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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/13 in all areas

  1. 11 points
    Sometimes I wonder about some girls. It seems that every girl with a camera and bra's and panties seem to think they can be an sp. Well I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you it takes more then mostly naked pics on the internet to be an sp. An SP needs to be patient professional, and kind with a strong back bone and thick skin :) The job pretty much is to be pretty clean and nice. And I don't mean your stereotypical super modal pretty. I mean nice blouse, skirt, heels, and yes ladies blow dry and style your hair and put on make up (properly) If your're gonna charge $200/h at least make an effort to pr nice enough looking that when you look in the mirror you could almost do yourself lol It doesn't seem to be much of an issue here but you do see often girls that post a few pics of them selves then post 3or4 ads for themselves per day then get all pissed after a day or two and blast the customers for not being interested. Put some time and effort into writing. Post about rainbows and butterflies at first if you have to. I know sometimes I can get grumpy on my phones with texts and calls asking like 1000 questions lol. But luckily I've been able to draw interest through my posts and the random thoughts that pop in my head and keep an everlasting memory with my infectious smile and playful nature that people witness when they meet me. The unfortunate thing is that with the ladies that don't take this lifestyle professionally just make the rest of us look bad and the profession look bad.
  2. 6 points
    I too am surprised to see this thread yet again. Like all cities in the Maritime except HRM, Saint John is not a metropolis. It is an industrial city. Its population is eclectic with a variety of income levels. The economy is what it is, not as strong as it could be but coming along. Like any city there are some who can't afford to play no matter what the economy. I have been on Cerb over 4 years. I have tons of fun. All of it has been in SJ. I always plan ahead and book well in advance I have never been a no-show and only once had to cancel unavoidably. Like any market of any service in any city, the market is only so big. There is a saturation point. This week and weekend I quickly counted 4 CERB visiting ladies advertising they are in SJ. There are also the local ladies.. Is it really so hard to figure? Who needs to do more planning?
  3. 5 points
    I know it seems as though there are many women entering this business thinking they can cut it with minimal effort to make a few bucks but it is those exact people who soon come to realize that it takes a lot of effort and many will eventually disappear once they got what they wanted financially. There is a lot of competition and those who do put the effort in and are serious about it, reap the rewards. I feel as though the trend in this business is no longer about the experience with many clients ( I'm excluding the many men of cerb here and this is just based on the types of advertising sites out there that are popular right now) and more about just getting laid. Clients are not idiots and realize the significance of having a website, nice photos and just taking the time to post on sites like this to engage customers and cultivate themselves as a professional escort. The people who don't take it seriously and just come on other sites like fly by nights are not considered competition for me. I am considered a professional and made a name for myself so I don't see them as a threat coming to take over this business. While classified advertising online may be the trend now, you will eventually see a different business model replace it in a few years. It's no different than fashion with the trends and fads that come and go every year. While most ladies here are professionals, we are also a brand despite what our job actually entails. Branding takes time but if you stick with your convictions and how you believe you should run your business, you won't have a problem. Being bothered by these fly by nights is always like having to shoo away a mosquito each and every time. They are always there but you have to learn to adapt to them. What it all comes down to is that men who hobby are looking for specific things and two of those qualities being good service and professionalism. Along with that comes with a certain etiquette of the SP and how she carries herself. These are all the traits of a professional and those who want fly by night girls or the new quick flavour on another site can have them. And while many hobbyists will take a chance, if they get burned, they won't make the same mistake twice. Take time to invest in yourself and while you may not see it now, this is what customers come to appreciate.. Professionalism by being genuine and sincere in this business has its advantages.
  4. 4 points
    Loosing a pet :( It is quite debilitating!
  5. 4 points
    Thank you for your post and honesty. This is the same issue I had with being a provider. I grew up in a very conservative family but have always wanted to do things that were less than conservative. But really I'm just trying to carve my own path and find my own way of living a happy existence. I worry less about being conventional now and I really don't want to fit in any mold anyway so society's way of thinking and my upbringing aren't the ways to happiness for ME. I now know thats alright, we are all different. The way I live may not be okay for someone else but they'll have to get over that. My goal is to find happiness, comfort, peace of mind and an ability to enable myself to live within my guidelines, not societys, and this profession has given that to me. It has also allowed me to understand men, especially my father better. I used to think that men who cheated were mean, selfish, thoughtless people, my father fooled around alot. Until I started in this profession, meeting and talking to many hobbyists. It became clear to me that needing that "extra" doesn't make a man those things at all it simply gives them a way to let go , to enjoy themselves and alot of times, someone to listen to their secrets that they can't tell anyone else. In fact I love my father more now, as I understand him better and instead of being angry with him for not being faithful to my mother, I empathize with the fact that he pobably felt the way you did, feeling confused, guilty, ect. I wish he were still here so I could tell him it's okay to seek something more. We all do in different ways. After all only when we are complete as a person can we add to anothers life, so live to your rules and be happy:biggrin:
  6. 4 points
