation the ultimate compliment you can give a lady? (roamingguy) 66. What would be the circumstances of your retirement from this business? (OutForFun) 67. If a regular client and a CERB menber you've never seen both want to book you at the same time, who gets preference? (Luckyme) 68. What is the most memorable thing a client has done for/with you? (PisaqLove) 69. Have you ever had a client do something sweet/kind/nice that it made you cry? (PisaqLove) 70. What questions can I ask to get a sense of how affectionate an SP is likely to be during an encounter? (Rob360) 71. Would you have any issues with your own parner seeing an MA/SP? (JohnnyCanuck) 72. How many times have you fallen for a client? (Daniel Boone) 73 a, b, c, d.... How do I become the ideal kind of client? Do you generally like regulars more or new clients? What's your definition of a regular client? How long a session do you prefer? Is it cool for clients to contact you to say happy birthdays/merry Christmas etc.? How do you feel about a client sending you a brief thank you note after the appointment? If you contact a client between bookings, is that an open invitation to keep in touch between appointments? (A1B2C3D4E5) 74. What are some of the funniest or strangest text messages you've received? (qwertyaccount) 75. If there's something you offer as stated on your ads and/or website does it necessarily mean that you like to offer that service? Or does it only mean that you're able to tolerate it? If it's the later, why offer something you don't particularly like doing? (A1B2C3D4E5) 76. What unwelcome questions do clients commonly ask? (Darr) 77. Is there a good texting format for same evening booking request? (Darr) 78. Would you ever consider going on an all expense paid vacation to some exotic location, with no sex on the table, just as a companion for no other compensation? (gc1968 )
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. 1 point
    I live in ottawa, west end. Who can i look at for reliable internet service other than Rogers or Bell?
  16. 1 point
    Just a general question for the SP's - I note several of you advertise on several different places (CERB, BP, Sun etc) just out of curiosity which do you find most effective for gaining clients.
  17. 1 point
    I had this thought a few years ago, probably posted it then but do not remember what came of it and am too lazy to look it up. A few years ago I read an old "fletch" book where there a bordello that used exercise to sexually satisfy their customers. My thought was that an SP should / could also work as a personal trainer. Make the client exercise then have a reward at the end. It would definitely be motivating to get you through the workout and even coming back. Getting the exercise is an added bonus, especially for those of us that need to lose a bunch. Haven't crunched the numbers or put together a business plan, but it may work as a valued added service. Thoughts?
  18. 1 point
    Additional Comments: Shaking my head here at anyone supporting someone doing bait and switch...bait and switch is cardinal sin number one. Imagine the disappointment, to say the least at someone booking an encounter with a lady based on her photos to find someone completely different at the door. How can you say she is a nice lady when she is misrepresenting herself. If she is a nice looking lady, why fake photos. And you vouching for her, well at a minimum it puts into question any ladies you support and recommend RG
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Well i have seen this lady and i do not think Anyone would have to shake in heels Msg me if u need any more info is all i can say
  21. 1 point
    That's cool. I generally say "morning" instead of "good morning". I do this consciously to avoid the "Is it really a good morning" debate. And I do it because I'm linguistically lazy. Like everyone else, I say Fed Ex instead of Federal Express, KFC instead of Kentucky Fried Chicken and "That's cool" instead of "OMG will you just lighten up, just nod your head, smile and move on!" :icon_rolleyes:
  22. 1 point
    The banks are quite upfront about how they plan to fleece you thus allowing you to minimize your expenses by just reading all the fine print they send you, on the other hand the big telecoms seem to use deception and trickery.
  23. 1 point
    Well you have been incredibly fortunate is all I can say. As recent as this weekend I was talking to the Bell Canada reps in lovely Mumbai. The are the most inflexible, unresponsive company out there, tied only with Rogers. I had a satellite TV account with them. They had to send me two bills, they couldn't put them on one. Then when I go to cancel, even though I had no special deal, they managed to convince me I had to pay for another month, before they could stop the service. So I say, bill me what I owe, I will pay it and be rid of it. What did they do? They overbilled me, so my account is inactive, but they keep sending me a statement that I have a $30 credit. No indication of how to claim it, get it back, whatever. Just that they owe me $30. I have DSL internet through a 3rd party provider that leases Bell's lines and bandwidth. A year or so back I had a lightning strike near the house that knocked out home phone service. My internet still worked but not the telephone. The Bell guy arrives, I tell him what was going on about both internet and landline. He says he fixes it and disappears. I try the land line, it works, go to get on the computer he has killed the DSL. Then it was several days of hell, talking to different people in India who swore up and down I didn't have internet on my line. I went up the chain of supervisors and never got to anyone in Canada, and nobody who would acknowledge what they did. I finally had to go through the billing department in Canada, and threaten legal action, before they finally agreed to send out a technicianm two days hence. He was there 5 mins and said, "Oooops sorry, I disconnected you from the DSL at the switch box when I fixed your phone line." Rather inconvenient as I work from home and do the majority of my business online. I lost 7 days of work because of their little ooops, that they never acknowledged. I am not sure who the bigger crooks are, big Telecom or the Banks, but regardless they will all be against the wall when the revolution comes. :P
  24. 1 point
    hi guys, Im a mature, curvy, elegant, busty 38dd, bootyfull, exotic ,french masseuse. I cater to ladies and gents, I have ultimate pleasure with couples. I am very open-minded with very few limitations. I stand 5*6, and weight 170 lbs- large and in charge :smile: i have gorgeous seductive green bedroom eyes. A radiant, bright smile. Long dark brown hair and flawless silky sunkissed skin. I take pride in my work and i love what i do. You can easily find yourself in deep, interesting conversation, some in which will take us beyond the chains of the physical. I can captivate your mind, i can captivate your body. Let my strong hands subdue your every need. Let me make your toes curl in anticipation of sensuality. Indulge in aromatherapy, candle light and a bliss of satisfaction....A turmoil of pleasure. For a rendez-vous a litle on the risque side- Bisoux xo SabrinaR call 613 274 7073 text 613 890 2960 recommendations: http://terb.ca/vbulletin/showthread....ight=sabrina+r http://terb.ca/vbulletin/showthread....ight=sabrina+r
  25. 1 point
    It seems the beaver's have it. I am a beaver too !! It only goes to say YES I love beaver's too. Love to see it HA! HA!
