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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/14 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    In today's world and economy there are many references to the fact that throughout ones lifetime we should all be prepared to have multiple careers as a response to changing circumstances around us.. Having had only one career in my life, along with multiple summer jobs as a kid, I have been looking around and with the recent new legislation that is in the works, I have decided that in January of 2015 I will become a sex worker! It is the perfect thing and our government is encouraging these things of us - show initiative, be adaptable to laws and changing times and they love small business creation. I wonder if I can access a government grant. Let's see. 1. I shall be a one person business, working solely for myself and can advertise and communicate to my hearts content. 2. As a sex worker, then by government definition I am obviously suffering from childhood abuse, and/or drug abuse, and/or am a victim of trafficking, and since I am a victim I will be immune from being responsible for my actions and therefore immune from arrest and prosecution. 3. As a measure of protecting my personal safety I shall only book appointments from other established sex workers that can provide references. 4. If this career move does not work out then there is a lovely pot of $20 million that I can access to get out! Sweet! The thing is that I am not very intelligent, as government completely understands when it comes to sex workers, so I shall only ask for a donation of $X for my time but am willing to pay $2X to book an appointment with another sex worker at the very same time! Talk about time efficiency for both of us! I will even be able to claim a business losses deduction on my income tax! My calendar is filling up quickly! PM to book an appointment.
  2. 4 points
    This is the WRONG SITE and WRONG LIFESTYLE to engage in if you are looking for a relationship/wife/SO. This is about NO STRINGS ATTACHED companionship only If you want to conventionally date, join LavaLife, eHarmony, Plenty of Fish etc Ladies will be scared away from you if they think you are looking for an SO BTW this is not about stereotypes. The ladies offer no strings attached companionship. The gentlemen are looking for no strings attached companionship. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement and that is what CERB and this lifestyle are about RG
  3. 3 points
    If you ask me, I think Harper's gay. I'm getting fucking pissed off with Canada. It seems that Canada is pro-every-lifestyle except for one: a heterosexual man who chooses not to enter relationships, chooses not to hit bars and pick up (and even that's a dangerous game, for if she's drinking she can easily claim 'unable to consent' afterwards and then you're up shit's creek), chooses not to date, but still desires an occasional hot fuck and is willing to pay an equally willing partner. WTF!? Horny heterosexual noncommittal men have rights too! GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. 2 points
    and that has been my point all along. That you guys couldn't see the point of the comments that were being made. I can't be more clear than that, and I really dislike when I see someone trying to downplay the intentions of those who commented prior to the changes on the site. I guess I was expecting some kind of statement with an apology or thank you to those who pointed out the flaws in it. You need to be reminded that no one is saying your intentions weren't worthy, just the execution of it was flawed enough to create debate. That alone should have gotten y'all to sit up and look it over. There was never any need to get so defensive & you all came out offensive, that's all. The only reason I am commenting, for the most part, has nothing to do with you or MFF, it is for the other readers. Whatever the topic, I feel that what was said or done is being misrepresented by various comments, obviously i will speak up. That is what people are used to seeing when I post lol I doubt if I will change. This is cerb, we don't expect attacks when we post, btw. i thought everyone was being very reasonable when they made their comments. Clearly, the main page was changed. There must have been validity in those comments, is all I'm saying.
  5. 2 points
    Thanks for your post. I should maybe clarify our position again. As stated on the site, a happy hooker is a safe hooker. Safety is a top priority in order to maintain our happiness. It does matter to us that we are happy and enjoying our jobs. It matters to many of those who enjoy our services too. I'm not sure why you feel otherwise. The website is not coming down. If you really supported all sex workers you would support our right to speak and tell our stories.
  6. 2 points
    Oops on the title :) meant chance, but maybe this week it's time for a change ;)!!! This week come see how hot things can get!! Don't be shy come spend some time with this sexy blonde hottie!! She knows what you like and she wants to please you. Clean and classy on the outside but very naughty when inside with you :wink: Don't be shy, send me a message and I will lead the way. Your satisfaction is my mission!! xoxo My Schedule this Week Monday July 21 9 - 4:30 Tuesday July 22 9 - 4:30 Not a Member? Be my special guest.... PM to make arrangements Call 613-523-6199 Book Online www.clubcmj.com or PM me
  7. 2 points
    It really just comes down to the quality of the service. If I have a good time with an SP, I will likely see her again. I am not in a competition with myself to have sex with the most women possible. So when I find a good one, I am more than happy to repeat. Honestly, most of the time I would rather see an SP that I know is good from previous experience than take a chance on a new one.