    24. Humanity This is going to be a mushy one and to that end, it will stand alone. You may have noticed that I use the phrase "I love you" when I speak to many of the providers on the board. This is not casual nor is it capricious; it is heartfelt and honest. When you enter the hobby, you enter with the thought of fulfilling some carnal desires, pleasures of the flesh. As you begin to progress through there are natural bonds that are created. You enjoy the company of the women that you see because they are not just a vessel for your sexual voyage; they are warm, caring and magnificent human beings. I want you to pay particular attention to those last three words. True, this is a service industry and the services provided are fantastic - but you do connect with a person - a magnificent human being that has offered a part of herself to you in a mutually gratifying situation. I am a truly fortunate man. I have built bonds with providers and members here that have surpassed my wildest expectations. I don't go a single day without speaking to at least one person on this board to whom I have said, "I love you." These women may just be an hour or two of fancy to you, but to me they are the most beautiful people in my life... in fact, I might not be here writing this without them. Indulge me, if you will. On Labour Day weekend, 2012, I came home from work on the Friday evening and I wasn't feeling well. By Saturday morning I recognized that I was having a heart issue but having had issues in the past, I put it down to stress and a touch of angina. By Monday I wasn't any better. On Tuesday, a CERB member and a CERB provider came to my house and demanded that I go to emergency; they took me. I was admitted and indeed the stress and angina were a bit more serious than I had imagined. I had, in the preceding 3 days, a level 3 cardiac infarction. In layman's terms - I had a major heart attack. Over the next week in hospital, I had daily visits from a number of providers and members who genuinely care about me. A CERB member left work early to come pick me up on the day of my discharge from hospital. At home, these same members and providers had filled my fridge, filled my prescriptions and helped lift my spirits during my period of recovery. They knew I was not in any financial shape to compensate them in monetary fashion; they did it because they are magnificent human beings. I won't give you the names of these people. I wish I could, but that would be a bit of a disservice. They didn't do it for accolades or compensation, they did it because they cared for me... they love me and they know that I love them. CERB is the ideal venue in that regard. The no-negativity foundation may be frustrating at times - but I will say this: You have no idea of how beautiful the members and providers here are. The physical beauty is a given - the beauty of the person behind that veneer is the hidden treasure on this board. I am not ashamed to state publicly my love for my friends here. I will defend them with every fibre of my fabric. They are providers only by occupation but first and foremost, they are some of the most magnificent human beings that I have ever encountered. If I can only make one visceral statement here, one that comes from my gut... I ask, no... I demand that you treat my loved ones as you would treat your own. I will be back... there is so much more to add!
  7. 3 points
    I'm a big fan of mapporn on Reddit. It less devious then it sounds. Just a bunch of different maps showing some statistical point. I found one on top search terms for each US state, and which also led me to this website http://www.pornmd.com/sex-search I'm a big culture nerd. I love to see how different cultures and nationalities differ and how they all come together. And I think apart from love, eating, and sleeping, sexual desires are another of human's basic instincts. However, for a variety of reasons, it's often tucked away. So imagine my excitement when I saw a website dedicated to the top 10 porn related searches for many countries! (Some were omitted for lack of data). Stuff I found particularly interesting: - Surroundings play a massive role in sexual interests. In Southern US states, black porn was especially popular. In states with a high Asian population, Asian porn was highly sought after. This holds true in other countries. From France, I discovered the word Beurette. Supposedly means North African woman, usually used in slang used for really attractive North African women. China's top searches mainly consisted of racial interests. Ex. Japanese, Chinese, etc. Searches in Southern and central Africa centered among black women, while Middle Eastern searches focused on women from the same race. - Gay porn searches neared the top or were more commonly found in countries that seemed more repressed. Iran, Pakistan, Palestine. - There were some very unusual stuff, like South Korea dedicating two of the top 10 searches for poop, Syria's scat fetish made it to number 9. Also rape came up in the subcontinent, which was...interesting. Incest related porn (sister) came up for Palestine. - Porn seems to transcend political divides. To be blunt about it, boobs are boobs. And it seems that some places like the erotic content of their political enemies. Ex. Israel's top searches included two Arab related contents. - And this being Canada, here are Canada's top porn searches 1) Asian 2) Teen 3) Milf 4) Compilation 5) Massage 6) pov 7) Hentai 8 ) Anal 9) Indian 10) College - United States' top searches were 1) milf 2) teen (Matches Canada) 3) college 4) creampie 5) massage (Matches Canada) 6) Asian 7) pov 8 ) Amateur 9) Compilation 10) Anal
  8. 3 points
    Both of you are right Meag and RG. It is frustrating to see this people advertising, and trying to get clientele under a wrong impression, but as RG says at the end it all comes to the conclusion that is not just a pic in pretty lingerie what makes you an SP or MA in my case, and that is why people like us become popular and build a reputation, because we are there to deliver and cater as we promise, because we respect the gentlemen that chose us in the many ladies that there are available. These girls may have the gentlemen come to them once but will never see them again as for us, ladies that care and take this seriuos and as a proffesion with pride.. We will see many more times repeat and satisfied gentlemen ;). As they know we care for them and have respect for them as clients and as people.
  9. 3 points
    I have had one of the best weeks I have had in ages, and it has everything to do with the company I keep... thanks to all that have made it as much fun as it has been!!!
  10. 3 points
    this is a very good point. it does take time to make clientele and impatience will not do it. This job is a gamble, hit or miss. Somedays you make a bundle some times you're lucky to break even. You know this coming in so lean to take your gains and losses with a humble smile.
