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  1. 4 points
    I'm wondering if you actually turn over the emails you have found? This would mean that private information from a provider (her location etc) will be in the hands of non industry female and could result in harrassment, eviction or worse. Depending on the intentions of the woman, this could have dire unintended consequences for an email only provider like myself or my sisters in our industry. I have been on the receiving end of angry wife phone calls and even visits by them to my incall. I would not wish it on anyone. Our industry carries unnecessary stigma and both provider and hobbyists alike bear the brunt of the negativity. If it were me, I would do everything in my power to protect the other potential victims by eliminating information that would give this woman the power to cause serious harm to them. If that was unavoidable, I would not forward any of this man's hobbying to her. I would eliminate this aspect from the report. I would simply look at it as an anonymous good deed, collect my money and move on. The woman who has hired you obviously is not concerned with ethics or she would have been sitting in front of you with his wife as she hired you or would not have contacted you at all. Her actions are invasively disrespectful to her sister and her sisters marriage. Declining the case would simply allow her to take it to another investigator that would give her the information and perhaps put a provider in harms way. We count on the hobbyist to be discreet and protect our information by not keeping it for prying eyes to find and this man obviously failed to do so. As a hobbyist, you have an opportunity to correct his mistake. Perhaps this is an old school mentality but I was taught that we protect our own, first and foremost. Society as a whole does not respect or protect us. It is up to us to ensure that those of us in our community are kept safe to the best of our ability and when the opportunity arises, we should not violate an unwritten code... cat
  2. 4 points
    I also am more concerned on how you got this information. Intercepting someone's e-mail, (which is what you seem to have implied) is, if not illegal, certainly questionable. It could result in civil action, if not criminal. The fact it was a sister-in-law, who to me is more of a third-party than someone directly involved, makes it even more questionable. Return the money, declaring a conflict or personal connection, and walk away.
  3. 4 points
    As cristycurves said it well, why did you take this task in the first place when you knew this may be the possible outcome and now you are asking what you should do. My ethics don't let me tell on a fellow (married) hobbyist if I find out about his hobbying but that is just mine. I have come across dancers I have seen long in the public places sometimes alone and sometimes they were with friend/family and I pretented like I don't know them (unless in a few cases that they came forward to say hi). There is certain ethical discretion attached to this hobby which as a community we all have to adhere. On another note, I am no lawyer but if someone is spying on me especially using electronic surveillance on me without my knowledge or approval, I will seek a lawyer's advice to see if I can sue him or her in the court of law (harassment maybe?). It is my understanding that in a democrary that we live in, only the LE and only when it warrants, can do this legally. As for question I think that Dabbler provided a good advice. Return the money. Cheating on wife though may be immoral (I am single and I dont make judgement) but it is not illegal and as long as the wife doesn't know about it no one is hurt (provided he makes all necessarry precautions like everything covered when seeing an SP). If I am married I will never see another woman which explains why I am not already. But that is my ethics.
  4. 4 points
    Well not hat I'm an expert but I'll weigh in. At first gance, I have 2 issues with the situation. First, I'm having difficulty with the client being the sister-in-law. I personally don't see it being any of her business. It would be very different to me if your client was the wife but I feel that just because someone wants to know something doesn't mean they have a right to know. I say this not being familiar with the industry and not knowing what is common practice. It's just my opinion. The second issue, and probably more pertinent, is the "outing" you describe. I think although we try to separate our hobbying lives from the "real" world, we simply can't completely. I also feel that it is a similar situation to being at the grocery store where you run into a fellow hobbyist with his wife. In that situation you would either ignore him or come up with some story about how you knew each other. I think there exists a "code" that we must adhere to. It's a code which is mutually beneficial. You know something about him but he may also know something about you. Even if he doesn't Karma has a way of working these things out. I think the fact that struggling with what to do probably means you already know that you don't want this client. So I'd suggest, you go to the client and tell her you've discovered a personal link to the gentleman which disqualifies you from taking her as a client and give her her money back. My $0.02. Pennies are still accepted, right?
