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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/16 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I feel really badly for these people. Sure, they are being annoying and they are not fun to deal with.... But when I think of their lives, and how they need to fill the time, I just feel.. sad. How meaningless and empty must your time be to go out of your way to harass someone at work? I get the feeling they are really lonely, and constantly feel weak and powerless, so they need to target escorts. Still, we ladies are working together to mitigate this b.s. and it's really amazing just now many people desperately make new email accounts, make new phone numbers, pay for new phone numbers... I'd suggest the time and money go towards therapy instead so they can finally make something of their ho-hum lives and work towards being happy in an otherwise grey world. Best wishes to these poor boys, especially the ones 30+. There are clearly some developmental issues and unless brain damage is extensive, not everything is at a loss. They can get better and my suggestion is they try soon- it only gets harder and harder to make positive changes as you age. I know a lot of you trolls lurk on here, so best wishes. Sincerely. -Chloe.
  2. 2 points
    Some members of my gender (male) constantly embarrass me with their ignorance and disrespect. I hope it is some comfort to you that many of us do know how to behave like a gentleman.
  3. 1 point
    I made an appointment with this Asian cutie early in the morning. I was surprised to actually talk to her and she was awake. :icon_lol: Made the appointment for later in the morning, and she showed up more or less on time and highly pretty. Although I saw her pictures here, you don't really have an idea of how tall or short they are from those pictures. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that she is a tiny little spinner, probably doesn't even weigh more than 100 lbs soaking wet. As you can tell, I like tiny girls. Asian fans should also take note. Vivian provides erotic massage. She works out of two locations in the west end. One is near Meadowlands, somewhere between Woodroffe & Merivale, which is where I saw her. Her other location is in Kanata. She is pretty easy to talk to, and quite open.
  4. 1 point
    I wonder if everyone has their own little slice of heaven? For me here in rural PEI I know that I do. It's pretty crazy now that my kids have all left home for other provinces and my wife has passed away that I keep this property. I have the pretty stereotypical PEI home - a huge old farmhouse that I constantly renovate, 15 acres that a neighbor uses to plant in grain or soybeans, a lovely garden plot, a huge perennial bed, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, and big old shade trees that are pretty handy in summer weather. Hummingbirds have adopted my place as well and I have the biggest bonfires without worrying about regulations. The list can go on and on. I'm not going anywhere. If you want to stop in for a visit, just ask. :) What's your piece of heaven?
  5. 1 point
    They do and they don't- placeebo effect. A lot of them, Spanish fly in particular, can have some VERY nasty side effects. Spanish fly is make from the chemicals blister beetles excrete, Cantharidin, which is how you get warm and 'swollen' down there when consumed. It's also how the beetles burn holes into things and defeat their enemies. In humans, the chemical is used to remove warts, and it's also known to cause blisters on flesh, hence the name 'blister beetle'. I'd suggest doing whatever makes you feel sexy instead; food, lingerie, music, massage, masturbation before a date, fabulous hair, and a lovely scent ( if it's appropriate for your client and you can change the sheets after if you have another date.) The mind is a powerful thing. If eating chocolate, strawberries or oysters sexes you up then go for it, technically it works. -Chloe.
  6. 1 point
    Hi there, thank you for checking my ad. You will not be disappointed with my A+++ massage... My name is Vivian. I'm 28 years old. Gorgeous, i am a classy looking Lady with long black hair, seductive cat eyes ...., beautiful silky soft, tanned skin. work out body with all the right curves in the right places. You have finally met your dream girl... I great you at the door with a lovely smile then lead you to the massage room...I will start with a deep soothing tissue massage to relax all your muscles then follow with a soft touch to invigorate your whole body then the fun time ... It will be the most relaxing, creative and passionate session for you ever. So amazing that you cannot help yourself from thinking about it and want to come back for more ! http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=92146 For relaxing massage $40/30m $50/45m $70/60m appointment only, call/text me at 6l3 7l2 l2OO mon to sat 10am to 7pm
  7. 1 point
    I know of no scientific evidence that any substance is truly an aphrodisiac, but you are what you think. Since the erotic really exists between the ears then if you convince yourself that something stimulates you then go for it. There are many ways to create a mood: lighting, music etc. Sharing food and drink naturally create a connection in many settings so it can be great part of setting the mood, but I think it is in the mind only, but that does not mean it is less beneficial.
