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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/16 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    It's been a really long time. I wasn't really sure that I had any more of these left in me, for it seemed like I'd already said everything that I could say over the years. But recently I found new inspiration and the rest was history. I hope you enjoy it. bb --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hotel doors open with a whoosh, and I step outside. The air is crisp, this late summer evening. It's going to be dark soon. But in the twilight I can still see the leaves, starting to turn yellow. It'll be winter all too soon, I'm afraid. But the thought of another frigid Winnipeg winter is the last thing on my mind this evening. For you see, I've just left her hotel room. I have a spring in my step and a smile on my face. I'm almost about to bust out and whistle a tune. Maybe it's a dark cool almost fall evening all around me, but in my mind it's a sunny and warm spring day, full of promise. She makes me happy. Really, really happy. Sometimes it feels like my heart is going to burst. But I know feeling this wonderful is a little bit wrong, in this crazy hobby I have. I have to rein my feelings in. I have to keep my perspective. I have to not obsess over her. I need to keep things light when I'm with her. Or, at least I tell myself that every time I go see her. But as soon as I enter her door, she always draws me close enough for me to smell her faint perfume. She kisses me as if I haven't seen her in months, although it's never been long. She asks how I've been and listens carefully. I know she remembers our talks and it seems like she remembers everything we say. She acts like an old friend, a dear friend, which I guess is what she's become to me. But wait. There's more, as they say in the commercials. She then brings me even closer. Finally we're skin to skin, and our tongues do their familiar slow tango. She brings me inside her. Words fall away then for both of us. Her eyes are half closed and unseeing. Her breath becomes shallow and rapid. Her face flushes, her pulse quickens. She's enjoying this as much as I am. I've always hated it when the ladies fake those last frenzied few minutes. I wish that they all could be honest about this. My ego is not so fragile that it would be shattered by knowing that I didn't make the lady cum. But I know why they do this. It's just another little stroke of the ego, another little part of the business, a little flourish to make your time a little more enjoyable. She never fakes it with me. I can tell. Or perhaps I'm a willing participant in my delusion. But I don't think so. Still, I might well be the second, or third, or more man to cross her doorstep today. I don't really want to know. But it seems so hard to believe that this happens with all of them. Well, perhaps not quite all, but you know what I mean. Afterwards, we curl up together. We catch our breath. Our skin cools and we whisper our little secrets to each other, as we punctuate our words with little kisses and touches. I know she's well loved, in every sense of the word. The merest mention of her name on the review boards always draws an enthusiastic response. So many of them say the things that I could, and have, said about her. How truly wonderful she is. How she has so much love to give. I truly don't know how she does it. Because this is a business transaction. This is a service, albeit a very personal one. Yet it is much more than that with her, for me. She truly cares. I bask in her warmth every time I see her, which is not nearly as much as I would like to. She gives so much more than she has to. It's not just her body, but her attention, her compassion, her kindness. It seems like she has limitless amounts of love, for me and for all the others. It would be way too easy to fall, and fall hard. But I'm sure that so many others have felt the same way about her that I do. I have to presume she's done many of the same things with them. And knowing that I'm not so special that way helps keep me on the side of the angels. Still, feeling loved is addictive. I completely get that from her. I can get luv any old place, or so it seems. She offers so much more. And knowing that I'm not the only one, not by a long shot, doesn't diminish the feelings I have when I'm with her. She's truly special to me. I get to my car, unlock it and get in. I turn to look up at her room window, and see the light dim. She's back at work already. I grin, and start the car.
