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  1. 7 points
    I commend you for being conscientious and not wanting to contribute to an individual's exploitation. Being an ethical consumer is great. However, I think your criteria oversimplifies and doesn't really reflect reality. The vast, vast majority of sex workers don't have a pimp and aren't being coerced into working by an individual who is controlling their movement or taking their money. This does happen and is terrible, but rare. However, capitalism is inherently coercive, and there is a huge spectrum that falls between the extremes of being forced to work through threats or violence, and doing this work because you love it, and would choose it over other really fulfilling options. Almost every sex worker you meet will fall somewhere on this spectrum, and very, very few will be at one extreme or the other. Reality is that except for a very privileged few, we all have to work to pay the bills, have a place to live, and function in society. The social safety net is insufficient and so many people who need it can't access it. Minimum wage hasn't kept pace with inflation, and many full time jobs don't pay enough to live on. The requirement to work is inherently coercive, most sex workers decide for themselves that this type of work is the best option for them within an inherently coercive system (and this is true of most jobs, not just sex work.) I know plenty of sex workers who hate doing sex work but choose to, because all the other options are worse, and plenty who enjoy doing sex work but would quit in a heartbeat if they no longer needed the income from it. Neither group are coerced by an individual, but by the system we live in. I would encourage everyone to figure out for themselves what criteria feels comfortable and ethical and stick to those criteria for themselves, but also remember that most sex workers aren't being coerced or exploited by an individual, and still need good, respectful clients so they can continue making a living. For clients who are concerned about the welfare of sex workers, I would encourage you to be the best client you can be in individual interactions - show up, tip, respect boundaries and consent, respect the screening process. And more importantly, get involved with pushing for decriminalization, strengthening the social safety net, and ensuring that other jobs are a viable choice. Working to create a world where people who are being exploited can get help without fear of being arrested, deported, abused by police, or having their children seized, and where people who don't want to do sex work have a full range of other options readily available, is really the only way to ensure that the sex worker you're seeing freely and enthusiastically choose the work. Additional Comments: I would also add that having a manager, agency, booker, driver or other third party doesn't mean that someone is being exploited or coerced. Being independent is a lot of work and requires particular skills that not everyone has or has an interest in acquiring/using. It's totally fine to choose to only see independent sex workers, but there are many legitimate reasons why someone might choose to work with or for third parties.
  2. 6 points
    I think average rate on BP now is $240/hr. The more you charge, the better clients you will cater. From my experience, most clients who are willing to pay above the average rate are sweet and nice people. The barely ask about your service or try to negotiate with you. What they are looking for is companionship and sex is just 1/3 of the time they book. No matter what those guys comment about your rates, they are not worth your time !
  3. 4 points
    You can bring it up during "down" time and have the extra cash already in an unsealed envelope. Excuse yourself to the washroom so she can count and put the money away. Also perhaps mention before you arrive you may be able to extend so she knows...because even if she's not a back to back chick she may have other plans. Example..i'm not back to back but often i have a doggie sitter and would have to let them know the the date maybe extended.
  4. 3 points
    I'm going to keep this brief as I'm on the way to the gym... But a friend has informed me that they are doing an interview with sex workers (funded by the government) to ask about how the new law is impacting our lives!!! And they pay you $50 for your time. Please if you can find the time, participate. It's so important for workers everywhere...especially thise currently slipping between the cracks :( and just imagine what we could change if we were given more say in governing something the government clearly is lacking in direct knowledge about. I'm just waiting to find out the details on where to contact them. I'm literally so excited right now!!!!!