  8. 2 points
    I would politely ask them to quit texting you or you will call the cops, there is nothing they can do to you but if the person on the other end keeps texting you can report it.
  9. 2 points
    Darling bigboi, I certainly understand your concern and I agree with the other posters advice. What I would like to mention is that it is difficult to identify let alone define a pimp and most people wouldn't recognize one if they passed one on the street unless the pimp was very stereotypical and we all know how reliable stereotypes are. The other thing to keep in mind is you can potentially have drama from a provider whether she is completely independent or not. I would gently suggest not over thinking the labels and simply educate yourself about the providers available to you here in Ottawa. There is a huge selection of well reviewed providers for you to choose from here on Cerb or if perusing one of the other sites, take a peek at what CK says... http://www.cowboysdiary.info Smiles, cat
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
    Dance with my oldest daughter at her wedding.
  12. 2 points
    The pictures are not her, they're of Jessy Erinn (playboy model) otherwise known as Jessica Klett on Twitter. Click on this and scroll down four pictures: http://yourdreammodels.com/featured_models/jessy_erinn/jessy_erinn.htm Her last time through town she was Vanessa the Perfect Barbie doll and here's the thread: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=183110&highlight=vanessa It's not hard to do this research guys; please be careful.
  13. 2 points
    Have you ever wondered why, when a bunch of girls go out they all go to the bathroom at the same time. Well wonder no more guys, here is the reason!
  14. 1 point
    Hey ladies what is a major turn off when someone is looking to book a time with you ? One thing I absolutely hate is when someone texts me and says....What's up? Like really lol that will not grab my attention First impressions mean everything and I prefer a gentlemen being respectful and courteous when inquiring about my ......... For an example; Hello how are you or Hi I am .... and I am interested in knowing more about you and your ........!......so much better
  15. 1 point
    Thought we could all use a laugh today - ( at the expense of us guys, of course!) :icon_wink:
  16. 1 point
    This special birthday wish is going out to an amazingly sweet, thoughtful and kind member who is to me a gem to our community! I hope your day is filled with joy and happiness!! Birthday Hugs and Kisses, Lexy
  17. 1 point
    I not sure but offering an inducement to some one to vote a particular way may also be illegal.
  18. 1 point
    True but how would anyone but Genevieve and the voter know? And once in the ballot box, which ballot gets removed Don't consider it illegal, consider it civil disobedience...well civil disobedience with a happy ending LOL RG
  19. 1 point
    That's illegal hun... and would immediately disqualify the vote. It's a great idea... but... all cell phones, especially ones that are equipped with cameras (99.9% of current cell phones) must be turned off in the ballot area.
  20. 1 point
    I do the same thing. I've seen people's emails, they see the part where they are creating the account asking for first name and last name, and automatically put in a real name, not just initials or their fake name. They aren't receiving the emails, they have no idea what the recipient sees. Letting them know asap is the right thing to do.
  21. 1 point
    Really it's more a Highlight Of The Weekend...and that was a, well a romantic weekend escape with Emily Rushton. I had a wonderful time with this special lady and friend My recommenation to be forthcoming in the next few days Thanks Em for spending the weekend with me...it was definitely memorable and perfect RG
  22. 1 point
    A perfect getaway weekend with "the real" RG....
  23. 1 point
    Congrat's on 8000 posts Cato....
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Happy Birthday Mark Have a great day RG
  28. 1 point
    Happy Birthday Mark19. Have yourself a great one!!! :D
  29. 1 point
    I've seen newbs do it, and I always email them right away to change it! Happens more often than one would expect.
  30. 1 point
    I once posted an ad on kijiji for some furniture I wanted to sell and used my Meg number by a mistake. The phone was off for a few hours but imagine my surprise when I had a ton of messages on it regarding the furniture. (I couldn't believe I wasn't getting any calls on my personal phone lol). Mistakes happen and I would hope that no one would use such a mistake to invade a lady's privacy!
  31. 1 point
    Try looking for escorts who have been around a long time and are mature. Pimps go after new and young ladies. Try ladies who speak and write English fluently. Try ladies who drive themselves to dates. Independent ladies exhibit independent behavior in more ways than one.