  2. 3 points
    The thread about deodorant gave me the idea for this thread. Many people are not aware of what causes smells in the first place let alone how to manage to eradicate and prevent them from coming back. Pheromones, lunch or bacteria? What scent do people pick up from you? Your pheromones, what you had for lunch or the bacteria colonies that have taken control of your skin? Pheromones. Normally, the natural smell of a healthy body is light to moderate. Although not all pheromones types are pleasant to every person, they usually will create on a "smeller" a reaction somewhere on the spectrum Addictive to Repulsive. Body chemistry and, consequently pheromones, can be altered positively or negatively by various factors: stress, lack of sleep, food and beverages, medication, illness, sun exposure. A healthy lifestyle is more conducive to a rich and pleasant scent from pheromones. Stress an lack of sleep tends to acidify the body and the sweat and pheromones may be overpowered by cortisol and adrenaline byproducts scents. Sun exposure tends to bring out the pleasant tones of scents. However, medication or illness will often cause an unpleasant stench. Foods have various effects, on the pheromone bouquet but also on the sweat. Cumin and onions are the most common offenders, as well as deli, garlic, red meat. Fruits, vegetables and fish on the contrary will leave a lighter trace. Certain herbs will create a pleasant undertone e.g.: fenugreek which gives the sweat and semen a sweet maple syrup like scent/taste. Hair. The scalp is a smell generator people don't often consider. People that sweat from the head a lot or produce a lot of sebum may find there odor strong at times. Heating cooling reheating and cooling makes the sebum rancid and the heat from the head diffuse it in the air like an aromatherapy stick, just not necessarily a pleasant one. A person stressed or during intense emotional or mental activity, will sweat neurotransmitter byproducts by the scalp, the eyes and ears. Some people who suffer from lots of dandruff often notice a smell produced by the bacteria that causes dandruff in the first place. Add tea tree, patchouli and juniper to your shampoo and conditionner. You will be amazed. Pits. All over the body, we are colonized by bacteria strains. Most of them are either helpful or harmless and our top layer of epitelial cells have antibacterial properties sufficient to keep the colonies in safe numbers. However, some strains produce stronger smells then others and in zones where the level of humidity is higher such as the pits, especially if there is hair multiplying the surfaces where to cling to, bacteria reproduce faster than the skin ability to control them, with stench that ensues. The body heat diffuses the odor and after a cooling period, another warm up episode will diffuse even worst emanations. If by some unfortunate circumstances some really bad bacteria strain set foot and take control of the region and the skin cannot keep it in check, the colony will spread all over the body and it will become resident and almost impossible to get rid of. Some people need to shower twice daily and put tons of deodorant yet the stench comes back really fast. There are 2 reasons for that: recontamination and resistence. When the stench is very strong and is obviously not from food or illness, I recommand people to shampoo from head to toes with a Ketokonazol shampoo (such as Nizoral) to lather it well and stand like this for 10 minutes than rinse. One or two of these is sufficient to kill the offender. BUT it is very important to not dress in ANY of your clothes before they have been decontaminated. Laundry detergent does not kill these bacteria strains. They live in the fabric dormant and are reactivated by the body heat and repopulate the skin and recontaminate person and clothes again. There are only 2 ways to get rid of these: you must wash ALL your clothes either in really hot (boiling may be necessary for head caps and clothes that have been repeatedly saturated in stenchy sweat) water. Bleach only if white clothes. For delicate fabric that cannot be submitted to hot water, use the second method. Put 2 cups of sea salt in a clean 5 gallons tub dissolve with some hot water than fill to 3/4 with warm or cool water. Put in the clothes and let soak overnight. You may add a cup of vinegar for extra freshness and softness. Excellent for technic wear and sports wear that cannot be put in hot water. Another bacteria that is horribly stinky is the moisture mold. I call it the damped towel stink. You know when a towel never dries fully it starts stinking bad? Some people do not smell that but i do. And if you dry yourself with such towel, you transfer mold onto your body and then to your clothes and if you let these clothes dry and then wear them again, it reactivates the mold and bacteria and it has this really bad smell that gives the impression that the person is not clean when they actually just put on clean clothes coming out of the machine. The washer is also a source of contamination: front load machines, if the gasket is not wiped dry after use and the door closed, the mold will get into the rubber and contaminate clothes. Dry, you wont smell it but as soon as your body heat and sweat a bit, you will smell it. The good thing is that normally mechanical removal (lathering well with soap) is sufficient to remove it from your body as it can't really live there. But not from the clothes. Only the very hot water and vinegar or salt AND VINEGAR overnight soak can eliminate mold spores from clothing. Most deodorant do not kill bacteria and antiperspirant simply remove moisture to slow down the reproduction process. The most effective deodorant that does kill bacterial is "Crystal" see below. I personally like to add a couple of essential