  8. 1 point
    I like painting, knitting, baking and have recently taken up doing small furniture restorations. Knitting in particular is great. Once you have some muscle memory, you can do it while watching TV or having conversations, and get a finished item pretty quickly. I was at a conference recently and knitted 2/3rds of a sweater while listening to presentations.
  9. 1 point
    Having plans fall in place, life is good!!!:)
  10. 1 point
    Well Tanya is back finally. And I didn't waste anytime this time. This is one super amazing woman. Most beautiful TITS I've ever ... (you can put lots of words there) Sexiest woman I've ever been with (escort or non-escort). She is one beautiful little ���� doll :) The only reasons you could possibly not like her, could be because: You're not into black girls, you don't like short girls (5'0"), big tits (DDDs), French girls, or safe girls. She could come off a little shy, reserved, or not very "active"... But personally, I couldn't care less. I've seen her more than once and will see her again, and again. With her, I have serious issues at lasting... It's so hard (literally) and that even includes slowing down sometimes lol
  11. 1 point
    Yes it's still open but only from mid afternoon till 9ish , Kathy is in school during the day and will take appointments after class
  12. 1 point
    Steve could very well be right and Donald Trump is poised to be voted in as next President of the United States. It's pretty scary and at the same time I understand why it could happen. If I were one of the millions unemployed as my job was sent to Mexico or Japan or China he'd have my vote, even though he has not said how he will get the jobs back. If I were a family member of a military person he would have my vote because he is right that the US has committed troops to regions with both hands tied behind their back. If you're going to do it, do it. In reality I see him bringing the US to an isolationist position. If that happened the world would indeed be sorry. Hillary is her own worst enemy and her lack of trust and her ties to Wall Street and the establishment could be the end of her. Since day one I have felt that the whole election phenomenon this year has been based on the fact that people are tired of being led and lied to by big business. Trump and Sanders both represent that feeling. I am still hoping that Hillary gets charged by the FBI and has to drop out opening the path for Bernie. In this election year anything is possible.
  13. 1 point
    Strawberries and whipped cream on a sexy body never fails for me!
  14. 1 point
    Curious if anyone had any intel on this lady? She has quite a few new photos, and looks pretty good. However, I have not heard anything at all though, so not taking that as a good sign. If there are any positive reviews, please let us know. http://winnipeg.backpage.com/BodyRubs/deep-tissue-from-head-to-toe-by-roxy-cox-call-1-204-800-3306/2701421
  15. 1 point
    From Square's TOS: By creating a Square Account, you also confirm that you will not accept payments in connection with the following businesses or business activities: (1) any illegal activity, (2) buyers or membership clubs, (3) credit counseling or repair agencies, (4) credit protection or identity theft protection services, (5) direct marketing or subscription offers or services, (6) infomercial sales, (7) internet/mail order/telephone order pharmacies or pharmacy referral services (where fulfillment of medication is performed with an internet or telephone consultation, absent a physical visit with a physician including re-importation of pharmaceuticals from foreign countries), (8) multi-level marketing businesses, (9) inbound or outbound telemarketers, (10) prepaid phone cards or phone services, (11) rebate based businesses, (12) up-sell merchants, (13) bill payment services, (14) betting, including lottery tickets, casino gaming chips, off-track betting, and wagers at races, (15) financial institutions offering manual or automated cash disbursements, (16) financial institutions offering merchandise and services, (17) sales of money-orders or foreign currency by non-financial institutions, (18) wire transfer money orders, (19) high-risk merchants, including telemarketing merchants, (20) service station merchants, (21) automated fuel dispensers, (22) adult entertainment oriented products or services (in any medium, e.g., internet, telephone or printed material), (23) internet/mail order/telephone order firearm or weapon sales, (24) cigarette or tobacco sales, (25) drug paraphernalia, (26) occult materials, (27) hate products, (28) escort services, (29) bankruptcy lawyers, (30) hard alcohol or liquor sales, and (31) travel agency services. I'd be worried both about chargebacks and also having your account shut down and having them seize any balance, as we've seen with PayPal so, so many times. While being able to take credit cards would be nice, I'm okay with sticking to cash and email money transfers for the occasional deposit.
