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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/15 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    I'm a gent in his mid fifties, and always with impeccable hygiene always, I was raised that way. SO please do not ever say " I'm sure every man does" because that sir, I find that very disturbing,don't lump myself into a comment like that. You can say whatever you like about yourself, but refrain lumping "every man". Your last comments as well, were way over the top. BTW if you participate in this lifestyle always go and get yourself checked at a clinic. I do that every 3 months, never had an issue, ever.
  2. 7 points
    I hope you're not insinuating you got this from an " encounter". Men get yeast infections too. Prolonged antibiotic use increases your risk of a yeast infection, and men and women with diabetes or impaired immune systems, such as those with HIV, are more susceptible to yeast infections. Signs and symptoms of a male yeast infection include a reddish rash, itching or burning at the tip of the penis. Most male yeast infections are easily treated with over-the-counter antifungal treatments, such as Monistat (yes, men can use it too). Apply the medication directly to the affected skin twice daily for a week. If the rash doesn't go away, or if it recurs frequently, consult your doctor.
  3. 4 points
    I don't wash my hair daily but I do condition it and certainly shower or bathe! The upper inner thighs should be treated like your arm pits....sweat etc happens in BOTH places. Oh, and feet too! Hell, with that list isn't it easier to hop in the shower!? If you lack in normal hygiene practices you can't blame it on anything but your lack of personal awareness! Sorry but washing is a daily function!
  4. 3 points
    I can't even... I just can't....
  5. 3 points
    Really wish I was not eating my lunch while reading this thread. Womp womp.
  6. 3 points
    it's a scam fellas, she's been out west and they have outed her on another (Think baby cow) board!
  7. 3 points
    Good luck to you bcguy42 :) No matter how difficult it may get, never stop laughing. It's part of your treatment. Laughing is so much better than crying. Nothing wrong with crying occasionally either, it just makes more room for the laughter that's all. ;)
  8. 3 points
    Any predictions for tomorrow evening? I say the Habs win 3-2 ;) Too bad our Canadian neighbors got eliminated in overtime last night :(
  9. 2 points
    A sense of humor is one of the most attractive traits a person can have. It is the perfect medicine for many of life's ills. Use it when you are down and you are sure to be back up in no time:) It's residual affects are also very attractive, ie: the smiles it leaves on others:)
  10. 2 points
    I think this thread is leaving a bad taste in every ones mouth, no pun intended.
  11. 2 points
    The needle on my bs detector is hard to the right. Peace MG
  12. 2 points
    Visiting Winnipeg June 10th-11th 7am to midnight Looking for an exquisite escape that you'll think about for days? Im the kind of girl that sparks a flame in your mind. I bother your consciousness until you HAVE to see me again .Im tall (5ft11 (6ft1 with heels), smart and absolutely delectable. My body is an ultimate treat for your eyes: i might have the longest legs that you have ever seen with a toned body that i maintain with my regular Yoga sessions. Oh! And i forgot natural 34D breast that you won't forget ;) Our time together can be as innocent as a first date, or wilder than anything you've experienced before. Please visit my website for further informations: http://www.chrystalelitecompanion.com ( I DO APPRECIATE THAT YOU VISIT MY WEBSITE BEFORE INQUIRING) Email: [email protected] 604-966-1110 Follow me on Twitter : ChrystalElite21
  13. 2 points
    Some times when I click on a picture in a lady's ad it simply shows up as: picture.php (1x1) and no visible image is generated. I recently resolved this with two ladies who simply added me as a friend and then I could view the image. Is there a view option for lyla that only permits 'friends' to see pictures? If so it would be helpful to some of the ladies to adjust this setting - they're probably not wanting to have their ad pictures only visible to 'friends' rather than hobbyists they have yet to meet. Most ladies wouldn't even notice this as I'm sure they don't make a habit of viewing their own pics.
  14. 2 points
    Aside from what others have said about your.. comments.. Please go to a doctor immediately. People commonly misdiagnose, especially when it comes to things they can treat themselves.. STD symptoms can be mistaken for a yeast infection, you treat it and the symptoms go away so you think you were right, but you could still have an infection if it's something else..