  5. 4 points
    Whenever I have pussy farts, I always feel like I need to mention, 'that came from my pussy', so my partner doesn't think I let an actual fart go during sex. :icon_biggrin:
  6. 4 points
    Perhaps. Something else that's happened over the last few years is the continuing growth of the Internet, and with it online communities such as this one. There is now a wealth of information about the SPs that are available, and how to go about seeing them, that simply didn't exist a few years ago. The existence of a community also provides simple reassurance to the new hobbyist or SP that they are not alone, and that many other well-adjusted individuals are doing the same as them. For many people, it's hugely comforting to know that you're not some kind of freak. I'd argue that the invention of the Internet is of more significance than the invention of ED meds, to be honest.
  7. 4 points
    I've reread most of this thread and I finally was able to put my finger on why it didn't quite make sense to me. The problem for me is that I don't accept the premise behind the OP's original issue of wondering if he should feel bad about not feeling bad. That premise translates to me that the status of feeling bad about partaking of this lifestyle should possibly be the norm - that we clients should feel bad about being clients. Further on, I sense the position raised that being a client is something one should "settle for" as being a poor alternative. Speaking only for myself and how I view the world, I don't make it a practice to do discretionary things I would expect to feel bad about. I don't see "hobbying" as being a poor second to anything. But then, I compartmentalize. For the most part, each experience I've had in this lifestyle has been a positive affirmation of the joy of being human. (Thank you, ladies :)) I've always felt that the companion I was sharing time with was there by choice. Were I to feel otherwise, I'd pay my money, we'd sit down and talk sports or cats or politics for a while and I'd leave. I feel it is presumptuous to think the SPs on Cerb continually advertise to do something they'd rather not be doing. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, that's my two bit's worth of contribution to the thread. It would be my two cents' worth but the penny officially phases out on the 4th.
  8. 4 points
    The biggest things are crossing someone's boundaries and I don't mean in a sexual kind of way. I think you have to let things fall naturally into place or you're going to seem like an eagar beaver which can be annoying or someone with an agenda which gets the spidey senses going with the ladies. To be honest and just a little constructive criticism here ( not a personal attack) is that you've mentioned things in passing about the ladies in your posts like when such and such a lady told you something. She said that in private and I'm a firm believer that it should never be relayed to anyone else let alone on an internet forum. If you want to piss off an SP and never see her again, this is one of the biggest things you can do. Once you write a recco of that lady and the nice things that transpired, whatever private convos or services that happened that day, should never be spoken of again. The only exception is when someone is asking for a good SP to spend time with. If you speak too fondly about a lady over and over, many may think you are a 'shiller' for her and then others members may begin to question this. Whatever conversations I have with clients in private have never been posted in a thread which I very much appreciate. If a woman is comfortable with you and trusts you, she will open up to you. If she finds all her dets splashed across threads on Cerb, I know if it were me, I'd never be seeing that person again! Personal boundaries and another person's privacy are of the utmost importance in this business and without that you don't have any credibility or trust. No one is out to get anyone here and while we realize you have come into a hobby that you enjoy and are excited to share things but please don't share with us that a lady feel comfortable to tell you her real name. This is not necessary and can be harmful to her and her business. Being too inquisitive will make an SP feel uncomfortable and want to head for the hills. Don't ask too many questions and should you two begin to develop a "business relationship" and the operative word here is "business", then over time she will share things but please whatever you do, don't ask things like it's the Spanish Inquisition. It's the number one pet peeve of providers and while you seem like an open person, please understand that the person you are spending time with may not be. A little goes a long way in this business.
  9. 4 points
    Getting a call at 7 am to find out a close friend was killed in an accident. going to miss you Kechara
  10. 3 points
    I noticed that in all reccomendations that a hobbyist writes, there is no link to the lovely ladies profiles. You have to go search for her name. I for one would like to have a direct link to her profile, does anyone else feel this way?
