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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/11 in all areas

  1. 15 points
    I'm very curious as to why you, JoeBlow, seem to be encouraging extras in the CR at strip clubs? You know this is prohibited, you know the girl could get in trouble if she is caught, and you know that if you really wanted your dick sucked, you could simply go to an escort. But for some reason, since I have moved here(to Canada), I have witnessed Strip Clubs being no more that under-exaggerated Brothels. Don't mean to hijack your thread, but it seems to me that there is a lot more to risk and in the end benefits only the gent and screws the lady over. Because as I see it, no girl starts as a stripper thinking she's gonna be sucking dick for $40 in the CR when all she really thought it would be was dancing naked. The entire reason girls end up doing extras at clubs is because they feel pressure to do so. They think "well if others girls do that to make money, I better keep up or I'll go home with nothing!" Maybe I'm too sensitive, but I don't see bragging about illegal activities is really all that cool. And the girl in your story had it right on.
  2. 5 points
    "The pain is when the dreams change, as they do, as they must." How true Nathalie. Dreams change, realities change, and having never truly thought ahead to an inevitable future, the pain of loss has been and is crushing. How can one have so long deceived themselves about and ignored an ultimate reality? While being in that enchanted city with my lover the love did evolve. The initially raw passion. The initial years of being and acting as one. The change when children arrived, understanding that the love was still there but no longer focused solely on each other, and the requirement to accept that from a partner. Later, the love of solitary, quiet times together, the familiarity sometimes allowing conversation without words, but 'knowing', merely with thought and manner. The evolution of each of us as individuals, with mutual support for each other - careers, friends and interests, but always we were 'us'. And then a different kind of love grew. The children growing up and finding their own loves and moving out to share them. And for us, time together again, acting as one. The assured confidence in each other, that regardless of anything, we were together, always. Always love, but always changing. We were so fortunate, as we did fall in love over and over as life changed. But, "The pain is when the dreams change, as they do, as they must." "Suddenly the enchanted city fades and you are left alone again in the windy desert. As for your beloved, she didn't understand you. The truth is, you never understood yourself." She understood. But now I recognize that I maybe never did understand myself, as the author has stated. It has been an incredible insight into something that I never appreciated before. Alone leaves one floundering with my new understanding that it was my wife that ultimately gave a meaning to virtually everything that I did. And now? Love will not disappear, yet evolve again in its own way. My daughters and I are closer than at any other time ever in our lives. A pretty special love, but again, a different one. Thanks for the passage, and yes, it brings sadness, but also great joy to stop and remind myself just how fortunate I have been in my life - how fortunate WE were in life. I wonder what love has yet in store? That thought scares me to my very core.
  3. 4 points
    Lol if I had all that I wouldn't need to go to a stripclub.
  4. 3 points
    Ariel, a hot auburn-haired beauty with a perfect body Scarlett, dream-girl redhead with the best smile on the planet. Cato, surrounded by the awesome beauty of two of his favourite girls. A dream duo. I have never had a duo in a strip club before. It was a really heightened experience of erotic art. Here's what happened. The CR is pretty empty, and we get set up in the duo corner. Ariel initially takes the lead, and begins a sensuous lapdance, or thigh dance, as Scarlett nuzzles me, and then the heat of the two dancers merges as they begin to fondle each other. So hot to watch and touch and feel this, and to be in the midst of this interaction. My companions genuinely like and admire each other, and the mutual play is incredibly arousing. The roles change and evolve as Scarlett assumes control, and I shift my attention from one to the other to both. Four perfect breasts close to my face, tight abs to stroke, firm bums to hold, the strong and beautiful legs, the hair and the faces brushing against me, the eroticism and pleasure they unleash. I love this, I love these women and what they are doing, I am right here in the centre of it all but floating in space. Powerful fantasy, the thought of all I would love to be doing floods over me, but I'm rooted here, lost in what's happening. Dream and reality weaving together. Pure beauty. Pure delight. Within the perfectly clear boundaries of the CR, the intensity of the experience is almost beyond compare.