  32. 1 point
    Until you figure it out and have a little bit more confidence, I would suggest maybe staying with the girls who have a profile here. Look at how long they have been on the board and how active they are, been here a length of time they're unlikely to be pimped. I think you can pull up all their posts under the stats tab, which should give you a pretty good feel for their history and personalities. The odds are that on BP and Craigs, the chances are that the transient ladies who are in and out of town every few days or weeks are what you are concerned about.
  33. 1 point
    I Agree With FStop 100% Try Maybe Contacting A Sp Or The Sp's With Recommendations...Makes For An Easier Search! I Know ... Yes There Are Some Indy's That Bait & Switch, Have A Pimp, & Or Try To Wrip Clients...But You Can Not Out All Of Us Sp's...As I Know Of Lots Of Reliable Sp's On This Board Who Are Legit with No Pimp. Hope I Could Be Of Help. My Motorola/Tapatalk 2
  34. 1 point
    Loneliness and being alone are often two entirely different things! Good to keep this in mind.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    I had the biggest compliment of my( Cerb) life a few weeks ago. ( Hope this is not a hijack. ) 5 years ago I met a gentleman in my home and then I never heard from him again. He contacted me while he was on vacation from another country and only here for one week. It really was a highlight of my day, with all the fabulous and beautiful ladies here in Halifax he choose to spend a small part of his vacation with me. I did ask him why he remembered me but I will keep that to myself. :biggrin:
  37. 1 point
    The only rules for the shoutbox are here: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_chatbox You can say hi, post a thought, share a link or whatever you like. It used to be more a fun way to say stuff (like Twitter) but has mostly become advertising. Feel free to jump in and say hello though!
  38. 1 point
    I always liked videogames and lately I've been thinking a lot about how I would like to make one. Not a state of the art game, but a retro style game along the lines of the 16 bit era. I have been toying with maybe setting up a company and hiring a programmer and artists to realize my idea(s). So that's my dream of the moment.
  39. 1 point
    Pattaya :twisted:
  40. 1 point
    I come from a poor country. A lot of people go into crime and extremism (terrorism) because it's literally their only option. If I have to just pick one item of my bucket list, I'd like to open a big school/community center for people to learn, do activities, let kids be kids, provide birth control and other family support for parents. I'd like the center to be run be those people in the community, and promote good values. Ideally, I'd like it to be the first of many centers. If I was somehow able to do this, I would die with absolutely no regrets.
  41. 1 point
    The big difference-you're paying me. Being intimate and sexual is a service that I provide. How you experience the moment and how the provider experiences the moment are two totally different things. This is my job. I have a life outside of the job. I may enjoy and have fun with you as client. But because we have fun together, doesn't mean I should do it for free. We can enjoy our work and still want to get paid.
  42. 1 point
    Loving my cerb friends, old and new!! Having an awesome time talking to people here, connecting and reconnecting!
  43. 1 point
    Someone once told me to never cut my own hair. Bullocks! Looks fab but a mess to clean up.
  44. 1 point
    Of course it's not true. However, it's pretty damn funny how gullible some people are...."if it's on the internet , it must be true!"
  45. 1 point
    Dear Jessica and All, I commend everyone's desire to fight Bill C36 -- but this IS NOT a strategic way to go about doing so. I understand that it is frustrating to always have your work stigmatized as 'bad', and to hear that we are all 'victims' and 'exploited'. However, instead of fighting this rhetoric, you are actually reinforcing it. Street-based and 'survival sex workers' -- the same as yourselves -- do not want or deserve to be stigmatized and criminalized in these ways. By making a distinction between 'happy' and 'unhappy' hookers, you are reinforcing the same stereotypes that we all want and need to fight against. In fact, a colleague from Stella originally thought that the website was fake, and put up by sex work prohibitionists who support Bill C36 - because it reinforces pro-C36 arguments instead of fighting against them. IT DOES SERVICE TO NO ONE to push a 'happy hooker' movement, especially at this current moment when we are fighting Bill C36. In the Bedford case, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down three key provisions of the Criminal Code - bawdy house, communication, and living on the avails - because they were found to violate the Charter rights to SAFETY AND SECURITY for sex workers. Because sex workers faced undo harm as a result of these laws, the SCC found these provisions unconstitutional. Bill C36 is supposed to be a response to the Bedford decision, and as such must ensure the safety and security of sex workers. By putting forward a "Happy Hooker" movement, those involved are actually supporting Bill C36, because you are not recognizing the harms done to ALL sex workers through this legislation. It doesn't matter whether we as sex workers are 'happy' or not, or whether we like