  11. 3 points
    Welcome! And... yes. Yes, it does. If you haven't found them already... the "New to this" forum has a huge amount of very useful information, and this thread has a lot of it packed into one easy (and entertaining) read. So, the first and far and away the most important bit of advice: read this stuff, because that's a lot easier than screwing up because you didn't know something. Tough, isn't it? And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but after you've seen a few ladies... it doesn't actually get any easier. Did I say "bad news"? Sorry, my mistake. I meant "awesomeness" :) Aaaaanyway... incall vs outcall is very much down to what you prefer. Some ladies only do one or the other, in which case it's not a decision you get to make if you want to see her. Generally, you'll pay a bit more for outcall as the SP will have travel expenses which she doesn't have if you visit her. Agency vs independent... doesn't matter, IMO. The important thing is the person you're seeing. Not really. As I said, pick the SP or MA first, and then the place really comes down to hers or yours (if she offers that choice, which quite a few don't). Read the recos here - there are lots of ladies with very good reputations. And to weed out the bad ones, keep an eye on CK's Diary, which is an invaluable resource. Well, Cleo and SMQ have lots of tattoos. So does Malika, if you can catch her when she visits. But there are a lot of ladies with at least a little bit of ink. And doubtless others with a lot. Well, you'll get that with almost anyone :) Good luck, and have fun!
  12. 3 points
    Ethics, an interesting question for lots in the game. I'm kind a Jekyll and Hyde type or a Ying and Yang type which some could describe as schizophrenic though I'd describe it as a charming Pisces type :) Going in two directions at the same time. On one hand I'm a very serious highly ethical and focused business type who isn't afraid to be confrontational if needed. Being strong ethically has been both good and bad career wise but I've managed to carve out a nice niche and have been relatively successful. On the other hand in my personal life I'm completely different, a pot smoking, yoga liking meditator who is non confrontational, laid back and goes with the flow. So how do I justify the ethics of playing this game? Simply put I don't. At one point I thought I could as I'm a non f/s player (my line in the sand). But in reality that doesn't fly. Some think cheating is a physical act alone but chatting online or anything you wouldn't share with your partner and is secretive....in my view is cheating. I'm 27 years in, no kids, financially secure, so boredom could be a justification or the classic mid-life crisis. But it's not. I've come to accept that I'm not a perfect person, I look in the mirror and have accepted that I'm not perfect and know some of my actions aren't those of a perfect person. But that's ok with me. When I see some one, I try to be kind and nice and interested in them as people. Not everyone out there who says "and I love what I do" does in reality. So trying my hardest to be a good guy helps me rationalize my participation at least to a degree and that's all I can do. Peace MG
  13. 3 points
    Your honesty is appreciated here, I know it isn't easy to be frank with such a personal struggle. I have encountered guests who struggle with this and I always tell them to trust their intuition but men prefer logic which doesn't apply to affairs of the heart and conscience. I congratulate you on making things work again in your relationship, that is such an amazing accomplishment. What I have never understood is the necessity to justify taking care of your personal needs. Are you a man who needs regular sexual interaction or do you need the stimulation of multiple partners? I would recommend if you boil it down and it turns out you really just want regularity then you are better to play at home with your partner. There is a safety in knowing she won't find out and you could end up losing her as a result. If you need a little variety to keep things working at home then chosing a provider is always safer than just having an affair. I loved your words "Be "good". I spent my entire life trying to do just that and finally figured out a couple of years ago that I am good, just the way I am. It is possible to have a true, loving and intimate relationship with secrets, the question is do you want it that way? How are you hardwired? Does guilt eat at you? Do you have regrets? If not, then it really isn't an issue except in theory. What is cheating to your SO? The definition is fluid, for some women it's when their boyfriend looks at women in magazines and for others it's when the man gets engaged to another without her even knowing there was another woman in the picture. I have 2 guests that I adore, one former and one current. Both of the same age, religion, and economic bracket. One retired from seeing me because he became a grandfather and felt in his heart he couldn't be a role model unless he walked the walk. The other doesn't put onus on his relationship with me in context when it comes to his personal life. Being a part of my life doesn't change who he is, what he believes or stands for. These gentlemen are both doing what's "right". But it's what's right for them and only them. I don't believe in a "one and only", that person who is "your" sparkly unicorn and the pursuit of finding it can distract us from the real meaning we find in our day to day. The only person who has to live with you inside your head is you and that is where these answers are. I do believe that you can have a spectacular relationship with one person for a lifetime but it has to be exactly what you want to do. Either way, if you aren't true to yourself, you both will eventually pay the price... cat
  14. 2 points
    Realizing my orange tabby cat who I am obsessed with is like a freaking dog! He followed me for 2 miles on a walk today!
  15. 2 points
    I does make the whole profession much more difficult to work in, because everyone is worried that the sp is into bait and switch, or she's gonna show up in sweat pants and construction boots to see you. Because there are girls out there that have sexy pics and will do a call wearing crap. For those of us that take the time to get dressed up, pamper ourselves and take the time to see you, it is aggrevating when these others think that its easy to be an sp.
  16. 2 points
    Good thread Serena. It is a very special lady who can see a gentleman, for the very first time, and as cliche as it sounds, give of herself body mind and soul. And for those professional companions who provide escapes for us gentlemen you have, well speaking for myself, my appreciation and gratitude. The value of the encounter far exceeds the donation asked for. And it certainly isn't a profession every woman can do I do take issue with your last line though Serena. The ladies who don't take this lifestyle seriously or professionally don't make the rest of you professional companions look bad. They only make themselves look bad and at least for me make my encounters with professional companions all the more special and appreciated A rambling RG
  17. 2 points
    especially since you mentioned tattoos, definitely Cleo or SaraMQ, BOTH very well recommended.
