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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/15 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    This dentist had a record for killing a bear out of the hunting area, something like 200 miles. He lied about that so he may be lying about the lion hunt, blaming it all on the guides. There are photos of him on imgur with his kills. He has ahoto of himself with a rhino he just killed...how is that possible? Rhinos are almost extinct and he is killing one? To be proud of that just says he is a total a hole.
  2. 3 points
    It is very rare, but it does happen: someone is severely allergic or has a bad reaction to some ingredient in the vaccine. But that's hardly the mean average. These cases are extreme and very uncommon compared to the hundreds of thousands of others with no ill-effects. You have to decide for yourself. If you think a small chance of having such an extreme reaction is too much for you, then don't take the vaccine. HPV--Cervarix vaccine side-effects (Human Papillomavirus Cervarix vaccine) What are the risks from HPV--Cervarix vaccine? The HPV Cervarix® vaccine has been in use around the world for several years and has been very safe. However, any medicine could possibly cause a serious problem, such as a severe allergic reaction. The risk of any vaccine causing a serious injury, or death, is extremely small. Life-threatening allergic reactions from vaccines are very rare. If they do occur, it would be within a few minutes to a few hours after the vaccination. Several mild to moderate problems are known to occur with this HPV vaccine. These do not last long and go away on their own. Reactions where the shot was given Pain (about 9 people in 10) Redness or swelling (about 1 person in 2) [*] Other mild reactions Fever of 99.5 or higher degrees Fahrenheit (about 1 person in 8.) Headache or fatigue (about 1 person in 2) Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain (about 1 person in 4) Muscle or joint pain (up to 1 person in 2) [*]Fainting Brief fainting spells and related symptoms (such as jerking movements) can happen after any medical procedure, including vaccination. Sitting or lying down for about 15 minutes after a vaccination can help prevent fainting and injuries caused by falls. Tell your doctor if the patient feels dizzy or light-headed, or has vision changes or ringing in the ears. Like all vaccines, HPV vaccines will continue to be monitored for unusual or severe problems. This information was taken directly from the HPV-Cervarix VIS (This information taken from HPV VIS dated 5/3/11. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.) Top of Page HPV--Gardasil-9 vaccine side-effects (Human Papillomavirus Gardasil-9 vaccine) What are the risks from HPV--Gardasil-9 vaccine? With any medicine, including vaccines, there is a chance of side effects. These are usually mild and go away on their own, but serious reactions are also possible. Most people who get HPV vaccine do not have any problems with it. Like all vaccines, HPV vaccines will continue to be monitored for unusual or severe problems. Mild or moderate problems following Gardasil-9 Reactions in the arm where the shot was given: Pain (about 9 people in 10) Redness or swelling (about 1 person in 3) [*]Fever: Mild (100°F) (about 1 person in 10) Moderate (102°F) (about 1 person in 65) [*]Other problems: Headache (about 1 person in 3) Problems that could happen after any vaccine: People sometimes faint after a medical procedure, including vaccination. Sitting or lying down for about 15 minutes can help prevent fainting, and injuries caused by a fall. Tell your doctor if you feel dizzy, or have vision changes or ringing in the ears. Some people get severe pain in the shoulder and have difficulty moving the arm where a shot was given. This happens very rarely. Any medication can cause a severe allergic reaction. Such reactions from a vaccine are very rare, estimated at fewer than 1 in a million doses, and would happen within a few minutes to a few hours after the vaccination. Like all vaccines, HPV vaccines will continue to be monitored for unusual or severe problems. This information was taken directly from the HPV-Gardasil-9 VIS (This information taken from HPV VIS dated 4/15/15. If the actual VIS is more recent than this date, the information on this page needs to be updated.) Top of Page HPV--Gardasil vaccine side-effects (Human Papillomavirus Gardasil vaccine) What are the risks from HPV--Gardasil vaccine? The HPV-Gardasil® vaccine has been used in the U.S. and around the world for about six years and has been very safe. However, any medicine could possibly cause a serious problem, such as a severe allergic reaction. The risk of any vaccine causing a serious injury, or death, is extremely small. Life-threatening allergic reactions from vaccines are very rare. If they do occur, it would be within a few minutes to a few hours after the vaccination. Several mild to moderate problems are known to occur with this HPV vaccine. These do not last long and go away on their own. Reactions in the arm where the shot was given: Pain (about 8 people in 10) Redness or swelling (about 1 person in 4) [*] Fever: Mild (100° F) (about 1 person in 10) Moderate (102° F) (about 1 person in 65) [*] Other problems Headache (about 1 person in 3) Fainting. Brief fainting spells and related symptoms (such as jerking movements) can happen after any medical procedure, including vaccination. Sitting or lying down for about 15 minutes after a vaccination can help prevent fainting and injuries caused by falls. Tell your doctor if the patient feels dizzy or light-headed, or has vision changes or ringing in the ears. Like all vaccines, HPV vaccines will continue to be monitored for unusual or severe problems. This information was taken directly from the HPV-Gardasil VIS Full page here: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/side-effects.htm
  3. 3 points
    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" By doing nothing--not voting--you allow Harper to win. Not voting, or spoiling your ballot is exactly what Harper wants you to do. If you do not like Harper and his cronies you need to vote against them. The Tories have a large and loyal base of voters that will be voting for Harper. If you do not vote you ensure a Harper victory. Vote strategically, for whoever is most likely to unseat a Tory incumbent. The ONLY way to get rid of him is to vote against him.