our job or not -- WHAT MATTERS IS THAT WE ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAFETY AND SECURITY, and Bill C36 will only reinforce the same harms that sex workers have been facing for decades. I haven't had a chance to read through this entire thread, but I wanted to let you and others know that Maggie's DOES NOT support this 'Happy Hooker' campaign. Maggie's supports the right of ALL SEX WORKERS to live and work with safety and dignity - whether they are classified (or classify themselves) as 'high end', 'happy', 'indoor', 'having mixed feelings', 'just paying the bills', 'street-based', 'outdoor', 'combination indoor/outdoor' etc etc. WE REFUSE to throw so-called 'survival sex workers' under the bus in order to push some idealistic notion of a 'happy hooker'. Sex workers, just like any other worker, may sometimes enjoy their job, may not enjoy it, may be happy some days, and less happy others. Sex workers have been organizing for their rights and against stigma and criminalization for decades and decades in Canada. There is a strong and growing sex worker rights' movement in Canada. I encourage everyone to get involved and become educated about issues facing all different kinds of sex workers. We are stronger together. Please do not reinforce the stigma and violence that street-based and/or 'survival' sex workers face. Please take down the 'Happy Hooker' website. Maggie's has never been onside or in support of initiatives such as this which are divisive and dismissive. We believe in working towards solidarity between sex workers, and different kinds of sex workers. We believe in the right of ALL sex workers to safety and security, and will continue to work for ALL sex workers to live and work with safety and dignity. Sincerely, Jean McDonald Executive Director, Maggie's - Toronto Sex Workers' Action Project maggiestoronto.ca [email protected]
  46. 1 point
    Our own Miss Kathryn44, with thanks. A pic of her from the AW social group.
  47. 1 point
    Good morning all! What a beautiful Sunday here in Halifax:icon_smile:!! You should all know by now and even if we have yet to meet that I take all members safety seriously and I truly care for you not to be ripped off, the victim of a Bait & Switch or worse. This is my Sexy Lexy reminder to always check your cities Warning Section and the Warning Sections of a city you may be visiting. I'd also like to give a shout out and thank you to our Cowboy Kenny, who's work has helped many hobbyists and we all appreciate what you do CK. Buy him a beer! I'm in NS and did to show my appreciation but I only wish we had a Cowboy like him here too but for now, I am doing my best to protect you all in NS from the Switch & Bait Fakes, when I catch it. Hobbyists and Providers, please don't ever hesitate or be ashamed to contribute to the Warning Sections. We need to work together on this. All my Love, Support, Hugs and Kisses, Lexy
  48. 1 point
    This will be a short one, because, at this moment, I can't bring myself to write the many paragraphs I'd like in order to express how I feel. Perhaps this says it best: LOVE is enough: though the World be a-waning, And the woods have no voice but the voice of complaining, Though the sky be too dark for dim eyes to discover The gold-cups and daisies fair blooming thereunder, Though the hills be held shadows, and the sea a dark wonder, And this day draw a veil over all deeds pass'd over, Yet their hands shall not tremble, their feet shall not falter; The void shall not weary, the fear shall not alter These lips and these eyes of the loved and the lover. William Morris As long as I feel so deeply attached to someone else, I have nothing to offer another. Love is not finite, but my time and attention is, and I feel I owe it all to him. I hope never to awaken from this dream in which my solitude, though not erased, is suddenly made bearable by the selfless friendship of a kindred spirit. Many thanks to all of you who have treated me with such kindness and respect. I leave with fond memories. To my colleagues who have risen to the level of lifelong friends: stay in touch! To those I've met or spoken to: all the best! To the community: stay strong, fight hard, it's a long battle against stigma and prejudice, but those of us who know the truth and can speak owe the effort to those that are less fortunate. I depart in order to pursue a happiness greater than any I thought possible, a future as fulfilling as the dreams sold to me in childhood fairy tales. Life is long and arduous, thus I refuse to let any small spark of joy pass me by unexplored. Farewell, with my greatest and warmest wishes that you too find such delight in life! XOXO Ksenia
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point
    I have had a few ladies that I have seen more than once and I think that in most of the cases it is the great sex with a person who I have connected with and felt comfortable. I have only had one lady who I think i would classify myself as a regular... in that case it was way more than the sex (but that is always great too) she is someone who I connected well with even before our first face to face and who I have a level of trust and companionship with that is amazing...someone said it earlier in this thread but this lady actually know more about me and what's happening in my life than people I have know for years... we really connect and i enjoy every minute in her company.
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