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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/15 in all areas

  1. 11 points
    Instead of asking cerb why not go see a doctor and get a diagnosis instead of speculating? :) Could be anything from yeast, fungal, bacterial, or etc...
  2. 8 points
    Go to your doctor or a clinic. It could be yeast, fungal, bacterial. It could be nothing, it could be an STI. Don't try to treat it yourself with weird home-made remedy or stuff you find on google or what people tell you on this forum as depending on what you have it could only aggravate it
  3. 4 points
    To all the Lyla ladies that are mothers I want to wish you all a Happy Mothers day. Mothers are a special present from god, so on Mothers day I want to show my love, appreciation affection and respect to all mothers as we commemorate a special day in their lives. Hope all you ladies that are mothers enjoy your day, we are thankful and grateful to have you around.
  4. 4 points
    I have always had short to chin length hair. The last couple of years I have really changed my length and colour and it seems to make me feel sexy and my guests appreciate a different look as well. Additional Comments: Its what makes you feel sexy . Really you can't please all gents so please yourself. :icon_smile:
  5. 3 points
    Also, as with any unknown condition, please do not book with any provider until a diagnosis has been made and it is cleared up.
  6. 3 points
    You don't shower daily!!!...????? You ever think maybe ummm.....sweat You know, that section where your arms meet your upper torso...aka armpits.....they develop a smell too if not washed daily Now if you properly wash daily and have good hygiene practices and it still happens then see a doctor Smelling your fingers after shoving them down there, sometimes some people have just way too much information to "share" RG
  7. 3 points
    In my opinion, you're over thinking it. Go to a reputable spa, that has been reccomended on this board by many people. Relax and enjoy! Last word advice, be discrete until in private room setting. Cheers
  8. 3 points
    By deciding to participate in this industry I think we all have to be aware that there is some Risk associated with most of the activities. Is that risk high or low well from my perspective that all comes down to an individuals risk tolerance levels ... if you have a low tolerance for risk than you may need to be very careful with your involvement in this industry. If you have a more realistic tolerance for some risk and you ensure that you take appropriate precautions such as ensuring you only visit reputable providers and that you restrict your conversations during booking to discussions of time and companionship then the risks are in my opinion extremely manageable. Risk in this industry comes in many many forms ... of course there is the risk of arrest if you are engaging in activities currently considered illegal but there is also other inherent risks for example if you are married and your spouse is not aware of your activities there is the risk of this discovery and its impacts on you and your family... there is the risks associated with colleagues and friends becoming aware of your activities in a world where while acceptance is increasing you will still most likely be seen as a pervert. Of course the ladies who provide the services must manage all kinds of risks including physical danger. In your particular case you refer to your love of Massage but your concern with the risks related to LE... Well from my perspective if you are visiting a well established reputable Massage establishment and you conduct yourself appropriately then the risk is very very very very low. As I mentioned earlier of course when booking the visit you should not discuss any activities that could be considered communication related to the purchasing of sexual services ... discussions regarding the level of massage services the lady provides should be done in the privacy of the room with just the lady. Just my Opinion
  9. 3 points
    I want to add my Mother's Day wishes as well. It is never an easy job and you are always concerned about whether you're doing well. One thing I expect the ladies of this board have in common is teaching certain values that have fallen to the wayside such as respect, tolerance, acceptance and open mindedness. I hope you all receive those hugs that only your children can provide and have many smiles created by love.