  4. 3 points
    More likely in a PM that should have remained private. You need to be much more discreet when posting about activities in a legit business with signs, etc., or in a private residence. You can get people in trouble either with LE or their employer. This has been pointed out many times in the past few months. I would love to be more open about these places, but unfortunately, that's not a good idea.
  5. 3 points
    backrubman, i understand that a very few clients prefer to preserve the illusion. that is fine, but never forget, it is NOT a vacation to the sp. A vacation is just that, time away from work. Time with clients, paid time with clients as you have just said is what you provide, is actually work. am i just talking to the air here, is there some kinds of jobs out there where going away to work is considered not work? when your company sends you to Bangkok to go to a conference, pays the entire trip and meals, & you are getting your salary is it not still considered work? It is warm there, and you could take an afternoon off to go ride elephants, but to the company, and you, you are getting paid to go to Bangkok to present at a conference. And I bet, that very few people who get sent to Bangkok by their company, with all expenses paid, are unable to enjoy the fact they are in Bangkok, riding elephants during their downtime, and eating exotic foods in the sunshine. They likely enjoy their coworkers, the people who are also getting paid to be presenters at this sunshiney conference. The people who sell the elephant rides may find it hard to imagine you see this trip as 'work' too, but that doesn't take away from the fact when the ride is over, you return to the reason you are there in the first place: work. It ain't a vacation unless you are taking the time off, away from work, i.e. away from clients, and spending your own money on yourself. I'm sure there is a wiki definition of 'vacation' that does not include getting paid by your companion to spend time with them &/or sexual services, in Jamaica Additional Comments: well said
  6. 3 points
    This is an interesting situation. An event has happened, it has been widely discussed on the internet, and the jury of the internet and public opinion have decreed that the side of the story which has been publicly released is true, and therefore the event was poaching and the perpetrator, and the supporter(s) are guilty. Well and good. There are 2 sides to every tale, and while facts may bear out the internet's version, I will wait to 'burn the witch' until he's had his day in court. That said, if the purported facts are true, then this man is no hunter, he is, as with the 'hunter' in "Bambi" a Poacher (Bambi's mom was shot out of season...Bambi still had his spots.) His ability as a marksman is sincerely questionable since he only managed to wound the animal, but he is, in fact also a coward because instead of following, he waited 40 HOURS before trailing his wounded target, letting the animal suffer while he, no doubt, dug up an excuse for his poor accuracy with the bow. I've stood 25 feet from a doe, with her yearling right beside her, and did not take the shot. It was beautiful to see them that close, and the fact that I was downwind of them, and the only sound I made was the thumping of my heart in my chest meant that they carried on with their evening stroll with nary a care, nor a thought that I was even there. I've taken down coyotes, on my uncles cattle farm. There were 3 packs, and there were less when I left. He had lost 4 calves that week alone. Is it wrong to kill a pest? No. Do you swat mosquitos? Is it wrong to kill for food? No. I like my steak medium rare, my burgers well, and my bacon crispy. If you eat meat, well, it didn't grow on a tree, so by extension you support killing for food. Is it wrong to participate in a managed trophy hunt? Now here, I'm not sure. I have friends that have paid big money to visit Africa, and have taken Wildebeast and other animals, but the $30,000 they spent went into building up the conservation area that they paid for access to. Would I do it? No. Do I think they were wrong? Hrm. Is it wrong to poach? Absolutely. Punish to the full extent of the law. Is it wrong to inflict cruelty on animals? Absolutely. I'm sure we'll all disagree on some of this, but this is just what I think...I'm sure I'm putting myself out to be torn apart by public opinion here, but, well, I am entitled to my opinions. I cannot force them upon you. MS
  7. 2 points