  5. 2 points
    Ok so at 21:40, I decided my 7 hours experiment was enough lol. Here is the look of it. Seeping in Latex and polyurethane The dabbing reservoirs test: confirms no seeping for the polyisoprene one. The touch test Latex and polyurethane are very oily at the surface, especially the polyurethane. Polyisoprene doesn't leave any oil trace on my forearm dry skin. The smell test Latex smell is awkward less unpleasant than the regular latex smell, not really coconuty nor latexy, rather a (oh my scary) new compound Polyurethane reeks coconut oil (i do mean reeks... the smell is not pleasant like i normally find coconut oil... probably the esthers concentrated and grabbed some urethane proprieties during seepage...) Polyisoprene: no smell (except for the very light normal polyisoprene smell) The taste test I made that one to insure it really was oil and not lubricant early in the afternoon. I ended up with a swollen lip (latex allergy) for 2 hours grrr. Latex: yep same taste as the smell, adding the viscosity sensation which was slightly ticker than normal coconut oil. Polyurethane: yucky yak yak Polyisoprene: no taste other than its normal taste The pressure test Ok I gave up the friction test by laziness and because the results already were obvious. But I decided to try the pressure test. After all, college students make balloons out of condoms so it should be able to withstand some pressure. The caveat of that test is that i could not use a standard amount of air liquid proportion in the condom as I tied it approximately. Therefore my compression effort might not have created the same amount of pressure in each subject. Polyisoprene pressure a little less than what made it burst. So Latex: it actually withstanded a fair amount of rubbing and pressure and blew only when it was squeezed and i pushed a finger in. Given it was near expiry date, that was a fair battle. Polyurethane: I fought with that little sucker with both hands and it would not burst but, it felt like it might have been releasing pressure, either by seepage or by the tie... This is frustrating given that polyurethane break IRL! I suspect the oil gave it more expandability... Polyisoprene: I had great hopes for that one. After all, it had not leaked. Which does not mean that degradation had not occured. I also think I wanted it to work so bad that I was harsher on it... So... I did not have to actually poke it... At some point of hand compression it burst like a soap bubble :-( Since it was my third compression and I was getting good at it, I think I may have made the tie a little closer to the oil, increasing pressure. But the definite no mercy burst was quite disappointing. Darn... I have decided to redo the test one with water as a control and one with water-based lube. I want to know if the isopropylene burst was due to degradation or to pressure. I might also redo the coconut test afterwards but for a shorter span (like 1 hour: after all most penetrative play normaly don't last more than 20 min on avg people; and it is perfectly acceptable to take a short break after 40 min to take a sip of water and switch condom for extended play)
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    Ah, but that "hourly" rate doesn't reflect the time that goes into administrative tasks such as creating content, posting ads, maintaining websites, responding to emails and phone calls, scheduling, cleaning an incall, laundry, shopping for essentials, etc etc etc. And while it may seems to be $X per hour, keep in mind that we are often not seeing clients back to back for eight or ten hours a day. Some do, some do not. There are a variety of factors as to what annual income that hourly rate translates into, minus expenses such as incall rental, supplies, photoshoots, website hosting fees, lingerie, etc etc etc. Yes, this profession pays more than working retail, but it is often not the inflated numbers that we see thrown around.
  8. 2 points
    I have spent many a $300/hr for specialized encounters. I think originally this thread was more of what the market in Ottawa can bare.
  9. 2 points
    Loved your story C! In my case as some may have noticed, it was a 2 steps process. First extremely rational. Since a lot of stuff is censored, I wanted to give more info than allowed without going against the rules. Praefinita is latin for climax. I also liked the fact that masseuse was tractātrix which reminded me of dominatrix... So I went for that logical, full of good reasons choice... without stoping one minute to think of the cons... like the fact that i was not even able to pronounce it myself... That occured to me when I recorded my voicemail. Secondly, it took me a while to remember the spelling and order of the syllables... How would I expect a client to remember? Prae sounded like prey... Praefinita had this "Nelly Olsen" pretentious Aura to it, which is completely opposite of me... So, I asked my mentor what she thought and she concurred that it was not a great choice. What was I going to use this time (you can make a mistake once... not twice!) that I would be happy to stick with. I asked her what she taught and waiting for the text back my mind drift away and the word ocean popped to my consciousness, I said it jokingly but then, thinking back to it, I realized how I liked it, how soothing it was. It was a great image of me, my kindness, my love of the ocean, its immense horizons, the leitmotiv of change, the beautiful sound... I fell in love with it. My mentor suggested I add massage to it and that sounded really good brandwise, the ss sounds rythme. So I went for it. Boy... took me 3 hours to chase the old handle everywhere, twitter, website, here, etc. Renamed my massages. And I discovered something amazing... It gave me a well of metaphores to use in my guestbooks visits. Suddenly, it became fun and easy to reach out. Make playful innuendos... I am really happy with my new me :-) On top of it, Océanne is a very pretty name in French! And look, the keyboard even helps me: the tilde! ~Ocean~~ ;-)
  10. 2 points
    Gabrielle, Berlin, Paradis, Maya, Skyla, Natasha, Alison, Celina, Kaylie, Brandy, Nicole.
