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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/11 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    So a couple days ago, I was walking through the rideau centre and bumped into THE ex-girlfriend. Yes, not just an ex-girlfriend, THE ex-girlfriend. I've dated numerous girls in the past, but nothing was ever too serious with any of them, except THE ex-girlfriend. We dated for three years, which might not seem like a lot for some of you, but for me that's like a dating decade. I hadn't seen or heard from her in almost a full year, and we bumped into each other. There was some awkward talk.... HER: Well it was nice seeing you, we should catch up some time? ME: Sure, that sounds great! (I don't really mean this, it is just saying no, would be kinda awkward) HER: What you doing now? Want to grab some starbucks? My treat? ME (in my head): FUCK ME (in real life): Sorry, I would love too, but I'm actually headed out to grab lunch with someone. (I really was!) HER: Oh ok... ME: K, well I have to go, it was nice catching up with you! Most awkward conversation of life. Anyways, earlier this afternoon I got a text from her asking me if I wanted to meet up. First off, I didn't even know she still had my number, because I didn't have hers. And I had to decide what to do.... I turned on the PVR in my brain and rewinded back to how it ended..... ************************ I'll admit, this is the one girl that has left me heart broken. I use the word broken, because when we broke up, I actually felt physically broken. Like, I no longer was hungry, I'd sleep in & always go to work late, I was like a vampire and hated sunlight, would listen to Coldplay all day, and thought everything in the world sucked. Needless to say, I was being extremely over-dramatic, but at the time it did feel normal. Listening to sad music all day like Snow Patrol didn't help at all. I was sad, bitter, depressed, dejected, all rolled into one. I was so sad, almost like the sad you would see when you leave your apartment, and the dog keeps barking and is thinking... DOG: What are you doing? I don't understand! (yes, dogs have thoughts too!) I didn't understand the break up at all. We were so wonderful, happy, and in such a good place. We would be happy going to a fancy restaurant, we would be happy staying in, ordering pizza, and watching a movie, we would be happy just being together and laughing at all the stupid bullshit in the world. Immediately after the break-up, I would only think about the fun moments, I refused to remember the bad. The truth was there is always bad, by to my silly brain it didn't exist. I realized about 3-4 months after our break up, a better understanding of it all. That the sadness does go away. I can eat my food, I can hug & kiss without feeling guilty, that its ok to have a crush, and I that I can like someone else for a minute, a day, a month, or however long I want. I've come to the realization that love comes slowly, but your first love comes intense, emotional, and slippery, and that's the same way it'll exit... intense, emotional, and slippery. I realize there's no need to rush, and now when things don't work out (which happens often, lol), the end doesn't feel like a monumental clusterfuck. Look at me now, I'm me. I'm so much different a person then when I was dating her before. I don't fall so deeply in the puddle of BS like I used too, I'm more mature, and wiser. Hell, now I got a real job, I do big-person things like groceries, laundry, and pay my bills. I'm an adult!! ROAR!!! I'm free to see who I want, I'm allowed to think that girl at Starbucks is cute, I can have flings with friends, but I also know that the real thing does exist and will be there waiting for me regardless of how long I decide to take. Because why rush? ****************************************** So what did I text her back? I just told her no. I'm over with it. I was over with it before, and today confirmed it. The whole point of this post? Forget about silly people in the past, and be happy with yourself. You will get over it. You know why? Because you will be a better you. Just move on. *imaginary high five to anyone who has had their heart broken, because now we're all so much better*
  2. 3 points
    I am not sure this is a fair question and in particular in a public forum. Asking others to 'rate" between 2 ladies based on what they like as compared to what you like is, well impossible. Every gent has their preferences and every encounter, even with the same lady, can be unique. And not to speak for the ladies - but I can't imagine them wanting to be compared with each other like this. You might find by asking your question this way, neither will want to meet with you. My advice would be do your own research, communicate your general interests with both ladies, reading their reviews/posts...and then based on what you want, make your choice. I suspect you'll be much better off than going based on some stranger guys opinion. Hope that helps. Cub Posted via Mobile Device
  3. 2 points
    I'm beginning to feel I need a recovery group for women who have read far too much of this kind of tripe. I scan these articles and fail to find anything that resembles my life or the lives of other paid companions I know. The men these writers describe don't seem to be at all like my clients, either. And I am very suspicious of anyone who does a study that equates men who look at pornography with men who pay for companionship and with men who exploit children sexually. If the researcher had eliminated the pornography viewers from her study, she would have had very different data, although it still would not reflect my experience, from my years inside the sex trade. As it is, Melissa Farley has posed an impossible and completely unrealistic task for herself by contriving to skewer nearly all North American men, label them "sex buyers," and then seriously propose shutting down the sex trade completely. Better feminist researchers long ago recognized that we cannot reasonably expect all North American men to do anything together, nor is it sensible to imagine that those same men will enact legislation that is contrary to their interests and deeply-cherished inclinations and proclivities. I would like to rant about some of this, but, frankly, I'm tired! Pleasant as it is to preach to the choir, I'll leave that for another night. WIT, as always, I'm grateful to you for your steadfast faithfulness and, in the case of articles like this one, your strong stomach.