    Especially in a place with women getting their nails done in the same building. more discretion maybe
  8. 2 points
    ....outside... wine in hand... nuthin but a towel
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
    The key difference you are looking for, Brad, is the *object* of the activity; hunting for food makes the food the object of the activity, where in sport hunting the object is simply enjoyment of taking a life. That's why I have no problem saying that sport hunting is barbaric and disgusting, and absolutely should be banned. As an apex predator, humans have an ethical responsibility to exercise judgment and care for those lower on the food chain than us. As for this asshat, he has been caught breaking hunting regulations before, so his claims of ignorance are pretty weak. Besides, however you slice it, he paid a ton of money to kill something simply for whatever sick enjoyment he got from taking a life, and whatever boost to his ego it gave him. That's pretty pathetic, in my books.
  12. 2 points
    A couple of ladies have become very good friends of mine and we spend a lot of time together off the clock. Not every minute is work, not every meet is a paid encounter. People can have fun and enjoy themselves together. One of the best, most successful ladies this town ever had took me to dinner yesterday, no strings attached. We visited another lady afterwards. That's what friends do. Both ladies have helped me a lot over the years. I have renovated their houses and helped them too. Either can call me in the middle of the night for help. And vice versa. We met through this but that does not mean it is all we will ever be.
  13. 1 point
    Welcome new members and visitors. This section is for Lyla newbies (New Users and people new to this industry). Here are some steps to get you started... 1) Please be sure to read the RULES and FAQ. We try to keep this as up to date as possible so answers to most of your initial questions should be found there. 2) When you sign up as a new user, your first 5 to 10 posts will be manually moderated by us. This stops spammers, abuse and any negative slander that we do not allow here. It can take up to 24 hours excluding weekends and holidays to approve your posts so please be patient with us! 3) Take some time to thoroughly read this section. We have included some great posts here from our members and made them sticky so they show at the top of this section. Feel free to jump into the conversations - that's what Lyla is all about! 4) This is a community and we are all working to make the community better. Your contributions and participation in the discussions should be positive and enjoyable. We do remove negative comments as this is NOT a review board or a place to air your dirty laundry. Please do not use Lyla to slander, call out, fight or flame anyone. SPREAD THE LOVE, THE WORLD NEEDS MORE OF IT! 5) Please no promotion of sexual services here. You can advertise escort services, but no explicit sexual acts. That includes abbreviations. 6) In the words of Thumper... "If you do not have anything nice to say... don't say anything at all". This is the Lyla policy and anyone who breaks this rule is given a suspension or banned from the site. No warnings. Thanks everyone and enjoy the forum! Lyla xx
  14. 1 point
    1. You charge too much/are too expensive/I only have $40 -If you can't afford the rates, either save up or see someone else who is within your budget. But don't negotiate. It's tacky and insulting. 2. You're so smart, why are you doing this? -*gasp* Escorts have brains? Who'd a thunk it. I'm doing this because I'm smart enough not to give it away for free. 3. Will you bend your rules/restrictions/boundaries for me? -Our rules and restrictions are there for a reason. If I say no Greek, that is not your cue to ask me why. Because you don't really want to know why. Do you really want to hear, "because I just ate something that is giving me the shits"? I didn't think so. 4. What will you do when you're too old for this? Surely you have a back-up? -Two words: MILF and GILF. That is all. 5. So what's your real name? -Does it matter? I could tell you anything and you wouldn't know. Just enjoy the moment. 6. Are you clean? -Are you? Common sense should tell you that I work with my body and therefore it is in my best interests to keep that body healthy. DUH. 7. I'm an amateur photographer and I think your pics are terrible/could use work/don't please my masculine sensibilities and here is how you can fix them/let me take new photos for you for trade. -I don't care about your unsolicited opinion. If I wanted it, I would have asked for it. 8. I'm so hot, young and hung, you should be paying me! -Looks mean nothing, respect means everything. 