  18. 2 points
    Handy 4 step method to tell if you're clean enough for your date. 1) Lick your finger. 2) Rub it around your bunghole. 3) Lick your finger again. 4) Does it taste like shit? - Yes: Get in the shower and wash yo ass boy. You nasty! Go to step 1. - No: You're ready! :-D
  19. 2 points
    Phaedrus, it's a relief to have this update. I've considered gathering a group of ladies together along with a few dogsleds (pulled by crews of eager submissive men) and making the trek to your playground. It doesn't look like spring is going arrive for a little while yet. Even out here on the Wet Coast, many, many micrometers of rain continue to fall almost constantly. I haven't taken action on this idea, though, because of the possibility that you gentlemen might still be in full hibernation mode. While there's no problem in getting the man slaves to drag sleighs full of lovely, scantily-dressed yet fur-wrapped companions just about anywhere we want to go (you really should see how hard they run, particularly when Cat controls the leashes and the whip--she's a little bit terrifying, in her devastatingly sexy way, of course), it's quite another thing to get slaves to do much in the way of heavy excavation work. I understand that the stench emitted by the closed-in dens you guys have been holed up in is overwhelming, at best. However, it seems that some of you, at least, have dug your way out without assistance. Bravo! It also appears that you've found a squirrel or two to run in the wheel that drives your computer equipment. Bravo, again! Eagerly awaiting your next report, Samantha
  20. 2 points
    I find men to be of bigger disadvantage than women because they lead with mind and logic while women lead with heart. We are trained when growing up and into adult life that relationships must be structured in "this" way, you must behave like 'this", you must feel guilt and shame when you step outside this structure and that jealousy is normal. I believe every person has something that is right for them whether it be monogamy, polyamory or anything in between. Unfortunately this means having to listen to yourself, making choices that are unacceptable to others, accept that shame, guilt and jealousy are all fear based and are trained behaviors and can be unlearned and lose friends and family who care about "propriety" instead or love, tolerance and acceptance. One thought is that sometimes it IS that you're with the wrong person or the person you're with should be more of a good friend than wife/GF. If you're honest with yourself about what you want then WAIT for the person that fulfills this. If you're already with someone, be honest about it. Partners might feel the same way or they might not but at least it opens up the lines of communication and allows for honest conversation. Maybe your partner is really a closet adventurer or maybe they have no interest at all. So many people just accept it as reality and don't take the risk to perhaps improve. Fear again because it could go the other way to. Another thought is that you like your partner as you connect in so many different ways that are good. Sex is not among them. There is nothing wrong with getting your needs met outside the relationship without entanglements as this generally makes the main relationship stronger by taking away resentments, stress and a slew of other negative things that may impact the relationship. Using an SP to meet needs does not detract from the love you feel for a partner it can actually make you feel more loving because you are more content. We all have needs and if they're not met, they are detrimental to our health and happiness. This has been proven in many studies. I would love to see more people focusing on taking care of themselves and learning what they want and need instead of being so focused on what others expect or demand from them. If you couple this with honesty, open communication and respect, it's an equation for building a more blissful life on your terms. Who are you? What do you need? How can you get it? Are you worth it? Is it hurting anyone? So much to this one topic and all relative as individuals.
  21. 2 points
    Seems to be a multi-themed thread here so I believe it's not thread-jacking to recommend the double smoked bacon at Farm Boy. Daaaamn...I haven't had it in a sammich yet but I bet it would be killer. Got some for the pizza I'm making Sunday.
  22. 2 points
    I am the type of person who likes to think there is good in almost everyone and would say give Nichole a second chance. From one provider to another, reputation and integrity are two of the utmost important traits/qualities to have in this business. Especially if you're trying to create a name for yourself. While many have accepted your apology here, now is the time to put your words into actions and move forward. This is a great community here and I believe you could benefit from it to grow as an SP. I wish you nothing but the best of luck. :)
  23. 2 points
    25. The Incall. You finally get your greatest wish. Today's the day you are seeing Alotta Fagina. Sweet Jeebus. You have abstained from fondling your manly bits for 26 hours in anticipation of this glorious event, beating your old record by ... umm... pretty much 26 hours. Man you love your wiener. You have followed all posted rules and etiquette. You booked your appointment by her preferred method of contact, you have the envelope containing the exact amount for your encounter, you have groomed yourself, you smell good, you feel healthy... heck you even went to Alotta's website and purchased a gift card for her from her favourite vendor, Magical Walid's House of Middle Eastern Cheese. You are soooooo good to go. You arrive at the destination five minutes before your appointment and knock on her door at precisely 2:00 pm. You sir, are a rock star. You enter her home. You are now stepping foot into Villa Fagina. It's beautiful. Tastefully decorated, the house is a testament to the woman that you have lusted after since joining CERB. Uh oh. Nerves. You know what happens when the nerves hit. Pee pee. You must make a pee pee. Maintaining your suave demeanour, you saunter over to Alotta and say in your sexiest voice, "Alotta, my glamourous minx, purveyor of pleasures of the flesh, my near naked nymph. I gotta pee. Where's the potty?" Alotta directs you to your destination. You enter the bathroom and come face to face with your personal demon. Her medicine cabinet. What to do. I KNEW I should have read that whole thread. If I open her cabinet, will I be struck down with penis cooties??? Good GODS... what would Old Dog do??? Empowered by his love for the super friends, a spectral image of Old Dog appears straight from his crystal cavern in the depths of downtown Ottawa: You hear an awesomely wicked voice saying, "Open that cabinet and I will give you penis cooties. Use your head. Be a happy hobbyist. Respect her privacy. Oh... and remember to wash your hands really well and put that seat back down after you flush." It's not rocket science. You are at her place of business for a very good reason. That reason is not to invade her privacy - follow her to her boudoir and be happy. Alotta Fagina has given you access to her sensuality, not her stuff. 