  4. 2 points
    In a prison cell and your cell mate is a 450lb gorilla named Bubba Sorry, it's early (for me), waiting for the second pot to brew RG :-)
  5. 1 point
    I enjoy what I do, very much. I like the fact that in some situations you can develop a very strong bond, you become friends. I have been very lucky to meet some very fascinating people along the way. These are just a few of the things that make me enjoy begin an SP. I was just curious, as to, what your favourite part of visiting an SP is? Or for the ladies, what it is that you enjoy about begin an SP. Love Always Carley xox
  6. 1 point
    Allice is an independent asian SP who is very friendly and openminded and loves daty too. She is also shaven. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=44247&highlight=alice Also Candyland is an agency who sometimes has openminded SPs. Read their services when advertised or their girls after they are reviewed. Most do what you are looking for. If you look exclusively for independent asian SPs other than Allice then I let our asian expert, slurp to comment on that. Good luck with hunting.
  7. 1 point
    I had a wonderful conversation with an SP and we were discussing the Ontario COA proceedings. She defined hobbyists in a clear, concise manner that I had never considered before. The term "John" implies someone who is intentionally anonymous to the SP. That's where the term John came from. The purchaser is never identified and if there is violence or issue, he is not held accountable because the SP cannot identify him. The term client is applicable to someone that initiates a business relationship with an SP, providing his name and information to verify who he is, thus allowing us to take precautionary steps to ensure our safety. I have always felt there is a huge difference between a client and a John, I simply never defined why. Her clarity was dead on. This article is offensive to me on every level. I don't know where they find these guys or what questions they asked to elicit such responses. cat
  8. 1 point
    I wonder how many people get caught in Prov. or Fed Parks? They are free range for me. :) So I suspect others enjoy the same idea. Since I love doing it outside I do have a few secret spots that I will never tell because they are seriously private and we can get as rambunctous as we want without being caught. Ottawa is full of private and sort of private places. I think my fave tho was on the boardwalk at Niagara Falls. Not so private but all good. :shock:
  9. 1 point
    I have similar thoughts as previously expressed here. I love the butterflies and anticipation, but perhaps primarily I have come to enjoy meeting new people as people and not primarily as SP's. I have been blown away (and yes, pun intended) by the women that I met and I love the way that they have shattered every single stereotype that I had when I first began to be involved in this. That is a very important thing. As with any individuals that one meets there are some with whom you develop or have a connection with for whatever reasons they might be. I know with certainty that when some of the women that I have met decide to retire, or when I decide to retire, that there will still be some communication on a friends level. That is a pretty neat and unexpected development, and ever so much appreciated. The SP's that I have met are VERY good at what they do, and in every case have made me feel welcome, and important and interesting and appreciated. They have demonstrated a sense of professionalism and pride in what they do but intertwined with a very personal interest in me as a person. And, the sex is awesome and their willingness and ability to help me "expand my horizons," is a whole other dimension that has helped me to grow as a person.
  10. 1 point
    check out my profile or blog for more info http://sophiemassage.wordpress.com Sophie
  11. 1 point
    Now I just have to figure out which is Cleo's favorite bar! ;) I'm quite fond of the empty (or near empty) movie theater...always a classic! Gotta love matinees :p
  12. 1 point
    Qwertyaccount, I thought you might like this one ;)
  13. 1 point
    Steve's a great guy! A fantastic contributor to the board and the only guy I know that thinks Lucy Maud Montgomery wrote Anne of Green Monster.