9. Did you cum/orgasm/finish? -If you have to ask... 10. So and So does x, y, z/ So and So said x, y, z -Gossip and indiscretion are not turn-ons. Talking to me about other escorts is tacky, and even worse is using them to try to coerce services that I don't offer. If so and so does it, go see her.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    First it has been discussed. Just a quick search revealed these three threads http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=208802&highlight=addiction http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=198071&highlight=addiction http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=74288&highlight=addiction As for my opinion, first I'm no expert. But I, in my non expert opinion believe most claims of sex addiction are more to defend "bad" behaviour, such as a cheating (hate moral laden terms) spouse trying to defend his/her actions to his/her spouse. "I wasn't cheating, I'm sick, I have an addiction" Like I said I'm no expert but it seems more an excuse to me than a real problem But I could be wrong RG
  17. 1 point
    Good morning, Thank you for a lovely visit back in London. From the amazing weather to the great company it was a whirlwind of delight. I look forward to seeing you soon. xoxo Emily
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    The devil I know..... Peace MG
  20. 1 point
    Frankly Apple has so much built in spyware I would not touch one with a ten foot pole.
  21. 1 point
    Actually, this is closer than we think. A couple years ago they made lab-grown hamburger. But it was something outrageous like $10 000 for a burger's worth or meat. Fast forward to last week and it's down to $200. A couple more years and lab-grown meat might be a realistic alternative. But, we digress. The issue at hand is hunting. And I think it's EXTREMELY important to differentiate between hunting threatened/endangered/protected species and hunting animals whose stocks are plentiful. As I've already mentioned, make sure people understand that there are different types of hunting practices (and sadly even big game is not always poaching as if you have enough dinero, many countries will issue a permit, even for protected/threatened/endangered species).
  22. 1 point
    Gotta say, this trip has been disappointing. Two independents responded to my direct messages telling me to call or text them. I call the numbers provided, and they don't work. That's why agencies are sometimes better. They're reliable.
  23. 1 point
    hmmmmm.....?????Purple stripes....:)
  24. 1 point
    Feel the need to clarify... When I said for me "it's a tricky issue" I only meant reconciling how I feel about the question of hunting in general. As I said, in the case of what happened with Cecil it is unambiguous and clearly unethical.
  25. 1 point
    Killing for sport I disagree with. Especially protected/threatened/endangered species. Especially lions since the pride is ruled by a single male and now that Cecil is dead, the next male to head the pride will kill all the cubs (I think there are a dozen of them or so right now) to ensure only his seed continues the pride's bloodline. So this asshat is actually directly responsible for the deaths of several lions. Sport hunting makes no sense to me and never has. Seasonal hunting (deer, bear, etc) is not to be lumped into the same category as this shit. It's one thing to hunt an animal whose population is healthy. It's a whole different can of worms to hunt a population that is protected.
  26. 1 point
    I've been asked the first two before. Do I look like a bank? Bring the exact amount or just above, but don't ask if I have change. I don't.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    I hope no one minds me adding a few more. 1) You're too beautiful to be doing this(smart was already addresses) 2) You know you're too good for this, right? It's so degrading. 3)If I could afford you I'd keep you at my house and pay for everything and you'd never have to work here again. Come on, people. Be nice and respectful to your Sp. Berlin nailed this post bang on. I hope people take it to heart.
  32. 1 point
    Erm, if your wife/SO is so insecure/jealous that she is snooping your phone, you have bigger issues than whether or not you need one phone or two for your hobbying.