  15. 2 points
    Watching Omar Khadr on the news last night, I saw an odd connection between his case and the Harper Government's attitude towards sex workers. With regard to Khadr, we have this from the public record. As a young man, younger than 15, he was taken to Pakistan and Afghanistan by his father who brought him up in an environment of radical Islam. When he was 15, according to a confession he agreed to in exchange for his release from Guantanamo Bay, he threw a hand grenade during a fire-fight with American troops. One American was killed, others were wounded. So, to me, what we have here is a child soldier indoctrinated into a way of life that led him into a fire-fight with US troops. According to every action taken by the Harper Government with regard to Omar Khadr, including statements made yesterday by Harper and MacKay, Khadr is evil and should serve every second of his sentence and too bad he wasn't given a longer one. He is beyond redemption. There is no way he can be other than the bad person he was when he chucked the grenade. The government will spend however many millions of dollars fighting this person. Got that. Now to the other half of this thought. According to the narrative that the Government sold us during the passage of the recent legislation dealing with such things, sex workers are these poor, enslaved beings who, if only they had a chance at a better life, would immediately and forever leave the trade and be done with it. There is redemption. There is a new, good, formerly (through no fault of her own) bad person. Here is where I get confused. An apparent guiding principle in Khadr's case is that a person cannot be saved. There is no hope. But with the sex workers, the guiding thought is that everyone CAN be saved, can be redeemed, if only given a chance. Maybe I need to take some more of that time I have too much of at the moment to work this out.
  16. 2 points
    It would be nice to see a game 7. The Rangers forced one already in their series and the Habs will need Price to steal one just like Lundqvist did. I think Tampa Bay is going to come out flying and really take it to the Habs. If Price shuts the door and Montreal weathers the storm, they have a good shot because Tampa will start squeezing the sticks a little bit. The Lightning players do not want a return to Montreal, for sure. The Habs need to cash in on chances instead of hitting the iron and they really need to get some goals on the power play. The PP looked a lot better last game but they still couldn't score. I think the Habs pull it out 2-1 if Price is great. If Price gives up 2 or more goals, they are done, imo.
  17. 2 points
    Friend called, weather permitting, tomorrow after breakfast going fishing Going after pike and walleye RG
  18. 2 points
    All new album to excite you, stimulate you... and ask you why you have not visited yet! While I have been a busy bee, establishing my presence in Saint John... I have also been working on my tight and fit physic with more healthy eating combined with high intensity work outs! I am more than happy to release this new album for you to become inspired and delighted to visit me in STJ or Fredericton! Here is a sneak peak, and stay tuned for the full album! CLICK ON MY PROFILE TO VIEW FULL ALBUM:) Hosting all week in Fredericton! 30/30 is also available to arrange for evening sessions. ALL ENQUIRIES MUST BE WITH VOICE CALLS. NO BLOCKED CALLS OR APPS EXCEPTED! 506 261 7313
  19. 2 points
    My advice would be to avoid bathing for 2 weeks and continue daily finger smell tests. After 2 week period if the yeast smell has progressed to fish odor you can bake some home made bread. By that time you will certainly have smegma(head cheese), so you can have some yummy toasted cheese sandwiches !!! Pop a clean digit around the other side now and then to test the bum for excess odor. If all isn't fresh as daisies, just splash on half bottle of Brut. :)
  20. 2 points
    I've been following this case closely for years and just last night had a discussion about it with a constitutional lawyer with some great insight into the dynamics of US military motives, children soldiers and human rights. Trained soldier or not, his age is a key factor in deciding whether or not he is a danger to society. I've never met a 15 year old who had the mature awareness of insight regarding potential outcomes from an action taken. In his situation, I can't imagine what I would have done, a grenade may have seemed appropriate to ensure my survival if I had already learned how to use one. At 15, we process our situations mentally/emotionally very differently. Watching this young mans release, seeing his face after 10 years with a bag over his head (literally) showed me he "did" the time, the time didn't "do" him. He needs time to acclimate, heal and adjust. I feel he is entitled to enter society and screw it up or not, the right we all share as Canadians. As for the dichotomy of Harpers Captain Save a Ho legislation, it was the only option to keep the religious right somewhat appeased. He cares not for sex workers safety or quality of life and that position is mirrored for all citizens who don't fall into the Cons narrow guidelines of an upstanding citizen. There is no logic to it. Cat
  21. 2 points
    That just makes him a trained soldier. It doesn't make him a terrorist. The worst accusation that I've seen aimed at Omar Khadr is that he killed an enemy soldier on a battlefield. That's not a crime; it's what happens during wars. To return to the original point... The problem is that you're looking for the consistent world-view. There isn't any; what matters is what's politically expedient. In Omar Khadr's case, it's trying to demonize him and scare everyone into permitting more power for the government to "keep us safe" (have a look at the abomination that is C-51 and has just passed the Commons). In the case of sex workers it's the expediency of throwing a bone to the base on an issue that a lot of voters won't remember and punish them for at the ballot-box. Sad, but there it is...