  11. 2 points
    This could become one of my favorite past time.
  12. 2 points
    You can charge whatever you want. If you are provide good service and have happy clients that return on a regular basis, then you are charging what the market will bear. But if you are charging more then the market and not attracting new clients or retaining old clients, then you are either charging too much. Or not providing service that the clients value at that rate. To complete you may need to compete. These day's there seem to be a multitude of beautiful new girls that have lower rates. Thee girls may make more in the long run , by having a larger volume. But compare to a regular minimum wage job. These girls are still making way more then they could doing something else. So adjust your rate to where you can afford to live comfortably. Remember customer service is of utmost importance. It is easier to retain a customer that you made happy then to attract a new one. If the service is below par, news will spread quickly.
  13. 1 point
    Please click the image below to see if you are eligible to participate in this research study. An honorarium of $50 is provided to research participants. The goal of the research is to understand how the new laws are impacting workers in Ottawa. POWER is worker-led organization that advocates for the rights of all people working in this industry.
  14. 1 point
    OK. Since I particularly like coconut oil as lube, I wanted to do my own resistence test. I'm allergic to latex so here are the three contenders chosen: latex, Durex Aventi Bare (very old expiring in November 2016) isopropylene Durex Real Feel (Bare just to confuse everyone!) polyurethane Trojan Supra non latex Unfortunately I was out of Skyn and Lambskin but since they are way more expensive and, in the case of Lambskin, do not protect against HIV, this will have to do. So here is the Test protocol. 1) I unrolled the condom and sucked on them (a-to add saliva enzymes to mimic real life agressors b-because I was trying to figure which one to use for BJ.) Except for the latex one obviously. 2) I put an ounce of coconut oil inside the condom and did not tie the top First test will be to see if oil seeps through. I will conduct that one for 3 hours. Second test, I will tie the survivors and then roll them round and round inside a melon I guess, or maybe the salad spiner... Still got time to think about this... Note that the pics need to be moderated so that may not show right away. So I started the test at 14:07. At 14:48, I checked on my test subjects. There was some seeping on the latex and even more on the polyurethane one. I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and gently pat dried the receptacle, thinking it may have been some from when I filled them, or lub gravitating down from the heat. latex one polyisoprene one polyurethane one Will update later....
  15. 1 point
    Well, I wear a kilt every single day of the year. So, duh. Okay, 'boy' may be a bit out of date. It's been about 15 years since I've worn pants. Ask me how much fun that is in January. I dare you. I don't mind being recognized. It happens all the time. I'm a big boy. I can handle it.