26. Serial Texting You want to see her. She is soooooooooooooOOOOOoooOOOOOOOoooOOOOOOOOOOOooooOOOOOOOOOoOOOOOOooooo freakin' HAWT. You have everything prepared. You think, "I'm gonna get laid tonight, I'm gonna get laid tonight." You do a happy dance. It's a little disconcerting. Even to you. You stop and vow never to repeat the "anticipating getting laid" dance again. You see she accepts texts. So that's what you do. You: Hey BB (1:39 pm) Her: Oh, hi. (1:41 pm) You: Hey BB (1:42 pm) Her: Oh, Hi again. (1:44 pm) You: Hey BB (1:45 pm) Her: Ummm, Hi again, again. (1:49 pm) You: Hey BB, yer pretty. (1:50 pm) Her: Ummm thanks. (1:55 pm) You: Yer pretty. I have a boner. (1:56 pm) Her: Ummmmm, that's nice. Is there a point you are trying to make. (2:10 pm) You: Yer pretty, I still have a boner. (2:11 pm) Her: Okay. It's nice that that happens for you. Do I know you? (2:42 pm) You: Hey BB. My boner is still there. You have nice boobs. (2:43 pm) Her: I do have nice boobs. Thank you. (3:20 pm) You: I lost my boner but got another one. I like your boobs alot. (3:21 pm) Her: That's really, umm, nice of you to say. You know "alot" is actually two words. Was there something that you needed to ask? (4:12 pm) You: I lost my second boner but got another one again. Yer HAWT. You have a great ass. (4:13 pm) Her: Oh thanks again. Will you please stop sending me texts? (5:22 pm) You: I have my fourth boner. (5:23 pm) You: Why won't you ANSWER me? (5:28 pm) You: You are a boner killer. Wait. It's okay. Number 5 just happened. Please answer. (5:33 pm) You: Hey BB (5:38 pm) You: Hey BB (5:43 pm) You: Hey BB (5:51 pm) You: Hey BB, my boner feels weird. (5:53 pm) You: Hey BB, my boner just collapsed in on itself. (5:56 pm) You: Hey BB, the cat just ate my boner. (5:58 pm) You: Bitch, you ruined my life. (6:01 pm) You: On the upside, I have a mangina now. I am going to steal all your business. (6:02 pm) You: On the downside, my mangina is not feeling that great. I hate you. (6:03 pm) You: Answer ME! (6:04 pm) You: You used your super powers didn't you? (6:05 pm) You: My tummy feels weird. Did you give me some kind of virus? (6:06 pm) You: Dammit. All I want to do is listen the Celine Dion now. (6:07 pm) You: You did this. (6:08pm) You: I'm sorry (6:09 pm) You: This is my last text to you. (6:10 pm) You: No, this is my last text. (6:11 pm) You: :( There we have it. Serial texters get penis cooties and listen to Celine Dion. It's a true fact, as witnessed above.
  24. 2 points
    From the Client's Perceptive, Ladies, your running a business and clearly, there is a demand for your services. Please consider me as one of many examples. I do enjoy the services you provide however your services are not limited to pant's off to pant's on. Granted, that's the fun part. I appreciate the following skills, 1.The ability to schedule, don't throw an ad on the last page and wait for my call. You'll be too busy with the drunken sailor. 2. The ability to pick a quality location / hotel. I can blend in an upscale lobby in business attire but I can't stand outside knocking on your door looking over my shoulder. 3. The ability to keep me informed of your travel schedule. When our schedules meet up, It's great to know in advance and allows me to book in advance and gives me something to look forward to. 4. The ability to know your strengths. One example may be that most SP's are not great photographers. An i phone and a mirror is not considered a professional photo shoot. Post a professional photo and the quality of calls will come. 5. Work your regular clients. Trust is not something initially purchased however is something I will gladly pay for again and again. I pay for it in dollars, time and miles to see one of my regular SP's. Well, that's it from my perceptive. Anyone providing these skills gets my attention and my dollars. Speaking of which, thanks to a quality provider sending me an email two weeks ago, including a professional photo, advising me that she will be in town at a quality hotel.....I had the most wonderful lunch date today. Just my thoughts.
  25. 2 points
    Well, since we haven't heard from OD yet today, a contribution from me... 23. Face Pics So, you've done your research. You've stumbled across Alotta Fagina's albums, and had a good look. She has awesome abs, beautiful buttocks, heavenly hair, luscious legs, and tantalizing titties. But... there's no pics of her face! And she won't send you any, even though you asked soooo nicely! And now she's pissed at you for even asking! What's up with that? What's she hiding? Does she have especially luxuriant nose-hair? Could it be that Fagina is actually her married name, and she's actually Cyrano de Bergerac's less-good-looking sister? Perhaps she's a part-time clairvoyant, and all that stuff about the third eye isn't actually an over-used metaphor but IS REALLY TRUE? Nope. Sorry. Rest assured that Alotta takes just as much care of everything above the neck as all the things below there that you've already admired so much. But... perhaps she has another job somewhere, and doesn't want her colleagues knowing of her current occupation. Perhaps she might want some other career in the future, and would prefer that her dalliances with you not come up in an interview. Perhaps the rest of the extended Fagina clan would look upon her with jaundiced eye if they knew. Or perhaps some of her friends may be less than understanding. There are many good reasons why Alotta may find it prudent to maintain her public anonymity, for the moment. Perhaps she'll change her mind at some point; perhaps not. But that's her decision, to be made without pressure from you. And it's a BIG decision; once the cat's out of the bag, you never know where those pics are, or who's got them on a hard drive somewhere, or where they might re-surface at the most inopportune moment. So, please: respect her choice to remain somewhat anonymous. If you want to see her face, book a meeting and all will be revealed soon enough.
