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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/12 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    For all that love our dear Angela Of Ottawa, she needs our love and support! Without going into details, she is having a crisis that must be so hard at this time of year! ( anytime of year, but at Christmas we tend to be more sensitive to certain things!) She has always been here for us, and now we need to return the favor! Just send her good wishes, let her know she has a big Canada wide family here that loves her! Be strong hun, I am here for you:)
  2. 5 points
    At this time, and with her permission, I would like to let all of her friends in CERB know that Penelope Davis has had her baby - a healthy and big bouncing baby boy. Mother and son are both doing well. I spoke with her this evening and it made my heart feel two sizes too big to hear the joy in her voice for her Christmas gift. Congratulations Penelope! :)
  3. 4 points
    I almost lost my dad last week as he was rushed into emergency surgery for a very invasive procedure that will leave him unable to return to his current home. He is set to have another surgery within the month and right now the docs are not sure if he is strong enough to survive it but without it he will have a slow and painful death. I know where I will be on Christmas Day. At the hospital beside his bed.
  4. 2 points
    I really don't understand why it's complicated. If someone's unconscious.....they can't consent. If they don't consent......it's fucking rape! End of story! I honestly don't give two shits if you consider yourself a "nice guy" or if others consider you a "really sweet person". If you forced yourself onto someone who is unconscious....you're a rapist! And I'm not a fan of you! I'll agree with Baileydog that sometimes it's fun to be woken up by your SO who wants to make love to you. I agree it's a nice way to wake up (again, I say this in the case of a significant other with whom you have a healthy sex life). I've had GF's do it me and I've done it as well. Difference being we never performed sexual acts on each other while the other was unconscious. Sexual Assault is not restricted to strangers. It can happen with SO's too. If you wake up and you're in the mood, there's ways to do it....lean over and spoon with the person in such a way that it may wake them up, maybe give them a peck on the neck or on the lips. Or if all else fails......hey, you can always just poke them till they wake up and then say "You wanna?" (Although this last technique has rarely worked for me :p) If they don't wake up....BY GOD leave it at that! Don't take that as an invitation and proceed to have your way with them! Because...ummmm....that would be RAPE! If they wake up and give clear indication that it's not happening... Again....BY GOD leave it at that! Because otherwise......that would be RAPE! However if they wake up and indicate (without any doubt!) that they are ready and willing....hey, go nuts and have fun! Honestly, if I were to be woken up by my wife/girlfriend riding me or giving me a handjob or blowjob.....I'd like to think I'd be cool with it....truth is...I may very well feel pretty damn violated.
  5. 2 points
    When you see something unjust happening, and can not seem to do anything about it! I hope this injustice is soon fixed and the person responsible will be held accountable for her actions! Pathetic what some do over jealousy! How do some people sleep at night I wonder?
  6. 1 point
    An executive manager boarded an airplane and took his seat. He was looking forward to a week-long training conference in Chicago. As he settled in, he glanced up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realized she was heading straight towards his seat. As fate would have it, she took the seat right beside his. Eager to strike up a conversation he blurted out, "Business trip or pleasure?" She turned, smiled and said, "Business. I'm going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Chicago." He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs. Struggling to maintain his composure, the executive calmly asked, "What's your business role at this convention?" "Lecturer," she responded. "I use information that I have learned from my personal experiences to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality." "Really?" he said. " And what kind of myths are there?" "Well, she explained, "one popular myth is that African American men are the most well-endowed of all men, when in fact it is the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is that Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is the men of Jewish descent who are the best. I have also discovered that the lover with absolutely the best stamina is the Southern Redneck." Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable and blushed. "I'm sorry," she said, "I shouldn't really be discussing all of this with you. I don't even know your name. "Tonto Goldstein,the executive said, but my friends call me Bubba."