  11. 3 points
    According to your post... If his duty is to his client and not the other guy then he should be honest with his client and reveal his findings, no? That's what he's getting paid to do; if he says he didn't find anything and lies to his client then he is not doing his job, correct?
  12. 3 points
    I think you should have sex with the sister in law. I think you should warn this guy that his sister on law is looking in on him I think that you should tell the sister in law that you found out that her sister was the one having an affair I think you should not necessarily admit publicly that you can and do hack into people 's accounts. I imagine your type of "detective work" does not require you to take an oath to maintain your professional standing. And so do what feels right. Although it seems a little funny. That you were ok to track the guy to see if he was having an affair but are balking on disclosure because of who he is having it with ?
  13. 3 points
    I read these few sentences a while ago, but they've really stuck with me and now I find myself back at my keyboard specifically to address them. Holy crap it pisses me off that a guy would actually say that in your company. I'm so sorry Nicolette. The whole casual, backhanded nature of the insult and all the assumptions and judgement with a thin layer of "caring" to wrap it all up in: "Hey I'm here because you're fun to fuck, but now it's time for me to judge you. Boy your life sure must suck! Here, have some of my thinly-disguised pity and disdain." --puts on concerned face--. Should this happen again, please smack the guy hard directly in the balls, and then tell him it's from me. On an intellectual level I think you have it figured out Nicolette: it's their own shame and guilt speaking. Effectively, "boy we're both such low and pathetic creatures for having done this. Discuss." But on an emotional level I'm angry on your behalf, and I'm irritated at the kind of situations that clueless clients who are completely un-self-aware can put you in. For my part, I've found such great and healthy experiences with SPs that I tend to forget it can go other ways, even for the well-grounded women of CERB. I dunno. Rant over I guess. Not a lot of things make me really angry, but apparently this is one of them. All the best.
  14. 3 points
    Too late! :) I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. cat
  15. 3 points
    And not just her. If personal stuff gets out in public, other SPs will notice, and although they might not say anything at the time, they'll definitely bear it in mind should you contact them in future.
  16. 3 points
    Has it occurred to you that some people who have many partners may do so because they enjoy the sex?
  17. 3 points
    I'm wondering if there is often a link when men who pay for it and have those feelings like they are ashamed/not good enough often think the same as the SP and that she doesn't like her job?? I had one person I see which isn't too often say to me not too long ago "Don't you wish you could quit this job?" What? Are you implying that this is all I can do and I have no other options? To me, this is an insult. It's simply not true and have left this business a number of times to do other things. I always find my way back here not because I couldn't handle other things but because I want to be here. Most people here know that I speak my mind and trust me, I'm not going to do something that I don't want to do! If I hated this job, I would have been gone long ago. It takes a special kind of woman to do this job and I am one of those women. I am a very stubborn and strong willed person! lol. I've been around for a while and am good at what I do. If you don't find me here one day, you will know I've become bored and decided to go another route which I have done in the past. The hours are great, the pay, each day is always different and I call the shots. So I often wonder when some men come to see SPs with negative feelings, do they automatically assume that we don't like what we're doing either? I realize not every hobbyist feels this way but due to the secrecy and taboos of the business, many may feel that this is a negative thing. I've met some great men and I've never made them feel bad because they were paying for it and they never made me feel like I was just doing this because I had no other choice. There are choices in life and this is one I made on my own accord which I don't feel bad about. We as service providers are here to satisy needs and urges and you pay us to leave without any b.s. I would say we are easier to deal with than one night stands or having a high maitenance girlfriend who rarely puts out. And our services are much less expensive in the long run without the headaches or complications as opposed to going the traditional route of getting laid. You only live once so enjoy it while you can! :)
  18. 2 points
    Forget about outing a fellow hobbiest, you've just outtted yourself here and it's not likely that anyone will want to share private details regarding anything of any intimate matter with sps, mas or even girlfriends here knowing that someday it may be used against them. If you've had any professional training as an investigator you might want to review your textbooks and notes about ethics of the trade, ethics regarding responsibility to the client and ethics of best practices when investigating and accessing information. That's where you'll find your answer.
