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Everything posted by Blue0012

  1. Truth is as a client I'm not too happy about it either. I've stopped going to 712, which is a shame cause Rose is a favorite. But I just don't like the attention they are drawing to themselves or the hobby. I've yet to go to 832. I've been avoiding the 649/609/478/Broadway outfit for the same reason. 80% of the Kijiji postings are these two outfits. Not necessarily saying I'm boycotting them, but I have no interest in visiting any of them. Despite one of my 'go-to' girls currently working out of one of them. Maybe we need to stop visiting these locations for a bit. Voice our displeasure with what they're doing. Explain to them our concerns and frustrations with what they're doing.
  2. Can't help but think its a competitor stirring it up. I saw the LE post on that new website the 609, 649, 478, Broadway outfit setup to shill there locations, Winnipeg Massage Places or something like that. Can't post the link here I believe but they're advertising it on K site. Funny, the name on the post was 'Mike'. Isn't the guy that runs these four locations a 'Mike'? Seems awful coincidental. Everything positive on that site is related to 609, 649, 478 and Broadway, while everything negative is for the 712 and 832 outfit. So looks suspiciously like a shill site. I wouldn't take anything on there serious until we start seeing other 'non affiliated' locations appear. Keep in mind I'm speculating that this is the case don't know for sure, but I'd be surprised if proven wrong.
  3. EB for me was never about the HE, it was about spending time in the tub with a beautiful woman.
  4. I'm surprised to see how low many of the tips are here. When I went WAY back, went twice, I was given the impression by the ladies I saw that minimum tip was 100 to get anywhere at all. Which made it an expensive prospect with the room fee. Which is why I've never gone back.
  5. Haven't been in a while, but 8-12 months a go when they had the $40 deal I was going pretty regular. Some girls offered, others didn't. My luck may have been lower than expected because I was often taking the 'brand new' girl who'd only been there a few days. Trying the new girls as they turned up. Betty would sneak in and whisper in my ear as to whether the girl that I was seeing offered or not.
  6. Not the Summer I'm referring too. I don't know how long she was there. I'd just discovered her and a month later she was gone. Two winters ago. She wasn't super slim, but by no means heavy. Athletic build. Super friendly and flirtatious. Where as Sunny has always been somewhat quiet and reserved in my experience. Little better than average looks. At the time there were two rumors, one that she quit to return to school. And another that she'd found a boyfriend gave up the job. Don't know the truth behind either, just hearsay. Still watch for her. When 712 opened up there was a Summer in the first group of girls, made and appointment 'praying' it was her but no luck. The Summer I'm referring to did the reach under like no other before or since. It was like you were her play thing and just holding on trying not to fall off. I don't know how long she'd been there. People weren't talking about her and I'm sure if she'd been there for more then a month or two she'd have achieved legend status.
  7. Is it Lyla that has the Do Not Discuss list or is that Perb. Can't find it anymore on either site. Just a heads up 353 and Honey are on it. Beyond mentioning that I'll respect her wishes and avoid discussing her regardless of the site. Rose as well has always been a long time favorite. I haven't been seeing her recently simply cause I'm not fond of the way 712 operates. If she moved somewhere else I might return to her more regular. My all time favorite though was a woman that retired almost two years ago, Summer who operated out of Broadway's SkyPeace. I still think about her. She was AGGRESSIVE, for lack of a better word. Actually aggressive is pretty accurate.
  8. Pretty sure its been established that its Sandra. Maybe on the other site but I've heard at least two confirmations that they're one and the same.
  9. Link the ad and you might have better luck with a response. If she gives you an address four or five blocks south of Fermor, avoid. There is a woman in that area that changes her name continuously which is worth avoiding.
  10. I talked to her sister briefly. Looks older but can't disguise the fact they're sisters. Practically mirror images. @Foofer ... I'd have to agree with jamesc that you must have caught her on an off day. She has taken calls while working on me in the past but usually I've told her it was okay. She more than makes up for the time typically. And I get a laugh from time to time listening in on some 'strange' conversations. One guy trying to get her to okay a fetish, but she didn't understand what the hell he was talking about and I could barely keep a straight face let alone stay quiet.
  11. I had said the quoted way back. Yes, safe visit for bucketlist, but I likely wouldn't repeat. But I have to admit, though I haven't repeated yet, I keep thinking about her. She has a face that appeals to me. I likely will repeat in the future. Wonder what it would take to get her to drop those clothes at the door so I could watch her climb those two flights of stairs naked as the day she was born. Something about watching her climb those stairs.