oils drops to Crystal in spray. You may choose between rosemary, laurel, tea tree, bergamot, grapefruit (especially if you have high blood pressure issues and cholesterol, that will be a helpful bonus). Rosemary for fair skin and dark coarse hair works really good, tea tree is an acquired taste but is antibacterial and antifungal, so is ylang ylang, bergamot has a lovely and delicate scent that we often find in men's perfume. You may mix one of the herbs/leaves with one of the citruses. Belly button: crass cumulate in there or sometimes yeast(candida). The best way to prevent this is to wash regularly and spray with "Crystal" (mineral salts such as Potassium Alum, Sodium Bicarbonate, Zinc Gluconate and Benzoic Acid). Feet: soak in water with tee tree and rosemary. Spray with "Crystal" (btw it does not have to be that brand but that's they only one we find these days...) your soles and inside your shoes and let it dry during the night. Mouth: well it is late so i'll continue another day. But swiching with coconut oil is supposed to be excellent to kill the bad bacteria that smell yet not bother the good ones. If you have a white coating on your tongue it feels thik and feels that the side of your cheek are peeling off, you probably have candida. Take fluconazol (diflucan) and revised your diet to see if you are not eating too much sugar. If you like to eat a lot of garlic and onions, try to eat parsley. it helps, so does chlorophyle. For smells that come from the stomach hyperacidity, I've been told that extra hot food like mexican, will alliviate that but this info i have not verified so take it with skepticism.
  3. 2 points
    Congratulations my friend on your 5th anniversary on Lyla! Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
  4. 2 points
    Having G R E E K salad and Souvlaki, overlooking the Aegean Sea.
  5. 2 points
    We need a subtle way to identify fellow lyla members. LIke maybe we all wear a yellow ribbon or a neck tattoo. Any suggestions?
  6. 2 points
    Well, you missed her this afternoon! And if you are a l*ver of shapely breasts, then what a collection you missed. Apart from the well known, and well enhanced, Jenny, there were such naturally endowed wonders as Samantha, Juicy, Lela, Lena and Sasha Love. And more fun to be had with Penelope, Sarah and Maddy. As noted previously, no Ariel. Just areolae! What a pity the rain kept you away :-(
  7. 2 points
    What a fantastic thread :) I too enjoy hugs, and get them.. all day in my profession.. such a purrrfect thing, a hug :) I have a few clients who give off a vibe that says they aren't 'huggers'.. so.. I don't hehe.. but definitely goes a long way to indeed 'seal' things... and purrrrsonally, I have no idea how any provider in this profession *could* remain detached and withdrawn... just.... ew! ;) as far as 'acts of kindness'... I had a woman cry in my office the other day, when after I explained the therapy that I felt would work best for her, and told her the cost... she rolls her eyes, sighs and got ready to leave... and I stopped her, told her that whatever she can 'comfortably manage' to pay was fine with me.... she literally cried... (I have a policy in my clinic where, I do not do what I do to make a million dollars, but to make a difference in someone's life.. so on certain days, with certain people.. the 'fees' for therapies here, are $10/each instead of what they *really* are... I may be a wonderfully twisted perrrrrrvert.. but I do enjoy being able to look at myself at the end of my day) ;) ...and no.... <grin> my lovely massages and 'other fun things' are not in that category hehe.. =P
  8. 2 points
    I'm with Mikeyboy on this one. I think political correctness has gotten a bad rap to some extent and that the term is misused, perhaps beyond repair. People latch on to stories of extreme versions of it that just about no one would agree with and it tarnishes the whole thing. Even the term itself is worded in such a way as to put people off it. I'd compare it to how more and more often I see people shy away from calling themselves a feminist and consider that a negative term. In some circles the word feminism has come to mean purely militant, yelling, angry people that hate men. But if you define feminism as a desire and fight for equality, then it's a concept most people can get behind. It's the same here. The Internet loves extreme stories, and so we hear so many of them that it warps the nature of a term and skews our view of people. If political correctness means I can't debate ideas, delve into tricky topics, and must censor reasonable speech from those who would twist the intent of my meaning to find glee in being offended, of course I'm going to be against it. But one person's hate speech is another person's political correctness. What if I came into these threads and made jokes about "spics" or derided any member who identified as bisexual or gay as "faggots"? What if every time a lady expressed a strong opinion I called her a cuunt? What if I insisted on calling a transgender member a shemale because I think "it's" just being sensitive and "I don't mean anything by it" or "I'm just joking around"? How about if I post Halloween pictures where I dress in black face, and then get angry at anyone insulted because I refuse to acknowledge the historical issues with that? I suspect--I hope!--if I did any of those things I'd be called out on them. I hope people would explain to me in no uncertain terms that I was being at best naive and at worst, an ignorant jerk. And I hope I wouldn't get away with it by saying anyone offended is just being politically correct. I'm all for discussion and debate. I believe it's healthy to share ideas outside your bubble. I roll my eyes at folks who go out of their way to be offended. But I am for tolerance and respect.