  22. 2 points
    You don't shower daily!!!...????? You ever think maybe ummm.....sweat You know, that section where your arms meet your upper torso...aka armpits.....they develop a smell too if not washed daily Now if you properly wash daily and have good hygiene practices and it still happens then see a doctor Smelling your fingers after shoving them down there, sometimes some people have just way too much information to "share" RG
  23. 1 point
    My partner and I have been thinking about getting a couples massage as a way to make things a little more interesting. We're pretty uptight but we think this might be fun for us. I've already reached out to some MAs for some information (thank you so much for your help) but I was wondering if anyone has any advice or information they'd want to share? Why did you first consider it? What was the outcome? Anything you think I should know? Thanks in advance!
  24. 1 point
    I guess we will know in a few hours if this will be the final Hockey Night in Canada... I am hoping it's not (which is a big thing... not easy for a life long Leafs fan to hope Habs win). While the HABS Have won the last two games and made it a series they still are the underdog with the odds not great that they move on... but if they win game 6 all bets are off for Game 7.
  25. 1 point
    Visiting St.Johns :June 1st-2nd & 3rd Available from 7am to midnight Looking for an exquisite escape that you'll think about for days? Im the kind of girl that sparks a flame in your mind. I bother your consciousness until you HAVE to see me again .Im tall (5ft11 (6ft1 with heels), smart and absolutely delectable. My body is an ultimate treat for your eyes: i might have the longest legs that you have ever seen with a toned body that i maintain with my regular Yoga sessions. Oh! And i forgot natural 34D breast that you won't forget ;) Our time together can be as innocent as a first date, or wilder than anything you've experienced before. Please visit my website for further informations: http://www.chrystalelitecompanion.com ( I DO APPRECIATE THAT YOU VISIT MY WEBSITE BEFORE INQUIRING) Email: [email protected] 604-966-1110 Follow me on Twitter : @ChrystalElite21
  26. 1 point
    Short answer is...Yes. Absolutely. Longer answer would depend on how you play your music in the home and if your music is stored locally or with Apple in the cloud. Generally, you can copy and paste the songs, or there are third party apps to handle the export/import for you.
  27. 1 point
    Might want to check this link, albums and pictures. http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb3_user_profile#faq_vb3_friends_contacts
  28. 1 point
    Research indicates the use of some fake pics and other questionable practices. Remember, if it's BP and looks too good to be true.......
  29. 1 point
    The time has finally come; I have arrived in Edmonton! :D I shall be in Edmonton May 12-14 Red Deer May 15-16 Calgary May 17-19 Fort McMurray May 23-24 and available for incall to my upscale, downtown suites while I am in town In case we've not yet had the pleasure.. I'm a 5'6 true brunette, with a movie star smile and bright gorgeous eyes that you'll love to have look back up at you.. With a toned, and moderately tattooed all natural body that I love to show off and share with certain respectful gentlemen and couples, Let my body be your playground.. I offer my sensual, pampering attention for those who appreciate the sweeter, softer side of a lady; and a wild, naughtier experience for those with more... curious tastes :p Openminded and genuine, I love to indulge fantasies, from the vanilla to things a bit more intense, my true passion is pleasing my guests! With a wardrobe to captivate many tastes, and accessories for both of our pleasures, the possibilities for pleasure are endless, just share with me what you might enjoy, and I'll take care of the rest! Shower, amenities, and even a fresh pouf are available if you'd like freshen up before or after our date Please visit http://www.msmanda.com/experiences for details on what I offer and more, or pm/email for more info! xx
  30. 1 point
    I'm still considering what I want to use. There are so many variables so it.'s not an easy decision
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    I would say same score, it'll be close. Too bad for the flames, they have some good young players...something to build from.
