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Everything posted by peacectryguy

  1. That sounds like a helluva good time. I think scrabble would be my preferred one but they all sound like fun. :biggrin:
  2. I'm sorry but I almost busted a gut laughing at this one. Seriously, that is just bad (and not the good urban version of bad) but I do love your response. Classic. On the serious side, I agree with treating people as you wish to be treated. It really is far easier to be respectful and decent to people than it is to act an ass and be insulting. At least for me, it actually takes work and thought to be insulting. After all, if you are going to insult someone, you should really make the effort to make it a good one, right? :icon_biggrin:
  3. For the most part, that is me as well. The first contact is through the email link in the website or sometimes via pm on boards (provided the SP has that option posted in her ad). In that initial contact is the phone # I will be contacting from as well to save confusion. One thing I would add is that in that first text, my first words are always, "Hello, my name is (insert first name), I am 54 yrs old and live in the area and saw your ad on CERB (or whatever). My handle there is "peacectryguy" Then the other pertinent stuff that was mentioned. I believe it is important to make an effort to show the lady you are on the level and a name and brief description does help in that. If they require more info, they can and will ask but it shows you are placing some trust in them and usually they feel better trusting you. It is a 2 way street.
  4. This is the hardest thing for us clients to figure out, imo. It seems that every SP has a different deal when it comes to texting vs. calling. Personally, I get disgusted with texting in my business dealings. Some of my customers will shoot texts back and forth 20 times and I find it annoying. I think if there are more than 2 texts, an actual conversation should take place. However, many SPs that I have contacted use text only so I go with the flow. I do try to ask in my initial contact what method of contact is preferred so as to avoid this particular turn-off but it doesn't always work when she says, "whatever works for you". :icon_biggrin:
  5. This is really the only one of the "erb" boards that I am active on. I do have an account on the perb boards but even though I am in BC, that board is really more about the Vancouver/ Victoria/ Kelowna areas and there isn't any advertising or reviews for my neck of the woods. A little bit in central BC but not much otherwise so I find that I am more active in the Alberta boards (CAF). That is where most of the touring SPs are for my area so that is who I converse with more. I'm not as active here as I am there but I do like the positive attitude and mutual respect that this community offers. I like the people here and it seems that my meager contributions are appreciated. It's not a versus thing, I just find something I like and stick with it.
  6. I have been somewhat remiss in my reviews/recommendations of my nerdy, geeky lovely friend so I thought I would remedy that. I believe there is some reviews of Sam in the Calgary or Lethbridge section but I have not done one on here yet ( I have elsewhere). Anyway, if you want uninhibited fun with a bubbly, quirky geek, Sam is the lady to see. Honestly, she is one of the funniest ladies I've ever met and it is all genuine right down to the cat ears she dawned at our last session ( I wore them as well, she insisted, lol). One look at her website will show you exactly what this lovely lady is all about. That smile you see is the real deal, folks. And the nerdy, geeky persona is totally authentic and it is fun with a capital F. Oh yeah, almost forgot, there is that other thing we do, isn't there. I have been blessed to spend time with some remarkable ladies who really love this work. Some are very good "actresses", lol and others, well, you can tell when it's really that intense. You just can tell, ya know. Sam is one of those. She gets into it like you would not believe and hell, so do I. I've seen Sam 4 times now as she tours up my way and will always make every effort to see her when she does. It can't always happen but she comes up this way frequently enough that I get plenty of opportunities. I am wise enough to treat this as what it is and not get emotional or creepy or silly but I honestly feel like I have found a really good friend here as well as a favorite provider of great sexual exploration.
  7. Hello all, this Thanksgiving holiday was a special day for me. I was able to go see a lady that I have wanted to see for some time and am very "thankful" for it. This lovely gem of a woman was amazing and one of the nicest ladies Ive met in a long time. So down to earth and sweet, that I was completely at ease 2 minutes inside the door. After an initial quick rinse in the shower, it was 90 minutes of total bliss with some wonderful conversation thrown in. Athena Lust is very well reviewed out here in the west and it is for very good reason. She is a remarkable lady through and through. She is a petite treat as her pictures show in her website and ads but is so soft and touchable and natural. The details aren't necessary. The sex was obviously great but the other things made it a memory I shall cherish. If ever any of you are traveling to Edmonton and wish to do some hobbying, you might want to have your references ready and give Athena a call. She is worth much more than she asks for, imo. I'm happy I added the $50 La Senza gift card to my donation. I just am so thankful that in the last few months I have been blessed to get to see some of the most lovely ladies in the world. Canadian girls rock.:bigclap:
  8. Ya know what, Liquor. You really open my eyes when I read your post. Every time I think I've had a bad day, I just read this and wake up to the fact that I'm pretty lucky. Love your outlook and sense of humor and wish you all the best.