  16. 1 point
    INTOXICATING IRINA Hello! My name is Irina Adler, have we been introduced? If so, I sure would love to reconnect! I've been away focusing on other passions, but I've missed you! I missed the warmth of your breath on my neck...I missed the grip of your hands on my hips...I missed the longing in your eyes... You should stop by and visit me at my new place...it's private, intimate, just what we need to get to know each other again! Located in the centre of the city, it's a short walk from major transit stops and street parking is available outside! Text me sometime. My number is 613 800 8840. Or you can send me a PM! If you'd like me to call, leave me a message. AVAILABLE: MONDAY-WEDNESDAY 8am-1pm *By Appointment Only* Description: I am a 24 year old experienced MA with both beauty and brains. I stand 5'7 barefoot, but I live in heels. I have very long, natural brown hair and captivating brown eyes. My measurements are 32B-23-33. I am friendly and talkative and can make anyone feel comfortable within a matter of minutes! Our Time Together: I am, and always have been, an MA. Our time together will be exciting and intimate, but within MA guidelines, no SP Services. If you would like specifics, do not hesitate to contact me by PM. I am not a clock-watcher & I enjoy sessions that flow freely & let our chemistry develop naturally. What I can guarantee is that I will do my best to make sure we both leave the session incredibly happy! Rates: If you would like to inquire about rates, please contact me! Contact Me: I can be reached by PM here on LYLA or by text/phone at 613 800 8840. Please accept my apologies in advance if I cannot reply to your call promptly! I am best reached in the afternoon. Same-day appointments will only be available to those who have passed screening requirements. For all other appointments, I request a minimum of 12 hours notice. NEXT AVAILABLE MONDAY! CONTACT INFORMATION I can be reached by PM or by TEXT at 613 800 8840 I hope we get to meet soon! XOXO Irina
  17. 1 point
    New question: Let's say your having an awesome time with this lovely lady and you stop and think to yourself, I wonder if she would entertain extending my visit! Now before anyone answers let's make a couple of assumptions. First, you happen to be with someone who does not book back to back appointments, two, you brought with you extra donation so no one thinks extra time is free. So the question is how do you even bring this topic up or is this a huge no no. If the answer is yes then how do you add the extra donation to your envelope without feeling/looking awkward and just whiping out your wallet and fumbling around with bills. If this is a major no no then please don't lambast me, just a simple question from a newbie, I have huge respect for the ladies and their time! Thanks
  18. 1 point
    Hi there, thank you for checking my ad. You will not be disappointed with my A+++ massage... My name is Vivian. I'm 28 years old. Gorgeous, i am a classy looking Lady with long black hair, seductive cat eyes ...., beautiful silky soft, tanned skin. work out body with all the right curves in the right places. You have finally met your dream girl... I great you at the door with a lovely smile then lead you to the massage room...I will start with a deep soothing tissue massage to relax all your muscles then follow with a soft touch to invigorate your whole body then the fun time ... It will be the most relaxing, creative and passionate session for you ever. So amazing that you cannot help yourself from thinking about it and want to come back for more ! http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=92146 For relaxing massage $40/30m $50/45m $70/60m appointment only, call/text me at 6l3 7l2 l2OO mon to sat 10am to 7pm __________________
  19. 1 point
    I was going to say the same(Drive in theatre), been there done that ! This can only give us an idea of your age Kilt Boy.:icon_wink:
  20. 1 point
    This is rare and doesn't include most men out there but don't harass an SP non stop all day long asking if she's available. When she doesn't return someone's messages, there is an obvious reason as to why the person doesn't hear back. That's a major red flag right there and there is no way I would invite someone like that into my location who has no awareness of social boundaries. If an SP doesn't return a person's messages, it's best to move on and find someone else. Harassing her even if the person's intentions aren't nefarious will scare her away even more. When a potential client's attitude screams that of desperation and being too overly eager, I go in the opposite direction.
  21. 1 point
    Microscopic tears or holes are not visible to the eye... Coconut oil (any oil, really) may break down the integrity of the condom, meaning, with friction the condom may tear. So this would not be apparent in your experiment.
  22. 1 point
    Thanks for the share Emily! I will definitely like to take part! You're a gem!
  23. 1 point
    The two Ladies I see in Toronto I give them $250... the clock isn't really a factor, but technically its for an hour of their time. One was working for an agency that charged $300 per hour for her time but they got their cut; with me, she now get the whole 250.