  5. 3 points
    "Elise" - A "Modern Day Courtesan" Offers us Fresh Perspective on an Age Old Profession I found this transcript on "Personal Life Media". I thought I would share it with everyone. It touches on a lot of the issues and questions discussed here on Cerb. http://personallifemedia.com/podcasts/229-just-for-women/episodes/3791-elise-modern-day-courtesan-offers-us Note: There is a miss type part way thorough where a few paragraphs are repeated. If you go through there menu on the left side of the screen. You will find "Sexuality". There are more interesting reads to be found. Note: This is also available in podplayer.
  6. 3 points
    As the ohhhhh so lovely Kimberly and Meg have stated, we have rules and one of those rules is that we don't discuss things that are illegal. CERB provides a great opportunity to express views, share stories and generally have fantastic discourse between business person and client. I really believe that this industry is a pioneer in open and frank dialogue - and this outlet, our beloved CERB, is one of the safe havens where you can develop and foster a real understanding of the concerns that are out there. Sometimes we all make errors in judgment. We assume that people will be on board with our personal sense of humour, our moral code, and our sense of joy or outrage at world events. We push the boundaries of good taste, we make light of other's misery, we dismiss other's beliefs because they do not align with our own. That's life. That's reality. That's also the rationale for having rules. The rules, let's face it... the rules are pretty damn liberal. We talk about stuff here that would make our moms blush. It's lively, it's serious, it's lighthearted, it's sexy... and it's all ours. The few rules that we have are there to protect our collective derrieres. We may not always agree. We may regret what we have written. We may have to sit in a corner for a week or two (mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa...) for being too lively in our discourse or intercourse (hehehehe I said intercourse!!!) - but warts and all, you will NEVER find a better group of people with a sense of commonality and community than we have at CERB. That's just one cents worth... I am saving my other penny for the champagne room ;)
  7. 3 points
    You guys missed this one.. (Click on the picture to see it bigger) ;)
  8. 2 points
    One of my favourite quotations is, "Be compassionate. Everyone you meet is fighting a great battle." I don't know who was the original author; it's been attributed to many people. What matters to me is that it's true. We all have struggles, joys, pain and sorrow, celebrations, things we're proud of and things we're deeply ashamed of. Human beings are complex. Reducing any person to just one or two things is always a huge distortion of who they really are. Those who begin with compassion and genuinely seek to understand have richer lives than those who consign others to neat, single-issue boxes or files. Compassion teaches about others and about ourselves, too. I'm heartened by the general response I've seen on the boards recently. Most people try to take time to pause, to reflect and then to speak. But.... it seems to me that we could all use a bit of a refresher course in dealing with trolls. In general, the most insensitive and accusative statements are made by people who are or appear to be relative newcomers to CERB. They say enough to get their post count up a bit, but when the time seems right for them, they launch a strong counter-opinion in the least respectful, most condescending or challenging ways possible. They are not here to engage in reflective, constructive conversation that respects the views and rights of others. Instead, they like to see what they can get started by taking a strong, emotional and powerful position that usually disagrees with most of the participants in the group. Throughout, instead of taking part in honest discussion, they state put-downs and make personal attacks on other parties, distort what they or others have said and generally try to keep themselves as the centre of attention. Eventually, they pretend to log out but return under another name on another computer, or they say that they're going to be unavailable for days or weeks to come, or they continue baiting and stirring the pot until they're ready to deliver their final denunciations directed at specific people or the whole group. Trolls divert discussions, hijack thread, sow seeds of suspicion and discord, try to create factions and frequently aim to destroy groups by undermining members' trust in each other. Never feed trolls! It just encourages them. If you find that you've inadvertently been reeled into their tricks, back out. Stop posting. The best way to get a troll to give up is to ignore what they say and do.
  9. 1 point
    Short answer: No. You could, edit the ad and replace the text, pictures, etc. with nonsense. Most search engines will then update their store with the revised information. You need to do this some time before an ad expires, because the search engines do not crawl sites on a regular or even predictable schedule. There are some systems that permanently record web pages, and there is nothing you can do about those.
  10. 1 point
    Tried to rep you old dog...woot woot!!
  11. 1 point
    That's what it states in the rules/faq section: Under the heading - "Do Not Discuss Anything Illegal" http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_discussillegal .