  26. 1 point
    Once in a while you come to realize that so many of our members really don't "get" the whole hobby experience, or rather, they understand that there are rules but believe they are somehow exempt. So let's help them. Let's give some handy tips to make this a more wonderful experience for all. This is a pleasant place so let's keep it constructive... and be aware that the rules shouldn't just be for clients, you can also add some helpful tips that may help a new provider too! Here goes: 1. Appointment time is at 2:00 pm, what time do I arrive? Ummmmm. Hmmmmm. What part of 2:00 pm is ambiguous? A 2 o'clock appointment means you are at her door at 2. Not 1:55, not 2:10. It's seems petty but when you screw up her schedule, you may be screwing up MY schedule. I may be the appointment at 3. I have things to do... and my schedule may not be as loosey goosey as yours. I may be using a very small window of time or I may have "commitments" that see me arriving like clockwork elsewhere. Regardless, when the little hand is at 2 and the big hand is at 12, be where you are supposed to be. 2. "I am awesomely wicked good in bed, and I often masturbate to pictures of myself nude, because I am that good looking. Can we negotiate a better rate?" In a word, No. Would you go to a restaurant and say, "I am a really good eater, can I get a better price on that steak?" Would you go to a lawyer and say, "I am an awesome criminal, can you represent me for free?" Would you go to the dentist and say, "My teeth are so bad that you should fix them all for $50!" A service provider gets paid at a set rate because she is a professional. She is good... no, not just good... wickedly awesome good, at what she does. Your part is the compensation, her part is the wicked awesome part. Pay the pretty lady and be happy. 3. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Ever step into an elevator and stand next to someone who smells like they have never met a bar of soap they liked? Ever met someone that looked like they were an extra in the Walking Dead? Have you ever gone into a bathroom after someone and wondered if they ate something dead? Step one. Go to the potty. Do your business. Wipe. Wipe again. Wipe again. and then, wipe again. Do the optical test. Last wipe. Is there any residue? If yes, start over. If no, then proceed to step two. Step Two. Shower. Clean EVERYWHERE. Rinse. Repeat. Did you pay attention to anywhere in particular??? Hmmm??? Go back to those places. Make em sparkle. (at this point I do suggest that artificial glitter is NOT necessary.) Get out of the shower. Towel dry (for pete's sake use a clean towel!)... apply a generous amount of deodorant/anti-perspirant. Brush your teeth. (if additional grooming is required, please do that too.) Step three. Clothing. Go to the place where you keep your clean clothes. No. Not the place where you put the stuff that you THINK you can wear again. The CLEAN clothes. You know that stuff that you just took from the dryer and folded nicely?? That's the stuff. Wear that shit. Uh oh... what if I have to do step one again?? Then repeat ALL the steps. Cuz skidmarks are not sexy. Febreeze showers are not acceptable. 4. I have to cancel, what do I do? Give your head a smack. With a hammer. Stop. Now take a pointy thing and stick it with great force into your upper thigh, avoiding the artery. Now, go to your car. Start it. Open the door, put your foot beneath a tire and have someone put that car in reverse. Cancellations? NOT COOL. We all know that shit happens. A death in the family. A sick kid. Decapitation with farm machinery. Thermonuclear war. Explosion of your planet from a death star ray. That shit is acceptable.... but you still owe the pretty lady an explanation AND a cancellation fee. When you cancel, providers don't eat. When providers don't eat they get distended bellies and look like kids from the CARE commercials. When you cancel, providers give not only you, but also your city, a bad reputation. This makes you masturbate more. Because you will never get laid again. Ever. You will over develop muscles in only one arm. Your clothes will fit poorly. People will figure it out and suspect you are the notorious masturbating king of cancellations. They will hunt you down and kill your family. Let's keep little Bobby and Joanie safe. If you make an appointment, keep that appointment. Your family will love you for it. 5. "I'm a little short on cash. Do you think she will notice if the envelope is a bit short?" In a word, yes. She will also point out that your penis is a bit short.... and that your skill level is a bit short... and that you cry like a bitch when you have your pathetic little man-gasm. Do you want that??? Do YOU WANT THAT, bitch??? Wow. That was a bit over-emphatic. Gonna step away from the computer and take a valium. BACK!!!! Where were we... yes. Shorting your provider. Not COOL. Remember, providers have special powers. They communicate telepathically. As soon as you walk out that door, she will know and so will all of her allies in the super friends. They will combine their superpowers and make sure that you never get wood again.... and if you do, it will be at inappropriate times... like at funerals or family gatherings or when talking to your grandfather or something like that. Seriously?? Give your head a shake. If you are short then GET the money and make sure you have it set aside BEFORE you book. You will have a wickedly awesome good time... just pay the pretty lady what you agreed to and enjoy! 6. Can I pay her in drugs? Hmmmm. Does your banker take drugs in lieu of money? Have you offered Rogers drugs in return for their cable/home phone/cell phone/internet bundle? When you get groceries at Loblaws, do they have a special drawer that says "financial equivalent in drugs?" You know the answer. "No, you addled-pated simpleton." Remember the distended belly part from above? Providers take cash because cash buys groceries, pays bills and looks pretty. Carrying cash will not get you arrested. Using cash is the engine that runs our capitalist society. "All you need is cash, cash is all you need." The Beatles sang that, I think. Your turn....