  24. 1 point
    I have learned that I CAN actually resist the urge to talk back to ignorant assholes and that smart phones and tablets must be used only when you are able to avoid autocorrect!
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    I would be very concerned at seeing an sp with very low rates. I would be worried that there will be some bait and switch or something wrong with the provider or worse I'm about to get mugged. It depends on what is offered but I think 180 to 200 is an reasonable average price
  27. 1 point
    @Seaniew3 ... I'm specifically discussing Ottawa. But the rates fiffer city to city based on costs to travel/and or live in them.
  28. 1 point
    Yes!!!! I think that's it :) Thank you for sharing this
  29. 1 point
    Enjoy the company of a sexy, sweet, and well-educated woman...I have sweet Italian features that will captivate you: warm brown eyes and long wavy chestnut brown hair that falls below my shoulders. These dark and sexy features contrast against my soft, milky skin that will beckon your touch. Blessed with a tiny waist, surprisingly generous curves, and a well-maintained physique that was made to relish all of life's carnal pleasures. I pride myself on being sincere, warm, outgoing, personable, compassionate, and down-to-earth. With a genuine interest in learning about others, this makes me a natural conversationalist. Gentlemen from various backgrounds will find themselves completely relaxed and comfortable during our time spent together. It would be my pleasure to show you a world of sensual bliss that you won't soon forget... Rates and location Formerly associated with CMJ, I am currently an experienced independent and will be hosting appointments at my own upscale condo located in downtown Ottawa. It is walking distance from both Elgin and Bank street. Available between Wednesday to Friday 12 - 9! $160 - 1 hour $230 - 1.5 hours $300 - 2 hours PM me or text me at 613-604-3175 to book! @jackiegilcrest for more photos!
  30. 1 point
    Saw a lady earlier this week who I've seen many times. She is eastern European, but hasn't been back home for years. I put on some Music... an opera...and enjoyed watching her face light up when she realized it was in Russian (Boris Godunov by Mussorgsky)... couldn't really follow the story, lol... because of the way its sung... but she said it was beautiful.
  31. 1 point
    I came about mine... same way I came about this site actually... very 'last minute' and 'sudden'. For some years, I have conducted myself and the lovely things I get up to.. verrrrry quietly out of my place of business, using very specific methods to attract the clients I was after.... NEVER by phone (my legitimate business, so.. nope, not happening hehe) One day, I received no less than SEVEN calls on my business line, asking about massage. I have no idea who I am talking to, so I go into 'auto-pilot' and explain I am not an RMT, so if they have insurrance they are not getting their money back (so... quit asking hehe).... the gent would get flustered, and tonge-tied, and say he'd call back.. and quickly hang up... leaving me knowing exactly why they were calling, but wondering hth they got my number.... finally, one man, ridiculously perrrrrsistant in his need to see me that day.. said he was fine with no reimbursement.. and I booked him, intending on finding out wth is going on ;) He arrived in my office, and I had barely got the door closed to my room and he had removed every shred of clothing, standing there in the middle of my office hehe.. so, I knew where this was going, and the massage proceeded.. and was lovely <grin> But when I asked him how he came about hearing of me... he told me that a man was raaaving about how grrreat the massages were with me, on a website he is a member on....so he had to try for himself (also said he was very happy he did hehe) I just about lost my mind!! I found out the info (lyla.com hehe) and went to check it out for myself.. and found I had to log in as a new member.. couldn't just pop in as a guest.. and the level of anger I was feeling.. coupled with my preferrrrence to remain composed.. I wanted something in a name that reflected both my strength and my composure....a cougar, is perrrfect for that...and wanted it to be something this individual would remember.. after I sunk my clawz into him and removed a good portion of his skin <grin> so "CapitalC" to make it stick ;) ....which, incidentally, I did.. rather publicly.. <grin>...once I found the post he had put up.. a wonderful recommendation actually... but.. he had not only listed my *real name* but my business name.. the address.. the phone number... ACK! I also emailed the moderator, informing him of my complete displeasurrrre at the situation, telling him I was going to stay online until any/all traces of that information was removed from the entire site.... <grin> by the time I heard back from the mod (which was wonderfully fast, btw.. ) and saw for myself that it had been removed.. I had 7 messages in my PM box hahaha not sure if I should kiss the guy or kick him.. but.. yeah..... ;) liked it here, so ... here I stay ;) <......curls soft tail around well-muscled legs.... purrrring... content...>
  32. 1 point
    I can confirm the pictures are 100% her. When we were talking afterwards the biggest laugh that we had was all her new clients saying that they couldn't believe it was really her. She said that her photos are always copied and used elsewhere. She does have restrictions but if you want to pay more she will lift certain ones. Her prices are pricey out East but are the standard rate for a top end provider out west. She looks better in person than her pictures and she is also reasonably intelligent to talk to.