  12. 1 point
    Oh I have had quite a few!! Another lady next week!! I'm a "gift" from her hubby... How hot is that? Just she and I, he won't be there. I can't wait!!
  13. 1 point
    Please don't give reasons to close bars or criminalize CR dancing. I respectfully disagree that our strip bars in Canada or Ottawa are under-exaggerated brothels. Definitely not all. And then only a minority of dancers may offer extras and a majority will (contact) dance only. This kind of comments will give strength and reason to the extreme elements in the government not only to make prostitution illegal but also to close all our strip bars (or CRs) too as they almost did in Sweden. I read in an article that in Sweden since buying sex become illegal, dancers are not allowed to take off their underwear even when on stage, forget about contact dances lol (yes Sweden not Saudi Arabia lol!!!!!!). A similar private bill is awaiting to be proposed to Canadian parliamemt in the fall (making buying sex illegal and criminal and some backward elements may consider contact dancing as sexual and paying for it as buying sex!!!!). If they close strip bars too then where do we go for weekend fun after stressful work week lol???. Please refrain from comments like this or describing extras in the strip bars. We all know these are a tiny minority and mostly they are clean dances....It is not the right time.
  14. 1 point
    Instead of wandering hands, I suggest you ask her first. While I respect that you personally may not have pressured anyone, my issue with your recent postings is that you are encouraging guys to go into strip clubs seeking sex and even coaching them on how to get a stripper to agree to sex. This can create very difficult work environments for us. Like I said above, there is a time and place for everything. If you're looking for sex for money, you've come to the right place (CERB). By the number of nominations that Mia's post received, I hope you have noted that many ladies are put off by these threads and comments.
  15. 1 point
    Apologies. Withdrawing my comment for reasons of staying out of controversial legal areas.
  16. 1 point
    Hun, hun, hun....never bring ANYTHING illegal to the table!!!!!!!!!!
  17. 1 point
    So true and I continue to enjoy myself :) and yes, I owe it all to you wonderful gents!!!
  18. 1 point
    Just had a fantastic duo with Chanel Reign. We are definitely compatible and multi-orgasmic. She even got me to squirt! a little one compared to her gushes but hey.. it's something.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    ohhhh cato i agree 100% with all you wrote on this amazing week of great people meeting and even some awesome "firsts" you are very special cato! i always look forward to hearing from you and seeing you too! you are still a rockstar!!!!!!! xoxo
  21. 1 point
    I have never had a female client, I'd love it though if I did!!:icon_smile:
  22. 1 point
    Today Fredericton firefighters were called to a residence to investigate a report of a smoldering/burning smell coming from inside. A crew of four firefighters were dispatched. Once they were able to gain entry to the residence, they found Ms. Carley Chase alone nude on her bed, in an obvious heated state. Each firefighter used his hose to try and help Ms. Chase, but they did not have any success. The firefighters asked Ms. Chase what could be done to help, and she replied, "Bring me newboy, he is the only one who can help". The four firefighters stood by in case of the spontaneous human combustion of Ms. Chase, but radioed in to have an emergency vehicle pick up newboy and deliver him to the scene. Once newboy arrived, Ms. Chase was obviously relieved to see him, and asked that he use his hose to help out. Having seen Ms. Chase before, newboy new what she needed,(sexy,nasty things), and proceeded without hesitation. (Over the next several hours, Ms. Chase's heated state was finally relieved...) Once everything had finally cooled down, the four firefighters could leave the scene. As they were leaving, several comments were heard: ... I can't believe that Ms. Chase could swallow the whole of newboys hose! ... I thought Ms. Chase would drown when newboy's hose shot all over her. ... Where did Ms. Chase ever learn to say all those dirty, nasty things? ... When I was a teenager, I wondered if the young women I watched in porn really existed? Now that I have seen Ms. Chase in action, I know they do. When Ms. Chase was asked for a comment, she replied, (whenever I am burning up, newboy always knows what to do, he is my hero!) Newboy could not be reached for comment, he is still in the hospital recovering from burns to his tongue, and several other body parts.
  23. 1 point
    If you need a jogging buddy let me know. I'll happily drive along side you as you jog and that way I can run over anyone who tries anything weird. I'm nice like that.