  14. 1 point
    Great pics of some of our lovely Cerb ladies, well done Cato. Although I don't post in this thread, as it isn't really my thing, I am glad that you, the other posters and the ladies whose pictures are loaned enjoy it as you do! Well done Cato, all contributors and the ladies who allow their image to be posted within.
  15. 1 point
    I like RG's Joke threads, they are the bestest! They can even make me smile on a bad day! Thanks a bunch RG!
  16. 1 point
    We all love stevecurious and his contributions....despite the fact he's a Sox fan (lol)
  17. 1 point
    You said it beautiful but you made the choice, it has to come from within without anyone telling you to quit. That just doesn't work, no matter the method. It needs to be only your decision. I support you 100%. Keep on Trucking!! Cleaning and working out helps but I would suggest not to replace food for the smoke unless it it 100% healthy. Or your work out efforts may go to waste. One day at a Time!!
  18. 1 point
    I think 3 things come to mind: The anticipation and excitement to see how much more attractive the lady will be than what she appears in her pictures Secondly, the first kiss at the door- the passion and connection with the kiss(hopefully many kisses) always gives a great indication of how the rest of the evening will progress. There can never be enough kissing. Thirdly, the unknown yet excitement of what turns on the lady, the fun and challenge to find those special erotic zones on the SP and then the pleasure of seeing her react in true repeated ectasy when you to find those zones.
  19. 1 point
    Wow! Great review. I'll bet Diora couldn't have written it better herself!
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Ahhhh what can one say about the originator of this thread??? What is not to like about the gorgeous Ms Sky? She's gorgeous, super friendly and has a smile that could knock you on you keester... I am thankful that she is my friend!
  22. 1 point
    knowing it is not going to be my own hand.......hahahahaha
  23. 1 point
    The first knock on the door. I swear even if it is a regular, I am always behind the door looking through the eye hole and like Sara say....kissing! me love kissing, and nibbling and giggling I guess at some point? (i swear guys how is it that everyone can find my ticklish spot?) boobies. well ok if it's a duo. When you are seeing a gentlemen for the first time and you have a really good chemistry with him...awesome!
  24. 1 point
    I hate to be Devil's Advocate, but seriously, how many SPs are honest with their age? I am obviously, who would lie about being 36? lol
  25. 1 point
    Some more favs of mine The infatuating Carley Chase. I can't get enough Carley. The awesome and ultra-sexy Angel Starr: And someone I haven't met yet, but I'd love to, Miss Ashley from Winnipeg:
  26. 1 point
    Oh for gods sake. Not even half way thru this "UN" complaint, and we've already covered about 90% of the sp stereotypes of how they will ruin the lives of someone who posts a trash review/comment. All pretty much from one person here. And all because you are on a board where you can't name your enemy? And then i get to the part about how you also want to the right to post accusations about stds from sps. Well, heck, if you don't also present the proof of that, don't care where you post it, its slander. Then, the solution is pretty clear: go to these wonderfully fair boards (of which I know of NONE) and go do that right now and get this horrifying experience(S) off your chest there, instead of here.
  27. 1 point
    Additional Comments: Perhaps we could rename this thread "Beautiful Kissable Bums"?
  28. 1 point
    It should be emphasized that cerb is a recommendation board NOT a review board. Everyone has known that since day one when they registered. There are many other sites that will offer what you are looking for if you can't find it here. To write something negative would go against the whole purpose of a recommendation board so why fight it? It's the premise of this site. Reviews as oppposed to recommendations implies something entirely different. I would also like to add that just because the recos here are positive does not necessarily mean that all the reviews on other sites speak the entire truth. There are definitely shills happening elsewhere along with bashing SPs and people almost take it as gospel. Not always. It's almost as if there is a SP v.s. hobbyist mentality beginning to transpire and that's not something I want to be a part of which is why I'm a member here. And for the record, I'm not a big fan of recos or reviews. I really couldn't care less. I'm assuming it was never the Mod's intention to start another review board since there are others available and wanted something different that would appeal to others. For those who think it's too rosy because they can't write anything negative ( yet you're still here) then you know where the door is. Sorry had to say it.