  16. 1 point
    @Steve McQueen: did you star in Bullet?:icon_lol:
  17. 1 point
    I will be very interested to see what happens to the comments on CBC now that you have to sign a name. I suspect the level of discourse will rise WAY up.
  18. 1 point
    It's interesting on other review boards - they do allow asshattery - and then the guys wonder why the ladies don't want to see them. They try to by-pass our screening by not giving us their handle. One of the best screening tools in my opinion are the boards - I may not say something directly to the poster, but I do keep notes for myself.
  19. 1 point
    Up and down the California coast My other place is my master room. Very serene. I stay in my room when I need to get away from everything and reflect.
  20. 1 point
    I find when people attach their name to things, they take responsibility for what they say as compared to an alias or as an anon. The internet has given a lot of opinion power to anyone with a device and I know I personally have seen my fair share of lies disguised as fact, stigma, hate, stupidity etc. under the anonymous voice. Unfortunately it's one of those situations where it's black or white, allowed or not but at least people can make the decision on what to pay attention to. I like the option where you can post as anon as long as you have an account with whatever source where you provide real details. This way, even though you are posting anon, if you abuse it, you can be blocked, banned etc. I don't agree with anonymous free for all's but there are times and places for it especially with the new "right" people feel they have to offer an opinion. I think it's a good thing for legitimate business, publications etc. as they have the ability to maintain some control over both the flavor and the attitude towards their product. Even with a disclaimer that "not all opinions expressed are supported by this source" they are judged by what they allow to be said and published. If they are anon, there is no way to track or ban without a lot of legalese. Sure, the comments can be deleted but that's a lot of manpower and attention to keep up with for major sources. I think a lot of places changed their policies because they got burnt in some way. I see and understand both sides.
  21. 1 point
    Anywhere from relaxing on a beach sipping cocktails or having an adventure somewhere new.
  22. 1 point
    For me it's my top floor condo overlooking the water... it's an elegant little hideaway I sometimes don't want to leave. I feel everyone needs that piece of personal space they can retreat to and shut the world out while they recharge their batteries for the next day's adventures...
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    And everyday, well almost... someone makes a triumphant return! ;-)
  25. 1 point
    Myself with the tables turned, with a female SP only. biggest fantasy, with an SP would be to be dominated. However only in a loving and non-rough manner. I find myself, enjoying things outside the "public norms". To me people are people and expanding that beyond limit is exciting to me.
  26. 1 point
    I read a great piece awhile back about the cost of hanging onto "stuff". Everything has an energy, even stuff we collect and accumulate . What this means is everything we keep carries something with it. Sometimes it's not profound when the energy is positive but when the energy or situation surrounding the item was negative, it can be very bad for us without us even knowing it. Examples are those people who like antiques but may purchase a piece and then wherever that piece is, when they walk into the room they feel upset or angry or fearful. This has definitely made me think about what I keep and what I don't. I try to only keep things that are highly meaningful and not multiples of the same thing. My mother keeps a scrapbook for signatures and little notes and such and that keeps clutter refined but still retains mementos. The biggest challenge is being honest with ourselves about what we "REALLY" need, what is "REALLY" important and what isn't. This of course will change as we grow and evolve. I have been amazed and how much better I feel after purging and cleaning. This also reminds me I have some cleaning of my own to do.