  33. 1 point
    Welcome To VIBE! *Ottawa's Discreet Relaxation Wonderland* Where cool air-conditioning, cold water, refreshing in-room showers & The Hottest Most Genuine MAs In The Business Are Found: Our Complete Schedule until August 9th Is Posted on Our Website *Advanced Booking Is Always Recommended* 613 680 8059 Rejuvenate in the Lap of Luxury with The Exceptional Women of Vibe Here For You This Week: Khloe aka "Khloexoxo" *On Thursday & Available from 11:15am until 4pm!* & *Saturday 10am-10pm!* This gorgeous blonde hottie is your girl next door fantasy come true. Khloe is a green-eyed beauty who is looking forward to pleasing you soon! Her sparkling personality & stunning looks are a treasured combination; Sure to bring a smile to your face. Khloe's Profile "Your Bubbly Blonde Babe Next Door!" Khloe's Recommendations & Mandy aka "MandyVibes" (fka "Mandy66") *On Thursday & Available from 10am-10:45am & 12pm until 2:45pm!* & *Friday 11:15am-6pm only this week!* This Elite MA is very well reviewed & desired & her reputation most definitely precedes her. Mandy's adoring fans are just as pleased as we are that she is now a Woman of Vibe! You Do Not Want To Miss Out On Some Quality Time With This Lady! Mandy's Profile "The Goddess of Passion & Play!" Mandy's Recommendations & Cali aka "Calypso" aka "CaliCat" *On Thursday & Available from 10am until 5pm!* & *Friday 10am-4pm only this week!* This 36yr old 5'9 worldly woman knows how to treat you right & she is professionally trained in relaxation massage! 3 Words To Describe Cali: Sublime Sensuality & Intrigue... Check Out Cali's Wonderful Recos Below: Cali's New Profile "Just The Woman You've Been Waiting For!" Cali's Recommendations! A Unique & Rare Find! & Julia aka "JuliaVibe" A Stunning New Treasure *On Thursday & Available from 4pm until 10pm!* & *Sunday 4pm-10pm!* This Exquisite Blonde Beauty is a 5'7, 20yr old professional woman hoping to explore her sensual side with you! Julia has long flowing blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes with a slim frame & sexy curves. Julia's New Profile "Your Delectably Divine New Woman of Vibe!" Click Here to read what one Lyla Member thought about meeting Julia! & Julia's New Recommendation! Don't Miss Out On This Beauty! & Skylar aka "Skylar Heart" *On Thursday & Available from 5:15pm until 10pm!* & *Friday 4pm-10pm!* This Petite & Sexy Treat is an amazing attraction at Vibe: Gorgeous Skylar is a 22yr old former exotic dancer & she loves pampering new friends! This Blue-Eyed Beauty with Booty is a Genuine Babe! Skylar's Profile "Your Sexy Little Spinner!" Skylar's Recommendations & Dominique aka "DominiqueAtVibe" *On Thursday & Available from 5pm until 10pm!* & *Tuesday 5pm-10pm!* Dominique is a tanned & toned beauty with a natural sensuality that will effortlessly put you at ease. This 5'6, 23yr old is eager to show off her new skills & down-to-earth personality! Check Out Her First Reco Below: Dominique's New Profile "Your New Brunette Beauty In The East!" Dominique's New Recommendation! & Jenni aka "JenniGoodVibes" (fka "Molly") *On Friday & Available from 10am until 4pm!* & *Saturday 4pm-10pm!* This Stunning Brunette Beauty comes from another place & time. Jenni is an experienced MA with an Unforgettable Touch & an impressive list of admirers! If you haven't yet had the pleasure: Now's your chance to meet a Real Sweetheart! Jenni's New Profile "Your Sweet Busty Brunette Bombshell!" Jenni's Recommendations & Ashley! Your Newest Woman of Vibe *On Friday & Available from 4pm until 10pm!* & *Saturday 10am-4pm!* This very well-reviewed 21 year old beauty is experienced in the adult entertainment industry! Ashley's sweet & innocent looks will draw you in & her fantastic sessions will have you coming back for more! She is a petite, 5'2, 110lb package with a new name just waiting to be discovered here at Vibe! "Your Sexy New MA Sensation In The East!" A Guaranteed Pleasure! & Simply Serena *On Friday & Available from 7:15pm until 10pm!* & *Sunday from 4pm-10pm!* Serena has a rare enthusiasm & desire to please. This 21yr old dynamo is experienced in massage & she is looking forward to making memories with you! Serena's natural sensuality & pure beauty will have you weak in the knees! "Your Petite Busty Blonde Treat In The East!" Serena's New Recommendations! & Jaida aka "Jaidakissx0" *Available Next on August 5th from 10am-4pm only next week!* *On Vacation Now Until August 4th* This 5'6 Sparkling Brown-Eyed Beauty is well worth a visit! Jaida is the total package... Fantastic Massage Skills, Sexy & Fun with a Flirty side you are sure to love! Jaida's Profile "Your Exotic Ebony Sensualist!" A Sweet Caribbean Dream In The Flesh For You! & Michelle aka "Michelle_MA" *Available Next on August 5th & 6th from 4pm-10pm!* *On Vacation Now Until August 4th!