  19. 2 points
    You accepted a job and it would be unethical to not report your findings.
  20. 2 points
    It's okay guys wether someone blows into our vj j's or not we all know now. I appreciate the post and the replies. As to why I originated this thread -well after a rather rambunctious session-mostly doggy style-sex- I ended up pussy farting alot, I was embarrassed as this is not a regular occurrence for me-the pfarting that is. Anyway the pussy farting seemed to displease my client, I tried explaining to him that when you take your penis in and out alot, especially in some positions it forces air into the vjj,hence the pfarts and that they weren't like regular ones he didn't seem to get it nor did it appease him-oh well. I guess he'll move on to a more sillent provider, lol.
  21. 2 points
    Before taking this case why wouldn't you have known this was a possible scenario? After all if a man is stepping out it could be with anyone from anywhere. I'm just surprised you wouldn't have thought of that, anyway, not lecturing just wondering. But now that it has occured I would turn in the information you have omitting the hobbyist activity. If that is possible. As you said you still get paid and she will have most of what she is looking for. If the hobbyist activity is all the proof you have I would drop the case and tell her there was nothing to be found. I always find it funny when women especially want these types of investigations as we are very intuitive creatures. When we suspect something it is for a reason. Imo just having the suspicion is the answer that there is infidelity.But I suppose some need visual proof. Tough situation but in the end it is only you that can decide what to do as it is you that has to live with your decision. Hopefully the sister in law won't decide to join cerb at any point, lol. Just trying to lighten the mood:icon_biggrin:-good luck.
  22. 2 points
    It sounds like we need to send a huge hug to all who knew kechara.
  23. 2 points
    I received a wall post today, from a new member who joined today, simply asking for my address. That's a bit forward, isn't it? Though that is a necessary question at some point before we can meet for an incall, just thought it would be good to bring up that some questions may be necessary to pose, but timing can totally make things akward. Some questions may be better left unsaid, true. But we also need to be sure that some questions just need to be kept for a certain time...as in later.
  24. 2 points
    I've heard about Michaella for a while now. I missed a good chance to see her when she had a duo with my favorite SP last year sometime despite my lovely SP friend's many reminders. Since then, I have been longing to see her. Last week, I finally had an opportunity to see her solo - I am very glad I took that opportunity. Michaella has a pretty face - she's a very friendly and a down-to-earth type of young lady with no pretence. She has delicious curves, soft smooth skin and passionately-kissable lips. As her latest ad says - "I'll tease, please and pamper you", alas, she did just that and more! She enjoys kissing, and that just suited me fine since I thoroughly enjoy kissing as well. Her mighty sensual energy and desire to please was incredible as she made every effort to please me. One pleasant surprise I encountered was - she possesses a hidden and rare talent. I discovered this rare talent of her when I found the sheet was soaking wet near the end of the session. And this was not from the massage oil! I had so much fun with her that I will not hesitate to go back to see her again.
  25. 2 points
    I know of a very fun & exciting social group for oral lovers, with a thread for the "naughty ladies of cerb" photos... might wanna look deeper into that... perhaps other groups for particular acts will start doing the same! there can't just be bj pics everywhere ....as even they don't quite qualify as "raunchy" (i think?!) which, let's face it, is a word with a VERY broad spectrum in this neighborhood Additional Comments: Then again, aren't there mounds upon mounds of XXX photos on the web? and videos too? And live chat sites...One has to wonder why those wouldn't suffice?