  27. 1 point
    The ladies at Mirage are fantastic. They are what you see in the pics. Easy to book with.
  28. 1 point
    Short answer: as long as you're both enjoying it. Long answer: as long as you're both really enjoying it.
  29. 1 point
    I hope it's OK for a service provider to write her fantasies too. After all, I chose this line of work because I like how sexy it is. I'm into BDSM as a switch (meaning, depending on the context I can be either a sub or Domme) but the fantasy vs. reality gap is pretty darn wide. And the deal I have with client is that sex isn't certain to be included, it's just very likely (and I offer a full refund if the session wasn't worth it). So, I DO get to decide. My fantasy is to be able to decide just once. By that, I mean: If I know and like a client enough to where, for an overnight, I decide once, up front and then for the rest of the time, as long as he uses condom and lube, the answer is categorically "yes" -- he doesn't even have to ask. So I might be asleep or half asleep and feel myself being moved into position and then mounted and ridden as long and as hard as the gentleman wants. There'd be no asking. He'd just use me. Hot!! The only time I have tried this was with someone I'd known and trusted for many months and had perhaps 20 sessions with already -- but he abused the privilege and without me realizing it or approving, he omitted a condom and then gloated about it. I was sad and angry. I left immediately. That was the last time I saw him. Afterwards, I waited the appropriate length of time and then got a battery of STD tests. Everything turned out to be OK but still I resented the uncertainty and having my rules violated like that. Anyway, if someone could be trusted to respect my health & safety rules AND then treat me as their owned f-toy that'd be SO hot -- primal. Mhm.
  30. 1 point
    Having sex with a stranger. Wait! I do that already. Lol
  31. 1 point
    Just goes to show, one mans fantasy is another mans nightmare. :P Just kidding! Hope your fantasy comes true someday!
  32. 1 point
    I normally see the lady in the evenings. So my fantasy would be waking up the next morning to breakfast in bed. Made by her. Followed by morning sex and a shower for two. ;)
  33. 1 point
    It's not a fantasy because I've been with a squirter in the civilian world, but it is something I enjoy and hope to experience again. Eating pussy until you get a huge, hot, salty gush in the mouth is yummy wonderful! GULP! :D Okay, I guess I do have a fantasy now, MSS: Male/Squirter/Squirter! :D Two ladies bringing themselves to liquid orgasm with me licking and waiting below. In a Marlon Brando growl, "Go get the mattress protector!" :P
  34. 1 point
    I'm pretty sure if I tried that scenario I'd find myself making a rather quick and miraculous recovery! After all, there's been a lot of scams and snake oils throughout history that claim to cure everything, but in my experience nothing can make ya feel better regardless of what ails you quite like boobies! :)
  35. 1 point
    For me... I already lived it. Years ago I felt empty, I found an ma online... And she completely changed my life. She actually opened my eyes, I stopped being a sheep. We dated for 2 years, we even moved together! I offered to pay for her university so she can stopped being an MA but I guess the money was too good... She couldnt stop... I left her and I can honestly say that there is not a day that I don't think about her... And that was about 8 years ago.
  36. 1 point
    Maybe a fantasy encounter with a MA/SP dressed in a sexy nurse outfit. I could be either a doctor or a patient that is unconscious or in a coma :) And she could take advantage of me while I am unconscious and I would have to try to lay still and pretend that I am not conscious :)
  37. 1 point
    I am not much for fantasies..... But I have one I suppose Hit the stop button and a random spur of the moment lets get busy and kiss suck and FUCK in an elevator. Then just smile when you get off... Hi folks the elevator is fucked .......