* This Legendary MA Is Out of Retirement & Your New Elite Attraction In The East! Michelle's outstanding reputation & recommendations speak for themselves! You Can Check Them All Out & See For Yourself Below: Please Join Us In Welcoming Michelle Back & Making Her Feel at Home at Vibe! Michelle's Profile "The Legend Continues...!" To View Michelle's Pictures: Please CLICK HERE! Michelle's Recommendations & Kristie *Currently Out of Town!* *Stay Tuned For Kristie's Next Visit Coming Soon!* This busty blonde babe hails from Southern Quebec & has been gracing the Ottawa area with her visits for years now! This well-known MA has skills & a body that make you say "WOW"! New Pictures Online Now! Kristie's Profile "Your French Femme Fatale" To View Kristie's Pictures: Please CLICK HERE! Kristie's Recommendations To Reserve Your Time With Us: Please call 613 680 8059 during regular business hours. Here is a link to view more PICTURES of All the Women of Vibe
  34. 1 point
    I am sorry you feel that the only way a paid companion/escort can prove herself is by not taking her work, being a paid companion, seriously enough to actually call it work when she is fulfilling your needs in her capacity as a paid companion. EVEN when that means that she agrees to go on a vacation date with a client. You call it vacation, any escort calls it work, bottom line. the way escorts make money is to be paid for accompanying or spending time with you, it isn't how many hjs or bjs you get at the end of that time. The 10k a week, well if anyone did just a 10 hour overnight with someone for 1000-2500, wouldn't it automatically be a discounted very good deal to only spend 10k for 7 full days and nights? the difference is, instead of periods of time 24 hr or 72 hrs here and there, in this case it is worked out for the whole week. In fact, it is just under 60 bucks an hour. Pretty cheap if you ask me, and a fair compensation for the fact that she is not making an income while with you and for her this is work, not a vacation. You can spin it any direction you wish, but it will never be just a vacay for any paid companion going on any kind of trip with any kind of client. At the end of the day, you have to look at it from a business perspective because the ONLY reason you even know this person is because she put up ads and she provides services in exchange for monetary compensation. And the things she needs to pay for don't go away just because she happens to like you and agree to go on a vacation date with you, she still needs her compensation for potential and lost income that she incurs simply because she is spending her time with you, and not with people paying full rate. And not with people who are her actual family and friends. Don't you think that, in all seriousness, if she wanted a vacation to a sunny place, she would rather be with her SO, or children, or sisters, or mom & dad instead of a business acquaintence? But this time 'being pampered', is time away from her family, friends, and pets. If she lives alone, her pets need to be cared for, which will either inconvenience a friend or she will be paying someone to come in to look after her place while she is away. She will be informing potential clients of her inavailability, clients who may only be infrequent visitors and she will never be able to recoup that visit. She may end up turning away multiple people, only to find out 1 week before the vacation is to take place, her vacay client cancels, gets sick or otherwise bails on her. at this point, it is possible she has had no deposit, and she has turned away appts, so now it isn't just the lost income for being away, it is now costing her money to have agreed to go on a vacay play time pampering she is supposed to be grateful for. Let's just say i am not a fan of the expectations of clients for what they believe these vacation plans should be, on the part of the professional paid companion. somehow the word vacation seems to be applied to the person they want to hire to spend that time with them, and no real understanding that the very word 'hire' is a contradiction to that word vacation. these are not vacations for paid companions.
  35. 1 point
    Certainly especially with some ladies I could spend weeks with them Bigger question, judging on some guys' posts and threads is how ladies could manage to tolerate spending any time with them RG
  36. 1 point
    I met with Yuki on Thursday of last week. She is very pretty and speaks pretty good English for a VIPOTG girl. That said the service was as expected. Very good but certainly nothing off of the VIPOTG script. Me personally...sometimes that is what I am looking for. However....I had a somewhat unpleasant experience in the hallway with a neighbor. I am not sure if I can post details here so if you would like to know what happened (and it may be a concern if you plan on visiting) please PM me.