  33. 1 point
    From the details you have mentioned, it sounds like you are referring to POWER's research. There is a thread about the research here: http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=758444#post758444 POWER is a sex worker led organization, that advocates for sex workers' rights. I have done some work with them in the past and they are good shit. I encourage those interested to participate. They are non-judgemental and your anonymity is assured. Here is the poster with more info about how to participate in the research:
  34. 1 point
    It's not rocket science and red flags are readily apparent if you pay attention. As with any thing in life common sense..... is just that common sense. I have a strict criteria I developed for me through trial and error of course and I stick to and its serves me well. I can tell almost instantly whether to delve further into something or not. Peace MG
  35. 1 point
    Cleopatra is pretty hit and miss but it is a lot of fun and also cheapter with its $10 dancers. Get the right girl and you can have a great time. I like the relaxed neighborhood feel to it.
  36. 1 point
    My first attempt to post pics. :-) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  37. 1 point
    I agree with what Blacklabdog said about the provision of sexual services to be a profession. And these lovely women put up with enough BS by society and governments without having to deal with cheap clients looking to save a few bucks. As I normally go for an hour, I have found the average rates to be between $180 to 250. Those who charge more must be able to find clients who find those rates a good value for the experience provided. I would be wary, however, of any offers under this range and believe lower rates by some do devalue the profession. Women in this profession, provide the most intimate of experiences to the mostly men they accept to meet. They deserve our support, respect and appreciation including for the fees they charge. Any bargainers and cheapskates should be kicked to the curb.
  38. 1 point
    I just can resist...what we offer is not something that is not required. It's a luxury that the i provide that the client decides that he/she is willing to indulge in.
  39. 1 point
    Hello gentleman. I've been pleasantly humbled by the support I've received by everyone so far. I have tried my best to keep up with all the texts and calls and replies I have received and apologize to anyone whom I missed. I will be available for in and out calls all day/eve today and tomorrow for your pleasure. I'm a attentive and uncanny girl with a heart of gold. My service is unforgettable and genuine which will surly leave you wanting more. Please contact me for more details and availability. Text or call me at 613 290 7854 Email: [email protected] XOXO Kaylee
  40. 1 point
    Looks like a update (not my business) https://www.google.ca/amp/ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/alleged-mastermind-of-love-scheme-that-defrauded-disabled-man-of-850k-arrested/amp?client=safari
  41. 1 point
    Tuesday lunch today and the menu was sumptuous. Maria, Delicious, Juicy, Claire, Harley, Maddy, Claire (newly back on deck, and looking svelte and lovely) and Cassie. And that was before the ravishing Mila walked in, just as I was leaving.