  9. 2 points
    Fake! Here's her video page. http://www.emsmusic.info/mp3/mc-flavinho-e-debora.html#/page/1
  10. 1 point
    Hi everyone I just wanted to say hi to my old Lyla friends, and to some new ones... I am back and hoping to enjoy some more great moments with everyone here... Love and kisses...
  11. 1 point
    Anyone ever meet this lady? Tineyed the pics and they look legit. Just looking for additional info. http://newbrunswick.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/names-sky-very-good-at-what-i-do-come-let-me-show-you/2188590
  12. 1 point
    Such fond, fond memories of Passion Vitto and Alexxandria at ALO Spas ;) I seem to be very sentimental this evening with fond, fond memories of duos with Passion Vitto and Alexxandria at ALO Spas, and absolutely wonderful times with each of these lovely women individually ;) Absolutely amazing! So fortunate to have been there to enjoy their presence! Amazing women! Experiences I will never forget ;) I'm sure I'm not the only one to have appreciated the pleasure and joy they brought us ;) bellafan
  13. 1 point
    Your reputation precedes you .. and that is a very good thing !! Look forward to meting you :)) Additional Comments: Meeting * of course.
  14. 1 point
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I don't have a problem with some of what people are talking about here. There's value in learning that things you thought were innocuous cause offence to others. But like many good things, it becomes counter-productive when you take it too far. The plague of safe spaces and trigger warnings threatens to leave us with a generation who are unable to cope with the world. Letting people know that something is offensive to you does not, in any way, give you a right to meander through life without ever seeing or hearing anything that may hurt your feelings.
  15. 1 point
    May your day be perrrrrrfect! :) ....gotta say, the way the 'title' of this thread rrrrrrolls off the tongue is amusing hehe "Happy birthday to someguy" ;)
  16. 1 point
    Happy Birthday Someguy! Thanks for being you, a great, sweet person! xoxo
  17. 1 point
    Indeed, once again Happy 5 yr anniv Star99. I'm so happy this site got us in touch! Big hug to a great guy! xoxo
  18. 1 point
    Good afternoon, I have wonderful news, I am going to be downtown this Thursday, and Friday! Nothing would make me happier than having the pleasure of your company during my stay :-) If our schedules happen to coordinate them please email me at [email protected] I would absolutely adore spending some time with you :) To learn a little bit more about me please feel free to take a peek at my website, or simply send me an email and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have! http://Www.carleychase.com Enjoy your lazy Sunday, and I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon! Sending you lots of love, and hugs Carley xox
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    I simply don't think that a white, male, heterosexual billionaire should be the one who gets to decide when we have had enough political correctness.
  21. 1 point
    Photos are of an escort in southern Ontario. She's currently advertising up there as well. You be the judge.......
  22. 1 point
    Happy birthday Shymale! Hope you had a good one!
  23. 1 point
    A very informative post. Merci beaucoup. Muchisimas gracias. Mutau
  24. 1 point
    Ariel is the star attraction for sure, but fun times can be had with Jessie or Katrina or Stacey if they're around
  25. 1 point
    I really like getting a big hug by my clients before they leave. Somehow it feels like it "sceals" or gives a beautiful closure to the intimate connection that occured. I too feel appreciated by this gesture! So it is both ways!
  26. 1 point
    I visited Sasha May this week. I had not seen her BP ad for a long time but was able to contact her here, she is member under the name Princ3ss. I found out that she is still working one day a week in Brockville and in Ottawa about once a month. Setting up the appointment was very easy, she remembered me. Service was as great as I remembered. She is a beautiful lady with great service and great body. She has pictures on her profile . She has a very full menu of options.