  37. 1 point
    Additional Comments:
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
    I don't think she was meant to be there for more than a weekend, so her 5000 plus wardrobe was adequate compensation for non GFE companionship in the 80s lol Good point about the gentlemen don't barter, plus any 10k a week companion is a skilled travel companion, imo, & her clientele is looking for what she is providing, and won't blink at the rate. or more. * the all caps there were not me, it seems to put an acronym thru a filter to come out that way.
  40. 1 point
    This can be a great experience with the right lady. And by right lady I'm thinking more of someone you truly connect with and can truly see spending extended time with. I know your questions was: Anybody know of SPs who offer attractive packages? But I honestly don't think it is at all about the packages they offer. It is about the woman herself and how the two of you will enjoy each others company. Since you've done this once before you'll know. I would focus on ladies I might have seen for 2 hour dates or longer or maybe overnights that went really amazing. That might be an indication of success. And then discuss with them the idea of a trip getaway. As was mentioned as well expect to compensate them for time, travel and build in 'alone time' for each of you. If it is someone you've already met and connected with that conversation shouldn't be difficult. Enjoy!
  41. 1 point
    Sure you can have a rebate! But you have to pay for the whole two years up front to get it... :)
  42. 1 point
    If you can catch me, I do! :)
  43. 1 point
    Shoudn't these girls be a tad more angry at the people forcing them to do this? WTF did I just read?!? :S
  44. 1 point
    Seriously??? How does making it harder for *any* segment of the population to access STI testing help public health in any way? This makes no sense at all.
  45. 1 point
    Why text/call ask for details and book a time to only call back 5-10 minutes later and tell me you were called into work(famous line) I smell crap! Dont waste my time if you are not serious about seeing me....its annoying
  46. 1 point
    Please don't ask me if I'm single and hint that if we get along maybe I'd consider a relationship with you. Especially when you haven't even met me yet!
  47. 1 point
    Actually sex isn't for the faint of heart if you get right down to it How does a married person really know if his/her spouse is faithful What do you know about that woman in the bar. What does she know about the guy she is about to see What do people know about the ladies/gentlemen they are meeting on dating sites and I could go on The only 100 percent absolute safe sex is celibacy, ok well masturbation. But that comes with health risks too...loneliness. RG
  48. 1 point
    When guys ask if your pictures are really yours and that they need to confirm it's really you. Now I get you guys want to be careful and such, but first if you had actually read my website, that shouldn't be a question that needed to be asked. But second, and here's the big one..what kind of answer do these men expect to get? If a women really is using fake pictures, do you expect her to own up to it? "Oh yes sir, you caught me! Those pictures aren't really me, but you should come see me anyways!" No, I'm pretty sure you're going to get a "yes" no matter whether they're real or not, so your question seems a little useless in the end. Posted via Mobile Device
  49. 1 point
    It is part of your own personal health. Me, I get testing done every couple months when I go in to have blood levels taken (I take meds for something unrelated, once every couple months I have blood levels taken) At that time I also get tested for std/sti's But frequency of testing should be determined by frequency of encounters. Someone having fifteen encounters a month will need more frequent testing than someone having an encounter once a year Your personal dating history dictates testing frequency It's done through my doctor, he is aware (only one outside this lifestyle) that I see companions And while the testing is for your own personal health (each and every person is responsible or should be for their own health) if I tested positive for anything I would contact ladies I have seen to let them know This is not to assess blame, in this lifestyle we are all opposite sides of the same coin no one is to blame. But it is to tell ladies I know, like and respect that they should get tested. Fortunately I haven't had to contact a lady for such a reason Anyhow a rambling RG
  50. 1 point
    Honestly, you need to be proactive about your own sexual health and know what tests are available to you and ask for them. Personally, I've had to argue with one of the nurses at the sexual health clinic for an HIV test because they deemed me "low risk" due to condom use and did not want to include blood tests -- just the urine test for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Know what tests you want included and check with the nurse/doctor to be sure they're including them on the requisition. In Ontario, this is what a general requisition looks like. All of the test codes are on the back of the form, which gives you an idea of what public health can test for (HIV testing is a separate form).
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