  7. 1 point
    I definitely am a go with the flow type of lady :). Where ever the wind blows is where it'll take me. To jump through the puddles and dance in the rain with only happiness to gain. Plans always have the possibility to fall through, so leave the house for some milk and end up at the zoo :)
  8. 1 point
    After years of being a MA and having the opportunity to work in so many great MPs, I would like to announce that I am now moving on independently as an elite adult companion. The time has come for me to be able to provide a more sophisticated and intimate service to my clientele, those who know me as an MA and those who I am anticipating to meet as an adult companion. I cannot do this without thanking the owners and operators of the spas I have had the pleasure of working in; your constant support has not gone unappreciated. I learned and prospered from each unique experience. Starting Monday December 17 I will be available independently for the following sessions: 1 hour massage $180 90 min massage $240 2 hour massage $300 I am offering a $20 discount on my hour massage sessions for the holidays.
  9. 1 point
    We all know that there is lots going on in this world that is bad, that we perceive as bad, things that cause us to throw ours arms up in frustration, that may cause us to waver in our faith of others , be it individuals or groups or countries. Two days ago it was the shooting in Connecticut, a month ago it was the Israel - Palestine conflict, a year ago it was something else. We live in a media controlled world, a media that thrives on bad news and the willingness of people as a captive audience to sit and watch and listen and absorb it. That news is real, but it need not be all consuming as they wish it to be. But, and it is a huge but, there is a LOT of genuine good in the people on this earth. Take the time to look at and focus for a while on what you know is good about people. There is a lot to see if you let yourself do so. You know what? I am good. I am not perfect, by a long shot, but I am good. And ultimately, the only person that I can control is me. However, I can stay inside the Cerb world and name person after person who is good. I can step outside to my family and friends and name person after person who is good. There are many many more people who are good than evil and I say that with my own personal strong degree of confidence. There are people who care about others because it is their nature to do so, and don't do it for personal gain or for ulterior motives. Yes, all of us have been burned probably at one time or another, and being burned causes caution and often causes unfounded mistrust but don't overlook the obvious either. So if you are good then stand up and be exactly that, recognize it and embrace it. Look for the goodness in others because I expect that we are all surrounded by it and sometimes won't let ourselves see it. When you see it then recognize it and embrace it and let it help to restore your faith in humanity. My little rant of the day.
  10. 1 point
    Just about everything about her is alluring ... but the eyes are incredible.
  11. 1 point
    Great review. I'm not open-minded enough to spend time with a T girl but it sounded like you got what you were looking for in spades! Too bad you didn't decide to double team Cleo...a DP would have been mind blowing :)
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    OMG, you guys are awesome. I so need those hugs. Thank you. Keep them coming, please.
  15. 1 point
    Wonderful news! Congratulations and very best wishes to mother and baby. And thanks for sharing the news.
  16. 1 point
    Funny beyond words...destined to become a classic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhnLk3TJWFY
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    It's been a few years since I lost my father to cancer, not long before christmas. The first christmas without him was awful, I wondered why people were smiling, shopping, why the stores were open, why traffic lights were working why restaurants were open-didn't they know he was gone! I was angry, sad, empty, and very lost. The thoughts and feelings that come upon you when you suffer such grief are unexplainable, unexpected and simply put-brutal. But I got through and a few more christmases have come and gone . Each one a little better than the last. So to those who are going through this holiday season with loved ones who are ill, or to those who have lost theirs know their is someone thinking of you and wishing you hope, health, happiness and strength and if this message touches and helps bring comfort to just one person then it will have done it's job- as posting it helps me as well.