  10. 3 points
    Sure to be in the minority here but I'm very partial to short hair on women. Women (as I've been told) tend to equate long hair with their femininity. However, there's something very sexy, very feminine when a woman makes the decision to cut her hair, to not hide behind it, to show off all the features of her face. Of course, I love the easy access short hair provides to the ears, neck and nape for soft kisses and nibbles, and very sexy to run your hand through a woman's hair / caress the scalp a bit then grab a handful and pull gently. Shoulder length, chin length, short bob, or even shorter ... it's all good. (just no hair extensions, please)
  11. 3 points
  12. 2 points
    Quickly searched the boards and was surprised to find no mention of this. Highly recommended read for: -Exceptional clients (clients with special needs/accommodations) -Providers looking to understand why accommodations are necessary and how to deal with them. -Providers looking to understand the holistic nature of their craft There are many resources out there, the majority of which are academic in nature and plagued by meticulous vernacular. Give Don Shewey a read. He has published a series of articles related to the subject. He describes an SI as follows: I like to say that sacred intimates combine the roles of priest, prostitute, and psychotherapist. In other words, they approach sexuality with the understanding that it's related to soul work and to spirituality. They use mindfulness and integrity to help people identify, embrace, and practice desire as holy, sexual embodiment as an expression of the soul. They hold the body as sacred and view erotic energy as a crucial component of human life and spiritual health. Their primary intention is that of healing -- and by healing I mean not just addressing the wounds to the spirit and the flesh caused by sexual abuse, addiction, or disease but also acknowledging that the fun and the pleasure, the vitality and the divine mystery of sex have nourishing properties in and of themselves. That's a message that easily gets lost in a culture that is as ambivalent or sex-negative as ours. Sacred intimacy has a relationship to sex therapy as it developed in the second half of the 20th century with the work of Masters & Johnson and Helen Singer Kaplan, who performed a great service by bringing accurate information about sex to the American public and developed effective treatments for sexual disorders. Sacred intimates may or may not treat dysfunctions, and they generally work from a wellness perspective, not fixing problems but encouraging and expanding sexual joy. Although it would seem like psychotherapy is the field most appropriate for sexual healing, in practice many psychotherapists are terrified of dealing with sexuality, either because they have their own unresolved sexual conflicts or they are afraid of legal liabilities. How often do psychotherapists acknowledge that they themselves have sex lives? How often do they share information about erotic resources or facilitate detailed explorations of masturbation or sexual fantasies? Today psychotherapists are intensely focused on boundaries and shy away from sexuality lest they be perceived as provocative, seductive, or harassing. However, it's possible that deflecting or avoiding sexual issues reinforces shame and cultural repression" Taken from Don Shewey's article "The Sacred Intimate-- An integrative approach to sexual healing"
  13. 2 points
    I'm not sure if this has been discussed before, but a lot of people will ask an SP if they are 'open minded', and a majority seem to think that the meaning is that she will do basically anything and everything. Most of the times for the girls I know in this business and myself, when the first question asked 'are you open minded?' that usually leads to a list of graphic questions....Not always, but most of the time :P This is the actual definition on google "open-minded" [oh-puh n-mahyn-did] Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin adjective 1. having or showing a mind receptive to new ideas or arguments. 2. unprejudiced; unbigoted; impartial. So to the ladies and gents on here, what is the definition for having an open mind in this industry? Would love to hear your feedback :D Also, I would like to add that being asked for a 'menu' is a huge turn off! I'm not a restaurant and everyone is different! I always go with the flow and everything should happen naturally :D xoxoxo
  14. 2 points
    Good day for commando, methinks. :biggrin:
  15. 2 points
    Long Hair.. Short Hair.. No Hair... Beautiful Sexy women come in all shapes and sizes and with hair styles to match their personality... short or long when it works it works and I am not sure I have a preference....I am learning.... Variety is in fact the spice of life. Just my opinion.
  16. 2 points
    A Happy Mothers day, sent off a nice bouquet to my daughter who is a relatively new mom. I think it's nice to also remember those who have contributed so much and have passed on.
  17. 2 points
    All the best to all the amazing moms out there.
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
    Wishing all our lyla Mother's a very Magicial day with your families.:)
  20. 2 points
    A very Happy Mother's Day to all you Sexy women out there. Enjoy your day. You deserve it :) xoxoxo
  21. 2 points
    A very happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's on Lyla! :D
  22. 2 points
    Happy Mothers day as well to all the mom's of fur babies, though some may not understand, many of us love our pets as dearly as those who have children, love their children. Happy Mothers day to all :)
  23. 2 points
    I'm glad you started this thread Mirella. I always thought that if someone said they were open minded it meant that it did not matter if you were a man, woman or couple, straight or bi, as long as everything was discussed before hand. You are not here to judge and are willing to partake into some activities that might interest you. Funny how we all see it in a different view. Can't wait to see what everyone else will reply.
