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Everything posted by waterat

  1. Not sure if you're looking for MA's but Hannah is a lovely redhead MA at Angel's Touch.
  2. I take your point, however everyone values things differently and participates differently at the retail level. Lots of people drop a small fortune on their cell phone plan and cable fees and I find little value in either. I think the barter/exchange is more closely connected to the value the participating parties put on the service than the service's 'retail' value. I know I've seen on cerb in the past ladies offering services/discounts for snow clearing services.
  3. Well I don't often post on these happy birthday threads but for my virtual friend Cato I must: he gives me an un-birthday gift almost every day! Whether it be a lovely redhead photo, fripples, cut-offs, bums, abs, burning hotness, alluring eyes, boobies and sometimes most of these combined!!! Cato: your generosity, respectful banter, excellent recos, positivity and welcoming approach make lyla/cerb the strength that it is. I owe you way more than a beer and to sponsor a few dances for you at Barbs! All the best on your special day!
  4. Yes, that's the point, it's all about lots of rest, likely not anything else!!
  5. I do enjoy going to strip clubs and having dances but, that being said, if I had to pay an additional fee to simply enter the CR it would be a no go. I already tend to spend my limited hobbying dollars with MA's and SP's for much more enjoyable experiences. I do love watching dancers and being in the CR with them too!
  6. There are a myriad of things to learn, experience and enjoy at University and lots of unanticipated learning too. The only loss I suffered in going to University was my virginity! Of course I'm not interested in getting it back.
  7. Yes. The CR or Champagne Room is a number of small, somewhat private booths where you can have private dances with a dancer. The going rate is $20/song and the songs generally last 3 or 4 minutes.
  8. Time arrives all the time And the only true crime Is how we defile it with worry For inadequate time Is the species of time We encounter whenever we hurry Piet Hein Danish mathematician ....
  9. Time flies like an arrow..... fruit flies like a banana.... One of the Marx brothers! lol
  10. For any lyla ladies I wouldn't hesitate to provide a pic (never a dic pic!) but I seriously doubt I would be asked.... but if it were a BP/craigslist/Kijiji advertiser I might send an early 70's Burt Reynolds pic to balance out the fake pic roster! I would like to acknowledge the incredible trust and confidence that the many lovely Lyla ladies offer us gentlemen - they are awesome people!
  11. True enough, Ice, it may not be a circumstance of racism. That being said, I haven't noticed many Asian providers restricting Asian gentlemen... nor Italians, Spanish, Russian etc. providers with the same sort of restriction. The ladies who post this restriction (and I respect their choice) have no way of ensuring the client won't lie (omit information?) and show up with no other reason than to check out the provider - and hopefully they proceed with the appointment. My point is the restriction provides little protection. If I show up at the door of one of my daughter's high school friends we'll BOTH (the provider and me - hopefully not my daughter! lol) have to just deal with it. Time has no reverse gear. This rationale seems earily similar to the concerns of hobbyists who are worried about whom they may see entering or leaving a spa.... relax already, you're there for the same reason! lol For me, I'm hoping I don't start seeing restrictions for middle-aged+, wasps and it doesn't impress me that the 'no black guys' restriction exists. I have a sense that this restriction exists for other reasons and I would be interested in hearing why from the ladies who post it..... but I'm not holding my breath.
  12. It works just fine: When you're nose to nose your toes are in it. When you're toe to toe your nose is in it. Many ladies are keen on this!
  13. Tony you've been provided with what would be for me a year's worth of suggestions! I recommend you get to work and please report back on the successes!
  14. and from Phaedrus: "Her rate may not have been published; that's sometimes the case with providers that operate in the less price-sensitive segment of the market. And if it wasn't, then it's not the OP's fault. We can't judge without knowing who he's talking about... and since telling us would be totally against the rules of discourse here, we never will." So Meaghan you seem to be suggesting precisely whom this OP's comments were about.... I sure didn't see this info in the thread and if you're accurate I agree - I simply don't bother contacting ladies whose rates I can't manage to afford. However it can often take a little 'wasting of the lady's time' to simply find out she is out of your snack bracket. I completely agree with Phaedrus' comment. It often takes me a while to 'save' (i.e. read discretely and explicably withdraw) the appropriate and requested donation. It has happened more than once that my patience has been short-circuited by hornyness and I've would up where I hadn't really intended - though I've yet to be disappointed! lol
  15. Ah yes! Another lungful of fresh air provided by the liberals. This makes me hopeful for progress on eliminating C-36!
  16. Despite having been a member since July 2011 he only has 4 posts and is still moderate so unable to start a new reco thread.
  17. Thanks for the link, Eve. I'm reading through it now. I jumped to chapter 4 on 'Social Issues' and the positive and considerate information you've raised in this thread is strongly supported. I love having my partner have pleasure with or without squirting - it's a 'no pressure/expectation' event for both of us. I find the information in the scientific article to be compelling. Science always demands further investigation and analysis. If there are seven or eight ladies from here who wish to volunteer along with me I'm sure we could shine more light on this topic. It would be great, Eve and Bianca, if you wished to be among them. :) waterat
  18. 'Never on a Sunday' I still haven't finished watching it but it came to my attention due to spud271's mention of Zorba the Greek above. It deals with a Greek prostitute and is so relevant for many of the members of this site. Oops! apparently I don't know the alphabet.... can someone fill in 'M' for me?
  19. Jaida is now at ALO usually appears on their schedule at least 2 or 3 times a week. Ebony Lisa was also at ALO West before the new year (saw her three times!!) but I haven't seen her on the schedule since then. She too is gorgeous, slim and busty!
  20. I wished to complete my comment by suggesting that the respective husband, father, boyfriend could find my comment funny - it did cut both ways!
  21. Well I can see people taking offence to his initial sign..... clearly he has never experienced a driving snowstorm - this is from Halifax, right? lol I would have suggested he put up: Men are better drivers.... that's why their insurance rates are so low!
  22. OK, I'm done here. I'm gonna start showing up nakid!
  23. All the best Old Dog. Take care of your ticker! Things must be very busy at the Fat Bastard's BBM lodge - assuming that's a good thing!
  24. As a seldom cell phone user with no plan for my hobby phone I had assumed, probably erroneously, that it was requested to keep the cost of calls to a minimum. It is reported that some gentlemen, and I use the term loosely, waaaay over communicate and without text the loss of minutes could become prohibitive. I never bother pestering a lady about a 'menu' - you can usually tell from her posts and ads. Not everything I would enjoy sharing is always available but I simply act respectfully, have a great session and have never been disappointed with the results.
  25. Thanks Torvaald - I appreciate having the name correct! You're closing in on 10 years on the board and your first post is a contribution. Makes we wonder what else we've been missing out on from you! 'Welcome' and thanks. So as not to hijack: Glenn Frey will be sorely missed - thank goodness he left us with so much fantastic music. Peaceful Easy Feeling was my university days make-out music.
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