  9. I thought I would just add this to my first recommendation if that is alright. I recently was able to have a repeat visit with this magnificent and spectacular lady on her latest tour stop in Grande Prairie AB. As soon as I saw her ad, I just knew that I had to see her again. Once again, this beautiful woman amazed and thrilled me. I wasn't nearly as nervous this time around and I think our connection was even better but honestly, I think Victoria can make you feel comfortable and relaxed anyway. Just a remarkable, down to earth, friendly quality that is almost impossible to express in words. Not to mention a sensuality and sexiness that really gets the motor revving and the juices flowing. I was so happy, I forgot my watch in her room. Oh well, a good excuse for my next visit (like I need an excuse). Victoria, you are very special and amazing and am looking forward already to our next encounter.
  10. That reminds me of a response I had to a recent review I wrote of you Victoria. For the rest of you, the guy read my well-written review and proceeded to ask me who this woman was and a bunch of other nonsense. I thought my head would explode but I gathered myself and as politely as I could, explained to him that just a couple forums down was the advertising section for our particular area and all her info was right there as well as a link to her website. He posted back thanking me and then asked, "Lovely looking lady, what's her rates, menu?" Luckily, a fellow poster stepped in and set him straight. I may have been banned from the site if I had responded. Thank god for self control. As I read this thread from time to time, it seems that basic reading comprehension has to be at or near the top of the list because 99% of the things some guys do are clearly stated as "no-no's" on virtually every SPs ad and/or webpage. I seriously don't know how you ladies do it. Your patience is amazing. Kudos ladies because I think I might snap if asked some of the shit you get asked.
  11. It's 21st century journalism (I can't even call it journalism with a straight face anymore) in a nutshell, isn't it? The mainstream news media has become a totally ridiculous joke in this modern era. The great journalists of the past must be rolling over in their graves. Honestly, if we look at history, does all of this remind anybody of our studies of Nazi Germany, circa 1936? The government spewing propaganda and the media jumping in with both feet like puppets?
  12. Well said. The foreplay with passionate kissing and "cuddle" play is a huge turn-on for me. Without it, I find sometimes that I even have trouble getting or maintaining an erection. With those things, I am completely turned on and more often than not, have better stamina as well. It's like you say about feeling it in all the warm places and it allows your whole body to be involved. Then afterward, being able to catch our breath while in a soft embrace and caressing her back brings it all full circle.
  13. I've gotten to the point of not even caring what the stores do. I notice but it does nothing as far as my shopping. I'm a guy who goes in, finds what I want, pay for it and leave, regardless of the hype or advertising. I spend so much of my money on tools for work and all the day to day stuff that I keep purchases to a minimum. A little something for the grandkids and that's it other than a couple of cards. By mid December, I just want to get it over with. The stores move from one holiday to another so fast too. Hell, immediately following the "Boxing Week" specials, the Valentines Day crap goes out (phoniest holiday ever, imo). Than Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Canada Day, Back-to-school and back to now with Thanksgiving/Halloween. Just a big cycle to make a buck. More power to them, not faulting the stores at all. Without profit, the doors close but I just don't get too excited or "into" it all.
  14. While I was driving home from a great encounter this past weekend, I was listening to some Bob Seger and thought of this thread when I heard "Night Moves" and "Mainstreet". Earlier in the day, I was listening to Queen Latifa and "I put a spell on you" The old jazz standards always set a great mood for me, too. There's a ton of others as well.
  15. It looks like a real thing but I must say, I don't like it. I would think it would be uncomfortable and make a guy sweat really bad. I would think that this thing would possibly put a damper on the encounter. It would get uncomfortable for both, I would think. And does it really serve any useful purpose? Is there really that much risk from skin contact? I don't know, seems a little bit much to me.