  26. 1 point
    I'm a Beaver or a Dolphin. A couple of the questions had answers I would say equally so i took it twice. lol
  27. 1 point
    Monday Marlie 10:30-4 aka "Marvelous Marlie" Robyn 9-7 aka "robynxoxo" Pandora 10-4 aka "Pandora" Lexi 9-11 aka "Sexy Lexi" Hannah 3:30-11 aka "Hannahxo" Maya 3:30-11 aka "Midnight Maya" Kelly 6:30-11 aka "Kelly2010" ONLINE AD http://www.cerb.ca/classifieds/ottawa-massage-ads/p62-top-ladiesnew-ma-27s.html NEW CHASITY a familiar face you may already know ;) Formerly at C*J http://www.angelstouchmassage.ca/site/chasitys-profile/ NEW SABRINA R a familiar face you may already know :wink: Formerly at "ALO" spa & Triple A http://www.angelstouchmassage.ca/sit...inars-profile/ http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=8655 NEW AVAH a familiar face lots of you already know :wink: Formerly @ "ALO" & Triple A http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.phpalbumid=8643 New Sexy Pics http://www.angelstouchmassage.ca/site/the-angels/ 3 rooms, up to 8 sexy ladies on daily! Private Dance shows available upon request! Click here to see NEW pics of room: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=3340 New Sexy Pics of our Hotties http://www.angelstouchmassage.ca/site/the-angels/ Full Body Relaxation Massage Single Massage: 30 minutes $50. 45 minutes $60. 60 minutes $80. 90 minutes $120 Couples Massage: 1 Attendant 30 minute $60. 45 minute $70. 60 minute $90. Duo/Couples Massage:2 Attendants 30 minute regular $100. on special for $80. 45 minute regular $120. on special for $100. 60 minute regular $160. on special for $130. HST included in door fee prices. Longer Sessions available and @ Discretion of MA ...... Tips Accepted...... ATM on site......Spacious Rooms with Private Showers..... Robyn's Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthr...?ltr=R&t=82591 Taylor's Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=155684Hannah's Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=H&t=125137 Maya's Recommendations ***NEW http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=M&t=63977 Pandora's Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=M&t=75290 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=156274 Kelly's Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=120424 HIRING.....We seeking attractive hard working ladies! You must be 18 years of age or older to be employed at Angel's Touch. We require proof of legal age and legal eligibility to work via a valid government identification and/or other documentation as required by law.