  24. 2 points
    I have always felt that being and saying one is open minded meant that you were more liberal in ones thinking, non-judgemental and more accepting towards non-conventional ideas. As far as being asked about menu's. Some, I find are still not aware of the changes in the laws, believe it or not. Others just don't care and will ask whatever they choose, those are the ones that bother us the most and that most want to avoid. Little one can do to educate them as they live by their own rules and apparently don't read. Best to just hang up when those questions are asked. There will always be those clients who'll talk to you with respect, treat you like a whole person, who won't divide you into parts and those who'll treat you like a commodity or a piece of meat, this is just part of the business.
  25. 1 point
    I don't wear much makeup to begin with (bit of concealer, some blush so I don't look dead and lip tint). The only thing I change: I switch from a winter-dry skin moisturizer to something lighter for the summer. The only time I wear eye makeup is for photo shoots or if requested.
  26. 1 point
    Just get a cheap phone from 7 11
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Today I received two different texts... Hi I have seen you before what is your half hour rate? I tell him my rate for the half hour He then asks will I see him for 50 because I have seen him before Smh I think not but have a great day! Next guy What are your rates.....I tell him and then he asks me what are your specials? Lolol omg I am not a food menu
  29. 1 point
    Ya miss her so much you posted twice! LOL I believe she is at ALO... http://www.lunamassagespa.com/
  30. 1 point
    No, well at least at a "licensed" spa... HOWEVER, unless there are elements of human trafficking, the LE tend to leave them alone. OR there has been a specific complaint made... Heck I've don't recall any Indies being bothered either. I've been going to spas for OVER 15 years fairly regularly (and throughout the city) and have yet to even think that LE had any interest in me. LOL You're safe... go enjoy the GREAT ladies of our City's Spas!!!
  31. 1 point
    Getting ready to go out for Mothers Day Lunch :)
  32. 1 point
    Here's an interesting discussion on the subject... What does "Open Minded" mean to you
  33. 1 point
    Open minded, as I use it, means that I am open to many different kinds of experiences and interactions. Even if I am not into said experiences or provide them, I offer a safe non judgmental environment in which to ask or discuss. It also means that if something does interest me, I'm willing to explore it and see where it leads. I have always seen "party girl" as the term for anything goes. I try to approach everyone and everything with an open mind and no prejudices or biases. I give people the benefit of the doubt. To me it means inviting someone to be themselves with few expectations or structures. One thing I find about those who ask about "menu" is that they seem to be more into whatever act they want than the person providing it which in itself can sometimes be a screening tool. I much prefer to have a conversation about likes, dislikes and boundaries in the context of life than be asked for a menu of services.
  34. 1 point
    Hi kingstondan, I noticed that no one has replied to your thread yet, so I thought I'd mention a couple things. I'd recommend feeling out communications with some ladies who have piqued your interest, and seeking out the company of those who come across as kind, patient, and comfortable with themselves. Age does not necessarily dictate these qualities. Be upfront that learning and gaining experience interests you. Once you find a compatible lady (or more than one lady), you may want to consider multiple engagements as that helps to build rapport and a comfort level with sharing over time. On this latter note, if you can swing it financially, I'd also reccomend opting for longer bookings (1.5/2hrs+) so you can both take your time....sharing in a bevvy or some sweet nibbles together and taking time for conversation and laughter can do amazing things in creating that spark. Having realistic expectations is key, as is being conscious to not put undue pressure on a companion to 'perform' unlocking the hidden secrets of the universe. Learning and mutual enjoyment is something that has to flow and come out of a sense of ease that both people participate in creating. Good luck in your search!