  29. 1 point
    Hmmmm. Things that turn me off when seeing an SP. Chainsaws. Chainsaws are bad. Big hairy men in the living room. Big hairy men are a bit of a turn off. Big hairy men carrying chainsaws are bad too. Evidence of ritual sacrifice. Especially when a big hairy man is wearing some sort of talisman and is eyeing me as "next." Rabid house pets. Oranges. They scare me. I have no reason to fear them, but they scare me. Celine Dion posters. Hobbit feet. If you have abnormally large hairy feet, please let me know before the appointment. Anything stored in formaldehyde. The undead. "Mein Kampf" Bottles of horse tranquilizers. A supply of body bags. Barry Manilow CDs. Livestock.
  30. 1 point
    I think, Hornet, you should have quit while you were ahead. ONE unsatisfactory experience and now you are painting us all with the same brush? I stand by my opinion that you would have gotten a lot further discussing this with the person involved and not airing your dirty laundry for all to see. Have a nice trip.
  31. 1 point
    Wow - what a thread. Bottom line for me is that this board existed before me and will probably exist long beyond my participation. I knew the rules when I joined and I don't complain about them. If you don't like them, you don't need to stay. It's that simple. None of us (guys) is indispensable.
  32. 1 point
    Because the way you phrased the opening post, it wasn't about what you like and don't like, it was specifically about what you don't like, thus focussing on the negative. I'll be honest: I've never learned anything useful from a business perspective from these threads on CERB. From these threads, you get two kinds of information: 1) Common Sense. I don't need hobbiests to tell me that they don't like a cluttered incall, dirty bathroom, or an SP/MA who talks on the phone throughout the appointment. This is common sense. 2) Subjective preferences. This is not useful information to me from a business perspective. What one person likes, another person dislikes. I don't conform myself to what my clients want, but rather I select clients who enjoy what I enjoy offering. I learn how to run my business using my own brain, and feedback from real clients who fill out my screening questionnaire where I ask them what kind of experience they are looking for, and from their visits. Random threads on CERB are not helpful to me. When seeking advice for my business, I don't generally ask hobbiests but I ask other women in the industry. I get the most solid advice from them.
  33. 1 point
    I believe an encounter should be mutual and both parties should have fun and be pleasured, just not one sided because you paid the lady. Just my opinion. Lexy
  34. 1 point
    I never said I will reveal her identity. I'll keep it to myself. As I said, I'm a nice guy. :) Posted via Mobile Device
  35. 1 point
    This is very good news! Thanks to all. Just to get us relaunched, and with her permission, JessicaMassage
  36. 1 point
    We have re-opened the "Best bums on the planet" thread. The council is split 50/50 on deciding what to do with these threads (Allow them or not) so the decision was left for us (The moderators) we have both mutually agreed to allow them as they bring good traffic to the site and many members contribute and enjoy these. Infractions/Suspension will be handed out for ... 1) Hijacking the threads (Anywhere on the site) 2) Posting anything negative (Anywhere on the site) 3) Posting any photo showing Genitals 4) Posting links to PORN sites (Please DO NOT pull photos from porn sites either) No exceptions for threads like this. If you do not like/enjoy these threads please DO NOT read them. We would also ask that if you post a providers photo here (Hotlinking it from another website) that you ask her for permission first.
  37. 1 point
    This thread is meant to be fun: to give pleasure, and not offence. If anyone is offended by the post of a pic by me or anyone else, I regret this. I just feel I need to clarify a couple of points. When the thread was started, it didn't even occur to me to ask permission before posting, because we were dealing with pics already posted and approved on cerb, and hence freely shareable in my view and in that of many others, and also because I thought no one would object to their being reposted in an admiring and respectful way, which I feel I have done, consistently. When objections were first raised several months ago, I thought we had reached an informal agreement (after a lengthy discussion) to ask first before posting (asking the person who posted the album, not the individual subjects when an agency or spa is involved). I have respected this agreement. I hope that others do too.
  38. 1 point
    Great thread and posts! Certainly agree with all comments made previously. To me, wonderfull lovers and great sex is between two people who have a true connection with each other whether just for one night or on a long term basis. It's the time spent showing each other private feelings and desires. You go to a place with each other, and the world around doesn't exist for that time together. Each one is honest with the other as to their likes and dislikes. It doesn't matter how, or which way, you have sex. It is about touching, feeling and experimenting - enjoying something new. One can't really express what a wonderful lover is until they actually experience that wonderful lover.
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