  28. 1 point
    We have gone way off topic, but here is an interesting secret path to better customer service that often works. Canadian companies outsource their English call centers overseas, but if you choose the French option you will often get a very capable bilingual person who will glady support you in English. I know this works with Bell specifically. As for the original question please post the model and brand of laptop. There is usually a key that you can hold on boot that will force the laptop to boot in recovery mode, and give you the option for a full reinstall. Thanks! Kelly
  29. 1 point
    About me: I am very outgoing, open minded, sensual, playful. My services include full body massage, Hottub sessions and reverse massage and I cater to some fetish's. We can play dress up (with pre-notice) Everything that goes on in our session together is confidential. I have Blond hair blue eyes, tanned baby soft skin. No tattos. I weigh about 110 pounds. This Week, you can find me in the west end, Paradise Spa Wednesday 11:00am - 4:00pm & Thursday 5:00pm - 11:00pm To book your time with me you can call 613-820-8887 xoxoxo
  30. 1 point
    Hi Carrie You may want to try a new solution on the market to repair your infected computer. It is called Fix me stick. Look it up online ... fixmestick.com. I believe I saw it at Best Buy. You just plug it into your usb drive and it will repair your computer. Price about $60.00. If not you can buy it online. It should work because you fix guys sticks every day! Good luck. Blue-eys guy
  31. 1 point
    HI! My name is Jayla & I'm new to Vibe Urban Spa. I'm looking forward to meeting new people and having a extremely hot, sensual, erotic and fun time! I'll be ready at 10am...will you? I'm eager to please your fantasies and your desires. Nothing pleases me more than to be able to satisfy your needs. I'm a fun and easy going person... Always open to new experiences :wink: Come to Vibe and have an experence that will have you coming back for more... Vibe Urban Spa is located at 1010 Polytek St, Unit 12 and the number to call is 613 680 8059... My Schedule: Monday, March 3rd from 10am-3pm Wednesday, March 5th from 10am-4pm Thursday, March 6th from 10am-3pm & Saturday, March 8th from 12pm-8pm Hope to see you soon! xoxo
  32. 1 point
    oupsi I forgot it lol http://www.quizony.com/animalPersonality/index.html
  33. 1 point
    After being in my wheelchair and using my crutches for one day short of a month, I did two 10 minutes walks today. Whoo Hooo! Slow but sure, like the tortoise. :)
  34. 1 point
    I never used to frequent the travelling ladies much other than the occasional really attractive ones but the current talent pool in Winnipeg is lower than I remember it ever being
  35. 1 point
    Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Mr. Bojangles
  36. 1 point
    The best rebuttal for a guy like this is to ask him that if his work sent him to Vegas to one of the big tradeshows there, would he consider it a fun filled vacation with lots to see and do with agreeable company, or would he consider it work, since he'd be staffing the show booth from 8am to 7pm daily for 5 consecutive days, with one day before setting it up and one day after breaking it down. He'd have a few hours, in the evening, to himself for that fun filled time. still having fun? Because for an escort accompanying a CLIENT for a 7 day trip to Vegas, instead of going off the clock a t 7pm daily, she's on the clock except for sleep time. and maybe not even then.
  37. 1 point
    Hey, at least they made the court order it done. In many cases courts don't to this because the ISP rolls over as soon as the music/movie industry wants to go after their customers.
  38. 1 point
    She recently changed her name. It was Candi and previously Sandi. Search those names, and you should find a couple reviews. I haven't seen her, but believe the photos are real...looks like fun! Additional Comments: Oops....my mistake...I've been informed the pics aren't real...
  39. 1 point
    Yes I did, and I had a fantastic time. I plan on seeing her again.
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    I am not comfortable giving suggestions on how to wipe and re-install Windows. Just from personal experiences of things going wrong. (i.e. missing drivers, etc...) I do suggest that you get a professional geek to do it for you. OR buying a new laptop PC. You can find good deals online. http://www.newegg.ca/ http://www.futureshop.ca/ I also suggest finding a different Internet Service Provider. I always had problems with Rodgers charging me extra for band width, connection problems, unable to watch pay-per-view, paying extra for HDTV channels, re-installing the cable line every year, etc... They also left me with the headache of configuring my equipment to work with theirs. A year ago I switched To Bell for Home Phone, Fibe-Internet and Fibe-TV. Yes I did have a problem with the modem a couple of times. But they came to my home to fix it at a convenient time for me. They also ensured that ALL my equipment worked flawlessly with theirs. Including my gaming consoles. I am saving about $60/month for the same services.
  43. 1 point
    Oh my Boobies!!! God was not generous with me so i grew up with a size AA which is smaller then A...I was called flat chested many times as a teen. I fantasized over breast all my teenage years...yes fantasized...It was a real turn on for me...I knew one day I would get them enhanced to feel better about myself... I say AMEN for breast implant :boobies: BJ
  44. 1 point
    There are so many strange and funny ones that they don't seem to realize: I want to suck your cock. Um, really - you do know I am a women? I'm really horny right now. Help me please. I'm on my way baby!
  45. 1 point
    You are certainly right you cant describe a feeling... I think what CMJ is trying to clarify is that Offering a GFE experience doesnt mean extra services in menu. If we choose to be massage attendants is because we want to play the sensual game of teasing. Is about cuddling sharing feelings and experiences is not about extras. Is not a term to cover DATY, fs and other services
  46. 1 point
    Highly recommended. Above-and-beyond service. She enjoys herself. Looks better than pics. Very nice incall hotel. Great reviews from Toronto on red board and blue board as Lexie 6829 and Samantha 4018. Only here until Sunday so better hurry!
  47. 1 point
    I can't speak for every guy but personally, I have no interest in toys at all. You ladies already have the best playthings built in :)
  48. 1 point
    Cerb for Ottawa as always been good with me. But in Toronto...not so much. the T-board, twitter and eros are where i get most people
  49. 1 point
    I can't stand this video, and it seems to be making its way around the internet again. It's incredibly problematic, and conflates trafficking with sex work. This article does a really good job at explaining it: http://eithnecrow.wordpress.com/2013/09/01/why-this-video-needs-to-fuck-off/
  50. 1 point
    Thanks, I did the same. Worried about bad karma, but I don't think it applies here.
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