  24. 1 point
    Go out and dance naked in the rain. You know you want to.
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    You know your old when you remember the old Shoppers City in Ottawa (beside Algonquin College), now gone and replaced by a bunch of stores...ah progress RG
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    One other thing, even if you could do it and delete permanently web pages, there is nothing to say someone hasn't copied information or photos off that web page, and saved it to their computer, while the website was active. I was once told, once out on the web it's floating out there for good, for anyone to see RG
  30. 1 point
    Well said!! They're just as screwed-up as me, except they just love to willingly & publicly embarrass themselves.:asslick:
  31. 1 point
    I have made that mistake of touching a MA/MP down below. It was instinctive and with out fore thought. I was fortunate that she did not mind. In the future I will make it a point to ask first for all MA/MP/SP. Thank you for your comments. They are appreciated. Jafo
  32. 1 point
    I think most MAs/MPs will allow touching just not down below... I think what you described sounds very sexy and sensual, always good to ask beforehand though! Bethany Xoxox
  33. 1 point
    When it is possible to be together at the same time I offer duos with my very sexy friend Bobbi Victoria! And of course, the insatiable Gabriella L! Mmmm, living the dream!
  34. 1 point
    Now on the flip side, and I know this thread is for ladies!!! but I would just like to say 'that I love having my nipples sucked on,lightly bitten,having nipple clamps on them' It brings out a great excitement for me :) I would like to thank those ladies that have performed this for me, I get goose bumps from it ;) Apparently I have been told numerous times by ladies I have sexy great looking nipples :)
  35. 1 point
    YMMV means that the writer liked whatever happened but recognizes that others may prefer something else or that the chemistry between the two parties may be what makes the difference. Greek may cost more with some companions. Others may include it as part of the menu of options if they're basing their fees on their time rather than specific activities. Make sure you discuss your interest in anal sex with the companion when you book the meeting. Don't just arrive and expect her to be ready and willing to do this with you. Understand that, for some of us, offering Greek can mean that the woman is willing to try having anal sex, not that she's guaranteeing that it will happen. If it's not something she does very often or if the man is larger than most other men, she may have a hard time accommodating him. Also, if for whatever reason she doesn't feel comfortable or that she's able to relax well enough, she may not be able to go through with this activity. To maximize your chances of a good encounter with Greek, it helps to be calm and very respectful, to proceed slowly, and, when it's time for anal sex, to let her take the lead. Ask her to tell you what to do and when. Let her be the one who is completely in charge. Even the most willing companion will generally not appreciate having the man suddenly become very dominant with her at this point, the first time they're together. Where you can take the lead is to be sure to use LOTS of lubricant! Use whatever your companion has provided since she may have strong personal preferences or requirements (for example, many women avoid lubes that have any kind of sugar in them because those ingredients are more likely to cause yeast infections). Use much more lube than you think you could possibly need. Too much is just about guaranteed to be enough to ensure that both parties have a very nice, comfortable and pleasant encounter!
  36. 1 point
    I have a Deep Routed passion for Shoes. I have 65 pair and No One can tell me I have Too Many. If I could I would buy a pair for every day of the year. They all serve a specific purpose, whether it be comfort, warmth, sex appeal, power, or plain neccessity. I have an entire bedroom dedicated simply to shoes, with the closet installed with shelves so I could neatly arrange them and show them off(mostly to myself). Never have a seen a shoe I didn't like, and frankly 5 inch heels are no match for my well practiced feet. I can glide across air when I have the right pair of shoes on. They give me confidence, a swivel in my step, and that click-clack always draws the right attention. When I have my heels on, I can take over a room, demand attention, and conquer anything. I love my shoes. They cheer me up when I'm blue, perfect any outfit, and boy do I get turned on when I take off everything but my heels in the bedroom. Shoes.... I just can't live without them.....
  37. 1 point
    I'm very happy to say that Cathy and I will be doing 100% fully interactive and amazingly hot duo encounters together. We will require 24-48hrs notice most days. Lexy http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=29136 Cathy http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=29603 Kisses, Lexy
  38. 1 point
    Unfortunately, I can see many hobbiests taking advantage of this policy.
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