  27. 1 point
    After taking time away from BP, I decided to have a look at some of the ads and came across Kat who advertises as Absolutely Stunning. Setting up the appointment was easy by text. Her location is a higher end downtown hotel. Once she opened the door, I was greeted by a stunningly beautiful brunette. She makes you feel welcome and is a good conversationalist. In terms of service, it didn't take long to engage in LFK followed by BBBJ. Let's just say, I was very happy to see her. YMMV but MSOJ is not out of play. She's in town till Saturday folks, try not to pass her up. I know ads on BP can be sketchy but she's the real deal and the photos are real!
  28. 1 point
    Currently N.O.-Xplod 2.0 at 430AM. After working out, various supps and a two or three egg omlette with ham and Frank's Hot Sauce.
  29. 1 point
    Gentleman, Let's get your weekend off to an amazing start, sensual Saturdays. 22yrs. Long black hair. Hazel eyes. Silky smooth kissable skin. Gorgeous features. 5'3. 125lbs. 36C-28-38 perfect assets you will love. Curves in all the right places. Outgoing. Reliable. Very friendly. Sensual. Beautiful. Playful. Open minded. I provide an amazing sensual & erotic massage session with a couple twists. Come explore with me. Location: west end Ottawa. Incalls only. Upscale. Clean. Dis--creet. Showers on site. Lots of free parking. Availability: Today (Saturday): Paradise Spa: 9-3 Angels Touch: 4-9 Call. Text. Email. Pm message. Taylor 613-600-3943 no blocked calls pls [email protected] Angels Touch: 613-274-7073 Paradise Spa: 613-820-8887
  30. 1 point
    Missing the 24 car pileup by 5 minutes. I am glad I wasn't involved but feel bad for those who were! I hope that they are all ok!
  31. 1 point
    Who to see...well that is very much a personal decision decided on who peaks your interest Here are Ottawa ladies I have met and had wonderful encounters with. Meg For Fun Angela Of Ottawa Mia Bella (not sure if she is retired) Alexandra Sky Isabella Gia and if an erotic massage is something you'd like to try give Megan (Megan's Touch) a call There are other Ottawa ladies that are highly recommended but I have yet to meet them Just mentioning the Ottawa ladies I have seen RG
  32. 1 point
    Most physio or sports therapy places have them. They put pads on your muscles and a small current is applied. It makes the muscle contract/relax, very weird feeling at first but it gets addictive! I've had the treatment for several injuries and it helps a lot. There are home units but they are pretty useless.
  33. 1 point
    Thanks Old Dog for putting it all out there in a way that is hilarious, but right on the money! This should definitely be in the new to this section! :)
  34. 1 point
    Happy Birthday blondi33, hope you have yourself one fantastic birthday luv!!!! :D xoxox
  35. 1 point
    Perhaps I'll just steal a quote from another thread: Words to live by. I think I can safely say that if I hadn't started seeing SPs, my relationship would not be improving the way it is. It helped me gain confidence and feel better about myself which in turn let me reach out to her. As Phaedrus said, perhaps she is a closet adventurer. We've actually started watching some porn and she's seems potentially interested in the idea of having a male MP come over to teach me how to do erotic massage on her. Hm. Might be starting to over-share a bit. :-P Here's a thought. My marriage was kind of shitty not that long ago. Now it kind of isn't. I can't think of anything different than seeing SPs so maybe that's the magic. Unfortunately the wife may never be able to know that but it doesn't change the reality. Thanks so much all of you. It's really helpful to hear others points of view.
  36. 1 point
    Well, it's a tough one, that. I can't even tell you what answers would be right for me, never mind what answers will be right for you. So, a couple of questions instead... First up: how does seeing SPs affect your relationship with your wife? Does it make you want more sex with her? Less, because you're sated? No effect at all? Secondly: what are the consequences of your SP visits being discovered? And what's the likelihood of this happening? And, despite the answers to those two questions being very hard to determine at best... is the risk worth it to you? Thirdly: how do you feel about it? Are you fine with keeping her in the dark? Is there a worm of guilt that gnaws away at your insides? If so, can you live with it, or will it eat you up? Obviously I don't know the answers to those questions, and it wouldn't necessarily be a great idea for you to tell me. But they're probably questions you should think about, and hopefully the answers - or lack of them - may nudge you towards one decision or another on the overall question that you asked. And yes, it may be that if you had the absolutely perfect wife then she'd be fine with you seeing SPs, which you would then have no need or desire to do.... but alas, we don't live in a perfect world, and we just have to make do with what we have.
  37. 1 point
    I don't want to enter into this debate/discussion because I have extensively studied the psychology of selling and I can go way off on modern media and their manipulation of minds. Unfortunately, Old Dog the majority of people don't have the good sense that you think should be there. My daughter is four and unfortunately does not have the sense to realize that little girls don't have to look like princesses and barbies. Sadly they get trapped before they even know it. Not long ago my daughter came out of her play room dressed up like a princess and said, "I wish my hair was yellow (blonde) then I would be prettier". I almost cried and I'm not afraid to admit it. For her to mature through out her life under constant bombardment from all sides and come out whole on the other side will be difficult. I love to see anything that places value on the beauty that is all our own uniqueness. Thanks Emily J for the wonderful thread and points. Stay beautiful everyone (men included).