  38. 1 point
    Its been many years since I have had a real date. A real day to spoil a lady. I love to spoil and I love to give. I would love to spend the day with a lady. Pick her up nice and early and take her to breakfast, then off to show her my farm and take her for a ride on my tractor. show her my pond, my wild flowers, my windmill and my bees. Then take her to lunch and then take her shopping. Spoil her rotten like she has never been spoiled before. Then supper and then back to a room for desert. Give her a nice foot massage and full body massage and then perhaps make love not sex. Sex sucks its necessary but sure does not hold a candle to making love. Now I am no fool and know it would be fake but for that moment it would be like I had a real girl friend/lover. And omg to fall asleep with her in my arms would be a perfect ending to a very nice day
  39. 1 point
    I don't know how I missed this thread. I've been lucky enough to have lived most of my fantasies to date. However there are always new fantasies to replace those realized. Lately I've been toying with this scenario. A ten day winter vacation to Hedonism II in Negril, Jamaica with a special service provider, one who is submissive in private and is eager to please. We would swim and sun during the day, flirt with other couples and have amazing mind blowing sex for ten days. All while enjoying everything Jamaica has to offer. My fantasy also involves swinging and having me direct my companion to service any willing man or woman we meet at the resort. This way I get to enjoy my dominant personality, my favourite pastimes and my favourite special lady.
  40. 1 point
    There are so many kinds desires to be fulfilled... but two I can think of for myself (and not necessarily in the SP context) is: 1) some more MMF action as it's been way too long (oh yeah!), and also lots more play with sexually dominant/assertive/demanding women (double, oh yeah!!). Oh, and, I just wanted to say to the gents that who gives a shit if your fantasies are not about swinging off of the chandeliers, or if they might sound more vanilla than others....point is, they are your fantasies, and it's wonderful that you are sharing them, oxox
  41. 1 point
    I have several fantasies that I would like to experience. My fantasies are very bland. Nothing too exciting. Fantasy Encounters: I can not dance. So It would be nice to take formal dance lessons with an SP as my dance partner. If she is not too pissed off with me for dancing on her feet - we may have some playtime afterwards. Have a romantic dinner date that lasts all night with an SP once a month. This would be at a 5 star hotel with a formal dining room and dancing lounge. Afterwards we would retire to our room. In the morning we would enjoy a leisurely breakfast before she departs. Have a week or weekend getaway with an SP every summer on my birthday. This would be at a secluded cabin on a lake. Some activities include swimming, sunbathing, skinny-dipping, BBQ, canoeing, sleeping in, playing games, fishing, making love in the great out doors, etc.... Oh, we share the meal preparation and cooking duties. Sorry... Similar to #3 - The SP brings one or two of her SP girlfriends along. The list is a very long one. I should stop here...
  42. 1 point
    My fantasies are pretty tame which, like itsnotme above, is probably from my lack of experience--only being with a handful of woman in long term relationships. The encounter would start with one of several ladies here I'd love to meet. Most I feel are way out of my league and better worshiped from afar, but that's ok. Now for the tame part: I just want something really slow and sensuous. Some candles, soft music, massage, maybe a hot tub. I wanna be seduced and pampered. There. Tame. :)
  43. 1 point
    I've been in long term relationships for most of my life so far. I'm fairly attractive so I've never really had to work too hard at getting girlfriends. The downside of all this is that I have absolutely no game. Not only do I not have game, I rarely notice when I'm being flirted with and I probably suck at flirting myself. All this means that I've only had a few sexual partners in my 40-some years of age. There are many experiences that I feel I have missed-out on. Therefore, some of my personal fantasies may sound really lame to some. So here goes (no particular order): - Massage with release - Sex with a stranger (one night stand) - Blowjob(s) from woman with oral fixation - Blowjob from woman with tongue piercing - Sex with a petite woman (spinner?) - Sex with a black woman - Sex with an asian woman - Sex with a woman who does not speak my language(s) - Two (or more) women at same time - Sex in water at tropical beach - Week long vacation at sex resort I probably have more, but we'll start with those.