  33. 1 point
    Check the recommendation section.
  34. 1 point
    I'm kind of curious if the the OP is being serious here because he has other posts on other threads that indicate he has some health issues and may or may not be on medications. Bottom line though is that your body has some pretty sophisticated chemistry. Throw that out of whack and it does strange stuff like break out with rashes and smell bad. It's pretty much common sense and if you are involved in this lifestyle you need to pay extra attention to those kinds of things. Generally if your finger can't pass the sniff test you need to get some professional advice. But I kind of thought we all knew that already?
  35. 1 point
    God. That should be the Frist place to go DOCTORS. Any time I don't feel right about anything I go and make a appointment to see my doctor. Not ask strangers darling. We are not doctors and bet most of us wish we were. But the best place to go and find out what it is, is your doctor Hun.
  36. 1 point
    Well first off I would seriously recommend you having a shower/bath daily...your personal hygiene is the most important thing and should be on the top of your to do list Second I would recommend you going to see a doctor if you feel something isn't right to get cleared up of anything that could.be possibly wrong And why o why are you putting your fingers down there and smelling them....I don't know!
  37. 1 point
    Do not send me a message asking me to negotiate my rate because there is not enough sufficient funds for hobbying. It`s not my problem! This is very insulting and makes me disinterested very quickly. Seeing me is not a service that is a necessity so don`t try to bargain with me like I`m a commodity!
  38. 1 point
    It can probably be cleared up with paint thinner or oven cleaner. I doubt it a big deal otherwise it would smell like stale beer or bread. Now that the warmer weather is here it will probably just go away on its own anyway. I really doubt the increase in temperature and sweating will exasperate it either. If you find that you can't stop sticking your finger down there maybe get a pair of hip waders and seal them at the waist with duct tape. Avoid the medical profession like the plague. Although if you have the plague already just go see a doctor because you didn't avoid the plague so you won't lose style points. Good luck and switch fingers often.
  39. 1 point
    Oy, isn't that just a little like giving yourself a Dirty Sanchez?
  40. 1 point
    This is a joke right???? I don't mean to be rude but its the last part about the fingers and smelling it Ill be honest I LOL'ed. If not, Hunny this is definitely a case of TMI!!!
  41. 1 point
    Landing a seat next to a real hottie on the train today....its like I won the lotto :) as I always get stuck next to the most annoying people
  42. 1 point
    Finally opted for a Galaxy Note 4, like the big screen.
  43. 1 point
    Guys loved it when it told them to place their hands against the wall and spread them. I can be somewhat assertive. Heehe.
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    Dinner with my daugther in Toronto! :) Happy mom!
  47. 1 point
    Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay are an embarrassment to humanity. They can't imagine being a 13 yo boy growing up in the circumstances he did and at 15 having his family under attack from US soldiers. I'm sure I know many 15 yo's who would have responded in exactly the same way. The parallel between our government's approach to sex workers and to Omar Khadr are truly terrifying.
  48. 1 point
    I use a blackberry classic now for work (LOVE the keyboard), I did use a Z30 but the keyboard (touchscreen) was awful. iPhone or Samsung galaxy are good too, it all comes down to personal preference.
  49. 1 point
    Jordan is a nice lady and has been around for awhile.. I am sure it was a mistake. She is well reviewed Also.. many girls (myself included) refuse to put our license numbers in our ads anymore .. I have explained my reason to the licensing department and they didn't lecture me or give me a hard time about it. But they certainly did not ease my mind lol so I don't place my number in my ads.. Licenses are not discreet and the licensing department has made that clear ;) xoxo
  50. 1 point
    Honestly, if I receive something extra from a client, I am always pleased, whether it be money, or a gift. Even the littlest surprises are great. It's the thought that counts, call me sentimental I guess. I have received and appreciated a variety of little extras besides money. Examples; a jar of honey, a single rose, a timmies card.
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