  26. 2 points
    I don't think that these generalizations apply to most of us, Harrywatch. Speaking for myself, as one who has had more than "many" partners, I have no difficulty whatever enjoying the sex. I often enjoy it a great deal. Perhaps this is because I take time to get to know the men who visit me and to create an atmosphere where we can be comfortable together and our mutual pleasure increased. In fact, I think that time and experience has enhanced my ability to enjoy everything that goes on between us.
  27. 2 points
    Interesting. You assume a lot about me. My wife is incredibly attractive to me. I'd love to have a physical relationship with her and not need to find sexual release in the arms of strangers. "Forced to pay for sex" is accurate in this case but not quite in the way you mean. More like, "I've decided that I need sex in my life, I have no other means to obtain it, therefore I must pay for it." You don't know me or my situation. My wife acknowledges the problems in our relationship but only wants action to resolve them on my part, not hers. She will not see a therapist or counselor with me. In spite of that, we're immensely compatible in other ways and she is my best friend. I wouldn't hurt her for the world. I don't want the emotional involvement and risk of an affair. The honest thing to do would be to divorce rather than cheating but that is hard to do. To hurt someone you care about that much is not an easy path to choose. In my case, her father is very sick, possibly dying at the moment. I could never kick her when she's already down. But I have needs too. I've suffered sexual neglect for over 6 years now. If you don't think I've tried everything I know how to do to improve this part of our relationship, you have no idea. Eventually you give up. Constant rejection is hard not to take personally and eventually it starts to chip away at your self esteem. Left to her own devices, our sex life would be her jumping me for a 5 minute quickie to get herself off every month or two. Sex is near the bottom of her list of priorities. This year it came to a head for me and I needed to do something about it or be crushed under the weight of my insecurities and loneliness. This is the path I choose. Everyone chooses this for their own reasons and it's not for us to pass judgement. I'm sorry you think that I'm a lazy person choosing the easy way out. I should probably just continue the years of effort at romance, flowers, date nights, romantic trips, etc. for no reward until I die. Right? Because it's the right thing thing to do.
  28. 1 point
    Hello Cerb..!! I would like to have your opinion about a subject that I would like to share with you for a long moment. I know that a similar thread has been do in another forum from another province but I thought it was important to make one for Ottawa. I have been solicited, Im sure Im not the only one, for ''only this service'' and not being offered the respect for my time or sessions. As well, the fact of underpricing, cutting price for these '' onlys''. There's a lot of users who asked me ''Whats your rate only for a BJ'' or ''I want one hour but not intercourse...'' Maybe Im wrong, but I dont see a difference between having intercourse or not in my session. So, what happen to our time?? Why ''just'' a BJ doesnt worth the same thing than intercourse ???? Probably some girls offering a '' BJ price '' and I respect that but some users have to respect girls who doesnt. I think that we are not offering ''just this'' or ''that service'' but a COMPLETE service even if you are SP or MA. Should we reduce our rates but start to ask extra for everything?? If you want to kiss here, its +x$... if you want to touch here its +x$... sounds ridiculous no? I think its the same thing for us when we are solicited like this. Maybe Im wrong, so that is why I asked for you opinion and I think we need to talk about it if we want to inform new users. Ps: Sorry For my english..... ;)
  29. 1 point
    From a professional standpoint: you've taken on a contract, and you therefore have a professional duty to fulfill that contract to the best of your ability. If you can't, I suppose a full refund to you your client with whatever explanation was appropriate would be a second-best option. But taking your client's money - any of it - and then lying to her about what you'd found would be seriously unethical. From a personal standpoint, on outing a fellow hobbyist... you knew (or should have known) that was a risk when you took the job on, so you don't get to complain now that the dice have landed that way. How you feel about this is what's going to be the deciding factor in whether you fulfill the contract you've undertaken, or renege on it entirely and refund your client. But if you're not happy about taking responsibility for screwing up someone else's life, you should probably re-think this covert surveillance thing entirely. And a big +1 on the questions over the legality of what you're doing. IANAL, but it sounds highly questionable to me.