  44. 1 point
    Don't know how I missed this thread in the past but here goes. Like many my fantsies have changed, evolved and even gotten a little more risque over the years, but down at heart I'm still on the conservative side. Some of my fantasies (fulfilled & otherwise) at this stage of life involve: - lovely lingerie - romantic settings - I would love a duo whith SP's that know one another - making love on boats has always been a turn on, cars too, to a lesser extent - mild domination - exlplicit request talk during love makiing - have always been attracted to mature women (emotionally and physically) - cuckholding (me acting out with her) while their partner watches - anonymous sex - long slow oral sex, giving and receiving - erotic massaging Guess you can tell I pretty much like vanilla, oh well, it works for me!
  45. 1 point
    I would love to spend the day with 3 SP's, while I am making out with one Lady 2 could watch and have play time together and then join in. Oh that would be amazing. Needless to say what FUN we all would have. What's better than 4 hands 4 boobies 2 mouths 2 kitties!!!?? 6 hands 6 boobies 3 mouths and 3 kitties. HA! HA! This is HOT.
  46. 1 point
    At the beginning my fantasy was just to have some exciting sex with a lady who would give me oral and have sex in positions besides missionary, wow after finding the special ladies here on Cerb those were filled quickly. Other fantasies I thought could happen: "Sleepover"( fulfilled in February beyond expectations, thanks again Alanna). "Threesome" at first I thought only with two women, now I feel I am a more open person so I have added two men and a woman on the threesome list. "Be with someone who squirts", I got a surprise recently with this one, fantasy fulfilled, so exciting, like to experience this one again. I would like to make a movie with my fantasy threesome that's in my mind we would make it, watch it then delete it, definitely would be an extended threesome date for sure. My final fantasy for now: I feel I have developed some great atmosphere with the ladies who have visited here on PEI, my fantasy would be to the ability for this to keep happening for a few more years I found Cerb way too late in my life.
  47. 1 point
    My fantasy isn't unusual or uncommon, just fun and I haven't done it in a while. A long session with two compatible, very open and indulgent gentlemen, nothing better than 2 men and me:bddog:
  48. 1 point
    My fantasies are always changing... i have been lucky enough over the last year in this hobby to have had a number of fantasies fulfilled... however my involvement with the hobby I think is also responsible for my developing and being willing to act on a number of wilder and more kinky fantasies. Some of my current fantasies: Greek with an SP A sleepover date with an SP.... a great evening and then watching the beautiful lady sleep in my bed. A MFF Duo with two SPs who really like each other A MMF session A golden shower experience (giving and maybe receiving) with an SP who is really turned on by the idea To be with a TGirl SP so i can explore my sexuality even more. To take an SP on a multiday trip And the list goes on and on...lolo
  49. 1 point
    I get different fantasies every week but I guess right now it would be a threesome but starting off as a twosome. Here is what i mean by that, me in a room with a lady and we are kissing and caressing each other and another lady could be watching us and she would get aroused by seeing us. She would eventually join us and there would be lots of kissing and helping one an other into mind blowing sex.
  50. 1 point
    I had to remove a thread tonight and I am very upset that people are posting crap like this. Some idiot PM'd one of the members claiming that one of the local girls has aids. The member posted this along with other nonsense. Why he felt it was necessary to start a thread like this I will never know but I am done with people trying to slander other peoples reputations. If your too stupid to realize a PM or POST like this is just slanderous and made by either a jealous competitor, ex-boyfriend or drunken idiot trying to cause a problems then let me help you out by telling you first hand that you should just delete the PM and report the user name to me so we can get rid of the trolls! If you feel the need to accuse someone of such a thing publicly do it elsewhere as I don't care to slander anyone on this site and as long as I am moderator of this site I will NOT tolerate it from anyone else here! I will shut down the board before I allow that to happen so if you enjoy the site please respect this policy and rule.
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