  27. 1 point
    I saw her as well and will not be repeating.
  28. 1 point
    The bikini and mojito party had started before I arrived and I would have liked to joined the fun, but Victoria and Angelica introduced themselves and I found myself pleasantly distracted for the next hour. Both ladies were beautiful, friendly and went out of their way to help me relax before the nuru massage. Today's session was my first time and the massage exceeded my expectations; ranging from soft to hard, intense to subtle, passionate to slow, it was simply a pleasurable experience for all of my senses. Both ladies complemented each other extremely well and their chemistry added another level of enjoyment to the session. It was hard to believe that they were just completing their second week. It was truly a great time and a wonderful experience.
  29. 1 point
    If you use Chrome you can just right click on any image and search for the image in Google.
  30. 1 point
    Dear gentlemen's, I'm Angela French a sexy, classy & delicate companion that offer upscale experience and i'm visiting Charlottetown PEI this Sept.17-18-19th (incall/outcall) 10am to midnight. Imagine being completely pampered, all your worries being left far behind... Yourself having an indulgence relaxation massage & sensual session with a warm & passionate woman. I will charm you with my deep blue eyes and seduce you with my petite & fit body. I want to bring you to my world of fantasy and sensuality. I set relaxing ambiance and pay attention to every details. I'm also a great companion for dinnerdate! Service: Sensual & passionate session and profesional massage include Stats: Quebecoise 25yrs old Petite & fit body. (Spinner) 32B-22-32 5'4" 110lbs Long black hair Bleu eyes Donation: Hh/160 1Hr/260 1.5Hr/400 2Hrs/500 Special 4hrs dinnerdate 750 You can preboook now at [email protected] text only 514-416-4991 Website:http://www.angela-french.com Hope to hear from you soon xoxoxo
  31. 1 point
    Location was ok. She is shy! She has a hard time breaking away from her planned routine.
  32. 1 point
    Having only seen Tiffany twice have no real comments about her but Shu and I seem to connect every time I see her..last time I saw her the experience was like I come there every week...love her massage skills and she knows how to keep me coming back for more
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    I would compare it to a mine field. You may get lucky every so often or you may lose a limb. If you sweep that filed first it can help eliminate the risk, but there is still a risk. Stay safe and keep to the reputable Lyla women. I do realize in certain areas it may be harder as Lyla is not as active in some markets and BP is the majority just do as much homework as you can and stay safe.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    One I could never make sense of is: "brand new! Very well reviewed!" Was never really sure how you could manage both at once...
  37. 1 point
    Vitto is joining AlO starting Sept. 19 according to Alexandria on Twitter.
  38. 1 point
    She meant better than sleeping ;-)
  39. 1 point
    location matters to me in that I'm typically making my way around the city by public transit so the incall sight normally has to be convenient... I have on two occasions gone well out of my way to see a particular lady, but she was/is special (and only available once every few months). But type of building, Condo or Hotel, doesn't matter. I did run into a bit of a problem once because the incall condo was near where my daughter works... yikes... I met her boyfriend about 5 minutes from the incall site... I had to quickly come up with an excuse for being in that area. Fortunately her office moved.
  40. 1 point
    To bad more men weren't like you. It would put a big dent in the exploitation of underage and pimped out girls. We should only be in this business because we want to be.
  41. 1 point
    Yes I have fond memories of her too and her partner Vitto - both fun and sexy ladies!
  42. 1 point
    I know on a few occasions I have asked the gentlemen to please give me a few minutes and none of them ever had a problem with waiting 5 more minutes...sometimes life happens and we may need an extra 5 minutes(I would definitely understand if you had a booking and the lady asked you to wait 15 or more minutes then okay sure leave But I also have waited and waited on several occasions for the gentlemen to arrive and he had been stuck in traffic or lost and I waited up to 15-20 minutes For those gentlemen that do book and do not show up (no phone call/text nothing) I just block their phone number and will not answer to them again....that is indeed rude and inconsiderate I also like to freshen up and go out of my way to look sexy for you and always make sure my place is clean and comfortable Arggg time wasters...bye
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