  30. 1 point
    Ah yes pussy farts. It's funny this was one of the first things I learned about the fairer sex way back in Grade 4 or 5. A certain girl in our class did it and it sent us all into gales of laughter. I wasn't crystal clear on all the anatomy at that point but she used to tell us that she was making the sound with her pussy not her ass! I lived out in the valley until my teen years and this was among farm people who were quite familiar with the basics of body functions etc. It's happened to me with a provider and it's not big deal...I get it and so do the ladies. When it comes to real farts I once had a really hot duo with a couple of strippers that I took home from the Taboo in Hull...about 10 years ago. I was particularly gassy for some reason, maybe too many beans or something. The three of us were having a pretty good time with one lady sitting on my face and one giving me a bj when I involuntarily let go a little sneaker. Unfortunately for all of us it was not a benign scentless one but indeed it was a silent and extremely deadly one! The three of us smelled it around the same time and exchanged horrified glances and then we all three started laughing and rolling around on the carpet in hysterics. Yes we had been smoking a little wacky tabacky before we started. We decided to take a little break to, ahem, "clear the air," and then we resumed our play time. It's never happened again (a two stripper duo or the farting) but it is an incident I look back on with mirth to this day. We had a saying when I was in the military "If you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined."
  31. 1 point
    Do your job. You can go back to the client and tell her you couldn't find anything that'll give her the impression that nothing is amiss. Your duty is to the client, and not the other guy. I think you'd have to go beyond the ethical question at this point. There are some people who do stuff privately that no one else knows about. And your job is to find out what that is. If you deem that alright for you, then I think it's unfair to draw the line just because you are "guilty" of doing the same thing.
  32. 1 point
    Stop by this week and help me Celebrate my Birthday!! . Welcome Gents, my name is Tiffany. I am 5'11" tall, 140lbs with short blond hair, hazel bedroom eyes, and a smile that will drive you crazy!! I belive in the simple pleasures of life, and love sensual experiences!! From the moment I walk into a room with you, you will feel the connection between us. From the first soft flirty move I make to a finish that will leave you weak in the knees, you will be thanking yourself for spending time with me! You will always leave my room felling relaxed and with a smile on your face!! Life is to be enjoyed. not just endured -Gordon B. Hincley Services Sensual Relaxation Massage Body Slides, to make you say OMG Sexy Soapy showers for 2 Duo massages(2 girls, 4 hands) Oh, you will never regret spoiling yourself to one of these!! Hot Tub Fun!! Set you on Fire Girl Friend Experience Couples Welcome Schedule TODAY Saturday February 2 : 9:00am - 9:00pm 1902 Robertson Rd. 613-820-8887 Special of the Day: One lucky Gentleman will get a free upgrade to the Paradise Suite!! (pre-booked Appointments only included in Draw) Sunday February 3 : 10:00am - 9:00pm 65 Bentley Ave. 613-274-7073 Special of the Day: 30min appointment Door fee $40.00 Rates Single Massage 30mins: $50 45mins: $60 60mins: $80 Duo Massage rates available upon request Couple Massage rates available upon request Contact To book an appointment please send me a PM, text me at 613-277-4328, or call the Spa at 613-274-7073 to ensure my avaliability!! Check out what others are saying about my service!! http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=111731 I want to give you A Birthday Kiss!! XXX000
  33. 1 point
    Seems like a funny place to come to for advice about an ethical dilemma arising from your side line work which might fall into questionable ethical territory to begin with. Peace MG
  34. 1 point
    As others have said, you took the job you should do what you were contracted to do. The fact that your part time job is electronic surveillance and it never crossed your mind that this might happen makes me question your question. Did you think it might be an interesting topic to discuss or are you really having this dilemma.