  38. 1 point
    Big hug to you Nat. As usual, wonderfully written. As a brainy introvert, my experience of loneliness echos many of those expressed so far. I have a big family and many friends, but I do most of the listening in my relationships. Sometime it is nice to be listened to! However, above and beyond being a listener, I found that shared experiences, even quiet ones, are good to create a bond and feel more connected. Watching the stars with friends, dancing, studying and teaching together, helping out, traveling together in a foreign land, lovemaking, all help to "understand" someone a bit more I feel, as we share not only the experiences but also the emotions created from them. In addition, as an ex-shy person, I was surprised to realize that as I learned to pro-actively connect with people in different ways and nurture different kinds of intimacy (CERB ladies are amazing teachers!), my general feeling of loneliness decreased very much, replaced by hope, self-confidence and joy.
  39. 1 point
    I just dont get it??? We see..".Why so dead in STJ"...then girls take the plunge to go....yet sit there, same with Freddy and Moncton!! All the while we see " has anyone met..." but yet those girls is not found on cerb:( Then all these stories about how it was sketchy in one way or another! But yet we have a cerb lady right here for ya! I also see a threads asking for massage...ummm let me think??? Who in Freddy can provide massage??? It seems to me, that perhaps some hobbyist could plan in advanced a bit?? If you are looking for a reputable lady to visit in your city, most of us do advertise for a week before! So lets just take a minute and actually plan it instead of waiting for the last min to try to book? Last min booking DO NOT encourage a lady to vist, the ones who pre-book are the ones who will convince us to take the plung...but YOU NEED TO SHOW UP!! IMHO.... I too tire of these tyes of threads....
  40. 1 point
    Met up with Barbie (aka Rayne) the other day after seeing her ad on --------s. Had thought about it in the past-but thought her photos were too good to be true. When she opened the door-was pleasantly surprised to discover that she was actually way sexier in person. She has the PERFECT spinner's body. While she was up for pretty much anything, it was all safe GFE (fine by me). While our personalities really meshed-I could see how she could be YMMV.
  41. 1 point
    Happy Birthday blondi33, hope you enjoy your day!
  42. 1 point
    Happy Birthday blondi33 Enjoy your special day RG
  43. 1 point
    I hope you had a fun and satisfying birthday celebration!
  44. 1 point
    I really hope to change your mind So please listen to my plea Rumour has it SPs from my city Offer full service BB Which means they use no condom When letting clients 'in' You all know in this business That's a major mortal sin We must keep one another safe It's the only thing we've got So by accepting this behaviour You're worse off than I thought No amount of cash you've got Will convince me to sex bare If you ever try and do it I'll crush your balls I swear Paid sex can't be unprotected Your dick could get infected So for those of us who don't And no matter what we won't Are the ones you need to see To remain STD free
  45. 1 point
    I must say. This was my first time doing any type of experience. Being my first time I decided to go way of erotic massage. When I got there I was talked to by another girl who sort of explained how things worked, but I was still a little confused. I went outside to have a smoke and think about my decisions. When I came back in I was waited in a room, and the beautiful woman who came to me was Aniah. (Boy was I giddy inside. I had viewed her on cerb, and I had hoped to get her, but I was too nervous there that I forgot to request her.) When she came in, I made her aware it was my first time, and she was so down to earth. She made me feel very comfortable. I took off my clothes, as did she and I laid down on the massage table. From this point on I experienced one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. (not telling :icon_wink: ). I must say that truly the pictures of her don't do justice (and those pictures really got me going). She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid my eyes on. She has a very sweet voice, and is amazing at what she does. She truly has a love for what she provides. The tattoos on her were a big turn on as well. She has a perfect body, with very sexy curves. I told her for sure that I would be back, and would be asking for her. :D Simply amazing. Such a stunning girl. I will definitely be keeping my eye out for when she is available.
  46. 1 point
    Great thread with many awesome points brought up! After seeing this, i no longer feel like i was oversensitive for reading so much into certain questions and comments some potential clients made that raise red flags!
  47. 1 point
    Fat Bastards are still busy. I received a call today for a "really dirty" job. I put on the leathers, got the bike out, put the whips, lube & chains in the bag and headed to the address I was given. When I arrived, the client - a very smoking woman - really, she had two cigs on the go and the house was a hot box. I introduced myself asked where wanted to start. In the back yard, she replied. Nice. Kinky exhibitionist. She took me to the shed, handed me an envelope with $200, and said something terrible. In fact, I am still shivering at the thought. The booking agent said I was up for anything. Which is true. Damn, I hate painting houses.
  48. 1 point
    I have a $.10 that says capitalman isn't retiring. He's stealing his client base and going indie. He'll lay low for a couple of months till he finds out that his pilfered clients get very demanding and incredibly cheap after he exits this fine establishments blanket of protection and he will need to start generating more $ just to put gas in the moped. I'll be watching for the rebrand launch before Christmas to announce his return because he missed everyone so much; with a new look, new name and new website! I just hope he's smart enough to adjust prices to reflect the indie status. Everyone knows that indies don't need to charge as much because they no longer have to give that cut to the greedy administration! cat
  49. 1 point
    hmmmm.... height or waist measurement??? heheheheheheheheh
  50. 1 point
    Found this review on another site: I called up Fat Bastard BBM last night for an outcall to my house. One of the inglorious bastards showed up immediately. He proceeded to inspect my fridge, whereupon he procured a case of beer, which he consumed while waiting for a pizza that he ordered to arrive. Upon the pizza's arrival, he informed me that he did not have his wallet and insisted that I pay the driver. After consuming half the pizza, he unzipped his pants and passed out on the couch, snoring loudly. He is still there. He may no longer be breathing, but I am afraid to check. Nonetheless, I would repeat.
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