  16. I agree that discretion is the cornerstone of our relationships in this business and I do hope cooler heads prevail in that thought as far as outing these hypocrites. I also understand the frustration of it all but I agree with fortunateone that fear of the unknown doesn't help us. Right now, everything is speculation as to how all of this will play out. I refuse to live in a state of fear over an unknown but I do understand that fear is a strong human emotion that is hard for people to overcome. We all tend to get irrational to some degree when fear clouds our judgement. So let's just wait and see how this plays out. Like it's been said, I've been committing illegal acts the whole time I've been in this lifestyle and I will continue to do so but I will keep my wits about me and be intelligent about what I am doing, just as I always have been. I doubt anyone will be "outing" my sorry ass anyway. Nothing to gain by it.:grin:
  17. Obviously, nothing out in cyberspace is "totally secure" but you brought up NSA and CSEC so that is why the response. Sorry if it offends, didn't mean to. It's just when mentioning stuff like that, paranoia is the first thought that comes to mind. Conspiracy theories and all that stuff, right. Maybe just say BBM isn't totally secure and leave it at that and you won't get the response you did. Again, my apologies if offense taken.
  18. I'm with you RG. The killer, then the courts, then the media continue to victimize this young lady and for what? Because she is/was native and a sex trade worker? Facts that should never, EVER have any bearing on this case. This asshat gets stoned and drunk, can't get it up so he chokes the life out of her.Not only that, he tried to dispose of the body. Yes, when he sobered up, he came clean but that was likely only because he realized that he would be caught anyway. What really bothers me is this notion that he should get any leniency at all because he is A) white B) a jock and C) can afford a high priced mouthpiece. Even now, he blames it all on the drugs and doesn't take full responsibility. Yes, it is only day parole but imo, he should never see the light of day again. Murder is murder and this is not justice.
  19. Okay, I don't know if anyone has heard of this or seen it and I'm not sure if this is the right place to post it but here goes anyway. I saw this article on another forum and frankly, I'm disgusted that this is our system of justice. While they want to make criminals of all of us, they allow this killer to walk the streets even though he doesn't accept responsibility for his actions. The victim's family, understandably is appalled and dismayed, to say the least. Here's the link. link to the Calgary Sun article.
  20. As for NSA and CSEC, I'm with ice and others, let's not go overboard with the paranoia here. They have much more important shit to deal with in a world on the verge of total destruction. Yes, LE will be a little more vigilant for awhile after the new legislation comes in and will want to "make an example" of some "pervert" out here. I'll tell you what, I'll fall on my sword if need be and publicize my info. Let them come and get me and try to prove anything in a court of law. They have to prove I am purchasing sex (I never talk about money with an SP, ever and never mention sex in email or text or PM or whatever). As I said before in my earlier post, I already give the ladies more info without being asked. I don't care if they know who I really am and how to reach me.
  21. I would have to say none of the above, although soon single/divorced, hopefully. Been living 1000+ miles away from her for 3 years, not legally separated but might as well be. Marriage was the biggest mistake of my life. I've hated virtually every minute of it. Before that, tried the dating scene, hated it. FWB/ fuck buddies doesn't work. They say no strings and before you know it, want to move in and take it to the "next level". Frankly, this is the only lifestyle that fits my needs. The sex is great and I can be friends with the lady without any entanglements. Am I selfish? Yes, I am but I prefer solitude most of the time and this hobby allows me to have a release while not compromising my personal space. It is also far safer than some of the alternatives, imo.
  22. Well, I just scrapped FB. I just can't stand all the bullshit on there and things like this annoy me no end. I think FB has gotten totally out of hand with crap like this. You have no real privacy regardless of your settings because they monitor everything once your email is tied to them. You can put up all the firewalls and what- not and they will be okay for awhile, then, boom, FB finds a way around them and you are at it again. At least that's my experience with them. I'm not super tech savvy though and don't know how to do a lot of the advanced protection stuff either so maybe others have better luck.
  23. For me, the chemistry isn't really something that I can say is a factor because I never know how that will be until we actually meet. I would say that looks are a very small pert of things as I am attracted to a vast variety of ladies. Reviews are something that plays a small part but they can be subjective. Honestly, if I were to say what makes the decision more often than not, it's the ads/website wording and language. I read the entire thing, not just rates and services and look at the gallery. A well written introduction and description can go a long way to giving me an idea of who I am to meet. I like intelligence, a certain sophistication and class and mostly, a great sense of humor and wit. I'm attracted to ladies that have fun in what they do and aren't afraid to show their nerdy, geeky side even. A great sense of humor and laid back attitude are a huge turn-on for me.
  24. A good piano ballad is always good. John Legend/ All of Me has some serious sex appeal in the video.
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