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Things that suck, and not in a good way.

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Having to wait for special things. Sometimes, like when you are having fun - time flies by way too fast.... but when you are waiting, it's like counting down the last days before summer vacation or christmas when you were a kid... it's torture!

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Getting woken up when you're in a deep sleep. Especially when you're having a good dream. Damn I hate the sound of my alarm clock, where my hammer when I need one.

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Having a million thoughts going through your head and being unable to coherently relate any of them to anybody.... arrrrrhgh.

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Left the back window down in my vehicle and it is pouring rain with thunder and lightening where I am.


My orange cat who looks like Puss n' Boots came home earlier at the back door with a live rabbit in his mouth. This is the second time this has happened. Thanks but no thanks for the present!

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Nicolette is right that you may not feel anything today but tomorrow you may feel the effects. Many years ago I hit a patch of black ice and skidded, compounding to the skid was a heavy crosswind, taken right off the road and headfirst into a telephone pole. Airbags deployed

Didn't feel any pain, but the next day I was in pain head to toe...to this day every now and then my back acts up and gets sore

Long and short, go see your doctor, and don't be surprised if you have aches and pains (although I'm praying for you that you don't hurt)

Here's hoping the insurance goes smooth, and you suffer no injuries

Take care


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I just want to chime in with the rest, Meg. See your doctor!


A few years ago, I was sitting in the front passenger seat of a parked car, and had my head turned on a slight angle to talk to the driver, when the guy parked behind us rear ended the car as he was doing a very bad job of pulling out of his parking spot. There was no damage to our car, thanks to the rear bumper's mechanism, but I ended up with a mild case of whiplash. Lots of massage therapy helped, but it wasn't any fun to go through it. Fortunately, my doctor was very good and had x-rays taken or the insurance company wouldn't have covered my treatments.

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It's spring and that means the starlings are nesting. Hate those little bastards. They make a mess everywhere.

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No matter how careful I am to wipe her paws, somehow the dog tracks cherry blossom petals into the house. I could vacuum after each time I take her outside.

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It's Saturday and April 20th

Things that suck #1

Calling for snow flurries, well guess what, snow is coming down

Things that suck #2

Thought with the week I had, treat myself to sleeping in. Up at 5am, damn my internal alarm clock!!!

Things that suck #3

Big queen size bed, lots of room, does the cat sleep where there is room, no, he lies on my pillow giving my head very little room on the pillow


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It's snowing.

snowing on april 20.



I give up


I feel your pain. I went out yesterday without a jacket for the first time this year. Today I had to bundle up again!!! I vote we move Canada to Hawai'i.

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Thank you all for your concern. I did report it to the police as well as my insurance carrier.


Spent a few hours at urgent care and, yes, mild case of whiplash. Ouch! Thankfully I am a quick healer!

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Guest A** L***

Having to go to work and liking the people you are helping more than the people you work WITH!!

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Just when things were starting to dry out and warm up, it rains. Grrrr......my fields beckon me and I am chomping at the bit. Spring is slow this year.

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It's a good kind of awful... but there aren't enough hours in the day to be with my friends and sleep. I may have to stop sleeping.

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Just when things were starting to dry out and warm up, it rains. Grrrr......my fields beckon me and I am chomping at the bit. Spring is slow this year.


I'm also chomping at the bit, to ride my new motorcycle. Since Wednesday, was only able to take her out a few times.

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My nephew's wife was having a smoke in their backyard one night and her little boy saw two white things which turned out to be a dude's eyeballs. She screamed and my nephew ran out to find out wtf up.


He said he was being chased by people with a bat; they called cops and it turns out he had just stabbed somebody up the block and was trying to hide in their garage!

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My nephew's wife was having a smoke in their backyard one night and her little boy saw two white things which turned out to be a dude's eyeballs. She screamed and my nephew ran out to find out wtf up.


He said he was being chased by people with a bat; they called cops and it turns out he had just stabbed somebody up the block and was trying to hide in their garage!


Wow! Hope your nephew and his family are okay! Something similar happened to me one time late at night when I was outside at my front door when a guy running from the police tried to run in my backyard. He startled me so badly that out of nowhere I started yelling and swearing at him and he started apologizing saying he was sorry. Instead, he tried to run in my neighbor's backyard and I chased him with a lawn gnome and hit him in the leg but he got away. Seconds later, police were looking for him. Turns out he broke into someone's house down the street while they were on vacation.

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