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    For a wonderful visit and sharing your sunshine. I am so sorry for my sick day and will make every effort to return soon. Katherine xo
  37. 1 point
    My strong preference is long shiny black hair. However, I just found a spinner/dancer with very short blond hair a la Christy and like her very much. She's a MILF but with an emphasis on the "M" so I'll just see her and know where my dollars are going. Also, I like bangs.
  38. 1 point
    In fact a member since 2011 with friends including Chantal, Katrina and TaylorDevine and you are asking about this? What gives?
  39. 1 point
    Why not just ask "Who does things that can get themselves fired from an Agency or get a visit from LE?" Your motives are suspect.
  40. 1 point
    I think you should expand your view to include ALO Spas and CMJ. Both offer great experiences and safe environments. Door fees and tips are pretty much comparable to other spas, and ALO sometimes has really good specials on door fees. Happy exploring :)
  41. 1 point
    It does say a lot. Lost in the psychobabble is one thing it doesn't say enough. It is easily the most relevant and least open for debate: Well said dude. Well said.
  42. 1 point
    Sessions at Vibe are all inclusive, no discussions or negotiations needed, rates are one set price for everyone...upfront & no extra charges or tips expected.
  43. 1 point
    The door fee plus any other possible additional fees could probably be discussed privately with your choice of MA prior to meeting.
  44. 1 point
    Check cowboy's diary. She's on it (the most resent post).
  45. 1 point
    No totally agree, all goalies have a bad game or two... And def do not except shutouts every game... The others players around do have have to step up around him. I'm talking more about the playoffs, and one player can win you a game... If the goalie is on, the others players can feed off that.
  46. 1 point
    Interesting topic. I've never worn the school girl outfit because I'm in my thirties and even though I have somewhat of a younger look, I wouldn't feel comfortable and no one has ever requested it anyways. I did a have a cop uniform at one point. My escort friend I work with always laughs when I walk in the door with an authoritative looking bun in my hair and the aviator sunglasses. I'm told I look like a cop. Lol. The naughty maid outfit was a hit as well until someone actually stole the outfit. It had no back to it just a little pick apron you could tie up. Sexy librarian was another good age appropriate attire. That's just me. I just couldn't picture myself in the school girl uniform. Posted via Mobile Device
  47. 1 point
    This is so much personal preference and to some extent the ladies personal style. For me personally I always like the lady to just wear whatever makes her feel sexy and good about herself. Let's face it if the school girl outfit feels like a stretch to the lady it will most likely be less then successful. Who better to know what makes her feel sexy... then the lady herself. Just my Opinion
  48. 1 point
    To me when I book with a mature woman I like seeing her in normal, casual clothes but with sexy lingerie under it that I can remove myself and have a chance to feel her entire body from her neck to her toes. I will remember for a long time when I have met the gorgeous Zoe D in a hotel in Ottawa, she had a beautiful evening dress with sheer material around her cleavage and we both removed each others clothing very sexually and slowly. Needless to say when she was around my belt and zipper area I was already at attention and it needed to come out and see what was going on.
  49. 1 point
    This entirely depends on the SP you are speaking to. Some list things they enjoy/offer, some don't. Some will be ok with you asking, some won't. Some ladies don't like planning, some will be ok with it. This is very individual. That being said, if you aren't sure about something it is always best to be upfront and ask. I think most of us would be quick to let you know if we were ok with something or not, and are just as concerned about chemistry and compatibility as you are :) Being open, honest and upfront in a respectful manner is good! Do NOT contact an SP saying "so, how much to stick it in your ass?" Lol... I know none of you would do that anyway, but we do get those and I know for myself I just delete them :) xoxo
  50. 1 point
    Without being too crass or disrespectful, our lovely ladies are business women who make appointments and then take the time to prepare themselves to receive us. Naturally, there are occasions when an appointment may run over the agreed upon time. But to continuously try and extend an appointment is not correct and should be discouraged. We are adults and know what time we are requesting for an encounter. If you want to spend more time with the lady, book a longer appointment. Just because you have met with Mlle XYZ for several delightfully sexy rendezvous, do not expect her to prolong the time.
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