  35. 1 point
    "Stunning: Beautiful tattoos, such as this inked bra, have become popular with cancer survivors who use them to conceal post-mastectomy scars"
  36. 1 point
    Just wanted to point out that not ALL recos. are lacking links to profiles. As it is a pet peeve of mine as well I make sure to include links in all my recommendations.
  37. 1 point
    Sorry, probably wasn't clear... but my post wasn't aimed at you, or at anyone else for that matter. Given that this is the "New to this" section and that this is a sticky thread, it was aimed as much at someone who may read it in the future as at anyone who may read it now. Yes, you, person who's reading this in August 2013. I'm talking about YOU!
  38. 1 point
    Used to be not such a bad place 10 - 12 years ago. I made good friends there among them Foxy (now Porsha at Nu Den) who was a sweet 19 year old blonde doll. The place was packed with customers Friday nights even Saturday afternoons. They started treating dancers badly. Hit them with heavy fines for no reason, among other requests that I cannot mention here. They lost the good dancers and then their customers. It is their own doing. I boycotted then 10 years go when I found out about all these from my friend dancers. I guess many others did too.
  39. 1 point
    It is believed that men invented monogamy, as a way to control and know if the kids their women have are indeed their own. A natural maternal based society has women having multiple lovers in order to have healthy babies. http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/2000/10.19/01_monogamy.html
  40. 1 point
    I get the pleasure to be working with some of the sexiest massage attendants in Ottawa history, don't miss out today and start your weekend right with this sexy delight. Come treat yourself to a 4 hand massage with one of our sexy girls and I. On special now, call for more information. Working til 430 today. 65 Bentley ave
  41. 1 point
    Friday Summer 9-4 aka "SUMMER LOVE" Lola 9-11 NEW aka "lola" Jordyn 10-4 aka "Jordynk" Angel 9-3 aka "Precious angel" Cassie 2:30-11 aka "Sassie Cassie" Jamie 3:30-11 aka "Jamie-xo" Mandy 3:30-11 NEW aka "CandyMandy" New Sexy Pics http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=22187 Come for a 4 hand massage in our getaway room....an experience you will never forget Ottawa's Best Room! ------HST included in ALL PRICES------ Regular Room spacious and in room shower Single Massage: --------30 minutes $55. --------45 minutes on special for $65. --------60 minutes $80. --------90 minutes $120. @ Discretion of MA ;) Duo Massage: --------30 minute on special for $80. --------45 minute on special for $100. --------60 minute on special for $130. Getaway Room Fee: Room Features a hot tub,6 ft custom shower and fireplace for your enjoyment Single Massage: --------30 minutes $70. --------45 minutes $85. --------60 minutes $100. --------90 minutes $150. @ Discretion of MA ;) Duo Massage/Couples Massage: --------2 Attendant --------30 minute $100. --------45 minute $120. --------60 minute $150. Couples Massage: ------1 Attendant --------30 minute $70. --------45 minute $85. --------60 minute $100. ------HST included-------- Mandy Recommendation http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=120757 Summers Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=S&t=45598 Cassie Recommendation http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=82862 Jordyn Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthr...?ltr=J&t=56307 Lola Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=120370 Jamie Discussions http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=104412
  42. 1 point
    Your not being overly dramatic, but in fairness, you could apply that same reasoning to any era. Yes the forties had World War 2, and following WW2 the Cold War started. The fifties, well the Cold War continued, the Korean War and first involvement in Vietnam. The sixties, the escalation of Vietnam, Cuban Missle Crisis, The Six Day War, JFK, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr assassinated. The seventies, the FLQ crisis, Watergate, Vietnam continued, killing of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, the taking of American hostages in Iran, and I could go on ad nauseum about the negatives in each era. However my point is I don't think that the negatives necessarily defines a era. Yes in part it shapes the history of an era, but so do the good events. For me, the era I'm in right now is my favourite. I have good memories of past eras (sixties/seventies/eighties/nineties/2000-2013) But all I have is memories, and can't live in the past. But I can enjoy the present and that is what I do RG
  43. 1 point
    MC... we take these threads seriously. Boundaries are very important.
