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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/21 in Posts

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    Some habits are tough to get rid of...
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    Let's get up to some fun Host to your mischief in Ottawa Today ~ Friday in Centretown For everything you need to know, please visit my website: (inc. updated rates) www.liv-waters.com Hope you're basking in the sun! Xo, Liv
  16. 1 point
    Salutations, Today I am accepting guests at my clean, convenient and most importantly private home located Ottawa South . I endeavour to provide an atmosphere of total relaxation. Your complete satisfaction is my aim and goal during out time together. My hope is to provide a place where one might unwind and leave the stress of the day behind. I am a mature curvy woman standing 5'5" . I posses a captivating hourglass figure with a natural 36D cup. I have short hair and ever changing hazel eyes. I am both friendly and frisky savouring each and every moment we spend together. Nothing in life should be rushed. Instead all moments should be experienced to their fullest leaving only lasting and enjoyable memories. I greatly enjoy role playing and have in my possession a toy or two I would love to share with you. I also enjoy spending time with couples. Some things are simply more enjoyable in 3's. Plenty of possible extra's for your imagination just ask. In addition, rose wine is my absolute favourite. So for those who bring me a bottle they to will receive a $10 savings. We can enjoy it together. Time Spent with me Today: 120/hh 200/1hour Today 180 300/1.5hour 380/2 full yummy hours Today get 2 full hours of time with me for 360 Cerb Members Special Massage Rate: 100 roses/half hour 130 roses/45 min 160 roses/1 hour 613 513-9294 Jolie XoX
  17. 1 point
    Yep, Kitty is still amazing.
  18. 1 point
    I have definitely had the jitters, particularly with a new encounter. I mentally prepare myself for the worst - just in case. But upon arrival and first glance I can tell the forecast for the time spent together. Lots of tell tail signs even before meeting too that can be red flags. First time is always the hardest 🤪
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    I have seen her in the last month or 6 weeks as well as a few times more in the last 7 months and she is still amazing!! no worries.. treat her right and she will reciprocate. that reminds me.. I need to book again! ML
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    Excellent experience with biera but not young... not that it matters.
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    I had that experience a couple of times. When I pulled in the hotel parking there were already 2 and 3 police car in the parking away from the entrance. I texted my companion as usual to let her know I had arrived. Once I got her reply I knew it was all good. I just grabbed my carry-on size bag from my back seat and went in as though I owned the place. I figured that if something was wrong my companion would have let me know in some way. Both times had a great visit and when I walked all cops were gone. Trying to not look suspicious is best. Actually, don't try, just don't act suspicious!
  41. 1 point
    Some cops stay in the hotel, and I meet them sometimes in the breakfast room. Last encounter, I met a handsome one few days ago when I was in Kamloops and he seems to recognize me and we flirt a bit. I believe, escorting is very well tolerated in Canada by now and we are totally fine doing it. Cops simply check for license or sex trafficking but I never hear story they bust the clients for years by now. So chill everyone 😋 Cops came when I tour in Medicine Hat and gave me $2000 fine. He told me the agencies were not happy with my presence in their city and force him to give me a fine. He told me to advertise in Brooks instead of in Medicine Hat next time if I ever come back I never come back afterwards. Pissed with 2K fine I guess
  42. 1 point
    Etransfer and password required. As noted, the pictures aren't real.
  43. 1 point
    I have had it happen twice to me that when I arrived at the incall location there were police cars in the lot. Both times it was at the same hotel, known to be provider friendly and typically a no issue visit. First time i pull in the parking lot 10 min before the scheduled time and there are 3 cruisers out front of the main entrance. I park over by a side entrance I usually use and where I can see the front entrance. Naturally I'm wondering wtf is going on and a little nervous. As I'm sitting there another cop car pulls in and one leaves. Time comes to text for the room number and I get no response. This is not my first time seeing this lady and out of character for her not to respond right away when expecting me. Waited 10 min and sent another text. No response. Finally a third text saying I was leaving, mentioned the cops and told her I hope all is well. Couple days later I hear from her and was informed there was a problem with a client that escalated to the point police were involved. I expressed my regret it happened and that I was glad she was Ok. Second time was with a different lady, but at the same hotel. This time she texted me and gave me the heads up that there were two police cars in the lot, and that all was good, so I wouldn't get concerned. Showed up, acted like I owned the place and had a wonderful time. The circumstances will dictate whether you should stay or go, but communication (or lack of) should point you in the direction of the right decision. As others have said, they don't park marked cars in front of a sting, and they have no idea who you are. Communicate and don't let anxiety about the fuzz keep you from having a good time.
  44. 1 point
    Yes, the no-show is still on the client. It would be on the client even if they had a good excuse, and I don't think this is one. I get that cops can make some folks nervous, but they can show up anywhere and that's something you have to factor in whenever you decide to leave the house. One of the things you have to realize in this world is that really, nobody else knows your business. You are not walking around with a flashing red light over your head and a big sign that says, "THIS GUYS IS GOING TO SEE AN ESCORT!!!". Unless you do something drastically stupid, nobody is going to know anything... including cops. I'm aware while writing this that I'm a white guy, so I'm not going to get the same attention that folks with more melanin than me might, but I still don't think it's a good reason to no-show. I suppose it might be OK to cancel if you had reason to believe the cops were explicitly looking for you, but if that's the case then you've probably got bigger problems than your pending appointment in the hotel... This does remind me of someone I saw who asked people to go to a particular hotel parking lot that was near her incall and call her from there for final directions. Thing is, that hotel was just over the road from the local police station... apparently she had some people who got there and decided to cancel.
  45. 1 point
    I'm not sure the question of who is at fault is relevant. I certainly understand why gents would get skittish in this situation given the fact that it is them who is breaking the law under our current model. There is a lot at stake for them. I wouldn't blame them for turning around. That said, the polite thing to do is to still offer some compensation for her lost time. It isn't her fault either and the time is still gone regardless of what justification or who is to blame.
  46. 1 point
    If she is a reputable lady that advertise on here and has recommendations I would not worry about it. But if this is a new lady that just started posting of a general website (ex. LL) and has no review/reco I would be worried.
  47. 1 point
    This guy may be a shady character and has good reason to avoid cops. He may have done you a favor by cancelling. I wouldn't be scared off if I was in his shoes.
  48. 1 point
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