  19. 1 point
    I've been blessed. My father passed away nearly 23 years ago from cancer. But not at Christmas. Christmas for me has always been a wonderful time of joy and togetherness. I will be spending lots of time with my mother this Christmas. I can't help thinking of those parents in Connecticut right now. The presents for their darling children purchased, maybe even wrapped. And now all that stolen from them. Cherish those you love this Christmas. Hold them tight, love them with every fiber of your being. Life is so precious, and so fragile. For me, I give thanks for my children this year, and that they are healthy and happy. They're getting a bit to old for me to hold them in a bear hug and not let go ... but I'll be doing it emotionally. And I'm going to give thanks for Penelope's own Christmas miracle. What a great joyful event this little child's birth is for her. Porthos
  20. 1 point
    At my brother's right now Dad flew up for a visit. Looks frail and tired but optimisic he will beat the leukemia Goes home tomorrow Monday in to hospital Tuesday surgery to put a mediport in him and then chemo started. At the best of times a lot to handle but add holidays and dad living out of province it gets overwhelming RG
  21. 1 point
    Congradulations certainly the most beautiful christmas gift one could ask for-wishing you and your new baby years of health and happiness.
  22. 1 point
    Here's a BIG HUG Angela Know exactly what your going through and how your feeling Thoughts and prayers with you, your family and your dad RG
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    For those nut-bars south of the 49th to introduce some gun control and stop the mass killings that happen on a weekly basis
  25. 1 point
    It is with mixed emotions that I am saying goodbye to the management and staff I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with for the past month. I can not thank them enough for having me and I will always truly be grateful for their support and understanding. With that being said, I am now independent once again and hope that all the fine gentlemen I have met over the past year and still hope to meet will support me in my new endeavours and take this opportunity to revisit my website and get to know me anew this Holiday Season and in the upcoming New Year!! I wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and nothing but peace and happiness and lots of love in 2013!!
  26. 1 point
    Personally, from my experience, I don't believe such incidents are so much a 'human race' thing as it is a 'cultural' thing. Canadians (and others) have a comparable # of guns, but yet don't act in such selfish and greedy murderous ways. Greed is a common practice in America. (ex: 9 out of 10 surveyed high school students in USA believe bribery is just how business is done in America, as they say their parents lead by example to act this way.) Once again - Greed breeds mean deeds. As a parent of a younger child, I cannot hold back tears to the fact there are so many selfish greedy people in the World whom only care about themselves and not the community they are part of. This is not just a gun issue, as there are many (MANY) greedy people in Canada too. Shameful choice of life to live. Apathetic conformity to wrong-doing has never made the World a better place. Not holding greedy people accountable, whether in big or small ways, is cowardly (and greedy in itself). Parasites on society are degrading humanity. Shame on ALL self-centered people. Shame. :( Kudos to ALL those with true community spirit. :) RIP beloved ones. Bless all of you.
  27. 1 point
    I found it http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=the+g+spot&hl=en&sll=46.261961,-63.13589&sspn=0.202942,0.528374&hq=the+g+spot&radius=15000&t=m&z=13 apparently its in Regina Saskatchewan of all places
  28. 1 point
    Well... are all of his customers on CERB? Are they all perfect gentlemen in the CR? I suspect not. I don't really know much about what demographics go to SCs, or how often, or how much $$$ they spend while they're there... but it wouldn't surprise me to know that there are plenty who will take and do whatever they can get away with irrespective of the long-term impact on the dancers and the club, especially once the drunken bachelor parties arrive at the weekend. It's probably not unwise for him to have some defensive measures in place against this sort of thing. We can debate whether or not the pendulum has swung too far, but I can see how complete privacy in the CR could be open to abuse.
  29. 1 point
    Whether I have one or not, I am not a fan of the poking and prodding required to try to prove to me that it exists. Quite happy with the orgasms that come from clitoral stimulation and those from intercourse.
  30. 1 point
    Morning all. Was restless and needed something to keep my mind occupied, so made up elk burgers for supper tonight! Less fat than turkey, way more protein than lean beef! Chopped up shallots, red onion, mushrooms, bran, two eggs, a dash of shiraz and two cloves of Russian garlic. They will now sit in the fridge until I bbq tonight. Root veggies already cut up (parsnip, turnip, sweet potato, carrots plus mushrooms all being marinated with a garlic infused oil and a shot of Bush Mills). (and no I did not taste test the Bush Mills or Shiraz before breakfast! I save both for dinner). Oh yes, I have dough in the breadmaker for some sour dough buns for dinner as well.