  44. 1 point
    I'm thinking you might want to make sure you read this thread: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=116788 It seems you are not alone. :)
  45. 1 point
    Had the distinct pleasure of recently spending a Saturday afternoon with Cathy and all I can say is that everything that has been written about her is absolutely true. She is beautiful, talented, so easy to be with and the session is so relaxed that you never consider her as a provider but more like a lover whom you have not been with for a long time. She is passionate and very accommodating. It goes without saying that I will repeat with Cathy. After having 30 plus years experience with providers I have to say that she is the finest of them all.
  46. 1 point
    Not to mention the two possible scenarios: he agrees but doesn't post one, and he agrees but it is at best luke warm or gives misleading and/or inaccurate information.
  47. 1 point
    Not to come off as being rude, but I find the OP's reasoning for hobbying to be somewhat vexing and disturbing. I am sure the wonderful ladies on here see it all the time, men who come to them who are obviously married who just don't find their wive's attractive anymore or just looking for something different, but I find it odd to state that they don't get any and is being forced to go and pay to sleep with another person. No one is forcing you to do anything, especially when it comes to hobbying. You are electing to hobby as a result of your supposed complete lack of sex life within your marriage, which to be quite honest, you might want to consider spending some of your hobby money on a family therapist to discuss this or better yet bring it to her attention. Will most likely save you money in the long run and you will have a healthier relationship out of it.
  48. 1 point
    Some of you will understand this one as it is one of life's great pleasures. Painting without having to worry about doing edges or having to have a drop cloth on the floor. :)
  49. 1 point
    nothing shameful the Silver Dollar. I dance there at least once a week. Its under new management and he seems to be keeping the place and the girls in check. as for the layout its probably still the same ol dark small club that it used to be (not sure when you were late there so i can't really judge) but some new gems still do dance there as well as some of the regular girls who are peaches...i only work during the day so it hard for me to comment about nights and weekends though. I do know however that its harder to find lots of girls on evenings or weekends at that club as business is rather slow there it seems on the weekends. perhaps be a little more specific as to who youre looking for as still dancing there and maybe some of us can help
  50. 1 point
    The Most Amazing Sex I have enjoyed in the past 20 years Being who I am and the jobs that I have had I have enjoyed some of the worlds most beautiful women and many of those have been amazing lovers. As I got older my sex life seemed to deplete a little each year, I was resigned to that. Well last night a young woman took me on a two hour plus ride that took me back to my glory days of 20 years ago. This amazing, beautiful and very talented young lady who I have enjoyed several times before over the past year, decided that she was going to give me the ride of my life. We started off with some very romantic cuddling and kissing that relaxed me and excited me at the same time, then I started to caress her and to enjoy her phenomenal soft and pure body, for the first time she asked me to turn out all the lites, I know that she wasn't ashamed by her body or mine since we have been together in full light many times. But making love to candle light only made everything even more romantic. Then she started to make love to me, it wasn't sex it was love. Over the next two hours she proceeded to bring me to the peak over and over again only to relax me down each time. She had me whimpering for more, as we came to the final conclusion I was panting like a dog, something I've never done before. As I stated this was way past sex, this was making love and sex in the ultimate fashion. She started off so very classy but ended up a wild animal on top of me, leaning back to deepen the penetration, her beautiful mane of hair streaming out behind her, a sheen of perspiration covered her amazing body as she drove herself and me to an amazing mutual orgasm, she bucked and drove down, her hands caressed and punished me at the same time, as I said at the end it was wild. I have enjoyed her many times before and have never enjoyed such a magnificent evening with her before. Obviously the phrase YMMV plays very strongly with her and I know she can not repeat such energy every single time. She has always performed at 100% but this time she was 250%. Thank God I was the lucky recipient of this gift.
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