  12. The problem of multiple texts can be on the side of the provider as well. If I run across someone new and want to determine if she might be a good fit I generally ask for confirmation on two things, none of which are extra's related. One I want to know 'general area' and offer the suggested answers of north, south, east or west, to indicate I'm not asking specifics, just general area. Pretty straight forward and vague enough that a response should be a no brainer. Two I want to know hours and offer the clarification of what I'm looking for by suggesting 'start time' and 'last appointment'. You would not believe (or maybe you will) how often I get short 'when do you want to come' type responses. Well the 'general location' question is going to determine that. As would how early or late they start. Its frustrating. All I'm looking for is South and 9-5 Monday to Saturday. But rarely get it. Often get 'available now'. Or 'ok' ... I mean, what does okay even mean in that context. I ended contact with one recently after three attempts to determine how late she took clients, cause I'm often looking for 7pm or later. I think one response was 'Sounds good' and the other was 'Ok'. And that ended that attempt.
  13. Yeah ... I was regretting posting that comparison. I actually thought about removing it.
  14. Curious. Are talking about having dicks and balls waxed? A follow up question, how long does it last before you have to do it again?
  15. I appreciate your post Ruby, But understand that I suspect genuine providers requesting e-transfers in advance are the minority with the scammers far out numbering them. We have to be cautious and make certain new members are educated on the e-transfer situation. I apologize if that impacts you and other legitimate providers who are utilizing the e-transfer deal. Keep in mind, when I see an ad for Ruby on Backpage, I know its gone now, but how do I know its not a scammer using the information and photos of a respected provider? As for booking a hotel room, unfortunately that's the cost of doing business. A retailer has to put money out to buy stock with out any guarantees that his stock will sell. Its a gamble. As a retailer you're putting that money out with the belief you'll earn enough from it to cover the cost. I look behind me at my stock shelves and I see a dozen items that are no longer worth what I paid for them. Some are a complete and utter lose. I gambled and lost. The hope is you have more wins then loses. I know you've said you're not using e-transfer any longer, but are you certain making those requests wasn't actually hurting your business? I'm pretty sure if you asked ten here, 80% or more would have ended the conversation there regardless of reputation. Much respect to you Ruby, I understand you're telling us your side of things, I'm just doing the same from our side. Not trying to start a fight.
  16. I was wondering when I saw that this morning. Now they just gotta talk Broadway Summer into a return. How'd she look manrock? Remember when she got the haircut and highlights. Suited her while she kept it up.
  17. Its not that .... most girls don't want their 'actual' pictures posted for family and friends to come across.
  18. Cooooome on ... McDonald's is FAAAAAAR more consistent.
  19. Talked about here as well. https://www.lyla.ch/topic/169571-pembina-3000-block/
  20. When I saw her she first told me her name was what sounded like Joany, then immediately corrected herself to Jenny, repeating it twice. I didn't her the L in it but guess it doesn't matter. It could have been Jun-lee. Whomever sees her next confirm so we don't have another Shu/Sue/Susan situation. My thoughts mirror your own. Recommend a visit if only to strike her of your bucket list. Be gentle with her, got the impression she's a little fragile. She wigged out a bit when she found out there was an ad up with pictures (which by the way aren't hers). Not sure if she had the repeat factor for me. Someone said they believed she may be Monica from Plaza Dr in case you've seen Monica before, but I never saw Monica over there so I really can't confirm. I thought I recognized her face from old ads from the Br/Pl/Be guy. But from a few months back, maybe older.
  21. Anyone know how many Bettys there are? She can't be at ALL the locations that advertise her. Only Betty I'm familiar with is the one that used to be at 609 Sargent.
  22. I'm actually surprised you say that cause I found her the opposite. Distant and disinterested. The whole time I was on my back she stared at a the corner of the ceiling never looking down. I'm guessing she was the same when I was on my front.
  23. Been AGES since I've been. Helen is truly capable of a serious massage. I saw her two years ago a few times to have work done on an injured shoulder. I'd been wrestling with it for months and it had gotten to a point I couldn't lift a glass of water. After the first visit it felt like my shoulder had been steamrolled, I expected bruises. Felt that way for a few days. Saw her a second time 4 or 5 days later and again a week after. By that point I was well on my way to healed. I absolutely attribute the fix of my shoulder injury to her. I'd been struggling with it for months. She told me it was very swollen and the swelling was hampering healing. That being said, I'd avoid her partner, Karen I think? I got away from seeing Helen much because she was so difficult to reach and make an appointment. But she is one of only a few I've run into that I'd trust to work on a true injury. Probably the strongest hands I've encountered. Of course I was very clear about why I was there at the time, my shoulder. She's capable of the typical relaxation MP experience as well.
  24. My guess he's referring to 960 St Mary's Road, the old Getaway Spa location. Google map check of St Mary Ave and St Mary Street searches both came up with the Avenue address which looked to be an apartment building (525). As far as I can tell there isn't a 900 block of St Mary Avenue. There was a Spa near by but on Balmoral, not St Mary.
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