  42. 1 point
    Home. Sore. More scars for the collection. Reasonably mobile for the moment. Time will tell. I am glad to be home. :)
  43. 1 point
    Hi Gentlemen, I will be available today and all week for you pleasure. I provide a full, genuine, and exciting girlfriend service that will leave you breathless and hungry for more... My friendly and bubbly personality will have you at ease in no time, and you will be whisped away in the passionate experience. I provide a unrushed service that is playful and session. I always aim to please... You will not be disappointed and will truly enjoy every moment. I have long brown hair and blonde highlights, and stunning green eyes that will capture and captivate you. I stand a height of 5 feet 7, and weigh 128. Best of all a full C cup and curves in all the right places. If you are interested in booking a session with me, please contact me via text call or email. Phone (613) 290-7854 Email [email protected] RATES HALF 120 HOUR 180 2HOURS 340 Hope to hear from you soon... Yours truly Kaylee Love °~oXoXoXo~°
  44. 1 point
    Friendly lady, good massage, chatty, pretty.
  45. 1 point
    Hi Gentlemen, I will be available all week for your pleassure. I am a hot and playful girl that always aims to please... I provide a full genuine GFE service that will leave you breathless and surly leave you wanting more. I have a great and friendly personality, clean and well dressed and always manicured. I have long brown hair with blonde highlights with stunning green eyes that will capture you. I stand at 5 feet 6 and 128 lbs. I am curvy in all the right places with a full C cup. Rates 120 Per half 180 Per hour Let's meet today and let me blow your mind with my passionate and exciting service... Can't wait xoxo Phone (613) 290-7854 Email [email protected]
  46. 1 point
    I certainly don't think any lady should be pressured to change her rates. I can't imagine trying to negotiate for her time and applaud those that say doing so gets a guy immediately ignored. As you say, you know what your time is worth to you. I suspect you'll find that either the fellows telling you this are either exaggerating or the experience is very different. All that said, I also think it important not to assume that anyone charging less than you is doing so out of pressure or outdealing. Just like you are rightfully insulted if someone accuses you of asking too much...isn't it a little unfair to assume that someone who charges less "thinks so little of themselves". No doubt there's also someone out there who asks for a much higher amount than you. I imagine you wouldn't like that person telling you that you clearly don't think well of yourself. :) Anyway, I do agree it's a problem if ladies are being pressured to charge less than what they ask or think is right. I just think it's worth being a little careful not to automatically judge, as at the end of day, each lady has a right to run her life and business and time as she sees fit. Anyway, I know that wasn't your intent. To your question, I think your suspicion is right that those who respond to your donation amount by arguing others charge less are just trying to sway you. It's a shame you and other ladies have to deal with that nonsense! :(
  47. 1 point
    "Accidently" getting hosed down with cold water by a child while washing a vehicle together on a hot, humid, sunny day in Ottawa - then running thru the sprinkler together...
  48. 1 point
    If I want to feel sexy I'll wear it under my clothes. When i am working its always on under what i'm wearing.
  49. 1 point
    Good morning, Gents!, Are you looking to spend some time with a very unique lady? My description: 35 years old, 5'4'' (5'7'' with heels), a size 6 waist, little perky ''B'' breast, dark rusty brown hair, icy blue eyes, and a very fair complexion. I have a awesome sense of humour, a unique vision of life, and bubbly personnality, imagination without borders, and I am extremely curious intellectually (I am currently trying to explore Tantra...). - An extremely discreete location; - All ammunities available for your comfort; - A propitious environment to seduction and relaxation; - Not mentionning my exclusive companionship. Located in a region where indulgence, sassyness and curiosity are to be fullfilled, I host in a private location at the border of the Lower-Laurentians. Accessible by the 344 (34 - 640W - 50E), the ride is easy enough (mostly the Green Belt), and enjoyable. Curious to know more? Drop me a line! Sab. Private messaging; texts: 613 317-7387; e-mail: [email protected]
  50. 1 point
    Some emails I get will usually say something like "r u free" or avail now? I decline all of that. I state I require advance notice - pre booking and that I DONT accept same day requests (if you can't read the ad or respect my policies, i don't wish to spend time with you). The best encounters are those planned well in advance where you can get to know each other - you can't rush chemistry.
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