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Everything posted by mrgreen760

  1. For me initial contact is always email, if some one doesn't provide that option then I move along. I'll text to confirm an appointment and after a visit to thank some one or to set up a re-visit. I don't give up my cell no on spec. Peace MG
  2. I tend to arrange visits for when I come directly from home, so I'm freshly showered, shaved and brushed so I don't need much, mouth wash I'd always use. After the fact as warm damp towel is appreciated then I'm good to go. Pretty low maintenance all in all. Peace MG
  3. 1983's Terms of Endearment was an excellent film. Shirley MacLaine, Debra Winger, Jeff Daniels and Jack Nicholson. Peace MG
  4. There will be thinning of the herd for sure and just like natural selection the strong on both sides of the game will adapt and survive and the weak won't. The end result might be better game over all. Peace MG
  5. I don't do Hotels at all... but I do know the Airport area has lots of new ones and seems to be a popular area. Peace MG
  6. I'll provide what I've always provided. My charm and wit, seems to have worked well so far :) Peace MG
  7. "True friendship - what does it mean?" For me within the context of the game it's pretty simple, friendly perhaps but not "true" friends and after all business is business and this is a business. Peace MG
  8. You and Alanis Morrisette :) Peace MG
  9. Don't let yesterday take up too much of today, Envy is a waste of time and energy, Don't let others define you, Forgive, Be grateful, Be happy, Meditate, And less is all you really need. Peace MG
  10. Not crazy but a little odd for sure :) In Manitoba we need change as the dippers have driven us into a horrible financial crisis which will take decades to get out of. I'm a policy type who is swayed but overall platforms not specific items. As an example I support the decriminalization of marijuana which should automatically mean I should support the Libs and have in the past (a Trudeau, Chretian and Martin) but this one issue will not sway me if the overall platform sucks. To each their own.... Peace MG
  11. "LIBERAL means they are more LIBERAL (forward thinking) NDP is all about business GREEN is all about ... Green things! Lol" Since when are the dippers all about business? We've had them in Manitoba for 15 years and they most certainly aren't about business unions maybe but not business by a long shot. As any business person would confirm that the sooner the PC's come to power the better. The Libs don't really even exist in MB, if they did there would never be an NDP government. And check out the state of the game in MB, not a lot of disposable/discretionary income for most. Peace MG
  12. While reading this thread it occurred to me that for some in the game that there are some positives that come with C-36. There will be a shift in control, no need to provide menus and the ability to be able to commit to any thing more than time must be considered a good thing. Establishing stricter booking protocols and the ability to be more selective. A weeding out of non-compliant competition and of course undesirable clients. Not saying that the shift in control is a bad thing, only that this thread seems to indicate it's wanted and long overdue. Food for thought. Peace MG
  13. In the whole scheme of things this impacts few people and as well very few of those whom may be impacted belong to these boards so I'm not surprised at the lack of attention/notice overall. The lights may come on in December......or not. Peace MG
  14. Like with any income generating entity one must adjust to new business climates constantly in order to survive and remain profitable so revising income models, marketing approaches and business plans is an ongoing necessity and a cost of doing business. Peace MG
  15. Thanks, and for me this is sort of parallel to when air travel became more hassle and less fun I became much less interested and reduced my air travel significantly. Peace MG
  16. Not a fan actually, I do appreciate it can help some one get into their persona but my fave lingerie is off :) Peace MG
  17. Ah chemistry and connection....... you might get it a bit through communications but the true test is upon meeting and even at first sight.......can't really explain it but I knew instantly and when it happens you know it. Only happened once for me that way, others it took a little time. The instant one is never forgotten. Peace MG
  18. It times like these and I have lost 2 old dear friends in a week, that put life and what really matters into focus and perspective. As I've learned in the end it's all pretty simple. To love and have been loved. The late great Warren Zevon when dieing from lung cancer was asked if he learned anything on his life journey. He smiled and said..... yes.......enjoy every sandwhich. Gods speed. Peace MG
  19. In any discussion especially one as polarizing as this one there will be misleading information used to further/justify each position on said issue. I've read a lot of stuff and found at the extreme there has been misinformation and statistics used on both sides of these discussions to advance/justify said position. The key for me is to be educated, keep an open mind and search for the middle ground. Peace MG
  20. Arianna Huffington.......smart and that great accent. Peace MG
  21. I think 30 days after Bill-36 passed it comes into effect. November 6 was the date it was declared. (Apparently my understanding is incorrect) And the reality is if I haven't seen some one by now then I have reasons other than Dec 6. Peace MG
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