  31. 1 point
    Donating my December "discretionary" fun money to the Xmas Cheer Board. Other donations to Humane Society, Winnipeg Harvest, and a few others. I've got more stuff than I'll ever use. That's my present to me. Peace MG
  32. 1 point
    A gorgeous frame for my soon-to-be degree ;)
  33. 1 point
    Hoping for a remote control helicopter....and for the ladies, I'm available to help you scratch this fantasy off your list ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhwbxEfy7fg Merry Xmas, E. xo
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    Usually undies, maybe a t-shirt. I have a no-pants rule in my home ;)
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    It is one thing to have a bad date or be out of pocket financially .... It is another thing to be in a dangerous encounter. Team play amongst the ladies is huge in my opinion .... for safety. If you don't ask for references for your own business...that is your business. I do urge you to share with other ladies and not look at it as doing all the work for others... Us fella's share info via recco's, posts, threads and some with PM's. Worst case scenario is a bad experience or being ripped off. You ladies share information for the same reason.....but also for safety. Everytime I read threads like this I think of my cousin who perhaps maybe...just maybe would still be with us and enjoying life if she would have had the benefit of team play as it is now ....
  38. 1 point
    I rescued a dog. He's small but a real dog. No bows or nail polish for this little guy. Sweet, smart, strong, and tough; everything I like in a man! He had some really minor aggression issues when I got him that in 4 days he seemed to overcome and we were moving forward in his training fast. Then on his last, late night quick pee walk last Friday we were attacked. It was dark in the park and I heard the dog coming but couldn't see it. This massive hound was intent on tearing my new little friend apart and as I held my dog in my arms this hound goes after both of us. As I'm fending her off, her owner STROLLS across the park yelling "Belle, don't do that baby" in a melodic, singsong voice. WTF!!! By the time she got close, my coat was torn in places and my dog was in the Red Zone trying to get out of my arms to fight. The owner can't get her dog by the collar, every time she tried the dog darts and lunged at us again. I about killed her when she finally got her dog on leash. Luckily I had my arms full of my dog, so I couldn't strangle her on the spot. The tongue lashing that I let loose felt good for me but I could tell it didn't register with her one iota. This was a week ago, I can't walk him now without him trying to eat everything. Dogs, squirrels and birds puts him into a zone that is almost uncontrollable. Now he's starting to eye people! It will take weeks, perhaps months to get him back to where he was. I'm sure she is out there, having completely forgotten about the event and now my dog is suffering the consequences of her brain dead, irresponsible, pc yuppie freaking actions. Why do people without brains have dogs? The rules are easy, if you don't understand dogs, don't get one. If your dog doesn't answer and mind, don't let him off leash. If you won't step in and break up your dogs attack, you deserve to be on the receiving end of an attack to see what it feels like. I don't let other dogs near mine if I don't know them, I don't believe in taking dogs to dog parks to "socialize" with other dogs; I never have. Dogs are not people, they are not children, they are dogs and need to be handled like a dog. Irresponsible dog owners are dangerous. cat
  39. 1 point
    When you deposit a personal cheque and the bank puts a hold on it for a week.
  40. 1 point
    Best friends that make promises to visit and and don't follow through. These fair weather friends seem sincere but never seem "available to follow up on an any plans made. I have made many adjustments in my schedule to accodomite my BF's schedule only to find out she is busy or unavailable. Lets try and take care of our friends and not let boyfriends or other partners let us lose sight of out important oblication to each other. Additional Comments: Oops misplaced comments , forgivness please.:icon_smile:
  41. 1 point
    I made your announcement a STICKY thread to make sure everyone becomes aware of the site. You run the blog with integrity and ethics so I see no reason to not support it, the Ottawa members are lucky to have someone like you helping out in this way.
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